What are good starting points for someone interested in natural language processing? [closed] - nlp

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
So I've recently came up with some new possible projects that would have to deal with deriving 'meaning' from text submitted and generated by users.
Natural language processing is the field that deals with these kinds of issues, and after some initial research I found the OpenNLP Hub and university collaborations like the attempto project. And stackoverflow has this.
If anyone could link me to some good resources, from reseach papers and introductionary texts to apis, I'd be happier than a 6 year-old kid opening his christmas presents!
Through one of your recommendations I've found opencyc ('the world's largest and most complete general knowledge base and commonsense reasoning engine'). Even more amazing still, there's a project that is a distilled version of opencyc called UMBEL. It features semantic data in rdf/owl/skos n3 syntax.
I've also stumbled upon antlr, a parser generator for 'constructing recognizers, interpreters, compilers, and translators from grammatical descriptions'.
And there's a question on here by me, that lists tons of free and open data.
Thanks stackoverflow community!

Tough call, NLP is a much wider field than most people think it is. Basically, language can be split up into several categories, which will require you to learn totally different things.
Before I start, let me tell you that I doubt you'll have any notable success (as a professional, at least) without having a degree in some (closely related) field. There is a lot of theory involved, most of it is dry stuff and hard to learn. You'll need a lot of endurance and most of all: time.
If you're interested in the meaning of text, well, that's the Next Big Thing. Semantic search engines are predicted as initiating Web 3.0, but we're far from 'there' yet. Extracting logic from a text is dependant on several steps:
Tokenization, Chunking
Disambiguation on a lexical level (Time flies like an arrow, but fruit flies like a banana.)
Syntactic Parsing
Morphological analysis (tense, aspect, case, number, whatnot)
A small list, off the top of my head. There's more :-), and many more details to each point. For example, when I say "parsing", what is this? There are many different parsing algorithms, and there are just as many parsing formalisms. Among the most powerful are Tree-adjoining grammar and Head-driven phrase structure grammar. But both of them are hardly used in the field (for now). Usually, you'll be dealing with some half-baked generative approach, and will have to conduct morphological analysis yourself.
Going from there to semantics is a big step. A Syntax/Semantics interface is dependant both, on the syntactic and semantic framework employed, and there is no single working solution yet. On the semantic side, there's classic generative semantics, then there is Discourse Representation Theory, dynamic semantics, and many more. Even the logical formalism everything is based on is still not well-defined. Some say one should use first-order logic, but that hardly seems sufficient; then there is intensional logic, as used by Montague, but that seems overly complex, and computationally unfeasible. There also is dynamic logic (Groenendijk and Stokhof have pioneered this stuff. Great stuff!) and very recently, this summer actually, Jeroen Groenendijk presented a new formalism, Inquisitive Semantics, also very interesting.
If you want to get started on a very simple level, read Blackburn and Bos (2005), it's great stuff, and the de-facto introduction to Computational Semantics! I recently extended their system to cover the partition-theory of questions (question answering is a beast!), as proposed by Groenendijk and Stokhof (1982), but unfortunately, the theory has a complexity of O(n²) over the domain of individuals. While doing so, I found B&B's implementation to be a bit, erhm… hackish, at places. Still, it is going to really, really help you dive into computational semantics, and it is still a very impressive showcase of what can be done. Also, they deserve extra cool-points for implementing a grammar that is settled in Pulp Fiction (the movie).
And while I'm at it, pick up Prolog. A lot of research in computational semantics is based on Prolog. Learn Prolog Now! is a good intro. I can also recommend "The Art of Prolog" and Covington's "Prolog Programming in Depth" and "Natural Language Processing for Prolog Programmers", the former of which is available for free online.

Chomsky is totally the wrong source to look to for NLP (and he'd say as much himself, emphatically)--see: "Statistical Methods and Linguistics" by Abney.
Jurafsky and Martin, mentioned above, is a standard reference, but I myself prefer Manning and Schütze. If you're serious about NLP you'll probably want to read both. There are videos of one of Manning's courses available online.

If you get through Prolog until the DCG chapter in Learn Prolog Now! mentioned by Mr. Dimitrov above, you'll have a good beginning at getting some semantics into your system, since Prolog gives you a very simple way of maintaining a database of knowledge and belief, which can be updated through question-answering.
As regards the literature, I have one major recommendation for you: run out and buy Speech and Language Processing by Jurafsky & Martin. It is pretty much the book on NLP (the first chapter is available online); used in a frillion university courses but also very readable for the non-linguist and practically oriented, while at the same time going fairly deep into the linguistics problems. I really cannot recommend it enough. Chapters 17, 18 and 21 seem to be what you're looking for (14, 15 and 18 in the first edition); they show you simple lambda notation which translates pretty well to Prolog DCG's with features.
Oh, btw, on getting the masters in linguistics; if NL semantics is what you're into, I'd rather recommend taking all the AI-related courses you can find (although any courses on "plain" linguistic semantics, logic, logical semantics, DRT, LFG/HPSG/CCG, NL parsing, formal linguistic theory, etc. wouldn't hurt...)
Reading Chomsky's original literature is not really useful; as far as I know there are no current implementations that directly correspond to his theories, all the useful stuff of his is pretty much subsumed by other theories (and anyone who stays near linguists for any matter of time will absorb knowledge of Chomsky by osmosis).

I'd highly recommend playing around with the NLTK and reading the NLTK Book. The NLTK is very powerful and easy to get into.

You could try reading up a bit on phrase structured grammers, which is basically the mathematics behind much language processessing. It's actually not that heavy, being largely based on set and graph theory. I studied it many moons ago as part of a discrete math course, and I guess there are many good references available at this stage.
Edit:Not as much as I expected on google, although this one looks like a good learning source.

One of the early explorers into NLP is Noam Chomsky; he wrote small books on the subject in the 50s through the 70s. You may find that engaging reading.

Cycorp have a short description of how their Cyc knowledge base derives meaning from sentences.
By utilising a massive knowledge base of common facts, the system can determine the most logical parse of a sentence.

A simpler place to begin with the building blocks is the look at the documentation for a package that attempts to do it. I'd recommend the Python [Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK)1, particularly because of their well-written, free book, which is filled with examples. It won't get you all the way to what you want (which is an AI-hard problem), but it will give you a good footing. NLTK has parsers, chunkers, context-free grammars, and more.

This is really hard stuff. I'd start off by getting at least a Masters in Linguistics, and then work towards my PhD in computer science, concentrating on NLP.
The problem is that most of us don't have the understanding of what language is. And without that understanding, it's bloody tough to implement a solution.
Other comments give some readings, which are probably fine if you want to get started playing around with a small subset of the problem, but in order to come up with a really robust solution, then there are no shortcuts. You need the academic background in both disciplines.

A very enjoyable readable introduction is The Language Instinct by Steven Pinker. It goes into the Chomsky stuff and also tells interesting stories from the evolutionary biology angle. Might be worth starting with something like that before diving into Chomsky's papers and related work, if you're new to the subject.


Question about natural language processing

I am working on a graduation project related to "Aspect extraction (AE)".
I'm pretty confused about POS taging, syntax tree, grammar rules, and other low-level NLP stuff. I need a reference that teaches me these things in detail, so if any of you know I hope you don't mind me?
I know my question is not about programming directly and this may not agree with the site, but I really need to.
This is not an easy one! I assume that you are trying to understand the underlying 'why' and 'what', so, if I were you I would start with the one and only "Speech and Language Processing" by Daniel Jurafsky and James H. Martin. They have a whole section (Section 17 in my Second edition) on the representation of meaning, and state representation, with a whole subsection on Aspect.
In addition to that, the book will also help you understand various existing approaches to POS-tagging and the other topics you mentioned above, and, the book is available online for free! There is even the draft of the 3rd edition out there.
Additionally, after reading the chapters above, you can check out how other people do aspect extraction here

machine representation of natural text

I'm currently working on high-level machine representation of natural text.
For example,
"I had one dog but I gave it to Danny who didn't have any"
would be
I.have.dog =1
I.have.dog -=1
Danny.have.dog = 0
Danny.have.dog +=1
something like this....
I'm trying to find resources, but can't really find matching topics..
Is there a valid subject name for this type of research? Any library of resources?
Natural logic sounds like something related but it's not really the same thing I'm working on. Please help me out!
Representing natural language's meaning is the domain of computational semantics. Within that area, lots of frameworks have been developed, though the basic one is still first-order logic.
Specifically, your problem seems to be that of recognizing discourse semantics, which deals with information change brought about by language use. This is pretty much an open area of research, so expect to find a lot of research papers and PhD positions, but little readily-usable software.
As larsmans already said, this is pretty much a really open field of research, called computational semantics (a subfield of computational linguistics.)
There's one important thing that you'll need to understand before starting off in the comp-sem world: most people there use fancy high-level languages. By high-level I don't mean C, but more something like LISP, Prolog, or, as of late, Haskell. Computational semantics is very close to logic, which is why people researching the topic are more comfortable with functional and logical languages — they're closer to what they actually use all day long.
It will also be very useful for you to first look at some foundational course in predicate logic, since that's what the underlying literature usually takes for granted.
A good introduction to the connection between logic and language is L.T.F. Gamut — Logic, Language, and Meaning, volume I. This deals with the linguistic side of semantics, which won't help you implement anything, but it will help you understand the following literature. That said, there are at least some books that will explain predicate logic as they go, but if you ask me, any person really interested in the representation of language as a formal system should take a course in predicate and possibly intuitionist and intensional logic.
To give you a bit of a peek, your example is rather difficult to treat for
current comp-sem approaches. Not impossible, but already pretty high up the
scale of difficulty. What makes it difficult is the tense for one part (dealing
with tense and aspect will typically bring you into even semantics,) but also
that you'd have to define the give and have relations in a way that
works for this example. (An easier example to work with would be, say "I had
a dog, but I gave it to Danny who didn't have any." Can you see why?)
Let's translate "I have a dog."
∃x[dog(x) ∧ have(I,x)]
(There is an object x, such that x is a dog and the have-relation holds between
"I" and x.)
These sentences would then be evaluated against a model, where the "I"
constant might already be defined. By evaluating multiple sentences in sequence,
you could then alter that model so that it keeps track of a conversation.
Let's give you some suggestions to start you off.
The classic comp-sem system is
SHRDLU, which places geometric
figures of certain color in a virtual environment. You can play around with it, since there's a Windows-compatible demo online at that page I linked you to.
The best modern book on the topic is probably Blackburn and Bos
(2005). It's written in Prolog, but
there are sources linked on the page to learn Prolog
Van Eijck and Unger give a good course on computational semantics in Haskell, which is a bit more recent, but in my eyes not quite as educational in terms of raw computational semantics as Blackburn and Bos.

The benefits of learning languages that you won't use [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 11 years ago.
I have read numerous time that learning a language such as Haskell, Lisp or Smalltalk will somehow make you a better programmer while you program in other languages.
Is there more than just anecdotal evidence for that claim?
Or is it just the way people rationalize having spend a lot of time learning a programming language that they will never use?
IMHO, it is all about learning a new programming paradigm. If you know Java and then C#, there's not much gain, once both of them have almost the same "type of programming".
But if you get to learn a functional language or dynamic, for instance, you're forced to think another way, and that will probably help you to program better in your favorite language.
It is something like: "It is so easy doing this in {different language you learned}. There must be a better way to do this in {language you already know}". And then you rethink, and build up a more elegant way to do this in {language you already know}.
I don't have any hard evidence, but I have really appreciated the different way of looking at problems that I have since learning lisp (the same goes for python and c).
The key isn't necessarily learning different languages though, I believe that the key is actually the different viewpoints that you gain by learning different programming styles.
Good examples are functional, imperative, object-oriented, etc. Also, there are common design differences is interpreted vs compiled languages; static vs dynamic typing, etc.
Although most people do a majority of their programming using a single style (most commonly OOP over the past few years), I think that all programmers should know multiple styles so that they are better able to see the shortfalls of their own style.
Can't shed much light on this in terms of programming languages, but it seems very similar to the "why learn a dead language?" argument that surrounds Latin, and much of the reasoning there can be applied here.
Programming is a way of thinking, not writing code in programming language X: that is "coding", not "programming".
By knowing at least something about more than just one programming language - preferably across different paradigms, so imperative/OOP/functional/logical - you train that way of thinking about problems outside the context of the specific details and quirks of language X.
I think this always improves your abilities to be(come) a better programmer tremendously.
A great side-effect of learning new languages is the potential for application in your existing language.
For instance, I'm a Java programmer and I took the time to learn my first functional language (Haskell). I was recently asked to learn Scala for an upcoming project. This is extremely easy since I understand the comcepts of guards, recursion, etc. from Haskell.
Deeply learning language just for learning language has too little benefits. If you have a lot of tasks and you don't know language that ideal for solving it then it is make sense to learn that language. Otherwise it is make sense to spend the time to become expert in languages you already know.
I don't know that there will have been much rigorous study regarding the benefits of multi-programming language exposure on overall programming ability, but I would argue that the studies regarding why learning a foreign human language (which you may never use in practice) is beneficial would in general hold equally well for studying foreign programming languages. The benefits ascribed often include improved cognitive abilities as well as improved understanding of one's native language.
here's some links to studies
anecdotally, I complained a great deal about taking COBOL, and have never really used it but was able to apply things I learned in that class at my first job.
If you give any credence to the Pragmatic Programming guys, consider their advice from page 14 of their first book:
Learn at least one new language every year. Different languages
solve the same problems in different ways. By learning several
different approaches, you can help broaden your thinking and avoid
getting stuck in a rut.
Some examples that come to mind:
Knowing C and having to deal with memory management and do-it-yourself data structures can help you understand performance issues when programming in a higher level language where those details are hidden from you.
Conversely, learning an OO language can affect your C programming - with, for example, the concept of Polymorphism prompting you to use function pointers in ways you might not have otherwise.
Learning a language where functions are first class objects that can be passed around can make you think of similar techniques in other languages, even if, in those other languages, you have to make the functions methods in objects that get passed around.
Learning about the way Erlang handles concurrency can make you rethink how much shared state you use between threads in other languages.
Any language that has a built-in feature you find useful can prompt you to implement your own version of that feature in another language that doesn't have it, and thus allow you to solve problems in ways you might not have thought of if you hadn't been exposed to the feature in the language that has it built-in.
Learning about Interfaces in Java can make you think about the benefits of precisely specifying your (small "i") interfaces in other languages that don't have them as a formal construct in a type system.
No doubt there are others.
Learning a language is not a binary event. If you are a decent programmer, you should be able to trust your own instincts as to whether a language offers you a new take on your craft.
Virtually every language worth considering these days can be downloaded and test-driven in a couple of minutes. So do it -- pick one and try it out.
There are a limited number of cases where this "laissez-faire" approach falls short. If you're a complete beginner, of course it doesn't work. When I first learned C, I had to have it beaten into me, but it did turn out to be worth it because it made me understand pointers, memory reference and dynamic allocation in a way I hadn't previously.
But if you know that much already, just poke around and look for a language that makes your lightbulb go on.
Different languages have different ways of implementing the same ideas. By learning new languages, you get a different perspective on how things can be accomplished, and can then use that knowledge to approach how you program in your current environment. Think about object oriented and functional programming. OO Programmers can learn a lot about parrellization from languages like C.
Learning a language, especially one that practices a new paradigm, is very beneficial for every programmer. For example learning Scheme will help someone understand functional programming. The programmer can later practice what he/she learned with other languages like C#. She can think of new ways of doing things.
Also, as languages evolve, it's high likely that the language you use will adopt some features of other languages. Having taught myself Ruby, I was able to grasp the changes in C# 3.0 much easier.
I think learning languages will always benefit you even if you don't use them again. I started playing with Ioke as an attempt to learn something experimental and because of it my JavaScript has improved because certain ideas have been cemented.
learning a new language will possibly give you new insights that you will try translate to your main language.
I don't think there will be any hard evidence--I think this is more of an intuitive thing. Learning a totally different language will help you look at things totally different. Or maybe it won't. In any case, what's the harm in learning something?
It's entirely subjective, but way back when, after taking an undergraduate course in Haskell, I did notice that my programming style in C became more 'Haskell-like' for a while; I used a lot of simple, recursive functions. I also noticed that this programming style seemed to yield some of the same benefits programming in Haskell had; bugs were fewer, code was easier to understand (albeit slower).
So, while learning another programming language may not make everyone a better programmer, it definitely was a learning experience for me, personally.
What are the benefits of learning mathematics or physics that you won't use, or the benefits of studying philosophy or dead tongues?
It's the intellectual achievement and the enlightenment what matters, you will be a wiser person with any new thing that you learn, no matter if they are programming languages, literature, role playing games... of course if it's related to your working field, then you'll actually find a use, sooner or later :-)
I spent some time studying clojure even though I knew I wouldn't use it in the near-term (mostly because I can't really deploy on the JVM).
It has concepts that aren't supported by the languages I use (C#/C/C++/Python/Perl) and I wanted to know what I was missing and also if it would be worth looking into libraries that purport to add these features.
Specifically, I'm very interested in understanding Lisp-style macros and the direct concurrency support. I also spent some time reading the implementation, specifically the datastructures, which was very educational -- good to see a quality implementation of persistent datastructures to learn how they work (and give you immutability without sacrificing much performance).
Bryond what has already been said, I really like new languages just because it can bring new interest to programming. You learn different ways to approach problems and the strengths/weaknesses of certain languages. It is something new to learn and any good programmer should be striving to always be learning new things. It mixes up your daily routine of possibly programming in the same language for years.
I also like what everyone has said about programming perspective.
Some good points have been made.
I would add that learning languages you won't use in production work can be of value
To better appreciate and absorb the arguments and methods in texts and papers that will improve programming ability in languages I do use for production work (e.g. MIX/MMIX for Knuth's Art of Computer Programming; RATFOR for Kernighan and Plauger's Software Tools; I still use some ALGOL-based syntax for some pseudocode although I never wrote runnable code in ALGOL outside University)
To be able to check or prototype programs that will be written in a different language (e.g. some routines for numerical computing in C can be quickly checked or scaled using languages that have appropriate functionality built in such as Fortran, Python or Haskell)
Learning a new language can give insight as to how it could be used to more easily solve problems that were put to one side because of time or complexity constraints.

Tips for grokking declarative programming languages? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 10 years ago.
As stated, have you any tips to help grok / understand / get-your-head-around declarative programming languages?
Or is it simply a case that you’ve to immerse yourself in the language and it’s syntax, until it seeps in, until you get that golden moment where you Get It. This isn’t really an option as I can no longer lock myself in a room for days on end, poring over half a dozen different books on the subject matter (responsibilities being what they are and all)
So, any tips or tricks that helped you when you tackled declarative languages, any insights to pass on?
P.S. I’ll personally upvote the first answer that says “Shutup and put in the work”.
I was 13 years old I when I first started wring code (basic, on my sisters Oric-1).
Since then I’ve worked with many new concepts and many different languages, taking all in my stride, me taking the upper hand quickly enough. Object Orientation? Not a bother. Event driven paradigms? Smoke me a kipper, I’ll be back for breakfast.
Owl, Mfc, ActiveX, Vb3, 4, 5 & 6, VB.Net, Pascal, Delphi, C, C++ & C#. None have stood in my way, at least not for very long.
However recently my perfect score has taken a bit of a battering.
A couple of weeks ago I threw myself into Xaml, and folks, I’m more sinking than swimming.
I think my main problem is that it’s declarative. All my other programming skills are procedural. I’ve hit this block before with MSBuild, I can copy examples of how to get MSBuild things working, but would be lost putting something together from scratch.
Back to Xaml, currently I’m going insane trying to wire triggers to properties and get the effect’s I need.
I may post my specific Xaml question here soon enough. For now I’m asking this general “declarative programming” question.
P.S. No, I'm not actually this cocky. Yes, I stumbled like hell the first time I hit OO and the first time I'd to write an event driven UI (VB3 on Windows 3.11).
It's starting to sink in, the tenacity that got me this far in this field is paying off, it just takes so much fracking time!
. . . I think I'm getting too old for this stuff . . . :)
I had to teach XSL (or XSLT, as you wish) a bunch at the beginning of the century :), and it's a different world, really. That, however, is the basis for the paradigm-shift: you have to realize that declarative languages really are different. The most important advice I have is to keep studying other people's solutions, put the work in, and really try to stop thinking in FLOW. The worst thing is that, in XSL, there is an "if" and an "else," but usually there's another way to do things.
Unlike learning OO, in XSL (or any declarative language, I suppose) you will not manage to do what you're trying to do unless you do it declaratively.
So the answer is in part, "shut up and do the work" as you suggest, but the more important point is to realize that a lot of the work is getting your head around the paradigm shift. So the real answer is, "keep your eyes peeled for the paradigm shift." You have to stop thinking in flow and start thinking in terms of rules that can fire in any order... if they're done right, it doesn't matter when they fire. When you are finally thinking in rules instead of WHEN stuff happens, you're beginning to grok the shift.
Find some examples, with explanations of the "why", from someone who really knows the language. It's learning the patterns and idioms that makes a difference.
I suspect you're trying to do imperative things in declarative land, which means you think in terms of steps. Write the dataflow down in terms of required inputs + stateless function of those inputs and see if that helps.
Try a functional or functionalesqe language like ML or Scheme.
I don't know what your specific problems with Xaml are (and I haven't used it myself) , but I've found that when using XML based technologies like XSLT, a little LISP or Scheme experience can go a long way. You might want to look at playing with the excellent scheme system available free from http://www.plt-scheme.org.
I can see where this may be blowing your mind. All those languages you list are indeed quite similar (procedural).
Once you get this down, I highly encourage you to learn a functional language as well. You may also find it tough going, but learning it will help your general coding skills greatly. You'll have a whole new bag of tricks (even in procedural languages), and you will never be afraid of recursion again.
Consider your favorite “programmer ignorance” pet peeve. The first code snippet is obviously procedural. In the second snippet you make a declarative statement that for the percentage to be valid it has to be between 0 and 100.
So i'd guess you'll have no trouble grokking declarative programming languages as long as you work on it hard enough... there is no royal road to geometry
Like Binary Worrier, I had a long history with things like C, C++, MFC, etc and have been coming up to speed on XAML, WPF, and C#. I had a side trip through HTML, Javascript, and XSLT which I think helped a great deal in preparing me for XAML.
The basic idea behind XAML is fairly straightforward - it's all about what you show, not what you do. The hard part with XAML is that there is just a ton of implementation details to learn and you wind up learning them all at the same time in order to be able to get much of anything done.
I could probably be more helpful if the question was more specific.
"Programming is about giving a computer a sequence of instructions."
Most programmers react with equanimity to this statement. It's almost like... "duh?"
But the belief in this statement is what causes people to have trouble understanding other programming paradigms. It's not true, and hasn't been for a very long time. To arrive at a better understanding of programming, many may benefit from thinking on why this statement is false.
Even if you programmed in pure assembly, modern processors would rearrange your instructions, perform branch prediction, and attempt to execute multiple potentially codependent instructions at the same time. In this way they think in terms of logical dependencies, not sequences. The sequence metaphor is the false notion that an instruction logically depends on everything that preceded it. If this were true, the best way to reason about programs would be to examine the control flow. But it is not true.
It's not just declarative programming that doesn't fit with this metaphor, but also parallel and asynchronous programming.
I find the easiest way to "grok" a language is simply to start using it exclusively for all your coding. With a completely new language I would say for me the learning curve is approximately 2 weeks of coding about 4-5 hours a day. After that point it suddenly "clicks" and you can start relying less on manuals and docs.
I took a class in college (Programming Languages). It pretty much felt like I was repeatedly slamming my head against a brick wall, but about 3/4 of the way through the class, I realized the wall wasn't there anymore; I had been beating my head against nothing for a few weeks. It was a pretty surreal feeling.
I think any other way won't have the same charm. Read Godel, Escher, Bach; listen to a lot of Emerson, Lake, and Palmer and Kaikhosru Sorabji; smoke some ganja, and put in the time.

UML standards guide / Best Practices [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 10 years ago.
Does anyone know of a decent UML standards guide?
My company currently relies on UML 2.0 (rightly or wrongly) to do the majority (read all) of their design work. I have been asked to come up with a draft 'best practice' guide to help other developers develop better models. The main problem I face is that Im slightly biased against UML... I feel that: if a diagram takes more than 5 mins to draw then its too complicated! Im looking for advice predominantly on what sort of standards I should be looking at. Also Im looking for an external source of information that can be used to balence out my irrational loathing of UML-heavy design and act as a 'sanitizer' for my suggestions.
Most of all Im looking to write a useful document rather than one that will sit moulding away in some obscure network directory.
Any ideas?
UML Distilled by Martin Fowler
Like Paul C, I recommend UML Distilled. It is primarily about UML, but it contains a lot of insight about design in general (although it insists a bit too much on index cards IMO), it is short, pleasant to read, and to the point.
I strongly recommend against UML in a Nutshell. It is the worst O'Reilly book I have: insanely dense, hard to read and meandering. Not worth the paper it is printed on.
We are not talking about a book that says how to use UML, but rather a style or standards guide of some sort. Enter, UML profiles... This can get you both the standardization and reduced complexity you are looking for. You can limit the relationships and elements which can be used. You can also require certain things. A large company may choose to focus on the assets and data movement and limit it's standardized diagrams to this view. However, a company making real-time software for tanks might focus on action or flow.
The whole point of UML is that it is not specific and useful for every kind of situation. Martin Fowler and Elements of style books will not reduce diagramming time and increase comprehension. You need standardized profiles or patterns for than. I have seen it work, to the point that the business can read them. Many tools allow you to create a profile which eases learning curve for the designers and reduces drawing time.
MDA Distilled (OMG Press) is a good book if you want to understand the concepts, but it is not needed.
Really, UML Profiles. You don't want a standard because your company or your need is different. A standard for Web Services does not work for real-time or financial services.
Buy everyone a copy of The Elements of UML 2.0 Style. Job done.
For a quick reference on how to compose individual UML diagrams, I heartily recommend The Elements of UML Style 2.0 and I put my money where my recommendation lies by purchasing the 2nd edition to replace my 1st ed.
Apart from this recommendation, I think the most important thing in a company when introducing any style guide is to have a local feedback mechanism where people can post comments on which aspects of the style guide work for them, especially when you're using an official printed guide. A wiki or similar casual repository should suffice for this.
I also suggest highlighting diagrams which were particularly good examples (or bad ones, if the team humor could take it). Consider a framed Diagram of the Week like the Employee of the Week you see in so many stores. That gives a gentle reminder that diagram readability is taken seriously but hopefully with enough fun to get more buy-in to the concept.
I know you probably want an easy to read book for this but from what you are describing I would suggest going with the specs found on OMG itself. They are a bit much to read but would be as complete as you could hope for. They also have lonks to articles and tutorials that may be helpful.
As far as books go I have found that Using UML is quite good since it tackles the software development process as well as the UML tools and methods.
