How can create a Junit4 Suite with Groovy? - groovy

I have
#Suite.SuiteClasses( [
public class MySuite{
But eclipse doesn't give me a "Run As Junit4 Test". All the individual test classes work fine with GUnit, the groovy unit test runner built into eclipse.
Any thoughts?

The only way I found to do this was to create a java class with a #Suite.SuiteClasses annotation as usual. You can put in the .class names of the Groovy classes you have for tests and it works well.
Kind of lame if you don't already have some java code to do it this way but I had a mix of Java and Groovy so it wasn't as big a deal.
The other option is to not use Suites at all and to use name patterns to find and run tests. Both ant and maven support this sort of pattern matching. I find it much easier than making sure I keep the suites up to date and Eclipse can just run all tests in a package if I want to do that.
Thanks for the help.

#Suite.SuiteClasses accepts Class[] as its parameter.
You may try:
#Suite.SuiteClasses([First.class, Second.class] as Class[])
public class MySuite {


How to use #CompileStatic for pure groovy scripts in JMeter environment?

I'd like to take advantage of #CompileStatic annotation in my groovy scripts in jmeter environment. It helps a lot to discover issues in compile time.
I already started to use it in my classes but I don't know how to use it in case of plain groovy scripts. For example, I have the script below and there are the log and vars variables which are kind of global variables in JMeter environment. So, eventually they will be used.
If I add the #CompileStatic annotation to the method below IntelliJ paints red everything and compile will fail because the compiler doesn't know what these variables are.
So, the question is how to tell the compiler in a case of a script these variables has type and what type they have, and how an instance will be provided for the script?
I apologize, I'm not a groovy expert at all.
void checkingInputParameters() {"variable value:" + vars.get("some_variable_name"))
I think you are in the wrong path,
because CompileStatic is a groovy compiler option
let the Groovy compiler use compile time checks in the style of Java then perform static compilation, thus bypassing the Groovy meta object protocol.
JMeter (and I assume your tests in Intellij ) is using a java compiler
I don't think you should mix them for tests.
In JMeter use Cache compiled checkbox/feature
checking Cache compiled script if available

How can I use Groovy classes in other packages without JAR?

I'm pretty new to Groovy (coming from Java), so this may be a stupid question :-)
Nonetheless: I'd like to structure a couple of Groovy scripts using packages. And I'd like to import some general Groovy classes from some other package.
How can I make sure that my Groovy scripts finds the other classes in the other packages? The only classpath related files I can remember are JARs.
If you from java:
Groovy loads classes as java and also includes non-compiled with extension .groovy.
So, you have to place your classes relative to classpath according to their package name.
The command line should be something like this:
groovy -cp "path_to_classes_root" "path_and_name_of_main_groovy_script.groovy"

How to use Spock from the Command Line

I am writing a set of groovy scripts to be used as part of a Jenkins Pipeline Library. Currently I am using plain old JUnit to test them but would like to switch to Spock. I simply run the tests from the command line by invoking the following groovy script.
import groovy.util.AllTestSuite
import junit.textui.TestRunner
System.setProperty(AllTestSuite.SYSPROP_TEST_DIR, "./tests")
System.setProperty(AllTestSuite.SYSPROP_TEST_PATTERN, "**/*Test.groovy")
I am trying to figure what the equivalent script would be to run Spock specifications. My first attempt was to switch the SYSPROP_TEST_PATTERN to "**/*Spec.groovy. I have one ...Spec.groovy file written and sitting under ./tests that looks like this:
#Grab(group='org.spockframework', module='spock-core', version='1.0-groovy-2.3')
import spock.lang.*
class UtilsSpec extends Specification {
def "Just testing"() {
1 + 1 == 2
When I invoke my groovy script though I get:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Don't know how to treat
/SourcCode/jenkins/pipeline-utils/tests/JustTestingSpec.groovy as a
JUnit test
That makes sense. I need to be using Sputnik but I've looked at the Spock and Sputnik source, and the Spock example project but these all assume you are using maven or gradle. I can't figured out the right way to invoke Sputnik directly. Any ideas?
Even though what you ask is possible and BalRog has already suggested a solution, in the long run it is better if you just use Gradle or Maven to run your tests from command line.
All Jenkins tutorials you will encounter will talk about Maven and/or Gradle and thus it would make much more sense to use a build system than custom scripts.

Is there any global flag for Groovy static compilation?

I know that since Groovy 2.0 there are annotations for static compilation.
However it's ease to omit such annotation by accident and still run into troubles.
Is there any way to achieve the opposite compiler behaviour, like compile static all project files by default and compile dynamic only files chosen by purpose with some kind #CompileDynamic annotation for example?
I have found some (I believe recently introduced) feature which allows doing so with Gradle.
In build.gradle file for the project containing groovy sources we need to add following lines:
compileGroovy {
configure(groovyOptions) {
configurationScript = file("$rootDir/config/groovy/compiler-config.groovy")
or compileTestGroovy { ... for applying the same to test sources. Keep in mind that neither static compilation nor type checking works well with Spock Framework though. Spock by its nature utilizes dynamic 'groovyness' a lot.
Then on a root of the project create folder config/groovy/ and a file named compiler-config.groovy within. The content of the file is as follows:
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
withConfig(configuration) {
Obviously path and name of the configurationScript may vary and it's up to you. It shouldn't rather go to the same src/main/groovy though as it would be mixing totally separate concerns.
The same may be done with groovy.transform.TypeChecked or any other annotation, of course.
To reverse applied behaviour on certain classes or methods then #CompileDynamic annotation or #TypeChecked(TypeCheckingMode.SKIP) respectively may be used.
I'm not sure how to achieve the same when no Gradle is in use as build tool. I may update this answer in the future with such info though.
Not at this time, but there is an open Jira issue here you can follow to watch progress for this feature
There was also a discussion about methods for doing this on the Groovy developers list

Run groovy script from within gradle

What's the best way to create a gradle task, which runs a groovy script? I realize that gradle build files are groovy, so I would think it would be possible to do something like this:
task run << {
Script app = new GroovyShell().parse(new File("examples/foo.groovy"))
// or replace .parse() w/ a .evalulate()?
I get all kinds of whacky errors when I try this if bar.groovy is using #Grab annotations or even doing simple imports. I want to create a gradle task to handle this, so that I can hopefully reuse the classpath definition.
Would it be better to move the examples directory into the src directory somewhere? What's a best practice?
Or you could do:
new GroovyShell().run(file('somePath'))
You could try using GroovyScriptEngine instead of the GroovyShell. I've used it previously with #Grab annotations. You will need all of groovy on the classpath, the groovy-all.jar will not be enough. I'm guessing Ivy isn't packaged in the groovy-all.jar. Something like this should to the trick:
This script presumes a groovy script at /tmp/HelloWorld.groovy
def pathToFolderOfScript = '/tmp'
def gse = new GroovyScriptEngine([pathToFolderOfScript] as String[])'HelloWorld.groovy', new Binding()) '', fork: true,
classpath: "${sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath.asPath}")
I think you probably need to run the script as a new process... e.g.,
I would guess that the way Gradle is executed is not via invoking groovy, so the setup that makes #Grab work never happens. It could also be the the version of Groovy that Gradle uses doesn't support #Grab.
