Creating a Mobile Programming Language - programming-languages

I'm thinking about creating a small language that is very easy to type on a mobile phone (J2ME),
What is the more appropriate language to implement in order to run it inside a mobile phone (j2me always)? Appropriate meaning, small/easy syntax, easy to type in a mobile phone.
Is it lisp? Some sort of Basic/Python/Ruby (I think not...)? Or another new (can you propose a new syntax?)?

I am the author of just such a language: Hecl, at . In order to make quite applications easier, I also created a site where you can build simple apps through a web interface: . I also wrote an article discussing the implementation of the language:
Other languages that are worth looking at include Lua, and Javascript, both of which have mobile implementations.

If you include editor support (nesting structures, indented display, balancing, ...) then some form of LISP would be relatively straightforward to implement and use. I've seen screenshots (but can't find them now) of a LISP-based language for live interactive-performance programming. It used indented, shaded rectangular areas on the screen (instead of parentheses) to show nesting of structure.

I would think the design of the editor would be the biggest consideration, not the language. For instance, supporting some kind of "intellisense"-like autocompletion would be vital for saving thumbstrokes. Some kind of language sensitivity in the editor would help a lot too. For instance, when a C user types "for" the autocomplete should show an option for filling out the syntax of a loop:
for (;;) {

You might want to look into Hecl:

I'm not sure what's easy to type on a mobile phone, but the language I know with the most computing power per character is APL. As a source of syntactic or design ideas, you might prefer its modern successor, the J programming language.

On a mobile phone, you should also consider languages like Scratch (smalltalk), because the non-typing interface would be easy to use.
Also on the smartphones with drag&drop capability, it would be something good.
On the other hand, the IDE would be a lot heavier on CPU & other resources.

Forth is usually considered a legitimate contender for these kinds of requirements. And it's about as terse as can be imagined. Extensible, small and malleable. Built-in small screen editor, too.

If you want super-compact, try nano-False
It isn't very usable, although more so than the deliberately painful Brainfuck and Whitepace. Think of it as Forth with the easy syntax made more concise ;-)
I found Quartus Forth reasonably easy to use, provided you can think in stacks, and with more Intellisense support for the API it would have been much more productive. For prototyping little algorithms on the Palm I preferred Plua or Lispme. The LispMe environment is worth studying anyway because it provided good use of lists for finding keywords and so eased GUI programming
The big decision you have to make is whether you expect users to just use a phone numeric keypad or be able to type in reasonable approximations to a full keyboard. One of the huge benefits of the Palm was the high-quality full-size folding keyboards which I sadly miss (and hope someone makes an iPhone accessory to connect). If you don't have a full keyboard, make use of selectors for verbs so they can use picking actions rather than having to type in words. Consider the amount of code typed in traditional code for the framework classes and methods compared to the user code.

When I go about dreaming about a language, I think about what features are important to me at the time I'm dreaming. Only once you figure out what features are important to you can you come up with the best answer to what syntax. For example, if you want named parameters, it greatly influences your design choice about how method calls look (a la Objective-C or Python).
Designing a language can be a really fun task. I encourage you to step back and ask yourself "Do I really like how this is done in X?" (substituting some language name). If that's something you've always loved, steal it. If not, look elsewhere. Create your ultimate mashup of what you love, and leave out what you hate!

Lisp would be difficult to type because of all the ()s, although joel.neely's answer demonstrates one way of working around that problem.
So if you want to use an existing language you might want to look at which ones use least unusual characters.
Then there's the screen size issue. The more verbose the language the less code you're going to be able to fit onto the screen at once. What kind of devices are you aiming at? Smartphones with big screens (a limited audience) or 240x240 pixel feature phones?
Bear in mind that the interpreter/VM for your language will have to fit into a small amount of memory and performance may not be very good.

Brainfuck has only 8 characters -- very easy to type in on a mobile phone.
Of course, understanding and doing stuff with it... not so easy. But it satisfies the requirement....

Basic is very easy.
I would stay away from lisp. Unless you want to give your mobile users a headache on top of the headache they have from radio waves.


Best language to manipulate sound?

I would like to make an "simple" program that after i clap the hands would do an certain event like open a browser. However i want do other things after this, so the program must be able to evolve.
Which programing languague should i choose in order to do this?
I know vb, python, c, c++, learning java(isnt going very well).
To be honest, I just don't believe that you 'know' vb, python, c, and c++. Because if you did - you'd know that all you have to do to is google the problem, and you'd find a solution for multiple different languages.
I think instead of trying to jump into a 'clap detection app', a better idea would be to start slowly and actually MASTER (or at least start trying to master) one language. A jack of all trades is a master of none - and this is especially true in beginning programming. Just dive into one of the languages you 'know', I'd suggest Python due to its general user-friendliness and diverse supporting libraries. Just keep learning and eventually you'll be able to do almost anything!
I would like to give a simple, non-opinion based answer. A programming language serves two purposes:
"it provides a vehicle for the programmer to specify actions to be executed,
it provides a set of concepts for the programmer to use when thinking about what can be done."
(Bjarne Stroustrup: "C++ programming language, 1.3.2.)
Your problem is not simple at all - clap detection is not a trivial thing to do: it involves real-time detection of a time characteristic, spectral characteristic and possibly a visual gesture (not to be confused with a similar sound from a different source). Take into account that a clap from the same person in different spaces also sounds differently. Take into account possible dynamic variations.
Only by learning languages in depth you'll be able to get familiar with language specific concepts for the programmer to use when thinking about what can be done, as well as with specifying actions to be executed for any particular language.
Also, when dealing with sound, you need a basic knowledge of acoustics.
As a rule of thumb, almost all serious real-time audio processing code is written in languages which are mature, small and can make fast runtime executables.

Does this language have its niche | future?

I am working on a new language, targeted for web development, embeding into applications, distributed applications, high-reliability software (but this is for distant future).
Also, it's target to reduce development expenses in long term - more time to write safer code and less support later. And finally, it enforces many things that real teams have to enforce - like one crossplatform IDE, one codestyle, one web framework.
In short, the key syntax/language features are:
Open source, non-restrictive licensing. Surely crossplatform.
Tastes like C++ but simpler, Pythonic syntax with strict & static type checking. Easier to learn, no multiple inheritance and other things which nobody know anyway :-)
LLVM bytecode/compilation backend gives near-C speed.
Is has both garbage collection & explicit object destruction.
Real OS threads, native support of multicore computers. Multithreading is part of language, not a library.
Types have the same width on any platform. int(32), long(64) e.t.c
Built in post and preconditions, asserts, tiny unit tests. You write a method - you can write all these things in 1 place, so you have related things in one place. If you worry that your class sourcecode will be bloated with this - it's IDEs work to hide what you don't need now.
Java-like exception handling (i.e. you have to handle all exceptions)
I guess I'll leave web & cluster features for now...
What you think? Are there any existing similar languages which I missed?
To summarize: You language has no real selling points. It just does what a dozen other languages already did, with syntax and semantics just slightly off, depending on where the programmer comes from. This may be a good thing, as it makes the language easier to adapt, but you also have to convince people to trouble to switch. All this stuff has to be built and debugged and documented again, tools have to be programmed, people have to learn it and convince their pointy-haired bosses to use it, etc. "So it's language X with a few features from Y and nicer syntax? But it won't make my application's code 15% shorter and cleaner, it won't free me from boilerplate X, etc - and it won't work with my IDE." The last one is important. Tools matter. If there are no good tools for a language, few people will shy away, rightfully so.
And finally, it enforces many things that real teams have to enforce - like one crossplatform IDE, one codestyle, one web framework.
Sounds like a downside! How does the language "enforce one X"? How do you convince programmers this coding style is the one true style? Why shouldn't somebody go and replace the dog slow, hardly maintained, severly limited IDE you "enforce" with something better? How could one web framework possibly fit all applications? Programmers rarely like to be forced into X, and they are sometimes right.
Also, you language will have to talk to others. So you have ready-made standard solutions for multithreading and web development in mind? Maybe you should start with a FFI instead. Python can use extensions written in C or C++, use dynamic libraries through ctypes, and with Cython it's amazingly simple to wrap any given C library with a Python interface. Do you have any idea how many important libraries are written in C? Unless your language can use these, people can hardly get (real-world) stuff done with it. Just think of GUI. Most mayor GUI toolkits are C or C++. And Java has hundreds of libraries (the other JVM languages profit much from Java interop) for many many purposes.
Finally, on performance: LLVM can give you native code generation, which is a huge plus (performance-wise, but also because the result is standalone), but the LLVM optimizers are limited, too. Don't expect it to beat C. Especially not hand-tuned C compiled via icc on Intel CPUs ;)
"Are there any existing similar
languages which I missed?"
D? Compared to your features:
The compiler has a dual license - GPL and Artistic
See example code here.
LDC targets LLVM. Support for D version 2 is under development.
Built-in garbage collection or explicit memory management.
Unit tests / Pre and Post Contracts
try/catch/finally exception handling plus scope guarantees
Responding to a few of your points individually (I've omitted what I consider either unimportant or good):
targeted for web development
Most people use php. Not because it's the best language available, that's for sure.
embeding into applications
distributed applications, high-reliability software (but this is for distant future).
Have you carefully studied Erlang, both its design and its reference implementation?
it enforces many things that real teams have to enforce - like one crossplatform IDE, one codestyle, one web framework.
If your language becomes successful, people will make other IDEs, other code styles, other web frameworks.
Multithreading is part of language, not a library.
Really good languages for multithreading forbid side effects inside threads. Yes, in practice that pretty much means Erlang only.
Types have the same width on any platform. int(32), long(64) e.t.c
Sigh... There's only one reasonable width for integers outside of machine-level languages like C: infinite.
Designing your own language will undoubtedly teach you someting. But designing a good language is like designing a good cryptosystem: lots of amateurs try, but it takes an expert to do it well.
I suggest you read some of Norman Ramsey's answers here on programming language design, starting with this thread.
Given your interest in distributed applications, knowing Erlang is a must. As for sequential programming, the minimum is one imperative language and one functional language (ideally both Lisp/Scheme and Haskell, but F# is a good start). I also recommend knowing at least one high-level language that doesn't have objects, just so you understand that not having objects can often make the programmer's life easier (because objects are complex).
As for what could drive other people to learn your language... Good tools/libraries/frameworks can't hurt (FORTRAN, php), and a big company setting the example can't hurt (Java, C#). Good design doesn't seem to be much of a factor (a ha-ha-only-serious joke has it that what makes a language successful is using {braces} to delimit blocks: C, C++, Java, C#, php)...
What you've given us is a list of features, with no coherent philosophy, or explanation as to how they will work together. None of the features are unique. At best, you're offering incremental improvements over what's already there. I'd expect there's already languages kicking around with what you've said, it's just that they're still fairly obscure, because they didn't make it.
Languages have inertia. People have to learn new languages, and sometimes new tools. They need incentive to do so, and 20% improvement in a few features doesn't cut it.
What you need, at a minimum, is a killer app and a form of elevator pitch. (The "elevator pitch" is what you tell the higher-ups about your project when you're in the elevator with them, in current US business parlance.) You need to have your language be obviously worth learning for some purpose, and you need to be able to tell people why it's worth learning before they think "just another language by somebody who wanted to write a language" and go away.
You need to form a language community. That community needs to have some localization at first: people who work in X big company, people who want to do Y, whatever. Decide on what that community is likely to be, and come up with one big reason to switch and some reasons to believe that your language can deliver what it promises.
Every buzzword you have included in your feature list is an enormous amount of work to be spec'd, implemented, documented, and tested.
How many people will be actively developing the language? I guess the web is full of failed programming language projects. (Same is true for non-mainstream OSes)
Have a look at what .Net/Visual Studio or Java/Eclipse have accomplished. That's 1000s of years of specification, development, tests, documentation, feedback, bug fixes, service packs.
During my last job I heard about somebody who wrote his own programming framework, because it was "better". The resulting program code (both in the framework and in the applications) is certainly unmaintainable once the original programmer quits, or is "hit by a bus", as the saying goes.
As the list sounds like Java++ or Mono++, you'd probably be more successful in engaging in an existing project, even if it won't have your name tag on it.
Perhaps you missed one key term. Performance.
In any case, unless this new language has some really out-of-this-world features(ex: 100% increase in performance over other web development languages), I think it will be yet another fish in the pond.
Currently I'm responsible for maintaining a framework developed/owned by my company. It's a nightmare. Unless there is a mainstream community, working on this full time, it's really an elephant. I do not appreciate my company's decision to develop its own framework(because it's supposed to be "faster") day 'n night.
The language tastes good in my opinion, I don't want use java for a simple website but I would like to have types and things like that. ASP .NET is a problem because of licensing and I can't afford those licenses for a single website... Also features looks good
Remember a lot of operator overloading: I think is the biggest thing that PHP is actually missing. It allows classes to behave much more like basic types :)
When you have something to test I'll love to help you with it! Thanks
Well, if you have to reinvent the wheel, you can go for it :)
I am not going to give you any examples of languages or language features, but I will give you one advice instead:
Supporting framework is what is the most important thing. People will tend to love it or hate it, depending on how easy is to write good code that get job done. Therefore, please do usability test before releasing it. I mean ask several people how they will do certain task and create API accordingly. Then test beta API on other coders and listen carefully to their comments.
Regards and good luck :)
There's always space for another programming language. Apart from getting the design right, I think the biggest problem is coming across as just another wannabe language. So you may want to look at your marketing, you need a big sponsor who can integrate your language into their products, or you need to generate a buzz around it, easiest way is astroturfing. Good luck.
NB the names G and G++ aren't taken. Oh and watch out for the patent trolls.
Oops G / G++ are taken... still there are plenty more letters left.
This sounds more like a "systems" language rather than a "web development language". The major languages in this category (other than C++/C) are D and Go.
My advice to you would be to not start from scratch but examine the possibility of creating tools or libraries for those languages, and seeing just how far you can push them.

Right Language for the Job

Using the right language for the job is the key - this is the comment I read in SO and I also belive thats the right thing to do. Because of this we ended up using different languages for different parts of the project - like perl, VBA(Excel Macros), C# etc. We have three to four languages currently in use inside the project. Using the right language for the job has made it immensly more easy to do automate a job, but of late people are complaining that any new person who has to take over the project will have to learn so many different languages to get started. Also it is difficult to find such kind of person. Please note that this is a one to two person working on the project maximum at a given point of time. I would like to know if the method we are following is right or should we converge to single language and try to use it across all the job even though another language might be better suited for it. Your experenece related to this would also help.
Languages used and their purpose:
Perl - Processing large text file(log files)
C# with Silverlight for web based reporting.
LabVIEW for automation
Excel macros for processing data in excel sheets, generating graphs and exporting to powerpoint.
I'd say you are doing it right. Almost all the projects I've ever worked on have used multiple languages, without any problems. I think you may be overestimating the difficulty people have picking up new languages, particularly if they all use the same paradigm. If your project were using Haskell, Smalltalk, C++ and assembler, you might have difficulties, I must admit :-)
Using a variety languages vs maintainability is simply another design decision with cost-vs-benefits trade-offs that, like any design decision, need to considered carefully. While I like using the "absolute best" tool for the task (whatever "absolute best" means), I wouldn't necessarily use it without considering other factors such as:
do we have sufficient skill and experience to implement successfully
will we be able to find the necessary resources to maintain it
do we already use the language/tech in our system
does the increase in complexity to the overall system (e.g. integration issues, the impact on build automation) outweigh the benefits of using the "absolute best" language
is there another language that we already use and have experience in that is usable in lieu of the "absolute best" language
I worked a system with around a dozen engineers that used C++, Java, SQL, TCL, C, shell scripts, and just a touch of Perl. I was proud that we used the "best language" where they made sense, but, in one case, using the "best language" (TCL) was a mistake - not because it was TCL - but rather because we failed to observe the full costs-vs-benefits of the choice:*
we had only 1 engineer deeply familiar with TCL - the original engineer who refused to use anything but TCL for a particular target component - and then that engineer left the project
this target component was the only part of the system to use TCL and it was small relative to the other components in the system
the component could have been also implemented in another language we already used that we had plenty of experience in (C or C++) with some extra effort
the component appeared deceptively simple, but in reality had subtle corner cases that bit us in production (not something we could have known then, but always something to consider as a possibility later)
we had to implement special changes to the nightly build because the TCL compiler (yes, we compiled the TCL code into an executable) wouldn't work unless it could first throw its logo up on the screen - a screen which wasn't available during a cron-initiated automated nightly build. (We resorted to using xvfb to satisfy it.)
when bugs turned up, we had difficult time finding engineers who wanted to work on it
when problems with this component cropped up only after sustained load in the field, we lacked the experience and deep understanding of the TCL execution engine to easily debug it in the field
finally, the maintenance and sustainment team, which is a much smaller team with fewer resources than the main development team, had one more language that they needed training and experience in just to support this relatively small component
Although there were a number of things we could have done to head-off some of the issues we hit down the road (e.g. put more emphasis on getting TCL experience earlier, running better tests to detect the issues earlier, etc), my point is that the overall cost-vs-benefit didn't justify using TCL to code that single component. Again, it was not a mistake to use TCL because it was TCL (TCL is a fine language), but rather it was a mistake because we failed to give full consideration to the cost-vs-benefits.
As a Software Engineer it's your job to learn new languages if you need to. I would say you should go with the right tool for the job.
It's like sweeping the floor with an octopus. Yeah, it gets the job done... kind of... but it's probably not the best tool for the job. You're better off using a mop.
Another option is to create positions geared towards working in specific languages. So you can have a C# developer, a Perl developer, and a VBA developer who will only work with that language. It's a bit more overhead, but it is a workable solution.
Any modern software project of any scope -- even if it's a one-person job -- requires more than one language. For instance, a web project usually requires Javascript, a backend language, and a DB query language (though any of these might be created by the backend language). That said, there's a threshold that is easily reached, and then it would be very hard to find new developers to take over projects. What's the limit? Three languages? Four? Let's say: five is too many, but one would be too few for any reasonably complex project.
Using the right language for the right job is definitely appropriate - I am mainly a web programmer, and I need to know server-side programming (Rails, PHP + others), SQL, Javascript, jQuery, HTML & CSS (not programming languages strictly, but complex things I need to know) - it would be impossible for me to do all of that in a single language or technology.
If you have a team of smart developers, picking up new languages will not be a problem for them. In fact they probably will be eager to do so. Just make sure they are given adequate time (and mentoring) to learn the new language.
Sure, there will be a learning curve to implementing production code if there is a new language to learn, but you will have a stronger team member for it.
If you have developers in your teams who strongly resist learning new languages, unless there is a very good reason (e.g they are justifiably adamant that they are being asked to used a different language when it is not appropriate to do so) - then they are not the sort of developers I'd want in my teams.
And don't bother trying to hire people who know all the languages you use. Hire smart programmers (who probably know at least one language you use) - they should pick up the other languages just fine.
I would be of the opinion, that if I a programmer on my team wanted to introduce a second (or third) language into a project, that there better be VERY VERY good reason to do so; as a project manager I would need to be convinced that the cost of doing so, more than offset the problems. And it would take a lot of convincing.
Splitting up project into multiple languages makes it very expensive to hire the right person(s) to take over that project when it needs maintenance. For small and medium shops it could be a huge obstacle.
Edit: I am not talking about using javascript and c# on the same project, I am talking about using C# for most of the code, F# for a few parts and then VB or C++ for others - there would need to be a compelling reason.
KISS: 'Keep it simple stupid' is a good axiom to follow in most cases.
EDIT: I am not completely opposed to adding languages, but the burden of proof is on the person to who wants to do it. KISS (to me) applies to not only getting the project/product done and shipped, but also must take into account the lifetime maint. and support requirements. Lots of languages come and go, and programmers are attracted to new languages like a moth to a light. Most projects I have worked on, I still oversee and/or support 5 or 10 years later - last thing I want to see is some long forgotten and/or orphaned language responsible for some key part of an application I need to support.
My experience using C++ and Lua was that I wrote more glue than actual operational code and for dubious benefit.
I'd start by saying the issue is whether you are using the right paradigm for the job?
Suppose you know how to do object oriented programming in C#. I don't think the leap to Java is all that great . Although you'd have to familiarize yourself with libraries and syntax, the idea is pretty similar.
If you have procedural parts to your project, such as parsing files and various data transformations, your Perl/Excel Macros seem pretty similar.
But to address your issues, I'd say above all, you'll need clarity in code. Since your staff are using several languages, they won't be familiar with all languages to an equal degree. So make sure of this:
1) Syntactic sugar is explained in comments. Sugars are pretty language specific and may not be obvious to a new reader. For instance, in VBA I seem to remember there are default properties, so that TextBox1 = "Hello" is what you'd write instead of TextBox1.Text = "Hello". This can be confusing. Also, things like LINQ statements can have un-obvious meanings. So make sure people have comments to read.
2) Where two components from different languages have to work together, make excruciatingly specific details about how that happens. For instance, I once had to write a C component to be called from Excel VBA. There's quote a few steps and potential errors in doing this, especially as far as compiler flags. Make sure both sides know how their side of the interaction occurs.
Finally, as far as hiring people goes, I think you have to find people who aren't married to a specific language. To put it vaguely, hire an intelligent person who sees business issues, not code. He'll learn the lingo soon enough.

Should programming languages be intuitive?

What features could be added to a new programming language
to make it more "intuitive"? When it comes to websites and
desktops, we favor high usability, almost intuitive
usability. It is becoming increasingly expected that your
application should "just work". For a certain class of
applications the idea that one has to RTFM, is a mark
against the effectiveness of the application. People tend to
expect the application to just work the way they "think" it
should work. One could argue that this is a worthy standard
that designers should strive for.
Can the same usability rigor apply to programming languages
and developer environments? I realize there are tools like
IntelliSense that provide hints, and a good IDE provides a
lot of assist. But what about the core language itself? What
could be added (or removed) that makes certain programming
techniques or algorithms more obvious to implement? How does
one make regular expressions or recursion more intiutive? Or
is this just folly?
Take a more concrete example: liquid layouts in HTML, CSS,
or Flex and MXML. In HTML and CSS, the box model is anything
but intuitive given the different implementations of
Internet Explorer and the other browsers. And unless someone
reads the documentation or studies the concept of the box
model it would be difficult to "just get it" when designing
a layout on one's first stab at CSS. I would argue this is
why tables thrived in the early days. The box model was
implicit in the concept of a table cell. With the help of
tools like Dreamweaver one could get their mind around
percentage widths and layout within the constraints of table
cells. Then CSS came into maturity and a whole set of valid
reasons emerged for why tables are not for layout. But to
achieve the same effects designers had to really study the
CSS implementations and the box model, and inject a new
layer of abstraction into their thinking.
In another example, I find when programming lots of things
in ActionScript and MXML, the whole concept of fluid layouts
and percentage based widths of elements not very obvious and
doesn't always follow intuition. I understand the basic
problem in that the Adobe Flash player and the layout need
to understand things in absolute pixel terms. When it comes
to the potential width of a component, I understand why
percentages are not immediately obvious to implement at the
core level of the code. Theoretically speaking the Flash
Player needs to know (or calculate) the exact width of a
component so that it can provide the proper geometry to the
video card when doing a draw on the screen. But when you
introduce some concept of percentages then you introduce the
theoretical possibility of an infinite width. And to find
"infinity - 1" pixels is not something a computer can
directly do without some layer of abstraction and
calculation. The viewport must be referenced. The program
must know its boundaries. So absolute widths are the norm,
although humans might prefer to design in terms of
When it comes to programming languages can there be
expressions and features that assist intuition when thinking
about a programming task. Or are we better off "thinking
like a computer" and just RTFM'ing the manual when we need
to understand how to implement some feature or layout in
If you could change the syntax or semantics of your
programming language of choice what would you add, change,
or remove to improve the "intuitiveness" of it?
Addendum, the reason for asking this question is inspired by
seeing example of what "novices" were able to achieve in
Smalltalk in Alan Kay's lecture: Doing with Images Makes
"If you could change the syntax or semantics of your programming language of choice what would you add, change, or remove to improve the "intuitiveness" of it?
Programming is hard. Really hard. Syntax changes don't matter much. IDE's are irrelevant to the fundamental challenge of programming.
The thing that is often baffling is the semantics of the language.
I don't know what "intuitive" means with respect to a thing as abstract as a programming language. Indeed, "intuition" is probably a bad thing. Coming to a programming language with intuition means preconceived notions, biases and intellectual junk will take over.
I would never expect to "just get it" for anything on any level anywhere. Programming requires clear thinking -- not "intuition" -- not "expectation".
The only thing we can ever do is read the manual and understand the unique, distinct, novel semantics of the new thing we're confronted with.
I do know this: elegant simplicity is essential. Orthogonality of features. Clarity. Precision. Absence of exceptions or special cases. Above all, simplicity.
Layering on language features is fundamentally bad.
Covering language problems by layering in a complex IDE is worse.
"when faced with something new and unfamiliar we try to relate it to what we are familiar with. In the course of the process we invent the analogies that enable us to do so.
It is clear that the above way of trying to understand does not work too well when we are faced with something so radically new, so without precedent, that all analogies we can come up with are too weak and too shallow to be of great help. A radically new technology can create such circumstances and the wide-spread misunderstanding about programming strongly suggests that this has happened with the advent of the automatic computer. "
In short, "intuition" and "intellectual baggage" is the problem of the programmer. The best way to understand a technology is to approach it as something fresh, new and otherwise unknown.
Bottom Line.
The complexity is inherent.
You have two choices.
Develop intellectual tools (i.e., abstraction, summarization, etc.) to cope with it.
Get a job in another field.
Asking for the inherently complicated world of computing to morph into something any one person finds "intuitive" can't happen. Computing is too complicated to be "intuitive".
Another field I've seen that addresses the complexity of the "syntax" of a programming languages is that of Visual Programming Languages. The basic idea behind VPLs is to take the constructs of programming languages (decisions, subroutines, functions, etc.) and represent them graphically, typically as a data-flow diagram. One such language that's gaining popularity recently is the Microsoft Visual Programming Language. I have not used it, and cannot make claims as to its power, but I have used LabView to great effect and I can say that you can do pretty much anything you can think of even in LabView -- but you do have to think of it in a very different way.
That said, I find I have a personal preference for code rather than VPLs.
One step folks are taking that has as much to do with base class library as it does the language itself -- although to be honest, the two are often synonymous -- is the concept of a Fluent API. The basic idea is to make code "read like a sentence", the idea being that this makes the code more flexible and maintainable.

Resources for learning a new language quickly?

The title may seem slightly self-contradictory, and I accept that you can't really learn a language quickly. However, an experienced programmer that already has knowledge of a few languagues and different styles (functional, OO, imperative etc.) often wants to get started quickly. I've seen a few websites doing effective "translations" in the form of "just show me syntax equivalence". I can't remember the sites now, but for related languages (e.g. Perl/PHP) it's quite common.
Is there a better resource that covers more languages? Is there a resource that covers idioms as well as syntax? I think this would be incredibly useful for doing small amounts of work on existing code bases where you are not familiar with the language. Looking at the existing code, as we know, is not always a good indicator of quality. Likewise, for "learn by doing" weekend project I always have the urge to write reasonably idiomatic, clean code from the start. Such a resource could also link to known good example projects of varying sizes for those that prefer to learn by reading. Reading a well-written medium sized code base can also be much more practical when access to development environments might be limited.
I think it's possible to find tutorials and summaries for individual languages that provide some of this functionality in disparate web locations but I'm hoping there is a good, centralised, comparative place that the busy programmer can turn to.
You generally have two main things to overcome:
Syntax you can pick up fairly quickly with a language tutorial and a stack of samplecode.
Reference (library/API calls) you need to find a proper guide to; perhaps the language reference, or perhaps google...
With those two in place, following a walkthrough (to get you used to using the development environment) will have you pretty much ready - you'll be able to look up what you want to say (reference), and know how to say it (syntax).
This, of course, applies principally to procedural/oop languages; languages that require a paradigm switch (ML/Haskell) you should go to lectures for ;)
(and for the weirder moments, there's SO!)
In the past my favour was "learning by doing". So e.g. I know a little bit of C++ and a lot of C#.Net but I must write a FTP Tool in Python.
So I sit for an hour and so the syntax differences by a tutorial, than I develop the form itself and look at the generated code. Then I search a open source Python FTP Client and get pieces of code (Not copy and paste, write it self to see, feel and remember the code!)
After a few hours I get it.
So: The mix is the best. A book, a piece of good code, the willing to learn and a free night with much coffee.
At the risk of sounding cheesy, I would start with the language's website tutorial and/or FAQ, followed by asking more specific questions here. SO is my centralized location for programming knowledge.
I remember when I learned Perl. I was asked to modify some Perl code at work and I'd never seen the language before. I had experience with several other languages, however, so it wasn't hard to figure out the syntax with the online Perl docs in one window and the code in another, side-by-side. I don't know that solely reading existing code is necessarily the best way to learn. In my case, I didn't know Perl but I could tell that the person who originally wrote the code didn't know Perl either. I'm not sure I could've distinguished between good Perl and really confusing Perl. It would've been nice to be able to ask questions here at the time.
Language isn't important. What is important is learning your ways around designing algorithms and the proper application of design patterns. Focus on the technique, not the language that implements a certain technique. Once you understand the proper development techniques, any programming language will just become real easy, no matter how obscure they are...
When you put a focus on a language, you're restricting your own knowledge. seems to be a step in the right direction: it aggregates cheat sheets/quick references and they are (somewhat) manually reviewed. It's also wide-ranging. It still comes up short a bit in terms of "idiomatic" quick reference: for example, the page on Ruby doesn't mention yield.
Rosetta Code appears to be an excellent resource that includes hints on coding idiomatically and moves from simple (like for-loops) to things like drawing. I haven't checked out how comprehensive it is, but there are a large number of languages and tasks listed. The drawbacks re: original question are:
Some of the linking is not accurate
(navigating Python->ForLoop will
take you to the top of the ForLoop
page, not the Python section). It's a
wiki, this can be improved.
Ideally you could "slice" the wiki
however you chose to see e.g. the top
20 tasks for two languages
side-by-side. seems to be an almost perfect match for what I was looking for. The quality is not always there, or idiom can be lacking, but it has the same intention and is pretty comprehensive.
