How to programmatically update content in a SharePoint Web Part? - sharepoint

Does anybody know how to programmatically update the content of any of the standard SharePoint v3 Web Parts?
As an example, put a Link Summary Web Part on a page. Add some links to it. Now, how can I update this information using the WSS API?
I have not found any direct way to do this, my only idea so far is to export the Web Part, (then delete it), modify the generated XML, and import it back. But surely, there must be an easier way?

You can use the SPLimitedWebPartManager class to manipulate Web parts on a Web part page. An instance of this class can be obtained from an SPFile object as follows:
using (SPSite site = new SPSite("<site url>")) // e.g. http://server/sites/asite
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
SPFile file = web.GetFile("<page url>"); // e.g. /sites/asite/default.aspx
SPLimitedWebPartManager lwpm = file.GetLimitedWebPartManager();
SPLimitedWebPartCollection webParts = lwpm.WebParts;
WebPart wp = webParts[<id, index or Guid>];
// Add your code to update the Web Part
You can also add or delete web parts with the SPLimitedWebPartManager.

You will probably need to call SPWeb.GetWebPartCollection and use the webpart collection to mess with the WebParts thusly


create Sharepoint publishing site using Client Object model

I want to create SharePoint publishing pages using Client object model such that I can manually set the page layout.
Basically I want to know is there any way to work like that we can do in server based programming .
PageLayout[] pageLayouts = publishingWeb.GetAvailablePageLayouts();
PublishingPageCollection pages = publishingWeb.GetPublishingPages();
PublishingPage newPage = pages.Add(pageName, currPageLayout);

sharepoint 2010:how to create a form library programmatically

Can anyone guide me for creating a Form library programmatically using C#.This is used for publishing infopath form. After creating the form library i need to add the fully trusted file(.xsn file) to the FORM’s FOLDER of that particular library.
Found here:
SPWeb web = ...
SPListTemplateType templateType = SPListTemplateType.XMLForm;
Guid listId = web.Lists.Add("MyFormLibrary", null, templateType);
SPList documentLibrary= web.Lists[listId];
This article shows how to upload a file.

Find out where a web part is being used?

Is there an easy way to find out which sites/pages are using a particular web part in SharePoint 2007?
I think the only option would be to write a small tool that iterates over all web sites and pages and checks whether the web part is placed there.
If you know your site and page you can find all webparts of page and check if your webpart is there:
string AbsolutePageUrl = "http://YourSite/Page.aspx";
using (SPSite site = new SPSite(AbsolutePageUrl))
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb(AbsolutePageUrl))
SPLimitedWebPartManager SpWebPartManger = web.GetLimitedWebPartManager(AbsolutePageUrl,
foreach (var webpart in SpWebPartManger.WebParts)
if (webpart is MyWebPart)
//your web part is here
but if you want to check this in all sites you have to find all sites and all pages to check for your webpart Existence

Is it possible to add Bamboo Web Parts to a web part page programmatically in SharePoint?

Can't find much information on how to do this at all - how can I add in a web part and then configure the settings for it?
Here's a code snippet that will do that for you. In this example, I put a Content Editor Web Part on the page and set the content of it programmatically. If you want to find out what properties your web part has, you can manually put it on a page and export it. Examine the exported file for the property names.
In your case, must must reference the 3rd party DLL, and use the name on the desired web part instead of the ContentEditorWebPart. You can find out the name by either using the Object Browser or Reflector.
SPFile spPageFile = web.GetFile(targetFilePath);
using (SPLimitedWebPartManager theMan = spPageFile.GetLimitedWebPartManager(PersonalizationScope.Shared))
ContentEditorWebPart cewp = new ContentEditorWebPart();
cewp.ChromeType = PartChromeType.None;
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
XmlElement xmlEl = xmlDoc.CreateElement("NewCEWP");
xmlEl.InnerText = string.Format(#"<h2>Blah blah blah...</h2>");
cewp.Content = xmlEl;
theMan.AddWebPart(cewp, "Main", 0);
Hope this helps.
Load the page you want to add the web part to via object model.
Get the SPLimitedWebPartManager for this page.
Add the web part you want via the AddWebPart() method.
If your web part uses the normal web part configuration then you can access the settings via the web parts properties.

WSS 3.0 Site Provisioning

Is there any way to do WSS 3.0 site provisioning? My client's requirement is attributes as variables that will be defined in XML format: Organization Name, Logo, Address, User and Role information. The client should be able to install this web application to any WSS production server by just defining the attributes in the XML file.
Is it possible to to write a utility to parse that well defined XML and provision the site accordingly?
It's possible to provision sites from the object model, but creating entirely customized sites is beyond the scope of a single question. To get you started, you should take a look at the SPWebCollection.Add as well as the SPSiteCollection.Add.
To create a site collection and some subsites into one of your web applications, you could use something like this:
var farm = SPFarm.Local;
var solution = farm.Solutions.GetValue<SPSolution>("YourSolution.wsp");
var application = solution.DeployedWebApplications.First();
var sites = application.Sites;
using(var site = sites.Add("/", "Root Site", "Description", 1033, "YOURTEMPLATE#1", "YOURDOMAIN\SiteCollectionAdmin", "Site Collection Admin", "admin#yourcompany.example")) {
using(var rootWeb = site.RootWeb) {
// Code customizing root site goes here
using (var subSite = rootWeb.Webs.Add("SubSite", "Sub Site", "Description", 1033, "YOURTEMPLATE#2", false, false)) {
// Code customizing sub site goes here
Yes, there are more than one.
Take a look at SharePoint Solution Generator which is in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Tools: Visual Studio 2005 Extensions.
You may create a site with all requirements of yours (pages, lists, document libraries...) and then generate a VS project that will create a SharePoint feature with all of your site. Then you may deploy that feature to any WSS production server.
You may alter the VS project to implement the logic to read your attributes from an additional xml file.
If the structure of your site is plain or you can save it as a template you may also write a small console application that reads the attribute xml file and create the site.
Create a regular solution, or use the aforementioned solution generator to generate the .wsp file. Then create a small console application, that expects the variables you mentioned as parameters.
With the code listed above, provision the new sitecollection from that solution, and store the entered parameters (Company name etc.) in the site in a list, or in the SPSite.Properties propertybag, from which you can then read them in custom webparts etc..
The SharePoint Data Population Tool available on CodePlex allows you to define sites with XML.
