Vim: NERD_tree Plugin. Need help understanding a bloggers .vimrc addition to streamline this plugin - vim

So I'm basically a beginner when it comes to Vim, nonetheless I do know the basic things (open files, edit, move around, basic grep, .vimrc, etc)
I would submit this link first
If you scroll down to where it says "NERD___tree", it explains what it is and gives a link to the home page. I have already gotten NERD_tree installed, so far so good.
Only thing is, this guy (JamisBuck) adds a line to the .vimrc file to streamline it's usage (I'm guessing to toggle between NERD_tree and the actual file, because as far as I can tell, there is no quick way to do it other than typing in:
Every time which is less than desirable. The follwing is the code he adds to the .vimrc file:
map <leader>d :execute 'NERDTreeToggle ' . getcwd()<CR>
He doesn't explain exactly what is is and/or how to use it, so If someone could give me a short explanation and/or point me towards a resource to learn more about this, that would be appreciated.

I'd say :help leader will give you what you need, is an anti-slash by default.
Thus, map <leader>d will be launched when you do \d.

According to the vim documentation, the
Is a special variable that is replaced with the value of "mapleader" at the time the mapping is defined. So:
map <leader>d :execute 'NERDTreeToggle ' . getcwd()<CR>
Is mapping the mapleader and "d" to the toggle. If you look at the page you linked, earlier in the page he says:
I’ve got my <Leader> character (:h mapleader) mapped to the comma
(since it’s easier to reach than the backspace character).
let mapleader = ","
So the toggle should be ",d" as far as I can tell.

In addition to what others have said (d mapped to the command), the command, itself:
:execute 'NERDTreeToggle ' . getcwd()<CR>
Is simply executing the NERDTreeToggle command with the first argument as the current working directory. The at the end is a carriage return, and is just simulating a press of the enter key.
This means that when NERD tree opens, it will be in the current working directory.


Show comments for specific mappings in .vimrc

I know that I can use :nmap, :vmap, :imap commands to display all the mapping for those 3 modes. However, I would like to display comments that I have for a single mapping.
So suppose I have the following entry in my vimrc:
" Execute current line in bash
nmap <F9> :exec '!'.getline('.')<CR>
This could also look like this:
nmap <F9> :exec '!'.getline('.')<CR> " Execute current line in bash
I would like to have a command that for this mapping that would look something like this:
<F9> Execute current line in bash
As this probably can only be done using custom function, where do I start? How do I parse .vimrc to strip only key mappings and their corresponding comments (I have only done some very basic Vim scripts)?
Do I understand correctly from :help map-comments that I should avoid inline comments in .vimrc?
It's very hard to "embed" comments into a mapping without affecting its functionality. And this would only help with our own mappings, not the ones from plugins.
Rather, I'd suggest to learn from (well-written) plugins, which provide :help targets for their (default) key mappings. So, to document your mapping(s), create a help file ~/.vim/doc/mymappings.txt with:
<F9> Execute current line in bash
After :helptags ~/.vim/doc, you will be able to look up the comments via :h <F9>. By using the help file, you can use syntax highlighting, longer multi-line comments, and even examples, so I think that'a better and more straightforward solution.
Personally, I wouldn't have much use for such a feature for two reasons: the first one, is that I always have a vim session with a note taking buffer that contains all the tips/commands not yet in my muscle memory. Secondly, you can list all the maps using :map, and it's always a great exercise for your brain in learning vim to literally read vim commands.
That being said…
As this probably can only be done using custom function, where do I start?
…well I guess you could imagine using a function with a prototype such as:
AddMap(op, key, cmd, comment)
used like:
call AddMap("nmap", "<F9>", ":exec '!'.getline('.')<CR>", "Execute current line in shell")
which implementation would add key and comment to an array, so that you could list the array to get your own mappings declared. Using a function like ListMap().
let map_list = []
function! AddMap(op, key, cmd, comment)
" add to map list
insert(map_list, [op, key, comment])
" execute map assign
exec op.' '.key.' '.cmd
function! ListMap()
for it in map_list
echo it[0] . '\t' . it[1] . '\t' . it[2]
Of course, one could elaborate on the ListMap() function implementation to generate a more "proper" help file that you could open in a buffer. But that's an idea of how you could do an implementation for a feature close to what you're looking for.
N.B.: this snippet is mostly an idea of how I'd tackle this problem, and it's a one shot write that I did not actually try.
How do I parse .vimrc to strip only key mappings and their corresponding comments (I have only done some very basic Vim scripts)?
I don't think that would be a good solution, I think the better way to achieve your goal is my suggestion. Simpler and more explicit, though it won't show off all mappings. But you don't have all your mappings in your .vimrc.
Do I understand correctly from :help map-comments that I should avoid inline comments in .vimrc?
To be more precise you shall not use inline comments after maps, because they will be interpreted part of the mapping.
how to get mapping created by plugins?
Besides, using :map, you just don't. You look at the sources/documenation of your plugins and find out about them. There's no such thing as a reverse lookup from runtime to declaration point.

VIM keybinding to jump back to initial position after indenting the whole file

I have created a keybinding that should indent a whole file.
My first solution looked like this:
map <F4> gg=G
The problem is that after pressing F4, the cursor jumped to the first line of the file. So I have tried to improve my solution with the feature of markers, look like this:
map <F4> mzgg=G'z<CR>
I expected this would have resolved my problem, but the command do the same as the first. When I try to jump to the z marker manually vim told me "marker not set".
After changing the keybinding, I have or course restarted vim! I am using the GVIM 7.3 on a WIN 7 machine.
Thank you in advance for your Help!
After trying to get my keybinding working by tipping it directly to vim commandline. I find out that the keybinding was working quite nice. I think problem is that I create a session some times ago (with mksession) and if you load a session I think vim ignores the vimrc-file. Is this assumption right?
In these thread I find a soultion to make mksession save less options.
Another lightweight approach: set the ` mark, format the buffer and jump back to the mark afterwards.
:nnoremap <key> m`gg=G``
I would recommend the use of CTRLo and CTRLi which allow to go respectively backward and forward in the jump list. See :help jumps.
The following mapping
map <F4> gg=G2<C-o>
works. (It jumps back two times in the jump list)
But generally, the jump list is a great way to navigate in a file, this is likely the shortcuts that use the most in my daily use. It is also works if you jump to a tag to go back to your original location.
You might also want to use nnoremap rather than map, this way it will only work in normal mode, and you could potentially reuse F4 in combination in another key binding without having recursive mappings.
nnoremap <F4> gg=G2<C-o>

How do I figure out what, if anything, a given command is doing in vim?

I was thinking of mapping ,u to uncomment a block of code in visual mode, but first I wanted to make sure that ,u wasn't already doing something else important.
I selected three lines visually and typed ,u and I got the message at the bottom of the screen (where : commands are entered): "3 lines changed".
The lines didn't change, but maybe they would have under some circumstances. Obviously, vim is claiming to have executed some command, but what?
I typed :map and ,u was not listed as having been remapped. So I typed, :help ,u and it told me "No help for ,u" (read: No help for you!).
There's no ,u or <leader>u in my .vimrc. I haven't redefined comma as my leader.
If it were the unix command line, I'd type which ,u, but I don't know any equivalent in vim.
How do I figure out what, if anything, a given command is doing in any particular running instance of vim?
In visual mode, the comma does nothing but u lowercases the selected text.
This means that you can safely use ,u for a visual mode mapping: you will still be able to use u but , followed immediately by u will do what you want.
The :map command only lists mappings. Since built-in operators are not mappings you won't be able to see them there.
When a "shortcut" doesn't appear in :map, try vim's awesome documentation:
:help v_u " shows help for u in visual mode (note the v_)
If you get nothing, either from :map or from :help, using the those keys for your mapping may not be completely trouble-free. A bit of trial and error may be necessary.
Suggested reading:
Learn Vimscript the Hard Way: Chapter 3, 4 and 5.

handling special characters when executing named buffers in vim

I've used vi for decades, and am now practicing using vim, expecting
eventually to switch to it entirely.
I have a number of questions, but I'll start with the one that
troubles me most. Something I have long done in vi is to type
a bottom-line command into the file I am editing, yank it to a named buffer
(e.g., using the keystrokes "ayy) and execute that buffer (using
:#a^M). This allows me to edit complicated commands till they
work right, and to keep commands that I will use many times as I
work in a file. (I have
in my .exrc file a mapping that reduces this yank-and-execute to a
single keystroke; but that isn't relevant to my question.)
I find that in vim, I need a lot more ^Vs than in vi. This
means, on the one hand, that when I have some command-line in a file
that I expect to use this way, I now need to keep it in two
versions, one for vi and one for vim. Also, the requirement of the
extra ^Vs seems inelegant: evidently various special characters
that are interpreted once when the named buffer is executed in vi
are interpreted twice when its is executed in vim -- but why?
As an example, a command of the form
map =f :w^V|e foo^M
(mapping the keystroke-sequence =f to write the current file
and go to the file foo) works this way in vi, but has to have the form
map =f :w^V^V|e foo^V^M
in vim. (Here in both commands, ^V is gotten by typing ^V^V,
and ^M is gotten by typing ^V^M; so typing the first version
involves typing three ^Vs, and the second, seven.) To be
exact: the first version does work in vim if one actually
types it into the bottom line (with the indicated extra ^Vs);
but the latter is required in an executed named buffer.
Any explanation? Anything I can set to fix this? ("compatible"
doesn't seem to do it.) Any hope that it will be fixed in a future
release? (The system I am on uses version 7.0.)
(I should confess that I'm not a programmer; just a user who has
become proficient in vi.)
Personally, I'd stop using ^V completely. In Vim (I've no idea about Vi), there are various key notations that get round the problems you're having. For your specific example, I'd recommend:
map =f :w<bar>e foo<CR>
where <bar> means 'insert the vertical bar here' and <CR> means 'insert a carriage return here'. See:
:help key-notation
for more information. I find the <CR> much easier to understand than ^V^M.
That's an interesting way of using :#, which I hadn't thought of before. I generally just use the command line history when I need to edit complicated commands, and I tend to save common or complicated commands as mappings or commands in my .vimrc (of course, I have a mapping that will pop open my .vimrc in a new tab). But there are certainly benefits to using vim's normal mode rather than command line mode for editing a complicated command.
As I understand it, you not only want to avoid so many <C-V> characters, you would also like to be able to use the same commands in vim and vi. Unfortunately, that would preclude you from using the (preferred in vim) key-notation. I think that you should be able to use the cmdline mode's Ctrl-R Ctrl-R register to help you out (:help c_<C-R>_<C-R>). E.g.
map <Leader>e mm^"ay$`m:<C-R><C-R>a<CR>
mm - mark cursor location so we can return later
^"ay$ - yank current line into register a (ignoring whitespace at beginning and newline at end)
``m` - return cursor to start position
: - enter command line mode
<C-R><C-R>a - place the literal contents of register a onto the command line, which seems to be where your problem with vim versus vi was coming to into play. I think that <C-R>a would give you the same behaviour you are seeing now with :#a.
- execute the whole thing
Using that mapping, I then typed your example of map =f :w^V|e foo^M into a file, placed my cursor on that line, ran my <Leader>e mapping, verified that your =f mapping had loaded correctly, and then ran it. Obviously you'll want to customize it to fit your needs, but I think that playing around with <C-R><C-R> will basically get you what you want.
All of that said, if you can, I'd strongly recommend taking the plunge and forgetting about compatibility with vi. Then you can use the much simpler key-notation and a host of other vim features. :-)

How to jump to the next tag in vim help file

I want to learn the vim documentation given in the standard help file. But I am stuck on a navigating issue - I just cannot go to the next tag without having to position the cursor manually. I think you would agree that it is more productive to:
go to the next tag with some
press Ctrl-] to read corresponding
press Ctrl-o to return
continue reading initial text
PS. while I was writing this question, I tried some ideas on how to resolve this. I found that searching pipe character with /| is pretty close to what I want. But the tag is surrounded with two pipe '|' characters, so it's still not really optimized to use.
Use the :tn and :tp sequences to navigate between tags.
If you want to look for the next tag on the same help page, try this search:
This means to search for:
The character |
Any characters up to the next |, matching as few as possible (that's what \{-} does).
Another character |
This identifies the tags in the VIM help file.
If you want to browse tags occasionally only, without mapping the search string to keyboard,
also does the trick, which is slightly easier to type in than the suggested
For the case, that the "|" signs for the links in the help file are not visible, you can enable them with
:set conceallevel=0
To establish this setting permanently, please refer to Defining the settings for the vim help file
Well, I don't really see the point. When I want to read everything, I simply use <pagedown> (or <c-f> with some terminals)
" .vim/ftplugin/help/navigate.vim
nnoremap <buffer> <tab> /\*\S\+\*/<cr>zt
Or do you mean:
nnoremap <buffer> <tab> /\|\zs\S\{-}\|/<cr><c-]>
You could simply remap something like:
nmap ^\ /<Bar><Bslash>zs<Bslash>k<Bslash>+<Bar><CR>
where ^\ is entered as (on my keyboard) Ctrl-V Ctrl-#: choose whatever shortcut you want.
This does a single key search for a | followed by one or more keyword characters and then a |. It puts the cursor on the first keyword character. The and bits are there due to the way map works, see
:help :map-special-chars
As an aside, I imagine that ctrl-t would make more sense than ctrl-o as it's a more direct opposite of ctrl-], but it's up to you. Having said that, ctrl-o will allow you to go back to before the search as well.
