SubSonic SubSonic.SqlQuery & Dates - subsonic

Does SubSonic.SqlQuery have a between/and for date ranges? If not, what would be the best way to get a range.

Try something like this:
SqlQuery query = new SqlQuery().From("Table")
.IsBetweenAnd("1/1/2008", "12/31/2008");
DataSet dataSet = query.ExecuteDataSet(); // Or whatever output you need

Another way to query with SubSonic.
TableCollection data = new TableCollection();
Query q = Table.CreateQuery()
.BETWEEN_AND("Column", "1/1/2008", "12/31/2008");
// loop through collection

Combined Northwind answer:
SqlQuery query = new SqlQuery().From("Orders")
.IsBetweenAnd("1996-07-02", "1996-07-08");
DataSet dataSet = query.ExecuteDataSet(); // Or whatever output you need
#region PresentResultsReplaceResponseWriteWithConsole.WriteLineForConsoleApp
DataTable dt = dataSet.Tables[0];
foreach ( DataRow dr in dt.Rows )
for (int i = 0; i < dt.Columns.Count; i++)
Response.Write(dr[i].ToString() + " ");
} //eof for
#endregion PresentResultsReplaceResponseWriteWithConsole.WriteLineForConsoleApp


How can I change the format of the ColumnField column headings in EPPlus?

I create a column field in EPPlus like so:
// Column field[s]
var monthYrColField = pivotTable.Fields["MonthYr"];
...that displays like so (the "201509" and "201510" columns):
I want those values to display instead as "Sep 15" and "Oct 15"
In Excel Interop it's done like this:
var monthField = pvt.PivotFields("MonthYr");
monthField.Orientation = XlPivotFieldOrientation.xlColumnField;
monthField.NumberFormat = "MMM yy";
...but in EPPlus the corresponding variable (monthYrColField) has no "NumberFormat" (or "Style") member.
I tried this:
pivotTableWorksheet.Column(2).Style.Numberformat.Format = "MMM yy";
...but, while it didn't complain or wreak havoc, also did not change the vals from "201509" and "201510"
How can I change the format of my ColumnField column headings in EPPlus from "untransformed" to "MMM yy" format?
As you can see by the comments, there are many things related to PivotTables which don't work or are hard to get to work in EPPlus; Excel Interop is a bear (and not a teddy or a Koala, but more like a grizzly) compared to EPPlus, but as to PivotTables, it seems that EPPlus is kind of half-baked to compared to Exterop's fried-to-a-crispness.
private void PopulatePivotTableSheet()
var dataRange = pivotDataWorksheet.Cells[pivotDataWorksheet.Dimension.Address];
var pivotTable = pivotTableWorksheet.PivotTables.Add(
pivotTable.MultipleFieldFilters = true;
pivotTable.GridDropZones = false;
pivotTable.Outline = false;
pivotTable.OutlineData = false;
pivotTable.ShowError = true;
pivotTable.ErrorCaption = "[error]";
pivotTable.ShowHeaders = true;
pivotTable.UseAutoFormatting = true;
pivotTable.ApplyWidthHeightFormats = true;
pivotTable.ShowDrill = true;
// Row field[s]
var descRowField = pivotTable.Fields["Description"];
// Column field[s]
var monthYrColField = pivotTable.Fields["MonthYr"];
// Data field[s]
var totQtyField = pivotTable.Fields["TotalQty"];
var totPriceField = pivotTable.Fields["TotalPrice"];
// Don't know how to calc these vals here, so had to put them on the data sheet
var avgPriceField = pivotTable.Fields["AvgPrice"];
var prcntgOfTotalField = pivotTable.Fields["PrcntgOfTotal"];
// TODO: Get the sorting (by sales, descending) working:
// These two lines don't seem that they would do so, but they do result in the items
// being sorted by (grand) total purchases descending
//var fld = ((PivotField)pvt.PivotFields("Description"));
//fld.AutoSort(2, "Total Purchases");
//int dataCnt = pivotTable.ra //DataBodyRange.Columns.Count + 1;
private void FormatPivotTable()
int HEADER_ROW = 7;
if (DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo != null)
pivotTableWorksheet.Column(2).Style.Numberformat.Format =
// Pivot Table Header Row - bold and increase height
using (var headerRowFirstCell = pivotTableWorksheet.Cells[HEADER_ROW, 1])
headerRowFirstCell.Style.VerticalAlignment = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;
headerRowFirstCell.Style.Font.Bold = true;
headerRowFirstCell.Style.Font.Size = 12;
pivotTableWorksheet.Row(HEADER_ROW).Height = 25;
// TODO: Why is the hiding not working?
You can use the build-in Date format YearMonthPattern. which would give september 2016 as format.
pivotTableWorksheet.Column(2).Style.Numberformat.Format = DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.YearMonthPattern;
If you really want MMM yy as pattern, you need to overwrite the culture format:
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("nl-NL")
DateTimeFormat = { YearMonthPattern = "MMM yy" }
pivotTableWorksheet.Column(2).Style.Numberformat.Format = DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.YearMonthPattern;
It doesn't seem that you can set the format on the field itself. You have to access through the pivot table object:
pivotTable.DataFields[0].Format = "MMM yy";
Any formatting applied to the underlying worksheet seems to be completely ignored.

How to Generate CheckBoxes checked inside a DataGridView dynamically in C#?

There is a DataGridView that has a CheckBox Column. I'm generating the other columns of DataGridView from a table. It's working fine but now I'm trying some checkboxes to be checked using this code but it is not working. The code looks like
string query = "SELECT ID, Group_Name+' '+Phone_No as Info FROM Group_Info";
GenerateGridView(dataGridView1, query);
DataTable dt = GetTableData("SELECT Group_ID FROM tblGenerate");
foreach(DataRow rw in dt.Rows )
foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dataGridView1.Rows)
DataGridViewCheckBoxCell chk = (DataGridViewCheckBoxCell)(row.Cells[0].Value );
if (Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells[1].Value) == Convert.ToInt32(rw["Group_ID"]))
chk.Value = chk.TrueValue;
How can we do this?
May you try this:
DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn chk = new DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn();
chk.HeaderText = "Check Data";
chk.Name = "chk";
dataGridView1.Rows[2].Cells[3].Value = true;

How to set Spinner selection by value, using CursorAdapter

I have a spinner I'm populating from the database. I want to choose which item from the list is selected by default. I need to find out what item in the list (CursorAdapter) has the value "Default Away" and set that to the selected value.
Spinner away_team_spinner = (Spinner)findViewById(;
DatabaseHelper db = new DatabaseHelper(this);
Cursor team_list = db.getTeams(p_game_level);
String[] team_name = new String[]{colTeamName};
int[] to = new int[]{};
SimpleCursorAdapter adapter =
new SimpleCursorAdapter(this, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, team_list, team_name, to );
adapter.setDropDownViewResource( android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item );
Log.i("NEW_GAME","Before set arrayadapter");
CursorAdapter adapter_choose = (CursorAdapter)away_team_spinner.getAdapter();
Log.i("NEW_GAME","Before set setSelection");
away_team_spinner.setSelection(adapter_choose.getPosition("Default Away"));
This is the "solution" I found by searching on this web site. However, I cannot use "getPosition" with CursorAdapter object. I tried ArrayAdapter, but then the line after "Before set arrayadapter" comment errors with "android.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter cannot be cast to android.widget.ArrayAdapter". What am I doing wrong? Thanks.
have you thought about running a for loop until you find the position then set the adapter position that way? ill draft up some code then test it, i'm doing something similar
and well this just did the trick, enjoy!
int cpos = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < simpleCursorAdapter.getCount(); i++){
String temp = cursor.getString((your column index, an int));
if ( temp.contentEquals(yourString)){
Log.d("TAG", "Found match");
cpos = i;

how create a excel file with multiple sheets using ExcelPackage

This source code:
using (ExcelPackage xlPackage = new ExcelPackage(newFile, template))
ExcelWorksheet worksheet = null;
foreach (DataTable dt in dsExcel.Tables)
worksheet = xlPackage.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(dt.TableName);
worksheet = xlPackage.Workbook.Worksheets[dt.TableName];
ExcelCell cell;
const int startRow = 9;
int row = startRow;
int col = 1;
foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
foreach (DataColumn dc in dt.Columns)
worksheet.Cell(row, col).Value = dr[dc].ToString();
col = 1;
I am getting error at i.e. object reference not set to an instance.
How to generate an excel file with multiplesheets using an excel template?
Looks like this is a bug, documented here. Unfortunately, it looks like the fix is to edit the source code of ExcelPackage itself.

problem in Retrieving rich text box sharepoint

I need to retrieve values from a rich text box from a list.My code till now is this..
ArrayList arCategory=new ArrayList();
SPList myList = myWeb.Lists["PList"];
SPQuery myQuery = new SPQuery();
myQuery.Query = "<OrderBy><FieldRef Name='ProgramID' Ascending="False"/></OrderBy>;
SPListItemCollection myItemCol = myList.GetItems(myQuery);
foreach (SPListItem myItem in myItemCol)
string strCatTxt = (string)myItem["Category"];-->
//Category is the multiline rich text column
for (int j = 0; j < arCategory.Count; j++)
Label lblCategory = new Label();
lblCategory.Text=arCategory[j].Tostring(); ---->Getting exception
The problem is not SharePoint here. In your code, you have lblCategory.Text=arCategory[j].Tostring();
If arCategory[j] is null, you get an exception when you call ToString() on it.
So basically you can fix it like this:
for (int j = 0; j < arCategory.Count; j++) {
if (arCategory[j]!=null){
Label lblCategory = new Label();
lblCategory.Text=arCategory[j].Tostring(); ---->Getting exception
Or, of course, you could add a <Where>... element in your query and read only values from the items which have Category different from null. This will also make your query execute faster!
