How to properly handle wildcard expansion in a bash shell script? - linux

for IP in `cat /opt/ankit/configs/machine.configs` ; do
echo $SRC | grep '*' > /dev/null
if test `echo $?` -eq 0 ; then
for STAR in $SRC ; do
echo -en "$IP"
echo -en "\n\t ARG1=$STAR ARG2=$2\n\n"
echo -en "$IP"
echo -en "\n\t ARG1=$SRC ARG2=$DEST\n\n"
hello $1 $2
The above is the shell script which I provide source (SRC) & desitnation (DEST) path. It worked fine when I did not put in a SRC path with wild card ''. When I run this shell script and give ''.pdf or '*'as follows:
root#ankit1:~/as_prac# ./ /home/dev/Examples/*.pdf /ankit_test/as
I get the following output:
ARG1=/home/dev/Examples/case_Contact.pdf ARG2=/home/dev/Examples/case_howard_county_library.pdf
The DEST is /ankit_test/as but DEST also get manupulated due to '*'. The expected answer is
ARG1=/home/dev/Examples/case_Contact.pdf ARG2=/ankit_test/as
So, if you understand what I am trying to do, please help me out to solve this BUG.
I'll be grateful to you.
Thanks in advance!!!
I need to know exactly how I use '*.pdf' in my program one by one without disturbing DEST.

Your script needs more work.
Even after escaping the wildcard, you won't get your expected answer. You will get:
ARG1=/home/dev/Examples/*.pdf ARG2=/ankit__test/as
Try the following instead:
for IP in `cat /opt/ankit/configs/machine.configs`
for i in $SRC
echo -en "$IP"
echo -en "\n\t ARG1=$i ARG2=$DEST\n\n"
Run it like this:
root#ankit1:~/as_prac# ./ "/home/dev/Examples/*.pdf" /ankit__test/as

The shell will expand wildcards unless you escape them, so for example if you have
$ ls
one.pdf two.pdf three.pdf
and run your script as
./ *.pdf /ankit__test/as
it will be the same as
./ one.pdf two.pdf three.pdf /ankit__test/as
which is not what you expect. Doing
./ \*.pdf /ankit__test/as
should work.

If you can, change the order of the parameters passed to your shell script as follows:
./ /ankit_test/as /home/dev/Examples/*.pdf
That would make your life a lot easier since the variable part moves to the end of the line. Then, the following script will do what you want:
for IP in `cat /opt/ankit/configs/machine.configs` ; do
echo -en "$IP"
echo -en "\n\t ARG1=$SRC ARG2=$DEST\n\n"
while [[ "$1" != "" ]] ; do
hello $1 $arg2

You are also missing a final "done" to close your outer for loop.

OK, this appears to do what you want:
hello() {
while read IP ; do
for FILE in $SRC; do
echo -e "$IP"
echo -e "\tARG1=$FILE ARG2=$DEST\n"
done < /tmp/machine.configs
hello "$1" $2
You still need to escape any wildcard characters when you invoke the script
The double quotes are necessary when you invoke the hello function, otherwise the mere fact of evaluating $1 causes the wildcard to be expanded, but we don't want that to happen until $SRC is assigned in the function

Here's what I came up with:
# DEST will contain the last argument
eval DEST=\$$#
while [ $1 != $DEST ]; do
for IP in `cat /opt/ankit/configs/machine.configs`; do
echo -en "$IP"
echo -en "\n\t ARG1=$SRC ARG2=$DEST\n\n"
shift || break
hello $*
Instead of passing only two parameters to the hello() function, we'll pass in all the arguments that the script got.
Inside the hello() function, we first assign the final argument to the DEST var. Then we loop through all of the arguments, assigning each one to SRC, and run whatever commands we want using the SRC and DEST arguments. Note that you may want to put quotation marks around $SRC and $DEST in case they contain spaces. We stop looping when SRC is the same as DEST because that means we've hit the final argument (the destination).

For multiple input files using a wildcard such as *.txt, I found this to work perfectly, no escaping required. It should work just like a native bash app like "ls" or "rm." This was not documented just about anywhere so since I spent a better part of 3 days trying to figure it out I decided I should post it for future readers.
Directory contains the following files (output of ls)
file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt
Run script like
$ ./ *.txt
Or even like
$ ./ file{1..3}.txt
The script
# store default IFS, we need to temporarily change this
#set IFS to $'\n\' - new line
if [[ -z $# ]]
echo "Error: Missing required argument"
exit 1
# Put the file glob into an array
# Now loop through them
for (( i=0 ; i < ${#file[*]} ; i++ ));
if [ -w ${file[$i]} ]; then
echo ${file[$i]} " writable"
echo ${file[$i]} " NOT writable"
# Reset IFS to its default value
The output
file1.txt writable
file2.txt writable
file3.txt writable
The key was switching the IFS (Internal Field Separator) temporarily. You have to be sure to store this before switching and then switch it back when you are done with it as demonstrated above.
Now you have a list of expanded files (with spaces escaped) in the file[] array which you can then loop through. I like this solution the best, easiest to program for and easiest for the users.

There's no need to spawn a shell to look at the $? variable, you can evaluate it directly.
It should just be:
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then

You're running
./ /home/dev/Examples/*.pdf /ankit_test/as
and your interactive shell is expanding the wildcard before the script gets it. You just need to quote the first argument when you launch it, as in
./ "/home/dev/Examples/*.pdf" /ankit_test/as
and then, in your script, quote "$SRC" anywhere where you literally want the things with wildcards (ie, when you do echo $SRC, instead use echo "$SRC") and leave it unquoted when you want the wildcards expanded. Basically, always put quotes around things which might contain shell metacharacters unless you want the metacharacters interpreted. :)


Unable to array values outside of function in shell script [duplicate]

Please explain to me why the very last echo statement is blank? I expect that XCODE is incremented in the while loop to a value of 1:
OUTPUT="name1 ip ip status" # normally output of another command with multi line output
if [ -z "$OUTPUT" ]
echo "Status WARN: No messages from SMcli"
echo "$OUTPUT"|while read NAME IP1 IP2 STATUS
if [ "$STATUS" != "Optimal" ]
echo "CRIT: $NAME - $STATUS"
echo $((++XCODE))
echo "OK: $NAME - $STATUS"
echo $XCODE
I've tried using the following statement instead of the ++XCODE method
XCODE=`expr $XCODE + 1`
and it too won't print outside of the while statement. I think I'm missing something about variable scope here, but the ol' man page isn't showing it to me.
Because you're piping into the while loop, a sub-shell is created to run the while loop.
Now this child process has its own copy of the environment and can't pass any
variables back to its parent (as in any unix process).
Therefore you'll need to restructure so that you're not piping into the loop.
Alternatively you could run in a function, for example, and echo the value you
want returned from the sub-process.
The problem is that processes put together with a pipe are executed in subshells (and therefore have their own environment). Whatever happens within the while does not affect anything outside of the pipe.
Your specific example can be solved by rewriting the pipe to
while ... do ... done <<< "$OUTPUT"
or perhaps
while ... do ... done < <(echo "$OUTPUT")
This should work as well (because echo and while are in same subshell):
cat /tmp/randomFile | (while read line
LINE="$LINE $line"
done && echo $LINE )
One more option:
cat /some/file | while read line
echo $var | xsel -i -p # redirect stdin to the X primary selection
var=$(xsel -o -p) # redirect back to stdout
echo $var
Here, xsel is a requirement (install it).
Alternatively, you can use xclip:
xclip -i -selection clipboard
instead of
xsel -i -p
I got around this when I was making my own little du:
ls -l | sed '/total/d ; s/ */\t/g' | cut -f 5 |
( SUM=0; while read SIZE; do SUM=$(($SUM+$SIZE)); done; echo "$(($SUM/1024/1024/1024))GB" )
The point is that I make a subshell with ( ) containing my SUM variable and the while, but I pipe into the whole ( ) instead of into the while itself, which avoids the gotcha.
OUTPUT="name1 ip ip status"
+export XCODE=0;
if [ -z "$OUTPUT" ]
echo "CRIT: $NAME - $STATUS"
- echo $((++XCODE))
+ export XCODE=$(( $XCODE + 1 ))
echo $XCODE
see if those changes help
Another option is to output the results into a file from the subshell and then read it in the parent shell. something like
cat /tmp/randomFile | while read line
LINE="$LINE $line"

Creating permanent-alias bash command

I am trying to create a "permalias" bash command to be able to easily create permanent aliases without having to directly work on the ~/.bashrc file.
As of now, the only way I've been able to make this work is with this code:
alias permalias="echo alias $1 >> ~/.bashrc"
which allows for an input in this format:
permalias commandname=\"commandbody\"
But I am not satisfied with this because I'd like to mantain a simpler input format, one closer to the original alias command's.
I tried several variants of this code:
alias permalias="echo alias $1=\"$2\" >> ~/.bashrc"
Using this version, this code permalias c "echo test" should add this line alias permalias c="echo test" to the ~/.bashrc file.
But instead this is the result: alias c "echo test", which, of course, does not work.
I'd also be grateful for any advice on how to avoid the need of putting the " around the new command's body.
Thank you
Try this:
local alias_regex='[A-Za-z_0-9]*'
[[ $# = 1 && $1 =~ ($alias_regex)=(.*) ]]
printf "%s\n" "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}=\"${BASH_REMATCH[2]}\"" >> ~/.bashrc
return 1
A nicer version would check for the presence of said alias in .bashrc first, and would then replace it or fail if it is already present.
You can't use arguments in an alias. What you need is a function, something like:
permalias() {
echo "alias ${1}=\"${2}\"" >> ~/.bashrc
Make it a function as Olli says, then you could use "$*" to concatenate all the arguments to the function.
permalias() {
echo "alias $n=\"$*\"" >> ~/.bashrc;
This should work with stuff like permalias c echo foo bar, but if you actually want quotes inside the alias, it will get hairy. permalias c echo "foo bar" would not work, you'd need something like permalias c echo "'foo bar'" to counter the additional level of command line processing and get the inside quotes to the file.
For anything complicated, it's better to make a shell function anyway. You can use declare -fp funcname to print the definition of a function, and save it to a file if you like.
If you happen to use zsh, drawing on Fred's answer, we can switch $BASH-REMATCH for $match and send the aliases to .zsh_aliases (assuming you have them set up-- if not add .zsh_aliases to your homedir and add this to your .zshrc: source ~/.zsh_aliases).
So, as an example, I added this function to my .zsh_aliases file and it works well.
permalias() {
sauce="unhash -ma "*" ; unhash -mf "*"; source ~/.zshrc"
local alias_regex='[A-Za-z_0-9]*'
[[ $# == 1 && $1 =~ ($alias_regex)=(.*) ]]
printf "%s\n" "alias ${match[1]}=\"${match[2]}\"" >>~/.zsh_aliases
#uncomment the following line to automatically load your new alias
#eval ${sauce}
echo "Usage: permalias ALIAS_NAME=ALIAS_COMMAND"
return 1

linux terminal execute echo function

when I read the book linux shell scripting cookbook
they say when you wanna print !,you shouldn't put it in double quote,or you can add \ before ! to escape it.
$echo "Hello,world!"
bash: !:event not found error
$echo "Hello,world\\!"
but in my situation(ubuntu14.04), I get the answer like that:
$echo "Hello,world!"
$echo "Hello,world\\!"
So, why in my machine can't get the same answer?
Why the escape symbol \ was printed as a normal symbol?
When you're typing interactively to the shell, ! has special meaning, it's the history expansion character. To prevent this special meaning, you need to put it in single quotes or escape it.
echo 'Hello, world!'
echo "Hello, world\!'
The reason it's not happening on Ubuntu may be because it's running a newer version of bash, which is apparently more selective about when history expansion occurs. It seems to require ! to be followed by alphanumerics, not punctuation.
You don't need to do this in scripts, because history is not normally enabled there. It's just for interactive shells.
Create a shell script called
# a sample shell script to demonstrate the concept of Bash shell functions
# define usage function
echo "Usage: $0 filename"
exit 1
# define is_file_exits function
# $f -> store argument passed to the script
local f="$1"
[[ -f "$f" ]] && return 0 || return 1
# invoke usage
# call usage() function if filename not supplied
[[ $# -eq 0 ]] && usage
# Invoke is_file_exits
if ( is_file_exits "$1" )
echo "File found"
echo "File not found"
Run it as follows:
chmod +x
./ /etc/resolv.conf

Script parameters in Bash

I'm trying to make a shell script which should be used like this: -from /home/kristoffer/test.png -to /home/kristoffer/test.txt
The script will then ocr convert the image file to a text file. Here is what I have come up with so far:
export HOME=/home/kristoffer
/usr/local/bin/abbyyocr9 -rl Swedish -if ???fromvalue??? -of ???tovalue??? 2>&1
But I don't know how to get the -from and -to values. Any ideas on how to do it?
The arguments that you provide to a bashscript will appear in the variables $1 and $2 and $3 where the number refers to the argument. $0 is the command itself.
The arguments are seperated by spaces, so if you would provide the -from and -to in the command, they will end up in these variables too, so for this:
./ -from /home/kristoffer/test.png -to /home/kristoffer/test.txt
You'll get:
$0 #
$1 # -from
$2 # /home/kristoffer/test.png
$3 # -to
$4 # /home/kristoffer/test.txt
It might be easier to omit the -from and the -to, like: /home/kristoffer/test.png /home/kristoffer/test.txt
Then you'll have:
$1 # /home/kristoffer/test.png
$2 # /home/kristoffer/test.txt
The downside is that you'll have to supply it in the right order. There are libraries that can make it easier to parse named arguments on the command line, but usually for simple shell scripts you should just use the easy way, if it's no problem.
Then you can do:
/usr/local/bin/abbyyocr9 -rl Swedish -if "$1" -of "$2" 2>&1
The double quotes around the $1 and the $2 are not always necessary but are adviced, because some strings won't work if you don't put them between double quotes.
If you're not completely attached to using "from" and "to" as your option names, it's fairly easy to implement this using getopts:
while getopts f:t: opts; do
case ${opts} in
t) TO_VAL=${OPTARG} ;;
getopts is a program that processes command line arguments and conveniently parses them for you.
f:t: specifies that you're expecting 2 parameters that contain values (indicated by the colon). Something like f:t:v says that -v will only be interpreted as a flag.
opts is where the current parameter is stored. The case statement is where you will process this.
${OPTARG} contains the value following the parameter. ${FROM_VAL} for example will get the value /home/kristoffer/test.png if you ran your script like: -f /home/kristoffer/test.png -t /home/kristoffer/test.txt
As the others are suggesting, if this is your first time writing bash scripts you should really read up on some basics. This was just a quick tutorial on how getopts works.
Use the variables "$1", "$2", "$3" and so on to access arguments. To access all of them you can use "$#", or to get the count of arguments $# (might be useful to check for too few or too many arguments).
I needed to make sure that my scripts are entirely portable between various machines, shells and even cygwin versions. Further, my colleagues who were the ones I had to write the scripts for, are programmers, so I ended up using this:
for ((i=1;i<=$#;i++));
if [ ${!i} = "-s" ]
then ((i++))
elif [ ${!i} = "-log" ];
then ((i++))
elif [ ${!i} = "-x" ];
then ((i++))
elif [ ${!i} = "-p" ];
then ((i++))
elif [ ${!i} = "-b" ];
then ((i++))
elif [ ${!i} = "-l" ];
then ((i++))
elif [ ${!i} = "-a" ];
then ((i++))
Rationale: I included a script as well, since the whole operation had several steps which were quasi independent on each other (I'm saying "quasi", because even though each script could be run on its own, they were usually all run together), and in two days I found out, that about half of my colleagues, being programmers and all, were too good to be using the launcher file, follow the "usage", or read the HELP which was displayed every time they did something wrong and they were making a mess of the whole thing, running scripts with arguments in the wrong order and complaining that the scripts didn't work properly. Being the choleric I am I decided to overhaul all my scripts to make sure that they are colleague-proof. The code segment above was the first thing.
In bash $1 is the first argument passed to the script, $2 second and so on
/usr/local/bin/abbyyocr9 -rl Swedish -if "$1" -of "$2" 2>&1
So you can use:
./ some_source_file.png destination_file.txt
Explanation on double quotes;
consider three scripts:
bash $1
# cat
bash "$1"
echo "1-$1" "2-$2"
Now invoke:
$ bash "a b"
1-a 2-b
$ bash "a b"
1-a b 2-
When you invoke "a b" then it invokes a b (two arguments), and with "a b" it invokes "a b" (1 argument). Always have in mind how parameters are passed and expaned in bash, it will save you a lot of headache.

Forcing bash to expand variables in a string loaded from a file

I am trying to work out how to make bash (force?) expand variables in a string (which was loaded from a file).
I have a file called "something.txt" with the contents:
hello $FOO world
I then run
export FOO=42
echo $(cat something.txt)
this returns:
hello $FOO world
It didn't expand $FOO even though the variable was set. I can't eval or source the file - as it will try and execute it (it isn't executable as it is - I just want the string with the variables interpolated).
Any ideas?
I stumbled on what I think is THE answer to this question: the envsubst command:
echo "hello \$FOO world" > source.txt
export FOO=42
envsubst < source.txt
This outputs: hello 42 world
If you would like to continue work on the data in a file destination.txt, push this back to a file like this:
envsubst < source.txt > destination.txt
In case it's not already available in your distro, it's in the
GNU package gettext.
I wrote a little wrapper script to take care of the '$' problem.
(BTW, there is a "feature" of envsubst, explained at
for expanding only some of the variables in the input, but I
agree that escaping the exceptions is much more convenient.)
Here's my script:
#! /bin/bash
## -*-Shell-Script-*-
Usage="usage: $CmdName runs envsubst, but allows '\$' to keep variables from
being expanded.
With option -sl '\$' keeps the back-slash.
Default is to replace '\$' with '$'
if [[ $1 = -h ]] ;then echo -e >&2 "$Usage" ; exit 1 ;fi
if [[ $1 = -sl ]] ;then sl='\' ; shift ;fi
sed 's/\\\$/\${EnVsUbDolR}/g' | EnVsUbDolR=$sl\$ envsubst "$#"
Many of the answers using eval and echo kind of work, but break on various things, such as multiple lines, attempting to escaping shell meta-characters, escapes inside the template not intended to be expanded by bash, etc.
I had the same issue, and wrote this shell function, which as far as I can tell, handles everything correctly. This will still strip only trailing newlines from the template, because of bash's command substitution rules, but I've never found that to be an issue as long as everything else remains intact.
apply_shell_expansion() {
declare file="$1"
declare data=$(< "$file")
declare delimiter="__apply_shell_expansion_delimiter__"
declare command="cat <<$delimiter"$'\n'"$data"$'\n'"$delimiter"
eval "$command"
For example, you can use it like this with a parameters.cfg which is really a shell script that just sets variables, and a template.txt which is a template that uses those variables:
. parameters.cfg
printf "%s\n" "$(apply_shell_expansion template.txt)" > result.txt
In practice, I use this as a sort of lightweight template system.
you can try
echo $(eval echo $(cat something.txt))
You don't want to print each line, you want to evaluate it so that Bash can perform variable substitutions.
while read; do
eval echo "$REPLY"
done < something.txt
See help eval or the Bash manual for more information.
Another approach (which seems icky, but I am putting it here anyway):
Write the contents of something.txt to a temp file, with an echo statement wrapped around it:
something=$(cat something.txt)
echo "echo \"" > temp.out
echo "$something" >> temp.out
echo "\"" >> temp.out
then source it back in to a variable:
RESULT=$(source temp.out)
and the $RESULT will have it all expanded. But it seems so wrong !
Single line solution that doesn't need temporary file :
RESULT=$(source <(echo "echo \"$(cat something.txt)\""))
RESULT=$(source <(echo "echo \"$(<something.txt)\""))
If you only want the variable references to be expanded (an objective that I had for myself) you could do the below.
contents="$(cat something.txt)"
echo $(eval echo \"$contents\")
(The escaped quotes around $contents is key here)
If something.txt has only one line, a bash method, (a shorter version of Michael Neale's "icky" answer),
using process & command substitution:
FOO=42 . <(echo -e echo $(<something.txt))
hello 42 world
Note that export isn't needed.
If something.txt has one or more lines, a GNU sed evaluate method:
FOO=42 sed 's/"/\\\"/g;s/.*/echo "&"/e' something.txt
Following solution:
allows replacing of variables which are defined
leaves unchanged variables placeholders which are not defined. This is especially useful during automated deployments.
supports replacement of variables in following formats:
reports which variables are not defined in environment and returns error code for such cases
for VARNAME in $(grep -P -o -e '\$[\{]?(\w+)*[\}]?' ${TARGET_FILE} | sort -u); do
VARNAME2=$(echo $VARNAME| sed -e 's|^\${||g' -e 's|}$||g' -e 's|^\$||g' );
if [ "xxx" = "xxx$VAR_VALUE2" ]; then
echo "$VARNAME is undefined ";
echo "replacing $VARNAME with $VAR_VALUE2" ;
if [ ${ERR_CNT} -gt 0 ]; then
echo "Found $ERR_CNT undefined environment variables";
exit 1
file=something.txt # in a file is written: Hello $foo world!
eval echo $(cat $file)
$ eval echo $(cat something.txt)
hello 42 world
$ bash --version
GNU bash, version 3.2.57(1)-release (x86_64-apple-darwin17)
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
envsubst is a great solution (see LenW's answer) if the content you're substituting is of "reasonable" length.
In my case, I needed to substitute in a file's content to replace the variable name. envsubst requires that the content be exported as environment variables and bash has a problem when exporting environment variables that are more than a megabyte or so.
awk solution
Using cuonglm's solution from a different question:
needle="doc1_base64" # The "variable name" in the file. (A $ is not needed.)
needle_file="doc1_base64.txt" # Will be substituted for the needle
haystack=$requestfile1 # File containing the needle
awk "BEGIN{getline l < \"${needle_file}\"}/${needle}/{gsub(\"${needle}\",l)}1" $haystack > $out
This solution works for even large files.
expenv () {
echo "cat <<END_OF_TEXT${LF}$(< "$1")${LF}END_OF_TEXT" | bash
return $?
expenv "file name"
The following works: bash -c "echo \"$(cat something.txt)"\"
