COM: calling from other thread causes crashes, how to make it run on the same thread? - multithreading

I am doing a BHO (extension for IE) that receives events on other thread. When I access the DOM from that other thread, IE crashes. Is it possible to make the DOM accessed from the same thread as the main BHO thread so that it does not crash?
It seems like a general COM multithreading problem, which I don't understand much.

Look into using CoMarshalInterface or CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream
These will give you a wrapped interface to an STA COM object that is thread safe.

I don't know much about IE extensions, but it sounds like some COM object needs to be marked a Single Threaded Apartment, so that the COM runtime system ensures that it is run on the same thread which called it initially. If you can't alter the other object, you could probably route your calls to the DOM through a separate COM object marked as STA to achieve the same effect. Hope this helps... I know a bit about COM multithreading, but not much about IE extensions.

ah, fun fun fun multithreading with COM.
Gerald's answer looks right if you want to transfer an interface pointer from one thread to another exactly once. I've found that the GIT (global interface table) is a big help for this kind of thing if you're in a multithreaded system... basically you don't keep around interface pointers but rather DWORD cookies used by the GIT to get an appropriately-marshaled interface pointer for whatever thread you are using it. (you have to register the object in question with the GIT first, and unregister it later when you are done or your object is finished)

Be careful though. Performance can become a serious issue.
If you're just playing around to learn about BHOs, you can use the STA to make your ::SetSite() implementing object operate as if it were single threaded (this allows you to let other threads pull your BHO's pointer out of the GlobalInterfaceTable as #JasonS mentions.
If you're doing something that is expected to be part of a product I highly recommend you very carefully reconsider going MTA everywhere you can and handling the concurrency and thread safety issues yourself. In this case you would only need to ensure that the threads inter-operating with your BHO COM object, were themselves, initialized for COM.
For example, if you want to monitor incoming/outgoing data of website looking for things (either dangerous or sensitive) - then you do NOT want to force all of those threads down the throat of an STA object because, using Yahoo as an example, more than 30 requests will launch and your BHO will start locking up IE.


Doing UI on a background thread

The SDL documentation for threading states:
NOTE: You should not expect to be able to create a window, render, or receive events on any thread other than the main one.
The glfw documentation for glfwCreateWindow states:
Thread safety: This function must only be called from the main thread.
I have read about issues regarding the glut library from people who have tried to run the windowing functions on a second thread.
I could go on with these examples, but I think you get the point I'm trying to make. A lot of cross-platform libraries don't allow you to create a window on a background thread.
Now, two of the libraries I mentioned are designed with OpenGL in mind, and I get that OpenGL is not designed for multithreading and you shouldn't do rendering on multiple threads. That's fine. The thing that I don't understand is why the rendering thread (the single thread that does all the rendering) has to be the main one of the application.
As far as I know, neither Windows nor Linux nor MacOS impose any restrictions on which threads can create windows. I do know that windows have affinity to the thread that creates them (only that thread can receive input for them, etc.); but still that thread does not need to be the main one.
So, I have three questions:
Why do these libraries impose such restrictions? Is it because there is some obscure operating system that mandates that all windows be created on the main thread, and so all operating systems have to pay the price? (Or did I get it wrong?)
Why do we have this imposition that you should not do UI on a background thread? What do threads have to do with windowing, anyways? Is it not a bad abstraction to tie your logic to a specific thread?
If this is what we have and can't get rid of it, how do I overcome this limitation? Do I make a ThreadManager class and yield the main thread to it so it can schedule what needs to be done in the main thread and what can be done in a background thread?
It would be amazing if someone could shed some light on this topic. All the advice I see thrown around is to just do input and UI both on the main thread. But that's just an arbitrary restriction if there isn't a technical reason why it isn't possible to do otherwise.
PS: Please note that I am looking for a cross platform solution. If it can't be found, I'll stick to doing UI on the main thread.
While I'm not quite up to date on the latest releases of MacOS/iOS, as of 2020 Apple UIKit and AppKit were not thread safe. Only one thread can safely change UI objects, and unless you go to a lot of trouble that's going to be the main thread. Even if you do go to all the trouble of closing the window manager connection etc etc you're still going to end up with one thread only doing UI. So the limitation still applies on at least one major system.
While it's possibly unsafe to directly modify the contents of a window from any other thread, you can do software rendering to an offscreen bitmap image from any thread you like, taking as long as you like. Then hand the finished image over to the main thread for rendering. (The possibly is why cross platform toolkits disallow/tell you not to. Sometimes it might work, but you can't say why, or even that it will keep working.)
With Vulkan and DirectX 12 (and I think but am not sure Metal) you can render from multiple threads. Woohoo! Of course now you have to figure out how to do all the coordination and locking and cross-synching without making the whole thing slower than single threaded, but at least you have the option to try.
Adding to the excellent answer by Matt, with Qt programs you can use invokeMethod and postEvent to have background threads update the UI safely.
It's highly unlikely that any of these frameworks actually care about which thread is the 'main thread', i.e., the one that called the entry point to your code. The real restriction is that you have to do all your UI work on the thread that initialized the framework, i.e., the one that called SDL_Init in your case. You will usually do this in your main thread. Why not?
Multithreaded code is difficult to write and difficult to understand, and in UI work, introducing multithreading makes it difficult to reason about when things happen. A UI is a very stateful thing, and when you're writing UI code, you usually need to have a very good idea about what has happened already and what will happen next -- those things are often undefined when multithreading is involved. Also, users are slow, so multithreading the UI is not really necessary for performance in normal cases. Because of all this, making a UI framework thread-safe isn't usually considered beneficial. (multithreading compute-intensive parts of your rendering pipeline is a different thing)
Single-threaded UI frameworks have a dispatcher of some sort that you can use to enqueue activities that should happen on the main thread when it next has time. In SDL, you use SDL_PushEvent for this. You can call that from any thread.

What are some of the core principles needed to master multi-threading using Delphi?

I am kind of new to programming in general (about 8 months with on and off in Delphi and a little Python here and there) and I am in the process of buying some books.
I am interested in learning about concurrent programming and building multi-threaded apps using Delphi. Whenever I do a search for "multithreading Delphi" or "Delphi multithreading tutorial" I seem to get conflicting results as some of the stuff is about using certain libraries (Omnithread library) and other stuff seems to be more geared towards programmers with more experience.
I have studied quite a few books on Delphi and for the most part they seem to kind of skim the surface and not really go into depth on the subject. I have a friend who is a programmer (he uses c++) who recommends I learn what is actually going on with the underlying system when using threads as opposed to jumping into how to actually implement them in my programs first.
On there are quite a few books on concurrent programming but none of them seem to be made with Delphi in mind.
Basically I need to know what are the main things I should be focused on learning before jumping into using threads, if I can/should attempt to learn them using books that are not specifically aimed at Delphi developers (don't want to confuse myself reading books with a bunch of code examples in other languages right now) and if there are any reliable resources/books on the subject that anyone here could recommend.
Short answer
Go to OmnyThreadLibrary install it and read everything on the site.
Longer answer
You asked for some info so here goes:
Here's some stuff to read:
I personally like: Multithreading - The Delphi Way.
(It's old, but the basics still apply)
Basic principles:
Your basic VCL application is single threaded.
The VCL was not build with multi-threading in mind, rather thread-support is bolted on so that most VCL components are not thread-safe.
The way in which this is done is by making the CPU wait, so if you want a fast application be careful when and how to communicate with the VCL.
Communicating with the VCL
Your basic thread is a decendent of TThread with its own members.
These are per thread variables. As long as you use these you don't have any problems.
My favorite way of communicating with the main window is by using custom windows Messages and postmessage to communicate asynchronically.
If you want to communicate synchronically you will need to use a critical section or a synchonize method.
See this article for example:
Communicating between threads
This is where things get tricky, because you can run into all sorts of hard to debug synchonization issues.
My advice: use OmnithreadLibrary, also see this question: Cross thread communication in Delphi
Some people will tell you that reading and writing integers is atomic on x86, but this is not 100% true, so don't use those in a naive way, because you'll most likely get subtle issues wrong and end up with hard to debug code.
Starting and stopping threads
In old Delphi versions Thread.suspend and Thread.resume were used, however these are no longer recommended and should be avoided (in the context of thread synchronization).
See this question: With what delphi Code should I replace my calls to deprecated TThread method Suspend?
Also have a look at this question although the answers are more vague: TThread.resume is deprecated in Delphi-2010 what should be used in place?
You can use suspend and resume to pause and restart threads, just don't use them for thread synchronization.
Performance issues
Putting wait_for... , synchonize etc code in your thread effectively stops your thread until the action it's waiting for has occured.
In my opinion this defeats a big purpose of threads: speed
So if you want to be fast you'll have to get creative.
A long time ago I wrote an application called Life32.
Its a display program for conways game of life. That can generate patterns very fast (millions of generations per second on small patterns).
It used a separate thread for calculation and a separate thread for display.
Displaying is a very slow operation that does not need to be done every generation.
The generation thread included display code that removes stuff from the display (when in view) and the display thread simply sets a boolean that tells the generation thread to also display the added stuff.
The generation code writes directly to the video memory using DirectX, no VCL or Windows calls required and no synchronization of any kind.
If you move the main window the application will keep on displaying on the old location until you pause the generation, thereby stopping the generation thread, at which point it's safe to update the thread variables.
If the threads are not 100% synchronized the display happens a generation too late, no big deal.
It also features a custom memory manager that avoids the thread-safe slowness that's in the standard memory manager.
By avoiding any and all forms of thread synchronization I was able to eliminate the overhead from 90%+ (on smallish patterns) to 0.
You really shouldn't get me started on this, but anyway, my suggestions:
Try hard to not use the following:
TThread.Resume, (except at the end of constructors in some Delphi versions)
Use the PostMessage API to communicate to the main thread - post objects in lParam, say.
Use a producer-consumer queue to communicate to secondary threads, (not a Windows message queue - only one thread can wait on a WMQ, making thread pooling impossible).
Do not write directly from one thread to fields in another - use message-passing.
Try very hard indeed to create threads at application startup and to not explicitly terminate them at all.
Do use object pools instead of continually creating and freeing objects for inter-thread communication.
The result will be an app that performs well, does not leak, does not deadlock and shuts down immediately when you close the main form.
What Delphi should have had built-in:
TWinControl.PostObject(anObject:TObject) and TWinControl.OnObjectRx(anObject:TObject) - methods to post objects from a secondary thread and fire a main-thread event with them. A trivial PostMessage wrap to replace the poor performing, deadlock-generating, continually-rewritten TThread.Synchronize.
A simple, unbounded producer-consumer class that actually works for multiple producers/consumers. This is, like, 20 lines of TObjectQueue descendant but Borland/Embarcadero could not manage it. If you have object pools, there is no need for complex bounded queues.
A simple thread-safe, blocking, object pool class - again, really simple with Delphi since it has class variables and virtual constructors, eg. creating a lot of buffer objects:
I thought it might be useful to actually try to compile a list of things that one should know about multithreading.
Synchronization primitives: mutexes, semaphores, monitors
Delphi implementations of synchronization primitives: TCriticalSection, TMREWSync, TEvent
Atomic operations: some knowledge about what operations are atomic and what not (discussed in this question)
Windows API multithreading capabilities: InterlockedIncrement, InterlockedExchange, ...
Of course this is far from complete. I made this community wiki so that everyone can edit.
Appending to all the other answers I strongly suggest reading a book like:
"Modern Operating Systems" or any other one going into multithreading details.
This seems to be an overkill but it would make you a better programmer and
you defenitely get a very good insight
into threading/processes in an abstract way - so you learn why and how to
use critical section or semaphores on examples (like the
dining philosophers problem or the sleeping barber problem)

Questions about COM multithreading and STA / MTA

Hi I am a beginner in COM. I want to test a COM dll in both STA and MTA modes. My first question is: is it possible a COM object supports both STA and MTA?
Now I imagine the STA code snippet below:
// this is the main thread
CoInitializeEx(STA); // initialize COM in main thread
// start ThreadA
// this is secondary thread
m_IFoo->Buz(); // call m_IFoo's method directly
Will this code work? Am I missing any fundamental things? I know the main thread needs a window message loop to let calls from other threads be executed. Do I have to do anything about it?
Now I move on to test MTA. If I merely replace "STA" with "MTA" in the above code, will it work?
Another question is: As a thread with GUI must be STA, I cannot initialize and test MTA in a GUI thread?
Thanks in advance and sorry for me being naive on COM and threading.
Your code is not legal COM, because you are passing a pointer directly from one STA to another, which COM doesn't allow.
In COM, interface pointers have "apartment affinity", they can only be used within an apartment. To pass a pointer from one STA to another, or between STA and MTA, you have to 'marshal' the pointer to a safe representation, which is then unmarshaled by the receiving thread.
The simplest way to do this is using the Global Interface Table; you register the interface with it in one thread and get back a DWORD, which you then use in the other thread to get back a version of the interface that the other thread can use.
If both threads are MTA, you can avoid doing this. While STA are one-per-thread - each STA thread has its own aparment - the MTA is shared by all MTA threads. This means that MTA threads can pass COM pointers between themselves freely. (But they still need to marshal if passing pointers to or from STA threads.)
Generally speaking, you don't change code between STA or MTA, you usually decide this once at the outset. If the thread has UI, then it needs a message loop, and is usually STA. If there's no UI, you may decide to use MTA. But once you make that decision and write your code, it's rare to change to the other later, since picking one or the other has different requirements and assumptions that affect the code; change from STA to MTA or vice versa and you'd have to carefully review the code and see if things like pointer assignments needed to be changed.
Being able to switch from "MTA" to "STA" and consequences of such switch will depend on how the object is registered in system registry. In order for the object to "support" both cases without marshalling it has to have ThreadingModel set to Both.
Please see this great answer - Both means "either Free or Apartment depending on how the caller initializes COM". That's exactly what you want.
As to using the "STA" mode - yes, the tread object belongs to will have to run the message loop by calling GetMessage(), TranslateMesage() and DispatchMessage() in a loop. Anyway the objects methods won't be called directly from the second thread - they will go through the proxy. Please see this very good article for thorough explanation.

VC++ thread marshalling and COM : The application called an interface that was marshalled for a different thread

My VC++ 2005 Dialog based application initializes a COM object in the dialog class and uses it in the worker thread.
I called CoInitialize(NULL) At the start of the application and the at the start of the worker thread. But when a COM method is called the error "The application called an interface that was marshalled for a different thread" follows.
If I use CoInitializeEx(0,COINIT_MULTITHREADED) then I will get the same error message
Please help me in finding the root cause.
You created two single-threaded apartments by calling CoInitialize(NULL). An interface pointer must be marshaled from one apartment to the other before it is usable. Initializing the worker thread as MTA doesn't solve the problem. The original interface pointer was still created in a single-threaded apartment and is thus not thread-safe. In other words, you cannot call the interface methods directly from a thread. Those calls have to be marshaled to the thread that created the interface. Marshaling the interface pointer sets up the plumbing that makes that possible.
The only time you don't have to marshal is when both threads are MTA. That's almost never possible, your main thread must be STA if it creates any windows. And the COM server would actually have to be thread-safe, they very rarely are. They advertise what they need with the ThreadingModel key in the registry. COM will actually create an STA thread if necessary to find a good home for the server.
You must marshal the pointer with CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream() to avoid the error. That's a fairly unfriendly function, IGlobalInterfaceTable is easier to use. The COM server also has to support it, you typically need a proxy/stub DLL that takes care of the marshaling. You'll get E_NOINTERFACE if it doesn't.
Also beware the overhead, marshaling a call from the worker thread to the main thread is pretty expensive and subject to how responsive your main thread is. In other words, if you wrote the thread to speed up your program or to avoid blocking the user interface then this won't actually work. It is the 'there is no free lunch' principle.
Probably CoMarshalInterface() and CoUnMarshalInterface() are the simplest way to do this.
Look at You can download the code example and find different implementations of your requirements in Client.cpp.
I think one of the ways to access COM objects inside another thread would be to use Global Interface Pointers. After initialization,form the GIT pointer to the thread along with dwCookie value. Then inside the thread reinterpret-cast the pointer as a DWORD and pass it to the GI table to get our COM pointer.

Will this make the object thread-safe?

I have a native Visual C++ COM object and I need to make it completely thread-safe to be able to legally mark it as "free-threaded" in th system registry. Specifically I need to make sure that no more than one thread ever accesses any member variable of the object simultaneously.
The catch is I'm almost sure that no sane consumer of my COM object will ever try to simultaneously use the object from more than one thread. So I want the solution as simple as possible as long as it meets the requirement above.
Here's what I came up with. I add a mutex or critical section as a member variable of the object. Every COM-exposed method will acquire the mutex/section at the beginning and release before returning control.
I understand that this solution doesn't provide fine-grained access and this might slow execution down, but since I suppose simultaneous access will not really occur I don't care of this.
Will this solution suffice? Is there a simpler solution?
This solution should work, but I'd recommend mutexes over critical sections as they handle time-outs, which provide some level of fall back in case of deadlock. You also want to be very careful that a function locking a mutex does not call another function that has already locked the same mutex in the same thread. This shouldn't be a problem for your COM interface, so long as you don't add extra functionality on top of your mutex to the interface. You could hit issues if the COM includes call backs.
If you are certain that actual concurrent access is not going to happen in practice, then mutexing the entire execution is not an unreasonable approach.
