Sharepoint: How can I deploy a custom authentication provider? - sharepoint

How can I deploy a custom authentication provider in MOSS 2007?
Is there any provided functionality to do this (like a Sharepoint feature)?
Or do I have to install it in the GAC on each box in the farm manually?

The usual approach for installing extensions like this is to use a feature, yes. However, you won't be using any specialized XML as this kind of extension is not catered for explicitly. So how can you do it? By using an essentially empty feature project that contains an Event Receiver assembly. The event receiver assembly is called automatically by sharepoint for 4 different events: install, uninstall, activate and deactivate. I suggest you hook the install and uninstall events to deploy your provider.
Make sense?

You can deploy a custom membership provider under minimal trust in SharePoint 2007 using Code Access Security (CAS).
Altough the author seems to not recommend using the GAC since some Sharepoint installations are on a hosted environment and you can play with GAC.
It is often easier to install the
membership provider DLL in the Global
Assembly Cache to achieve full trust,
but in cases where you're working with
a hosted SharePoint site and cannot
deploy to the GAC these instructions
should steer you right.
The detailed article is here. I hope it helps.

The Windows Live Authentication feature of the Community Kit for Sharepoint provides a nice example (with source code) of creating a solution package with a custom authentication provider. A solution package can be deployed to all servers in the farm without manually touching them


Login prompt in deploying report to SharePoint 2013 in integrated mode

I have sharepoint 2013. I have one SQL instance in sharepoint integrated mode and another instance in SSRS native mode on my server.
I get the login failure error.
I am dealing with this failure that is explained in the following solutions. But non of them solved my problem:
I did this solution:
and this:
then I tested this solution:
and implemented the solution in this:
Now I have the following web application and its Document library
But I can not deploy my reports on it.
What should I do now??
This issue normally occurs due to incomplete installation. Ensure that SQL Server Reporting services Add-in for sharepoint is installed. If not, run SQL Server setup again to install the missing add-in. If SharePoint 2013 is missing service pack 1, it may cause errors during configuration.
I would suggest you make use of the release configuration manager. You can create releases such as
Each release type contains it's own instance of configuration values. This would allow the release type to control the deployment. If you are not using SharePoint locally then you can set the LOCAL release configuration to the standard SSRS values on your local machine.
this issue happening when you deployment the SSRS reports on SharePoint mode and configure FBA on the SP server
To solve this issue you must extend the Web Application that include BI Center
I have been facing the same issue,
When creating a new service application in SharePoint using SQL Server Reporting Services Service Application, I forgot to check the Web Application to be Associated.
After I checked the Web Application & updated the service application properties, its Working.
Hope it helps someone...

How to publish dotnetnuke website to azure?

I am looking at migrating a dotnetnuke website to Azure. I need both staging and production versions of the site to be running.
I have looked at using Azure Websites, but at the moment there is no support for SSL on custom domains so this can't be used for the production website. I have migrated the staging site to an Azure Website and now have numerous options for publishing updates (ftp, git, using web matrix).
Due to the constraints of Azure Websites, I used the DNN Accelerator to create a cloud service for the production environment. This set up will allow me to have control over IIS and therefore manage SSL certificates (I think).
The problem I have with this is there does not seem to be any publishing options. The only way I can publish is by connecting to the Azure instance via RDP and then copying the website files onto the files system.
Are there any other ways of publishing? I have looked at converting the website to a WAP, but I believe this has implications when it comes to updating to new DNN versions.
You should never publish your application through RDP since these changes are non-persistent (meaning what you published might disappear after a hardware failure / ...). Adding new instances would also mean that these instances don't have the files you published before.
I suggest you start by looking at the DotNetNuke Azure Accelerator first. If this doesn't fit your needs you might always try to build something yourself, but if you want to say with a regular website and not a web application I wouldn't count on Visual Studio support. In that case you might want to look at creating a package from the command line and using startup scripts to add your website in IIS.
Sounds like you need to use a Start-up task to install the files in the correct place for a Web Role (Cloud Service) Smarx has a nice overview here, MSDN has a wealth of info too
Another option is IAAS for Azure with a persisted VM, more work mind you, Cloud Service would be the most efficient and correct solution...

How can we deploy new SharePoint site definitions so that they are made aware to the SharePoint system?

How can we deploy new SharePoint site definitions so that they are made aware to the SharePoint system?
The recommended deployment mechanism is solution packages (.wsp). The solution deployment mechanism automatically takes care of farms with multiple web front-ends, etc.
follow the link provided below
Site Definition in SharePoint

Deploying a webpart which depends on a database store

Whats the best way to deploy a webpart in WSS3 or MOSS2007 which has a database dependency? Should the .wsp include code to create the database, should I encapsulate the .wsp in another installer which handles the database creation, or should I supply two different packages to allow the admin to handle the backend creation?
Well, I prefer the SharePoint way where you create the databases from a SharePoint admin page in Central Administration. Just take a look at how SharePoint handles the creation of new Web Applications where you are asked to name the database server and the name for the SharePoint content database.
In other words, I would opt for a WSP only deployment. The WSP should include a database configuration page (an ASPX page) plus a farm level feature for installing a custom action link to the page inside Central Administration. The beauty of doing it from Central Admin is that it runs in a context with privileges to create new databases on the SQL server. Hence, you do not need to ask the user for login and password to the database server.
The configuration page should upon successful creation of the database persist the connection info in the SharePoint configuration page, using a custom derivative of the SPPersistedObject class. Web Parts can in turn read these settings to connect to the database.
MSI installers should in my opinion be avoided when designing SharePoint apps.
What sort of client is your webpart aimed at?
I imagine it might be worth being slightly flexible in your approach and considering multiple methods of installing your webpart.
So for someone without a dedicated DBA it might be best to have one .wsp.
(Although this should be robust enough to handle superuser's installing it.)
Alternatively go for a .wsp and a msi (or even scripts), which will give the installer
more control over exactly how it is installed.
(I'd prefer this approach, over the .wsp only approach.)

SharePoint (MOSS) hosting with custom code allowed

I'm looking for a SharePoint (MOSS) shared hosting provider that supports deployment of custom solutions (.WSPs) - it'd be okay if it was medium trust. I'm building a public Internet site on SP and the client doesn't want to host it or pay for the license all up front. Any suggestions?
I'm not aware of any shared hosting plans that support the deployment of custom solutions. From what I've seen, you'd need at least a semi-dedicated hosting plan. I'm a developer at and I know that you can do this using any of their semi-dedicated plans.
if you are looking to develop a custom Sharepoint Page, you may consider the sharepoint plan at They allow not only medium trust, but full trust mode and this certainly allow you to create a custom page via any Sharepoint Designer tool that you may have.
