_nolock CRT functions - multithreading

I have recently discovered the existence of _nolock functions, and I am surprised by how little info I can find on these. It says it increases performance, but I can't find any benchmark. It also says they can be used in a multi-threaded program if the program does its own locking, but what has to be locked? Should all CRT calls go through the same lock? One per function? One per group of functions? If so, what defines groups?
Could you point me to some detailed information about these functions? Thanks :-)

You need to lock access to the file if you are accessing it from multiple threads. Otherwise, one thread could write right in the middle of another one. Try them out by printing to stdio to see the effects.

If you follow the links to the individual functions, you'll see the following line:
Use this function only in thread-safe
contexts such as single-threaded
applications or where the calling
scope already handles thread
The only way to benchmark the performance difference would be to create a small program and test it out. As monjardin pointed out, you need to lock access to the file you're accessing with the function (unless, as noted in the documentation, you are in a single-threaded environment).


How does threading.Lock actually work? (with multiple scenarios)

I have looked online and done some searching through stackoverflow and the internet about locks and I just seem to get a general understanding that when a lock is active another thread cannot use it??
I have multiple shared objects which are being read/written constantly throughout the script and I'm still not 100% sure how the locking function really works? When do you need to use it, when do you not need to use it and is it worth creating individual locks for each shared variable/object?
When a thread calls a lock does that mean other threads will only pause at that particular part of the script where the lock was originally called or does it somehow acknowledge to stop reading/writing any variables within the acquire/release function call throughout the entire script?
If I have multiple locks specifically for each shared variable/object and one lock function is called, does this effect the rest of the locks too?
I think to summerise, I'm struggling to understand the "in-depth" version of locking, only being able to find a general overview amongst previous explanations online.

PERL parallel multi threading

I am writing a PERL script involving multithreading. It has a GUI and the number of threads to be used will be taken as user input. Depending on this number, the script should generate threads which all access the same sub. I want the n threads to work in parallel. But when I create a loop, the parallel processing is lost. Any idea as to how to overcome this issue?
I believe that the simplest way to answer would be to recommend you to look at something like POE. The framework cookbook webpage provides many examples that surely will be a good starting point for your original issue.
Depending on your GUI platform, you may also want to spend time on event loops provided by the framework itself.
You probably need to call threads->yield() function occasionally in the processing loops. The yield() function gives a "hint" to give up the CPU for a thread.

Write to file from many threads

i have a problem.
my progrem creates a some number of processes in the system (Windows).
They all must write some data in ONE file on a disk.
so, i need to synchronize them... but don't know...
exactly: my program calls SetWindowsHook and injects one dll in many processes. and they all need to write some data to one file
The synchronisation object that works across processes is a mutex.
Windows have a lock foreach file, so if one process is writting in a file windows wont let another write. Mutex is what you want, protect the code where you are writting into the file with one.
Single System As David mentioned, you can use a mutex to accomplish this task. In Windows, this is done by using named mutexes and (if you want) named semaphores to do this.
The function CreateMutex can be used to both create the mutex (by the first process) and open it by the other processes. Supply the same lpName value in all processes. Use WaitForSingleObject to gain ownership of the mutex. And use ReleaseMutex to give up ownership.
An example of creating a named mutex can be found here.
If use a named semaphore, you can accomplish the same thing by giving the semaphore an initial count of 1. Use CreateSemaphore to create and open it, WaitForSingleObject to gain ownership (same as with a mutex) and ReleaseSemaphore to give up ownwership.
Multiple Systems The above approach assumes that the processes are all running on the same system. If the processes are running on different systems, then you may need to use the idea mentioned by DVD. You can lock portions of a file and use that as the synchronization method. For example, you could, by convention, lock 1 byte at some offset (it can even be past the end of the file) as a type of semaphore. Using this mechanism, though, may mean you need to implement some kind of efficient wait depending on the functions you use. If you use CreateFile and LockFileEx, you can have the function do a blocked wait by not specifying LOCKFILE_FAIL_IMMEDIATELY in the call.
The answer to your problem is to implement Thread synchronization.
If you are using C#, you can put a lock{} statement over your file writing code.
For other languages, you must use a Monitor or Mutex class to synchronize.
Use Stream.Synchronized()
See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.io.stream.synchronized.aspx. This method only works for C# though
I recently had to do almost this exact thing (for logging to a single file from a dll injected into multiple processes).
Use _fsopen() to open the file in each process and then use a mutex for synchronization to ensure that only one process at a time is ever writing to the file.

Threading run time without adding extra lines in program

Is there any thread library which can parse through code and find blocks of code which can be threaded and accordingly add the required threading instructions.
Also I want to check performance of a multithreaded program as compared to its single thread version. For this I would need to monitor the CPU usage(how much each processor is getting used). Is there any tool available to do this?
I'd say the decision whether or not a given block of code can be rewritten to be multi-threaded is way too hard for an automated process to make. To make matters worse, multi-threaded code typically accesses resources outside its own scope, such as pulling data over the network, loading large files, waiting for events, executing database queries, etc.; without detailed information about all these external factors, it is impossible to decide where to go multithreaded, simply because not all the required information is in the code.
Also, a lot of code that is multi-threadable in theory will not run faster if multi-threaded, but in fact slow down.
Some compilers (such as recent versions of the Intel compiler and gcc) can automatically parallelize simple loops, but anything beyond that is too complex. On the other hand, there are task libraries that use thread pools, and will automatically scale the number of threads to the available processors, and divide the work between them. Of course, using such a library will require rewriting your code to do so.
Structuring your application to make best use of multithreading is not a simple matter, and requires careful thought about which parts of your application can best make use of it. This is not something that can be automated.
Consider multi-threading as an approach to make full utilization of available resources. This is when it works the best. Consider an application which has multiple modules/areas which are multi-threadable. If all of them are made multi-threaded, the available resources might go down substantially. This could at times be detrimental to the application itself. Thus, multi-threading has to be used very carefully.
As Chris mentioned, there are a lot of profilers which do profiling for given combination of OS/language.
The first thing you need to do is profile your code in a single thread and see if the areas you think are good candidates for multithreading are actually a problem. It's easy to waste a lot of time multithreading working code only to end up with a buggy mess that's slower than the original implementation if you don't carefully consider the problem first.

How to define threadsafe?

Threadsafe is a term that is thrown around documentation, however there is seldom an explanation of what it means, especially in a language that is understandable to someone learning threading for the first time.
So how do you explain Threadsafe code to someone new to threading?
My ideas for options are the moment are:
Do you use a list of what makes code
thread safe vs. thread unsafe
The book definition
A useful metaphor
Multithreading leads to non-deterministic execution - You don't know exactly when a certain piece of parallel code is run.
Given that, this wonderful multithreading tutorial defines thread safety like this:
Thread-safe code is code which has no indeterminacy in the face of any multithreading scenario. Thread-safety is achieved primarily with locking, and by reducing the possibilities for interaction between threads.
This means no matter how the threads are run in particular, the behaviour is always well-defined (and therefore free from race conditions).
Eric Lippert says:
When I'm asked "is this code thread safe?" I always have to push back and ask "what are the exact threading scenarios you are concerned about?" and "exactly what is correct behaviour of the object in every one of those scenarios?".
It is unhelpful to say that code is "thread safe" without somehow communicating what undesirable behaviors the utilized thread safety mechanisms do and do not prevent.
A good place to start is to have a read of the POSIX paper on thread safety.
Edit: Just the first few paragraphs give you a quick overview of thread safety and re-entrant code.
i maybe wrong but one of the criteria for being thread safe is to use local variables only. Using global variables can have undefined result if the same function is called from different threads.
A thread safe function / object (hereafter referred to as an object) is an object which is designed to support multiple concurrent calls. This can be achieved by serialization of the parallel requests or some sort of support for intertwined calls.
Essentially, if the object safely supports concurrent requests (from multiple threads), it is thread safe. If it is not thread safe, multiple concurrent calls could corrupt its state.
Consider a log book in a hotel. If a person is writing in the book and another person comes along and starts to concurrently write his message, the end result will be a mix of both messages. This can also be demonstrated by several threads writing to an output stream.
I would say to understand thread safe, start with understanding difference between thread safe function and reentrant function.
Please check The difference between thread-safety and re-entrancy for details.
Tread-safe code is code that won't fail because the same data was changed in two places at once. Thread safe is a smaller concept than concurrency-safe, because it presumes that it was in fact two threads of the same program, rather than (say) hardware modifying data, or the OS.
A particularly valuable aspect of the term is that it lies on a spectrum of concurrent behavior, where thread safe is the strongest, interrupt safe is a weaker constraint than thread safe, and reentrant even weaker.
In the case of thread safe, this means that the code in question conforms to a consistent api and makes use of resources such that other code in a different thread (such as another, concurrent instance of itself) will not cause an inconsistency, so long as it also conforms to the same use pattern. the use pattern MUST be specified for any reasonable expectation of thread safety to be had.
The interrupt safe constraint doesn't normally appear in modern userland code, because the operating system does a pretty good job of hiding this, however, in kernel mode this is pretty important. This means that the code will complete successfully, even if an interrupt is triggered during its execution.
The last one, reentrant, is almost guaranteed with all modern languages, in and out of userland, and it just means that a section of code may be entered more than once, even if execution has not yet preceeded out of the code section in older cases. This can happen in the case of recursive function calls, for instance. It's very easy to violate the language provided reentrancy by accessing a shared global state variable in the non-reentrant code.
