I am doing yet another projecteuler question in Haskell, where I must find if the sum of the factorials of each digit in a number is equal to the original number. If not repeat the process until the original number is reached. The next part is to find the number of starting numbers below 1 million that have 60 non-repeating units. I got this far:
prob74 = length [ x | x <- [1..999999], 60 == ((length $ chain74 x)-1)]
factorial n = product [1..n]
factC x = sum $ map factorial (decToList x)
chain74 x | x == 0 = []
| x == 1 = [1]
| x /= factC x = x : chain74 (factC x)
But what I don't know how to do is to get it to stop once the value for x has become cyclic. How would I go about stopping chain74 when it gets back to the original number?
When you walk through the list that might contain a cycle your function needs to keep track of the already seen elements to be able to check for repetitions. Every new element is compared against the already seen elements. If the new element has already been seen, the cycle is complete, if it hasn't been seen the next element is inspected.
So this calculates the length of the non-cyclic part of a list:
uniqlength :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Int
uniqlength l = uniqlength_ l []
where uniqlength_ [] ls = length ls
uniqlength_ (x:xs) ls
| x `elem` ls = length ls
| otherwise = uniqlength_ xs (x:ls)
(Performance might be better when using a set instead of a list, but I haven't tried that.)
What about passing another argument (y for example) to the chain74 in the list comprehension.
Morning fail so EDIT:
[.. ((length $ chain74 x x False)-1)]
chain74 x y not_first | x == y && not_first = replace_with_stop_value_:-)
| x == 0 = []
| x == 1 = [1]
| x == 2 = [2]
| x /= factC x = x : chain74 (factC x) y True
I implemented a cycle-detection algorithm in Haskell on my blog. It should work for you, but there might be a more clever approach for this particular problem:
Just change the return type from String to Bool.
EDIT: Here is a modified version of the algorithm I posted about:
cycling :: (Show a, Eq a) => Int -> [a] -> Bool
cycling k [] = False --not cycling
cycling k (a:as) = find 0 a 1 2 as
where find _ _ c _ [] = False
find i x c p (x':xs)
| c > k = False -- no cycles after k elements
| x == x' = True -- found a cycle
| c == p = find c x' (c+1) (p*2) xs
| otherwise = find i x (c+1) p xs
You can remove the 'k' if you know your list will either cycle or terminate soon.
EDIT2: You could change the following function to look something like:
prob74 = length [ x | x <- [1..999999], let chain = chain74 x, not$ cycling 999 chain, 60 == ((length chain)-1)]
Quite a fun problem. I've come up with a corecursive function that returns the list of the "factorial chains" for every number, stopping as soon as they would repeat themselves:
chains = [] : let f x = x : takeWhile (x /=) (chains !! factC x) in (map f [1..])
take 4 chains == [[],[1],[2],[3,6,720,5043,151,122,5,120,4,24,26,722,5044,169,363601,1454]]
map head $ filter ((== 60) . length) (take 10000 chains)
It works by calculating the "factC" of its position in the list, then references that position in itself. This would generate an infinite list of infinite lists (using lazy evaluation), but using takeWhile the inner lists only continue until the element occurs again or the list ends (meaning a deeper element in the corecursion has repeated itself).
If you just want to remove cycles from a list you can use:
decycle :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
decycle = dc []
dc _ [] = []
dc xh (x : xs) = if elem x xh then [] else x : dc (x : xh) xs
decycle [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 2] == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
i recently picked up Haskell and i am having trouble putting in code the way to look if an element is in the rest of the list (x:lx) in this case in lx.
My code:
atmostonce:: [Int] -> Int -> Bool
atmostonce [] y = True
atmostonce (x:lx) y
| (x==y) && (`lx` == y) = False
| otherwise = True
The way it is now checks for the first element (x==y) but i don't know how to check if the element y exists in lx. The thing i am actually trying to accomplish is to find out if in the list of Intigers lx the number y contains 0 or 1 times and return True otherwise return False
There are several implementations you could use for this, one that I see which avoids applying length to a potentially infinite list is
atmostonce xs y
= (<= 1)
$ length
$ take 2
$ filter (== y) xs
This removes all elements from xs that are not equal to y, then takes at most 2 of those (take 2 [1] == [1], take 2 [] == []), calculates the length (it's safe to use here because we know take 2 won't return an infinite list), then checks if that is no more than 1. Alternatively you could solve this using direct recursion, but it would be best to use the worker pattern:
atmostonce = go 0
go 2 _ _ = False
go n [] _ = n <= 1
go n (x:xs) y =
if x == y
then go (n + 1) xs y
else go n xs y
The n <= 1 clause could be replaced by True, but ideally it'll short-circuit once n == 2, and n shouldn't ever be anything other than 0, 1, or 2. However, for your implementation I believe you are looking for the elem function:
elem :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool
atmostonce [] y = True
atmostonce (x:ls) y
| (x == y) && (y `elem` ls) = False
| otherwise = True
But this won't return you the value you want, since atmostonce [1, 2, 2, 2] 2 would return True. Instead, you'd need to do recursion down the rest of the list if x /= y:
atmostonce (x:ls) y
| (x == y) && (y `elem` ls) = False
| otherwise = atmostonce ls y
You can do this using the elem function:
atmostonce:: [Int] -> Int -> Bool
atmostonce [] y = True
atmostonce (x:lx) y | x /= y = atmostonce lx y
| otherwise = not $ elem y lx
You better first check if the element x is not equal to y. If that is the case, you simply call the recursive part atmostonce lx y: you thus search further in the list.
In case x == y, (the otherwise case), you need to check if there is another element in lx (the remainder of the list), that is equal to x. If that is the case, you need to return False, because in that case there are multiple instances in the list. Otherwise you return True.
Furthermore you can generalize your function further:
atmostonce:: (Eq a) => [a] -> a -> Bool
atmostonce [] y = True
atmostonce (x:lx) y | x /= y = atmostonce lx y
| otherwise = not $ elem y lx
Eq is a typeclass, it means that there are functions == and /= defined on a. So you can call them, regardless of the real type of a (Int, String, whatever).
Finally in the first case, you can use an underscore (_) which means you don't care about the value (although in this case it doesn't matter). You can perhaps change the order of the cases, since they are disjunct, and this makes the function syntactically total:
atmostonce:: (Eq a) => [a] -> a -> Bool
atmostonce (x:lx) y | x /= y = atmostonce lx y
| otherwise = not $ elem y lx
atmostonce _ _ = True
The existing answers are good, but you can use dropWhile to do the part that's currently done via manual recursion:
atMostOnce xs y =
let afterFirstY = drop 1 $ dropWhile (/= y) xs
in y `notElem` afterFirstY
I'm writing a function like this:
testing :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]
testing lst1 lst2 =
let t = [ r | (x,y) <- zip lst1 lst2, let r = if y == 0 && x == 2 then 2 else y ]
let t1 = [ w | (u,v) <- zip t (tail t), let w = if (u == 2) && (v == 0) then 2 else v]
head t : t1
What the first let does is: return a list like this: [2,0,0,0,1,0], from the second let and the following line, I want the output to be like this: [2,2,2,2,1,0]. But, it's not working and giving parse error!!
What am I doing wrong?
There are two kinds of lets: the "let/in" kind, which can appear anywhere an expression can, and the "let with no in" kind, which must appear in a comprehension or do block. Since your function definition isn't in either, its let's must use an in, for example:
testing :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]
testing lst1 lst2 =
let t = [ r | (x,y) <- zip lst1 lst2, let r = if y == 0 && x == 2 then 2 else y ] in
let t1 = [ w | (u,v) <- zip t (tail t), let w = if (x == 2) && (y == 0) then 2 else y] in
return (head t : t1)
Alternately, since you can define multiple things in each let, you could consider:
testing :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]
testing lst1 lst2 =
let t = [ r | (x,y) <- zip lst1 lst2, let r = if y == 0 && x == 2 then 2 else y ]
t1 = [ w | (u,v) <- zip t (tail t), let w = if (x == 2) && (y == 0) then 2 else y]
in return (head t : t1)
The code has other problems, but this should get you to the point where it parses, at least.
With an expression formed by a let-binding, you generally need
let bindings
(there are exceptions when monads are involved).
So, your code can be rewritten as follows (with simplification of r and w, which were not really necessary):
testing :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]
testing lst1 lst2 =
let t = [ if y == 0 && x == 2 then 2 else y | (x,y) <- zip lst1 lst2]
t1 = [ if (v == 0) && (u == 2) then 2 else v | (u,v) <- zip t (tail t)]
head t : t1
(Note, I also switched u and v so that t1 and t has similar forms.
Now given a list like [2,0,0,0,1,0], it appears that your code is trying to replace 0 with 2 if the previous element is 2 (from the pattern of your code), so that eventually, the desired output is [2,2,2,2,1,0].
To achieve this, it is not enough to use two list comprehensions or any fixed number of comprehensions. You need to somehow apply this process recursively (again and again). So instead of only doing 2 steps, we can write out one step, (and apply it repeatedly). Taking your t1 = ... line, the one step function can be:
testing' lst =
t1 = [ if (u == 2) && (v == 0) then 2 else v | (u,v) <- zip lst (tail lst)]
head lst : t1
Now this gives:
*Main> testing' [2,0,0,0,1,0]
, as expected.
The rest of the job is to apply testing' as many times as necessary. Here applying it (length lst) times should suffice. So, we can first write a helper function to apply another function n times on a parameter, as follows:
apply_n 0 f x = x
apply_n n f x = f $ apply_n (n - 1) f x
This gives you what you expected:
*Main> apply_n (length [2,0,0,0,1,0]) testing' [2,0,0,0,1,0]
Of course, you can wrap the above in one function like:
testing'' lst = apply_n (length lst) testing' lst
and in the end:
*Main> testing'' [2,0,0,0,1,0]
NOTE: this is not the only way to do the filling, see the fill2 function in my answer to another question for an example of achieving the same thing using a finite state machine.
Basetri looks just like the wikipedia definition of the euclidian
algorithm (but i only save perimeter) , and seems to generate all
Timesify gives all multiples of these triangles (the 120 triangle
appears 3 times)
Then i concatenate, sort and group to give list of lists with each of
the perimeters in same group, then filter the ones with more than 1
just one way to make the perimeter.
This should give me all the triangles that are just possible to do in just one way, however length euler75 = 157730 does not seem to be the valid answer.
euler75 = filter justOneElement $ group $ sort $ concat $ timesify (takeWhile (<=1500000) basetri)
justOneElement (x:[]) = True
justOneElement _ = False
basetri = [((x m n + y m n + z m n)) | m<-[1..700],n<-[1..(m-1)], odd (m-n),gcd m n == 1]
x m n = (m^2 - n^2)
y m n = 2*m*n
z m n = (m^2+n^2)
timesify [] = []
timesify (x:xs) = (takeWhile (<=1500000) $ (map (*x) [1..])) : timesify xs
Changed to
triangs :: Integer -> [Integer]
triangs l = [p | n <- [2..1000],
m <- [1..n-1],
gcd m n == 1,
odd (m+n),
let p = 2 * (n^2 + m*n),
p <= l]
and now it works
I am trying to generate all k-item sets for use in apriori, I am following this pseudocode:
L1= {frequent items};
for (k= 2; Lk-1 !=∅; k++) do begin
Ck= candidates generated from Lk-1 (that is: cartesian product Lk-1 x Lk-1 and eliminating any
k-1 size itemset that is not frequent);
for each transaction t in database do
increment the count of all candidates in
Ck that are contained in t
Lk = candidates in Ck with min_sup
return U_k Lk;
,here is the code I have:
-- d transactions, threshold
kItemSets d thresh = kItemSets' 2 $ frequentItems d thresh
kItemSets' _ [] = [[]]
kItemSets' k t = ck ++ (kItemSets' (k+1) ck)
-- those (k-1) length sets that meet the threshold of being a subset of the transactions in d
ck = filter (\x->(countSubsets x d) >= thresh) $ combinations k t
-- length n combinations that can be made from xs
combinations 0 _ = [[]]
combinations _ [] = []
combinations n xs#(y:ys)
| n < 0 = []
| otherwise = case drop (n-1) xs of
[ ] -> []
[_] -> [xs]
_ -> [y:c | c <- combinations (n-1) ys]
++ combinations n ys
-- those items of with frequency o in the dataset
frequentItems xs o = [y| y <- nub cs, x<-[count y cs], x >= o]
cs = concat xs
isSubset a b = not $ any (`notElem` b) a
-- Count how many times the list y appears as a subset of a list of lists xs
countSubsets y xs = length $ filter (isSubset y ) xs
count :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Int
count x [] = 0
count x (y:ys) | x == y = 1+(count x ys)
| otherwise = count x ys
transactions =[["Butter", "Biscuits", "Cream", "Newspaper", "Bread", "Chocolate"],
["Cream", "Newspaper", "Tea", "Oil", "Chocolate"] ,
["Chocolate", "Cereal", "Bread"],
["Chocolate", "Flour", "Biscuits", "Newspaper"],
["Chocolate", "Biscuits", "Newspaper"] ]
But when I compile I get the error:
Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type: a0 = [a0]
Expected type: [a0]
Actual type: [[a0]]
In the second argument of kItemSets', namely `ck'
In the second argument of `(++)', namely `(kItemSets' (k + 1) ck)'
Failed, modules loaded: none.
But when I run from ghci:
*Main> mapM_ print $ filter (\x->(countSubsets x transactions ) >= 2 ) $ combinations 2 $ frequentItems transactions 2
Which is correct, since it's those 2-item sets that meet the occurrence threshold in the set of transactions. But what I need for the 3-item sets is
[["Biscuits", "Chocolate", "Newspaper" ],
["Chocolate", "Cream", "Newspaper"]]
and for this to be appended to the list of 2-item sets. How would I change my current code to achieve this? I know it can be built from the 2-item set, but I'm not sure how to go about it.
Had to use this for line 5:
kItemSets' k t = ck ++ (kItemSets' (k+1) $ nub $ concat ck)
Not the most efficient but it works.
I am doing another Project Euler problem and I need to find when the result of these 3 lists is equal (we are given 40755 as the first time they are equal, I need to find the next:
hexag n = [ n*(2*n-1) | n <- [40755..]]
penta n = [ n*(3*n-1)/2 | n <- [40755..]]
trian n = [ n*(n+1)/2 | n <- [40755..]]
I tried adding in the other lists as predicates of the first list, but that didn't work:
hexag n = [ n*(2*n-1) | n <- [40755..], penta n == n, trian n == n]
I am stuck as to where to to go from here.
I tried graphing the function and even calculus but to no avail, so I must resort to a Haskell solution.
Your functions are weird. They get n and then ignore it?
You also have a confusion between function's inputs and outputs. The 40755th hexagonal number is 3321899295, not 40755.
If you really want a spoiler to the problem (but doesn't that miss the point?):
binarySearch :: Integral a => (a -> Bool) -> a -> a -> a
binarySearch func low high
| low == high = low
| func mid = search low mid
| otherwise = search (mid + 1) high
search = binarySearch func
mid = (low+high) `div` 2
infiniteBinarySearch :: Integral a => (a -> Bool) -> a
infiniteBinarySearch func =
binarySearch func ((lim+1) `div` 2) lim
lim = head . filter func . lims $ 0
lims x = x:lims (2*x+1)
inIncreasingSerie :: (Ord a, Integral i) => (i -> a) -> a -> Bool
inIncreasingSerie func val =
val == func (infiniteBinarySearch ((>= val) . func))
figureNum :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
figureNum shape index = (index*((shape-2)*index+4-shape)) `div` 2
main :: IO ()
main =
print . head . filter r $ map (figureNum 6) [144..]
r x = inIncreasingSerie (figureNum 5) x && inIncreasingSerie (figureNum 3) x
Here's a simple, direct answer to exactly the question you gave:
*Main> take 1 $ filter (\(x,y,z) -> (x == y) && (y == z)) $ zip3 [1,2,3] [4,2,6] [8,2,9]
Of course, yairchu's answer might be more useful in actually solving the Euler question :)
There's at least a couple ways you can do this.
You could look at the first item, and compare the rest of the items to it:
Prelude> (\x -> all (== (head x)) $ tail x) [ [1,2,3], [1,2,3], [4,5,6] ]
Prelude> (\x -> all (== (head x)) $ tail x) [ [1,2,3], [1,2,3], [1,2,3] ]
Or you could make an explicitly recursive function similar to the previous:
-- test.hs
f [] = True
f (x:xs) = f' x xs where
f' orig (y:ys) = if orig == y then f' orig ys else False
f' _ [] = True
Prelude> :l test.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( test.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
*Main> f [ [1,2,3], [1,2,3], [1,2,3] ]
*Main> f [ [1,2,3], [1,2,3], [4,5,6] ]
You could also do a takeWhile and compare the length of the returned list, but that would be neither efficient nor typically Haskell.
Oops, just saw that didn't answer your question at all. Marking this as CW in case anyone stumbles upon your question via Google.
The easiest way is to respecify your problem slightly
Rather than deal with three lists (note the removal of the superfluous n argument):
hexag = [ n*(2*n-1) | n <- [40755..]]
penta = [ n*(3*n-1)/2 | n <- [40755..]]
trian = [ n*(n+1)/2 | n <- [40755..]]
You could, for instance generate one list:
matches :: [Int]
matches = matches' 40755
matches' :: Int -> [Int]
matches' n
| hex == pen && pen == tri = n : matches (n + 1)
| otherwise = matches (n + 1) where
hex = n*(2*n-1)
pen = n*(3*n-1)/2
tri = n*(n+1)/2
Now, you could then try to optimize this for performance by noticing recurrences. For instance when computing the next match at (n + 1):
(n+1)*(n+2)/2 - n*(n+1)/2 = n + 1
so you could just add (n + 1) to the previous tri to obtain the new tri value.
Similar algebraic simplifications can be applied to the other two functions, and you can carry all of them in accumulating parameters to the function matches'.
That said, there are more efficient ways to tackle this problem.