Using YUI and Prototype Together - yui

I want to add a calendar control to a page that already includes Prototype and Scriptaculous. Not happy with any of the Prototype ones I could find, I'm considring using the YUI Calendar widget.
I this likely to cause any problems?

We have worked hard to make sure that YUI is safe to use with any other library. We namespace everything, as HermanD says, under only one required global (YAHOO) and one optional one (YAHOO_config). We don't modify native objects. And even though Protoype does modify native prototypes, we code defensively so that this doesn't break YUI functionality.
If you find any bugs in using the two together, please let us know.
YUI Team

By default everything in YUI is within the YAHOO namespace, so as long as you sensibly apply namespaces to anything you use from YUI, I would have thought you should be ok.

I successfully used the YUI tab control in an app I was already using Prototype and Scriptaculous in and had no problem. The weight of all that is a bit much though if you're looking at a publicly available app. I wouldn't care so much about an internal app, say for a company, but you might want to think about how much JavaScript you're making end users download and the number of separate files they're having to download for the page.


Write custom grid layouts with extbase/fluid but without any extension like gridelements

I look for a tutorial, help or an example that tells me what I have to do to write a grid element like 2-colums in basic typo3 (v9) with fluid but no other extension like gridelements, DCE, Templa Voila, etc. I want the same gridelements can do but I dont want to be depended to this extention and move it in my own site extention.
I tried the same with normal content elements (CE) like here:
But how can I nest a CE in a CE? And how can I do this by drag&drop in the backend?
You can't. The page module doesn't support nesting
You can't nest CEs in a CE. On database level this would mean that you have to make a tt_content record a subrecord of a parent tt_content record. You run into several problems, basically the multilanguage support will be broken and the shortcut element does not function as you will expect it to. That is why the extensions "gridelements" and "mask" exist.
I integrated the gridelements configuration into my sitepackage. So I do not need to bother anymore with it.
Just for your info:
There is now an initiative that works on integrating this functionality into the core (Structured Content Initiative, Stay tuned to it.
There is nothing special about providing Gridelements via external files, since it's based on TSconfig, TypoScript and Fluid. That's why there is not that much about it in the documentation, since it's the same thing you would do with any other kind of sitepackage. The TSconfig and TypoScript parameters are already explained there, while the Fluid would be up to you anyway.
To have a kind of kickstarter just take any extensions providing Gridelements layouts as an example. A very popular one would be bootstrap_grids, which can be found in the TER or here:
You don't necessarily need the flexform controller of that extension, but the Configuration and Resources folders, show you how to configure stuff and you can see how that is included via ext_localconf.php
There are even comments i.e. in the TSconfig files to explain what is possible there and how to handle i.e. mixed environments with record and file based setups. Although it would be recommended to go for files.
You would at least have to add the necessary backend rendering methods to a draw item hook, that will modify the preview of the container element.
So basically you would have to rewrite everything that DCE, Flux, Gridelements or other similar extensions already do.
Which brings us to the question, why you want to avoid those extensions, since especially those three are well known, widely spread, well supported and available for currently supported TYPO3 versions.

Adding new section in control panel of Liferay

I want to add a new section in control panel of liferay and within that section I want to have my custom-portlet. I did it using ext. However I want to do it with hook . Is it possible ?
I don't think it would be that easy with a hook, because of the following reasons:
You can't modify in a Hook - the class com.liferay.portal.util.PortletCategoryKeys which contains the keys for displaying the different sections. The different sections are hard-coded in this class in a String array ALL.
You can't modify the logic of PortalImpl#isControlPanelPortlet() which uses the PortletCategoryKeys#ALL to determine if the request in question is for a control panel portlet.
Then you also have another method which you can't modify with a Hook and is used extensively PortalImpl#getControlPanelCategory()
Doing it with a hook:
I have not tried this but I think if you need to do it with a hook you would have to change all those JSPs which make use of PortletCategoryKeys#ALL and the methods of PortalImpl as stated above, and provide your custom implementation for all these methods in the JSP.
I would really like to know how you implemented it with an EXT may be just the steps or the methods you have overridden. So that I can try to convert those in terms of a hook.
This is as far as my understanding goes. Hope this helps.
With the advent of Marketplace, ControlPanel has a new category named "Marketplace" and that section is introduced in a plugin. However, I never checked if 6.1 GA2 introduced a new section that this plugin just fills. Check the marketplace plugin if you can find a trace of this section implemented there.
On the other hand, nobody has yet named any section that definitely required a new section (though some have asked me how to solve the same problem). For this reason, you might want to re-think the requirement and choose one of the existing sections. If you don't, at least I'd be interested in the name and purpose of the new section - I might find a first one actually justifying this kind of implementation...

ExpressionEngine file manager - default to thumbnail view

At the moment when you go to select an image inside an entry using the EE default file manager, the default view is 'show files as a list'.
Is there a way to show the thumbnail view as the default?
At this point I would be happy with a core hack.
I don't usually use the file manager for sites (much prefer Assets) but this client had a tight budget
I've wondered about doing this in the past as well - turns out it's pretty simple. Open up ee_filebrowser.js and search for the first instance of a("#dir_choice").val(). Immediately after that add this:
; a("#view_type").val('thumb').change();
Make sure you include the leading ;.
I've only tested this in Safari but I can't see why it wouldn't work everywhere. Incidentally, JS beautifier makes this sort of thing infinitely easier.
I don't recommend hacking core for any reason and I suggest it should be avoided at all cost.
With that said, I will provide what I've found out just the same.
Looks like the following files, in EE 2.5.3, are what you'd want to edit:
I found these doing a file search in my text editor for view_type which was from the id of that dropdown. The javascript is minified so you'd probably want to un-minify it and then rewrite the part which handles the switch. I'm not the best JS/jQuery person out there, and un-minified js makes it a bit harder too so, I won't offer any more than what I've found so far.
Consider pulling out the parts parts from the two files if you aren't great with js and maybe start a new post tagged accordingly.
Also note: there might be more to this than just those two files so consider this answer a start and nothing more.

drupal breadcrumb experience

I was wondering what people are using for generating breadcrumbs in drupal. I've seen various modules and was wondering which ones people have had success with.
Thanks for any thoughts.
Bad news from me: personally I always custom-write breadcrumb code because every professional job I do has different requirements and no generic breadcrumb module can do it all.
I used to create a hook_preprocess_page function then issued my own hook to see if any module would like to rebuild the breadcrumbs - I do it this way so that, for instance, if I have a specialised node I can put the breadcrumb-building code for that node type into its support module (and not try to cram it all into one ever-expanding function - it's the Drupal Way).
Nowadays I use ctools plugins instead of a module hook in the hook_preprocess_page since you can do additional clever stuff.
(If using Panels you'd have to create a new breadcrumb panel pane and work from there. Word to the wise: Panels destroys $_GET['q'] which can make it harder to build breadcrumbs in some situations.)

Accessing YUI RichTextEditor node

I'm inserting images to editor with id param. after that i'm trying to access it with Dom.get('id'), but it returns null.
I understand that it returns null because it works under parent window's scope. Is there any standard way to access it?
For specialized YUI-related questions, and especially if you don't get the answer you're looking for on StackOverflow, you may want to post to -- the YUI devs and many YUI specialists spend time there, and that's typically the best place to get YUI-related help.
