Assigning multiple users to a workflow task in sharepoint - sharepoint

Has anyone able to assign multiple users to a sharepoint workflow task using the CreateTask activity?

Sharepoint task allow the use of groups. Assign the task to a group and trigger the work flow when a task has been assigned.

I blogged a while ago about how to develop custom activities with multiple users. It's been a while since I've done this, so I'm not 100% sure if it's applicable to your question, but it's worth a try:
Multi Value Columns Solution #2 - Custom Activities in SPD
There's a useful discussion in the comments as well.
Hope that helps,
- Lee

What version? WSS V3 or MOSS?
Is the "Create Task" bound to the Task List? If so then only one person at a time. Unless you have an AD group with a bunch of people or you modify the list to include SharePoint groups in the assigned to field.

Yes, use group to grand permission to multiple users. The best way so far and I guess the only way to get it done easily.

Creating a group is definitely the way to go if any user in that group can close the task. On a side note if you need seperate tasks for multiple users, you can use a replicator with a custom activity / CreateTask activity.


Automating Approval Processes in Dynamics CRM

A bit of background before I begin.
I am working on migrating an existing .NET based system to Dynamics CRM and one of its key feature is its 'Request Approval Process'. I have implemented some simpler versions of such approval processes in past but this one is a bit complex since it involves multi-level approvals, multiple approvers at one level, amendment logic, delegation functionality, etc.
Analysis Till Now:
Before pushing this question at SO, I did a fair analysis of the requirements from my end and have come up with few possible approaches:
Workflow based approach (something on lines of this)
Complete custom logic using Plugins/Web Resources (something on lines of this)
I am not explaining the details of these approaches as of now but the core issue is that none of these two approaches are fitting correctly to my requirements.
While analyzing these approaches I came across some newer functionalities added to CRM (listed below) but did not get any additional resources to explore them further. I just want to confirm that I am not trying to achieve something which is already present out-of-the-box or going in the incorrect direction.
1. Internal Process Automation:
Reference: Here
Any leads/thoughts on this approach? I am not able to find any good documentation/articles around this.
2. Graphical Approval Workflow:
Reference: Here
This feature seems to be useful but it is mentioned to be a part of Dynamics Marketing. With the new structuring of Dynamics 365, will this feature be a part of Dynamics CRM by default?
Also, the Prerequisites section of this link mentions certain Item Types for which you can configure this functionality. So can't we use this functionality for any entity records?
Any kind of help/inputs would be appreciated.
I'd suggest the best of both worlds: using out-of-box Workflows along with custom Workflow activities that you can write with C#. Use as much out-of-box functionality as you can, but when you need to query records or run custom logic, create a custom workflow activity that can be used in your out-of-box Workflow. Custom workflow activities are similar to plugins in that they are written using C#. You can have custom inputs and custom outputs for your activity.
For example, maybe your approval process needs to look up the appropriate approving user for this record. You could write a custom workflow activity that takes an input (the record being approved) and an output (the user that has the ability to approve). Then in your Workflow, you'd add your custom activity as a step. After that step, you could send an email to the approver by using the output of that custom step.
More information about custom workflow activities:

Workflow on "Activity"?

I'm trying to have CRM 2011 share activities to a Team if the user that created the record is part of another team.
Firstly, is it possible to create either a custom or basic workflow on "Activities" instead of having to create a workflow on each type of activity (Appointement, Phone Call, E-mail, etc.) that does the same thing on each of them ?
Secondly, I see the basic workflows wizard allows you to Assign activities to another team, but I don't see the Share action anywhere. Is this a job for a custom, .NET assembly, workflow ?
Thank you!
You need to select the exact entity when you create a workflow, this means you need to create a worklow for each activity entity-type (1 for Appointment, 1 for Phone Call, ...)
There isn't a built-in share functionality inside the standard Workflow designer, you need to use a custom activity (create one using .NET or install one already compiled)
Check these two:

How to group tasks with parent task in SharePoint 2010 workflow

I have some workflows in SP2010 with multiple and sometimes many steps.
In order to make the view easier to read for the user I would like to group them all under the initiation task.
Any ideas on how to do it?
One thing you could try is to split your long workflow into several smaller workflows. Each small workflow could launch the next part, if it completes with a success.

can i Programatically Change Sharepoint OOB document approval workflow

I have document library where I am using the Out-Of-the box document approval workflow.
I need to allow users to delegate their tasks to another person during a certain period. This delegation is on workflow level not on item level. something that can be used for example where someone will be out of the office for a long period and needs to assign a delegate to approve documents.
I was thinking of changing the list of approvers programatically to allow someone to use a custom form to enable that delegation.
Can this be done? is there a better way?
My suggestion would be to actually create your own workflow. Much better than trying to hack the OOB workflow. In my experience messing with a running workflow is never good and prone to complications / failures.
If you are wary of/restricted building workflows with VS then using a tool such as Nintex ( is a great option, I haved used it a few projects now.
Sorry I could'nt be more use.

How to force SharePoint tasks to be editable by "Assigned To" only?

We are using the default Task list from a Team Site and would like to only allow those that the Task is "Assigned To" to edit the tasks. How do you go about enforcing this?
When we tried the "Advanced Settings", we found that "Only their own" meant only those tasks created by the current user.
It looks like you need to create an event handler that updates the permission on the Task everytime the assigned user is changed.
Quite a few people have had this problem in the past.
Check out this site for an example of the problems people have had. That said it should work out-of-the-box if you copy content when setting up the Task List.
Looks like, an event handler is the way to go. I found this page in some of my searching and it explains a lot of the problems related to this issue:
Email Notifications and Alerts - Sharepoint Tasks List
Unfortunately, the client wants no custom code and wanted SP Designer workflows and browser based customizations only...
