linux: getting umask of an already running process? - linux

How can I check the umask of a program which is currently running?
[update: another process, not the current process.]

You can attach gdb to a running process and then call umask in the debugger:
(gdb) attach <your pid>
(gdb) call umask(0)
[Switching to Thread -1217489200 (LWP 11037)]
$1 = 18 # this is the umask
(gdb) call umask(18) # reset umask
$2 = 0
(note: 18 corresponds to a umask of O22 in this example)
This suggests that there may be a really ugly way to get the umask using ptrace.

Beginning with Linux kernel 4.7, the umask is available in /proc/<pid>/status.

From the GNU C Library manual:
Here is an example showing how to read the mask with umask
without changing it permanently:
read_umask (void)
mode_t mask = umask (0);
umask (mask);
return mask;
However, it is better to use getumask if you just want to read
the mask value, because it is reentrant (at least if you use the
GNU operating system).
getumask is glibc-specific, though. So if you value portability, then the non-reentrant solution is the only one there is.
Edit: I've just grepped for ->umask all through the Linux source code. There is nowhere that will get you the umask of a different process. Also, there is no getumask; apparently that's a Hurd-only thing.

If you're the current process, you can write a file to /tmp and check its setting. A better solution is to call umask(3) passing zero - the function returns the setting prior to the call - and then reset it back by passing that value back into umask.
The umask for another process doesn't seem to be exposed.

A colleague just showed me this command line pattern for this. I always have emacs running, so that's in the example below. The perl is my contribution:
sudo gdb --pid=$(pgrep emacs) --batch -ex 'call/o umask(0)' -ex 'call umask($1)' 2> /dev/null | perl -ne 'print("$1\n")if(/^\$1 = (\d+)$/)'


Is seteuid a system call on Linux?

All of the literature that I have read so far on setuid talks about seteuid in a way that implies it is a system call. The section 2 man pages never say if a function is a system call or not, so seteuid(2) is no help. And if it isn't a system call, meaning the functionality is not provided by the kernel, then how can "set effective UID" be achieved?
The section 2 man pages are all system calls -- that's what section 2 is for. The section 3 man pages are all library calls, as that's what section 3 is for. See man(1) (the manual page for man itself) for the list of sections and what they are:
1 Executable programs or shell commands
2 System calls (functions provided by the kernel)
3 Library calls (functions within program libraries)
4 Special files (usually found in /dev)
5 File formats and conventions eg /etc/passwd
6 Games
7 Miscellaneous (including macro packages and conventions), e.g.
man(7), groff(7)
8 System administration commands (usually only for root)
9 Kernel routines [Non standard]
You can easily verify if it is a system call or if it is defined in libc by writing a little program and running strace on it. For example,
int main() {
gcc -o main main.c
-bash-4.2$ strace ./main 2>&1 | grep set
setresuid(-1, 1, -1) = -1 EPERM (Operation not permitted)
So in this case seteuid is implemented in libc. See here for implementation

bash script read pipe or argument

I want my script to read a string either from stdin , if it's piped, or from an argument. So first i want to check if some text is piped and if not it should use an argument as input. My code looks something like this:
value=$(cat) # read from stdin
if [ "$pipe" != "" ]; then #check if pipe is not empty
#Do something with pipe string
#Do something with argument string
The problem is when it's not piped, then the script will halt and wait for "ctrl d" and i dont want that. Any suggestions on how to solve this?
Thanks in advance.
What about checking the argument first?
if (($#)) ; then
process "$1"
cat | process
Or, just take advantage from the same behaviour of cat:
cat "$#" | process
If you only need to know if it's a pipe or a redirection, it should be sufficient to determine if stdin is a terminal or not:
if [ -t 0 ]; then
# stdin is a tty: process command line
# stdin is not a tty: process standard input
[ (aka test) with -t is equivalent to the libc isatty() function.
The above will work with both something | myscript and myscript < infile. This is the simplest solution, assuming your script is for interactive use.
The [ command is a builtin in bash and some other shells, and since [/test with -tis in POSIX, it's portable too (not relying on Linux, bash, or GNU utility features).
There's one edge case, test -t also returns false if the file descriptor is invalid, but it would take some slight adversity to arrange that. test -e will detect this, though assuming you have a filename such as /dev/stdin to use.
The POSIX tty command can also be used, and handles the adversity above. It will print the tty device name and return 0 if stdin is a terminal, and will print "not a tty" and return 1 in any other case:
if tty >/dev/null ; then
# stdin is a tty: process command line
# stdin is not a tty: process standard input
(with GNU tty, you can use tty -s for silent operation)
A less portable way, though certainly acceptable on a typical Linux, is to use GNU stat with its %F format specifier, this returns the text "character special file", "fifo" and "regular file" in the cases of terminal, pipe and redirection respectively. stat requires a filename, so you must provide a specially-named file of the form /dev/stdin, /dev/fd/0, or /proc/self/fd/0, and use -L to chase symlinks:
stat -L -c "%F" /dev/stdin
This is probably the best way to handle non-interactive use (since you can't make assumptions about terminals then), or to detect an actual pipe (FIFO) distinct from redirection.
There is a slight gotcha with %F in that you cannot use it to tell the difference between a terminal and certain other device files, for example /dev/zero or /dev/null which are also "character special files" and might reasonably appear. An unpretty solution is to use %t to report the underlying device type (major, in hex), assuming you know what the underlying tty device number ranges are... and that depends on whether you're using BSD style ptys or Unix98 ptys, or whether you're on the actual console, among other things. In the simple case %t will be 0 though for a pipe or a redirection of a normal (non-special) file.
More general solutions to this kind of problem are to use bash's read with a timeout (read -t 0 ...) or non-blocking I/O with GNU dd (dd iflag=nonblock).
The latter will allow you to detect lack of input on stdin, dd will return an exit code of 1 if there is nothing ready to read. However, these are more suitable for non-blocking polling loops, rather than a once-off check: there is a race condition when you start two or more processes in a pipeline as one may be ready to read before another has written.
It's easier to check for command line arguments first and fallback to stdin if no arguments. Shell Parameter Expansion is a nice shorthand instead of the if-else:
# do something with $value

Redirect stdout to fifo immediately

I have, for example, a c program that prints three lines, two seconds apart, that is:
printf("Wait 2 seconds...\n");
printf("Two more\n");
printf("Quitting in 2 seconds...\n");
I execute the program and redirect it to a pipe:
./printer > myPipe
On another terminal
cat < myPipe
The second terminal prints all at once, 6 seconds later! I would like it to print the available lines immediatly. How can i do it?
Obs: I can't change the source code. It's actually the output of a boardgame algorithm, i have to get it immediatly so that i can plug it into another algorithm, get the answer back and plug into the first one...
Change the program to this approach:
printf("Wait 2 seconds...\n");
fflush (stdout);
printf("Two more\n");
fflush (stdout);
printf("Quitting in 2 seconds...\n");
fflush (stdout);
If you can't change the program, there really is no way to affect the program's built-in buffering without hacking it.
If you can relink the program, you could substitute a printf() function which flushes after each call. Or changes the startup initialization of stdout to be unbuffered—or at least line buffered.
If you can't change the source, you might want to try some of the solutions to this related question:
bash: force exec'd process to have unbuffered stdout
Basically, you have to make the OS execute this program interactively.
I'm assuming that the actual source file is complete. If so, then you have to compile the source and run it to get it to do anything. Using cat will just print the contents of the file, not run it.
If it was written in bash then it would have to be set mode bit +x, which would then make it executable. Allowing you to run it from a terminal ./script
No need to worry about the syntax since you've stated it's not an option to change it and... It's correctly written in C.

on-the-fly output redirection, seeing the file redirection output while the program is still running

If I use a command like this one:
./program >> a.txt &
, and the program is a long running one then I can only see the output once the program ended. That means I have no way of knowing if the computation is going well until it actually stops computing. I want to be able to read the redirected output on file while the program is running.
This is similar to opening a file, appending to it, then closing it back after every writing. If the file is only closed at the end of the program then no data can be read on it until the program ends. The only redirection I know is similar to closing the file at the end of the program.
You can test it with this little python script. The language doesn't matter. Any program that writes to standard output has the same problem.
l = range(0,100000)
for i in l:
if i%1000==0:
print i
for j in l:
s = i + j
One can run this with:
./python >> a.txt &
Then cat a.txt .. you will only get results once the script is done computing.
From the stdout manual page:
The stream stderr is unbuffered.
The stream stdout is line-buffered
when it points to a terminal.
Partial lines will not appear until
fflush(3) or exit(3) is called, or
a new‐line is printed.
Bottom line: Unless the output is a terminal, your program will have its standard output in fully buffered mode by default. This essentially means that it will output data in large-ish blocks, rather than line-by-line, let alone character-by-character.
Ways to work around this:
Fix your program: If you need real-time output, you need to fix your program. In C you can use fflush(stdout) after each output statement, or setvbuf() to change the buffering mode of the standard output. For Python there is sys.stdout.flush() of even some of the suggestions here.
Use a utility that can record from a PTY, rather than outright stdout redirections. GNU Screen can do this for you:
screen -d -m -L python
would be a start. This will log the output of your program to a file called screenlog.0 (or similar) in your current directory with a default delay of 10 seconds, and you can use screen to connect to the session where your command is running to provide input or terminate it. The delay and the name of the logfile can be changed in a configuration file or manually once you connect to the background session.
On most Linux system there is a third workaround: You can use the LD_PRELOAD variable and a preloaded library to override select functions of the C library and use them to set the stdout buffering mode when those functions are called by your program. This method may work, but it has a number of disadvantages:
It won't work at all on static executables
It's fragile and rather ugly.
It won't work at all with SUID executables - the dynamic loader will refuse to read the LD_PRELOAD variable when loading such executables for security reasons.
It's fragile and rather ugly.
It requires that you find and override a library function that is called by your program after it initially sets the stdout buffering mode and preferably before any output. getenv() is a good choice for many programs, but not all. You may have to override common I/O functions such as printf() or fwrite() - if push comes to shove you may just have to override all functions that control the buffering mode and introduce a special condition for stdout.
It's fragile and rather ugly.
It's hard to ensure that there are no unwelcome side-effects. To do this right you'd have to ensure that only stdout is affected and that your overrides will not crash the rest of the program if e.g. stdout is closed.
Did I mention that it's fragile and rather ugly?
That said, the process it relatively simple. You put in a C file, e.g. linebufferedstdout.c the replacement functions:
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
char *getenv(const char *s) {
static char *(*getenv_real)(const char *s) = NULL;
if (getenv_real == NULL) {
getenv_real = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "getenv");
return getenv_real(s);
Then you compile that file as a shared object:
gcc -O2 -o -fpic -shared linebufferedstdout.c -ldl -lc
Then you set the LD_PRELOAD variable to load it along with your program:
$ LD_PRELOAD=./ python | tee -a test.out
If you are lucky, your problem will be solved with no unfortunate side-effects.
You can set the LD_PRELOAD library in the shell, if necessary, or even specify that library system-wide (definitely NOT recommended) in /etc/
If you're trying to modify the behavior of an existing program try stdbuf (part of coreutils starting with version 7.5 apparently).
This buffers stdout up to a line:
stdbuf -oL command > output
This disables stdout buffering altogether:
stdbuf -o0 command > output
Have you considered piping to tee?
./program | tee a.txt
However, even tee won't work if "program" doesn't write anything to stdout until it is done. So, the effectiveness depends a lot on how your program behaves.
If the program writes to a file, you can read it while it is being written using tail -f a.txt.
Your problem is that most programs check to see if the output is a terminal or not. If the output is a terminal then output is buffered one line at a time (so each line is output as it is generated) but if the output is not a terminal then the output is buffered in larger chunks (4096 bytes at a time is typical) This behaviour is normal behaviour in the C library (when using printf for example) and also in the C++ library (when using cout for example), so any program written in C or C++ will do this.
Most other scripting languages (like perl, python, etc.) are written in C or C++ and so they have exactly the same buffering behaviour.
The answer above (using LD_PRELOAD) can be made to work on perl or python scripts, since the interpreters are themselves written in C.
The unbuffer command from the expect package does exactly what you are looking for.
$ sudo apt-get install expect
$ unbuffer python | cat -
<watch output immediately show up here>

Compressing the core files during core generation

Is there way to compress the core files during core dump generation?
If the storage space is limited in the system, is there a way of conserving it in case of need for core dump generation with immediate compression?
Ideally the method would work on older versions of linux such as 2.6.x.
The Linux kernel /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern file will do what you want:
Set the filename to something like |/bin/gzip -1 > /var/crash/core-%t-%p-%u.gz and your core files should be saved compressed for you.
For an embedded Linux systems, following script change perfectly works to generate compressed core files in 2 steps
step 1: create a script
touch /bin/
chmod +x /bin/
cat > /bin/ #!/bin/sh exec /bin/gzip -f - >"/var/core/core-$1.$2.gz"
ctrl +d
step 2: update the core pattern file
cat > /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern |/bin/ %e %p ctrl+d
As suggested by other answer, the Linux kernel /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern file is good place to start:
As documentation says you can specify the special character "|" which will tell kernel to output the file to script. As suggested you could use |/bin/gzip -1 > /var/crash/core-%t-%p-%u.gz as name, however it doesn't seem to work for me. I expect that the reason is that on my system kernel doesn't treat the > character as a output, rather it probably passes it as a parameter to gzip.
In order to avoid this problem, like other suggested you can create your file in some location I am using /home//crash/, create it using the following command, replacing with your user. Alternatively you can also obviously change the entire path.
echo -e '#!/bin/bash\nexec /bin/gzip -f - >"/home/<username>/crashes/core-$1-$2-$3-$4-$5.gz"' > ~/crashes/
Now this script will take 5 input parameters and concatenate them and add to core-path. The full paths must be specified in the ~/crashes/ Also the location of this script can be specified. Now lets tell kernel to use tour executable with parameters when generating file:
sudo sysctl -w kernel.core_pattern="|/home/<username>/crashes/ %e %p %h %t"
Again should be replaced (or entire path to match location and name of script). Next step is to crash some program, lets create example crashing cpp file:
int main (){
int * a = nullptr;
int b = *a;
After compiling and running there are 2 options, either we will see:
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Segmentation fault
In case we see the latter, there are few possible reasons.
ulimit is not set, ulimit -c should specify what is limit for cores
apport or your distro core dump collector is not running, this should be investigated further
there is an error in script we wrote, I suggest than checking some basic dump path to check if the other things aren't reason the below should create /tmp/core.dump:
sudo sysctl -w kernel.core_pattern="/tmp/core.dump"
I know there is already an answer for this question however it wasn't obvious for me why it isn't working "out of the box" so I wanted to summarize my findings, hope it helps someone.
