Web based Software Distribution - linux

Currently at my job, we are distributing installers for our windows base software via an apache web server on a Ubuntu server using apache authentication. When we initially started doing this we only had 3 projects to distribute and as such, 3 htpasswd files to manage. Since then, we have grown and are now distributing 8 projects as well as several sponsor specific variants of each of these. I addition, we have started distributing videos to potential research sponsors along with the software which are quite large. This has become a huge burden to manage all of the htpasswd files. So my question is, what is a better way to provide password protected access to large file sets in a web based manner? I am thinking that a CMS might be appropriate in this case, but I am interested in other ideas people may have. My specific requirements are:
Run on Apache/Linux. Specifically Ubuntu 6.06/Apache2
Free or relatively cheap, research doesn't provide for expensive enterprise software
Ability to easily create users and set an expiration date for their account
Ability to create a logical collections of files, and restrict users to only see these specific collections
Able to handle relatively large files (upwards of hundreds of megabytes though this is rare). In addition, there should be an easy method to add files outside of a web interface as uploading a 300 MB video wouldn't be feasible via the web. A command line client would probably be best.
Any suggestions of software that can handle the above requirements is greatly appreciated.

Se up apache to use LDAP for authentication. Then you can use a pre-existing LDAP frontend, or roll your own, to manage access rights and account expiration.
With LDAP, you could have a group for each project, so that users can have access to several projects by being in several groups.
Some info on setting up Apache for LDAP can be found here.
The directory can be managed by, for example, phpLDAPadmin or the old but good LDAP Browser/Editor if you prefer a offline java app.

I might consider Plone with the LDAP plugin.
As a side note, I'd also suggest updating to the more recent LTS release of Ubuntu, but it's not mandatory :)

It might be worth thinking about Amazon S3. It's not free, but it is very cheap.
You can't have users, but you can generate individually signed URLs for each file - URLs which will permit access for some pre-determined period of time.
So rather than having to register users, worry about distributing passwords and expiring them after some time, simply generate URLs for the files you need to share, and give the URLs to your users.
And there are any number of clients for putting files on S3 - if you want a command line interface, just mount it as a filesystem and "cp" the files there.


Securing SQL queries, insuring that no one person knows that password

What are some effective and secure methods of securing SQL queries?
In short I would like to insure that programmers do not see the passwords used by the application to perform queries. Something like RSA or PGP comes to mind, but don't know how one can implement a changing password without being encoded in the application somewhere.
Our environment is a typical Linux/MySQL.
This might be more of a process issue and less of a coding issue.
You need to strictly separate the implementation process and the roll-out process during software development. The configuration files containing the passwords must be filled with the real passwords during roll-out, not before. The programmers can work with the password for the developing environment and the roll-out team changes those passwords once the application is complete. That way the real passwords are never disclosed to the people coding the application.
If you cannot ensure that programmers do not get access to the live system, you need to encrypt the configuration files. The best way to do this depends on the programming language. I am currently working on a Java application that encrypts the .properties files with the appropriate functions from the ESAPI project and I can recommend that. If you are using other languages, you have to find equivalent mechanisms.
Any time you want to change passwords, an administrator generates a new file and encrypts it, before copying the file to the server.
In case you want maximum security and do not want to store the key to decrypt the configuration on your system, an administrator can supply it whenever the system reboots. But this might take things too far, depending on your needs.
If programmers don't have access to the configuration files that contain the login credentials and can't get to them through the debug or JMX interfaces then that should work. Of course that introduces other problems but that would potentially satisfy your requirement. (I am not a Qualified Security Assessor - so check with yours to be sure for PCI compliance.)

Windows BackupRead / BackupWrite and ACLs

I have been trying to understand what should be the right way in using BackupRead and BackupWrite for backing up data on a computer and especially about restoring it reliably.
Now I understand how to use the API and have been successful. However there's one thing that bothers me.
You can backup, beside the file content itself, any alternate data streams also the security information (ACLs).
Now if I would store the ACL data for backup and then later, once the data needs to be restored on a different machine OR a newly setup machine what should I do with the SIDs which are related to the ACL?
The SID is most likely no longer valid for the machine and how should the right user be selected?
Now I am looking at this on a bigger scale let's say this is a computer with multiple users and hundreds or thousands of objects with different settings this would be mess to get the data restored with the security settings applied to them again.
Is this something, if the user of the software wishes to backup the security settings, what the user has to take about himself and update them accordingly or what?
Additionally BackupRead and BackupWrite will give me the raw binary data of those items which is not all too hard to use however obviously this API does not even intend to face this issue.
Anyone has an idea how a backup application should handle this situation? What is your thought, or any pointers on guidelines for this specific topic?
Thanks a lot.
I think you understand correctly the problems with backup and restore of data. I think that correct understanding of problems is a half of its solving. I suppose that you are, like the most of users of the stackoverflow site, mostly software developer and not an administrator of a large network. So you see on the problem from another side of software developer and not from the side of the administrator. An administrator knows the restrictions of backup and restore of ACLs and already use it.
In general you should understand that the main purpose of backups to save the data and to restore the data later on the same computer or server. Another standard case is: one restore backup from one server to another server after the changing of hardware. In the case the old server will no more exist. Mostly one makes backups of servers and organize to work on the clients so, that no important data will be saved of the client computer.
In the most cases the backed up data has Domain Groups SIDs, Domain Users SIDs, well-known SIDs or SID aliases from the BUILTIN domain in the security descriptors. In the case one need make no changes of SIDs at all. If the administrator do will make some changes in ACL he can use different existing utilities like SubInACL.exe.
If you write Backup/Restore software which you want use for moving the data with the security information you can include in the backup some additional meta-information about the local SIDs of accounts/groups used in the saved security descriptors. In the Restore software you can provide the possibilities to replace SIDs from the saved security descriptors. Many year ago I wrote for one large customer some utilities to clear up the SIDs in SD in the file system, registry and services after domain migration. It was not so complex. So I suggest that you could implement the same feature in you Backup/restore software.
I do believe the Backup* APIs are primarily intended to backup and restore on the same machine, which would render the SID problem irrelevant. However, assuming a scenario where you need to restore a backup on a new install, here's my thoughts on solutions.
For well-known SIDs such as Everyone, Creator Owner and so on, there isn't really any problem.
For domain dependent SIDs you can store them as is, and upon restore you could fixup the domain part, if needed. Likely you should store the domain name as well for such SIDs.
For local users and groups, you should at least store the user/group name for each SID. Fixup on restore could be partially automatic based on these names, or manual (assuming an user interface for the application) where you ask the user whether he wishes to map this user to a new local user, convert these SIDs to a well-known SID, or keep as is.
Most of the issues related to such SIDs can (and probably typically will) be possible to handle automatically. I'd certainly appreciate a backup application that was smart enough to do the restore I asked it to and figure out that "Erik" on the old machine must be "Erik" on the new machine as well.
And a side note, if you do decide to go with such a solution, remember how annoying it is to start an overnight data transfer just to get back to something 5% done blocking on a popup it could just as easily defer :)

Secure version control

I would like to have your opinion about the subject "version control",
but focusing on security.
Some common features:
allowing to access to source code using clients only
(no way to access the source code on the server directly)
granting permission to access only the
source code which I am allowed to modify (i.e.: a developer should be able
to access the source code related to his project only).
So it should be possible to create user groups and granting different
levels of access.
tracking modifications, check-ins, and check-outs and the
developers who made them...
...and, surely, I am forgetting something.
Which are the most "paranoid" version control systems that you know?
Which features do they implement?
My aim is creating an enviroment for developing applications managing sensible data: credit cards, passwords, and so on...
A malicious developer may insert backdoor or intentionally alter some security features. So the access to the source code should be controlled strictly.
I must confess that my knowledge of version control systems is poor, so, I fear, customizing SVN could be a hard task for me.
Perforce is widely used in the Finance Industry where security of code is sometimes an issue.
You can setup gatekeepers and access controls to restrict visibility of code and produce audit trails for various activities for SOX compliance.
I know that the ones you want are not the ones you want. For example, Clearcase or Serena Dimensions can do all the above... but you'd be bonkers to want to use them. (ah, I hear you say, I'm the admin so I don;t have to take that pain. Well, these also require lots of care and attention - we had 8 Clearcase admins at the last company I worked for. You don't want the nightmare of continually helping users with them).
So. You can have the horrible ones, or you could just use the friendly, easy-to-use SVN and implement your own checkout-tracking (using http transport and Apache logs), and slap access control permissions on every directory. You'd also have to secure the end-repository on disc, but you have to do this with every SCM, even something like Dimensions stores its database in Oracle - if you had access to Oracle instance, you could fiddle with the saved bits, so you have to secure that anyway.
Perforce has those features and is a really good product imho.
Use a well-known, industry standard system like subversion. It can control access to individual projects very simply, and using the web server authz configuration can control individual access to specific files in each project.
The only non-stanard issue is logging check-outs. But the web server can easily log this information for you.
Your users will thank you.
github is a wrapper for git which provides these features for git server. Compared to raw git servers, it notably includes access control, and it also has useful web interfaces to the code for authorised users.

network drive file sharing

For the better part of 10 years + we have relied on various network mapped drives to allow file sharing. One drive letter for sharing files between teams, a seperate file share for the entire organization, a third for personal use etc. I would like to move away from this and am trying to decide if an ECM/Sharepoint type solution, or home grown app, is worth the cost and the way to go? Or if we should simply remain relying on login scripts/mapped drives for file sharing due to its relative simplicity? Does anyone have any exeperience within their own organization or thoughts on this?
SharePoint is very good at document sharing.
Documents generally follow a process for approval, have permissions, live in clusters... and these things lend themselves well to SharePoints document libraries.
However there are somethings that don't lend themselves well to living inside SharePoint... do you have a virtual hard drive (.vhd) file that you want to share with a workmate? Not such a good idea to try and put a 20GB file into SharePoint.
SharePoint can handle large files, and so can SQL Server behind it... but do you want your SQL Server bandwidth being saturated by such large files? Do you want your backup of SQL Server to hold copies of such large files multiple times?
I believe that there are a few Microsoft partners who offer the ability to disassociate file blobs from the SharePoint database, so that SharePoint can hold the metadata and a file system holds the actual files, and SharePoint simply becomes the gateway to manage access, permissions, and offer a centralised interface to files throughout an organisation. This would offer you the best of both worlds.
Right now though, I consider SharePoint ideal for documents, and I keep large files (that are not document centric) on Windows file shares.
Definetely, use a tool.
The main benefit here is version control. Being able to jump easily to a previous version, diff'ing and seeing who modified what (see most VCS' blame/annotate tool- it prints out a text file showing when/who modified each line in the text file).
Second, you can probably benefit from issue tracking/task tracking.
Other benefits include web access from the internet, having a wiki (which can be great in some situations), etc.
I use Subversion + Redmine at work, and I find it highly useful- test a few solutions and you will surely find out further advantages for you.
One thing that can be overlooked in the change to an document management tool is the planning required around how much is going to be stored and information architecture issues like where different content is going to end up.
SharePoint particularly is easy to setup without a good plan going forward and is particularly vulnerable to difficulties later on when things get to busy.
I would not recommend a home grown app for something like this. The problem has been solved by off the shelf tools and growing one from scratch is going to cost a huge amount and not get you any way near the features for the money.
Did I mention how important planning your security groups and document areas (IA) was?
If you need just document storage then sharepoint can do very well. WSS is ewen free and it provides very good document storage capabilities.
But you have to plan carefully as updating existing applications is painfull. If you decide to go with Sharepoint then I can give you few advices from top of my head
Pay attention to security configuration (user groups, privilegies,..)
Plan your document libraries well as it is not easy to just move documents betveen them
Also consider limiting number of versions that one document can have, because sharepoint stores full backups betveen verions, not just changes
Don't use infopath:) we have very bad experience with it (just don't tell this to managers)
If you don't really need to change graphical look of Sharepoint than don't bother with it as it brings many problems (I'm talking about custom masterpages and custom site templates)
Try to use as much OOB stuff as possible, because developing your own webparts not only cost more, but it can be quite complicated.
Make sure to turn-on search indexing. This is quite tricky, because it is by default turned off and then you will be as surprised that search is not working as I was :)
If you try to just deploy it and load 10.000 documents into it then you will surely have problems with it later. If you give a little thought about structure then you will end up with really good document storage.
Migrating is very probably worth the cost in the long term. You will gain reliability, versioning, traceability, and extensibility.
Be sure to first identify the groups/rights, and to identify which links need to be fixed (maybe you have applications that use links to the shares).
An open source alternative to SharePoint is Alfresco, it is very good for CIFS (Windows shares) too.

How does your company do "Enterprise" Password Management?

We've talked about personal password management here but how do you guys manage your passwords at a company wide level?
I thought I'd report back after my week of searching...
I've settled on PassPack I've been using it for a few days now for my personal passwords and I'm a total fanboy.
They use the Host-Proof Hosting pattern so the only one that can access your stuff is you and if you forget your password they can't help you.
They have some nice Offline apps written with Adobe AIR and Google Gears.
But, best of all, they fit my "enterprise" requirement because an upcoming release will support sharing within a trusted group.
Plus, I learned about The "Blog" of "Unnecessary" Quotation Marks in their forum.
We have managed to plan our company applications so they are mainly web based and open source or in-house developed. This then allowed us to use LDAP to hook into active directory for logging into our intranet. From there we modified the logins into various products we use (MediaWiki, Wordpress, SugarCRM etc.) so that if the user is authenticated in the intranet, they are automatically logged into these other products as well.
This has taken some time setting up the process and creating a script to set all the appropriate user details in each system when someone joins the company, however now we have a situation where everyone only has to remember one password, removing the need for managing a growing list of passwords.
Obviously this may not be viable in many companies, but now that we have it setup it was worth the effort.
We use Password Agent: http://www.moonsoftware.com/pwagent.asp
It stores everything from PC admin logins to website logins and product keys for products we all use.
We use Active Directory to store user credentials, and developed custom library for Desktop and Web
We are using KeePass application with success.
We create file per project and/or per business domain.
We share the password to appropriate KeePass file between people who should have access.
It's not the best solution. We also have Cyber-Ark software installed corporate-wide, but due to some strange configuration rules it does not work for us as good as the previous solution. It might be also related to the fact that we have an old version.
We maintain an in-house Lotus Notes database that stores absolutely everything from passwords to server change records. It is big, cumbersome, takes an age to load, and is generally not, uh, nice.
No, this is not a sane way to do it. :-|
Obviously I'm biased because I work there, but we use Enterprise Random Password Manager from Lieberman Software. Yes, we do actually dogfood our own tool in our own network. It has some nice features, like web accessibility with delegation, scheduled operation with retry, propagation to other things using accounts (services, COM+ apps, etc.), system/account discovery, Linux/Unix account management, etc.
I'm sure a salesperson could give a better pitch, but that I am not. I'd encourage you to check it out. :)
For passwords related to my work, I store them in a plain unencrypted passwords.txt file in my user storage area on the main company file server. Normally, other people in the company can't read files in my user storage area, so there is little risk of exposure. However, if something were to happen to me, then all my passwords for company related activities would be trivially available to others inside the company - just ask MIS.
This is a very different security model than what I use for my personal passwords, of course.
Just a heads up: Microsoft have a product managing credentials/passwords/identity across varied systems: Identity Lifecycle Manager
Secret Server is something that grew from an internal need (within our software company) to a viable product that is now used all over the world. It is web-based and allows you to store passwords and then securely share them with other users and groups (even AD users and groups). It is also able to actively reach out and change passwords on automatic schedules, even handling associated dependencies such as Windows Services for service accounts.
Enterprise Password Management (free 30 day trial).
Use Apache Directory Server, which is an LDAP-standard implementation.
You can manage the directory database using Apache Directory Studio so it's quite user friendly (or at least, admin-friendly).
Then you can hook the directory programmatically to any application that requires access to the credentials, LDAP client libraries are widely available on popular programming platforms such as Java, C++, PHP, Ruby, etc.
My business friend adviced me to check out Passwork (https://passwork.me). They use self-hosted version on own servers, i found out that Passwork also has SaaS.
So i and my colleagues store our company passwords in Passwork.
We had tried another enterprise pw managers before but weren't able to trust them.
We had a look at a product that had these features:
Can give access privleges to password using roles.
Handles delegation.
Logs access to passwords.
Can Randomize passwords.
Can automatically re-randomize a password X days after access to it.
Unfortunately, I can't couldn't it's name when I posted this... It was "Secret Server"
