Is there any advantage of being a case-sensitive programming language? [duplicate] - programming-languages

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Closed 14 years ago.
I personally do not like programming languages being case sensitive.
(I know that the disadvantages of case sensitivity are now-a-days complemented by good IDEs)
Still I would like to know whether there are any advantages for a programming language if it is case sensitive. Is there any reason why designers of many popular languages chose to make them case sensitive?
EDIT: duplicate of Why are many languages case sensitive?
EDIT: (I cannot believe I asked this question a few years ago)

This is a preference. I prefer case sensitivity, I find it easier to read code this way. For instance, the variable name "myVariable" has a different word shape than "MyVariable," "MYVARIABLE," and "myvariable." This makes it more straightforward at a glance to tell the two identifiers apart. Of course, you should not or very rarely create identifiers that differ only in case. This is more about consistency than the obvious "benefit" of increasing the number of possible identifiers. Some people think this is a disadvantage. I can't think of any time in which case sensitivity gave me any problems. But again, this is a preference.

Case-sensitivity is inherently faster to parse (albeit only slightly) since it can compare character sequences directly without having to figure out which characters are equivalent to each other.

It allows the implementer of a class/library to control how casing is used in the code. Case may also be used to convey meaning.

The code looks more the same. In the days of BASIC these were equivalent:
Print MyVar
print myvar

With type checking, case sensitivity prevents you from having a misspelling and unrecognized variable. I have fixed bugs in code that is a case insensitive, non typed language (FORTRAN77), where the zero (0) and capital letter O looked the same in the editor. The language created a new object and so the output was flawed. With a case sensitive, typed language, this would not have happened.

In the compiler or interpreter, a case-insensitive language is going to have to make everything upper or lowercase to test for matches, or otherwise use a case insensitive matching tool, but that's only a small amount of extra work for the compiler.
Plus case-sensitive code allows certain patterns of declarations such as
MyClassName myClassName = new MyClassName()
and other situations where case sensitivity is nice.


Does Lisp's treatment of code as data make it more vulnerable to security exploits than a language that doesn't treat code as data? [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 1 year ago.
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I know that this might be a stupid question but I was curious.
Since Lisp treats code and data the same, does this mean that it's easier to write a payload and pass it as "innocent" data that can be used to exploit programs? In comparison to languages that don't do so?
For e.g. In python you can do something like this.
malicious_str = "print('this is a malicious string')"
user_in = eval(malicious_str)
>>> this is a malicious string
P.S I have just started learning Lisp.
No, I don't think it does. In fact because of what is normally meant by 'code is data' in Lisp, it is potentially less vulnerable than some other languages.
[Note: this answer is really about Common Lisp: see the end for a note about that.]
There are two senses in which 'code can be data' in a language.
Turning objects into executable code: eval & friends
This is the first sense. What this means is that you can, say, take a string or some other object (not all types of object, obviously) and say 'turn this into something I can execute, and do that'.
Any language that can do this has either
to be extremely careful about doing this on unconstrained data;
or to be able to be certain that a given program does not actually do this.
Plenty of languages have equivalents of eval and its relations, so plenty of languages have this problem. You give an example of Python for instance, which is a good one, and there are probably other examples in Python (I've written programs even in Python 2 which supported dynamic loading of modules at runtime, which executes potentially arbitrary code, and I think this stuff is much better integrated in Python 3).
This is also not just a property of a language: it's a property of a system. C can't do this, right? Well, yes it can if you're on any kind of reasonable *nixy platform. Not only can you use an exec-family function, but you can probably dynamically load a shared library and execute code in it.
So one solution to this problem is to, somehow, be able to be certain that a given program doesn't do this. One thing that helps is if there are a finite, known number of ways of doing it. In Common Lisp I think those are probably
eval of course;
unconstrained read (because of *read-eval*);
and probably some others that I have forgotten.
Well, can you detect calls to those, statically, in a program? Not really: consider this:
(funcall (symbol-function (find-symbol s)) ...)
and now you're in trouble unless you have very good control over what s is: it might be "EVAL" for instance.
So that's frightening, but I don't think it's more frightening than what Python can do, for instance (almost certainly you can poke around in the namespace to find eval or something?). And something like that in a program ought to be a really big hint that bad things might happen.
I think there are probably two approaches to this, neither of which CL adopts but which implementations could (and perhaps even programs written in CL could).
One would be to be able to run programs in such a way that the finite set of bad functions above simply are disallowed: they'd signal errors if you tried to call them. An implementation could clearly do that (see below).
The other would be to have something like Perl's 'tainting' where data which came from a user needs to be explicitly looked-at by the program somehow before it's used. That doesn't guarantee safety of course, but it does make it harder to make silly mistakes: if s above came from user input and was thus tainted you'd have to explicitly say 'it's OK to use it' and, well, then it's up to you.
So this is a problem, but I don't think it's worse than the problems that very many other languages (and language-families) have.
An example of an implementation that can address the first approach is LispWorks: if you're building an application with LW, you typically create the binary with a function called deliver, which has options which allow you to remove the definitions of functions from the resulting binary whether or not the delivery process would otherwise leave them there. So, for instance
(deliver 'foo "x" 5
:functions-to-remove '(eval load compile compile-file read))
would result in an executable x which, whatever else it did, couldn't call those functions, because they're not present, at all.
Other implementations probably have similar features: I just don't know them as well.
But there's another sense in which 'code is data' in Lisp.
Program source code is available as structured data
This is the sense that people probably really mean when they say 'code is data' in Lisp, even if they don't know that. It's worth looking at your Python example again:
>>> eval("exit('exploded')")
So what eval eats is a string: a completely unstructured vector of characters. If you want to know whether that string contains something nasty, well, you've got a lot of work ahead of you (disclaimer: see below).
Compare this with CL:
> (let ((trying-to-be-bad "(end-the-world :now t)"))
(eval trying-to-be-bad))
"(end-the-world :now t)"
OK, so that clearly didn't end the world. And it didn't end the world because eval evaluates a bit of Lisp source code, and the value of a string, as source code, is the string.
If I want to do something nasty I have to hand it an actual interesting structure:
> (let ((actually-bad '(eval (progn
(format *query-io* "? ")
(finish-output *query-io*)
(read *query-io*)))))
(eval actually-bad))
? (defun foo () (foo))
Now that's potentially quite nasty in at least several ways. But wait: in order to do this nasty thing, I had to hand eval a chunk of source code represented as an s-expression. And the structure of that s-expression is completely open to inspection by me. I can write a program which inspects this s-expression in any arbitrary way I like, and decides whether or not it is acceptable to me. That's just hugely easier than 'given this string, interpret it as a piece of source text for the language and tell me if it is dangerous':
the process of turning the sequence of characters into an s-expression has happened already;
the structure of s-expressions is both simple and standard.
So in this sense of 'code is data', Lisp is potentially much safer than other languages which have versions of eval which eat strings, like Python, say, because code is structured, standard, simple data. Lisp has an answer to the terrible 'language in a string' problem.
I am fairly sure that Python does in fact have some approach to making the parse tree available in a standard way which can be inspected. But eval still happily eats strings.
As I said above, this answer is about Common Lisp. But there are many other Lisps of course, which will have varying versions of this problem. Racket for instance probably can really fairly tightly constrain things, using sandboxed execution and modules, although I haven't explored this.
Any language can be exploited if you are not careful.
A well-known attack against Lisp is via the #. reader macro:
(read-from-string "#.(start-the-war)")
will start the war if *read-eval* is non-nil - this is why one should always bind it when reading from an un-trusted stream.
However, this is not directly related to "code is data" doctrine...

How does flexibility affect a language's syntax?

I am currently working on writing my own language(shameless plug), which is centered around flexibility. I am trying to make almost any part of the language syntax exchangeable through things like extensions/plugins. While writing the whole thing, it has got me thinking. I am wondering how that sort of flexibility could affect the language.
I know that Lisp is often referred to as one of the most extensible languages due to its extensive macro system. I do understand that concept of macros, but I am yet to find a language that allows someone to change the way it is parsed. To my knowledge, almost every language has an extremely concrete syntax as defined by some long specification.
My question is how could having a flexible syntax affect the intuitiveness and usability of the language? I know the basic "people might be confused when the syntax changes" and "semantic analysis will be hard". Those are things that I am already starting to compensate for. I am looking for a more conceptual answer on the pros and cons of having a flexible syntax.
The topic of language design is still quite foreign to me, so I apologize if I am asking an obvious or otherwise stupid question!
I was just wanting to clarify the question I was asking. Where exactly does flexibility in a language's syntax stand, in terms of language theory? I don't really need examples or projects/languages with flexibility, I want to understand how it can affect the language's readability, functionality, and other things like that.
Perl is the most flexible language I know. That a look at Moose, a postmodern object system for Perl 5. It's syntax is very different than Perl's but it is still very Perl-ish.
IMO, the biggest problem with flexibility is precedence in infix notation. But none I know of allow a datatype to have its own infix syntax. For example, take sets. It would be nice to use ⊂ and ⊇ in their syntax. But not only would a compiler have to recognize these symbols, it would have to be told their order of precedence.
Common Lisp allows to change the way it's parsed - see reader macros. Racket allows to modify its parser, see racket languages.
And of course you can have a flexible, dynamically extensible parsing alongside with powerful macros if you use the right parsing techniques (e.g., PEG). Have a look at an example here - mostly a C syntax, but extensible with both syntax and semantic macros.
As for precedence, PEG goes really well together with Pratt.
To answer your updated question - there is surprisingly little research done on programming languages readability anyway. You may want to have a look at what Dr. Blackwell group was up to, but it's still far from conclusive.
So I can only share my hand-wavy anecdotes - flexible syntax languages facilitates eDSL construction, and, in my opinion, eDSLs is the only way to eliminate unnecessary complexity from code, to make code actually maintainable in a long term. I believe that non-flexible languages are one of the biggest mistakes made by this industry, and it must be corrected at all costs, ASAP.
Flexibility allows you to manipulate the syntax of the language. For example, Lisp Macros can enable you to write programs that write programs and manipulate your syntax at compile-time to valid Lisp expressions. For example the Loop Macro:
(loop for x from 1 to 5
do(format t "~A~%" x))
And we can see how the code was translated with macroexpand-1:
(pprint(macroexpand-1 '(loop for x from 1 to 5
do (format t "~a~%" x))))
We can then see how a call to that macro is translated:
(LET ((X 1))
(FORMAT T "~a~%" X)
Language Flexibility just allows you to create your own embedded language within a language and reduce the length of your program in terms of characters used. So in theory, this can make a language very unreadable since we can manipulate the syntax. For example we can create invalid code that's translated to valid code:
(defmacro backwards (expr)
(reverse expr))
CL-USER> (backwards ("hello world" nil format))
"hello world"
Clearly the above code can become complex since:
("hello world" nil format)
is not a valid Lisp expression.
Thanks to SK-logic's answer for pointing me in the direction of Alan Blackwell. I sent him an email asking his stance on the matter, and he responded with an absolutely wonderful explanation. Here it is:
So the person who responded to your StackOverflow question, saying
that flexible syntax could be useful for DSLs, is certainly correct.
It actually used to be fairly common to use the C preprocessor to
create alternative syntax (that would be turned into regular syntax in
an initial compile phase). A lot of the early esolangs were built this
In practice, I think we would have to say that a lot of DSLs are
implemented as libraries within regular programming languages, and
that the library design is far more significant than the syntax. There
may be more purpose for having variety in visual languages, but making
customisable general purpose compilers for arbitrary graphical syntax
is really hard - much worse than changing text syntax features.
There may well be interesting things that your design could enable, so
I wouldn’t discourage experimentation. However, I think there is one reason why
customisable syntax is not so common. This is related to the famous
programmer’s editor EMACS. In EMACS, everything is customisable - all
key bindings, and all editor functions. It’s fun to play with, and
back in the day, many of us made our own personalised version that
only we knew how to operate. But it turned out that it was a real
hassle that everyone’s editor worked completely differently. You could
never lean over and make suggestions on another person’s session, and
teams always had to know who was logged in order to know whether the
editor would work. So it turned out that, over the years, we all just
started to use the default distribution and key bindings, which made
things easier for everyone.
At this point in time, that is just about enough of an explanation that I was looking for. If anyone feels as though they have a better explanation or something to add, feel free to contact me.

Does case sensitivity have anything to do with strongly typed languages (or loosely typed languages)?

(I admit this may be a n00b question - I know very little about CS theory, mostly a hands-on/hobby sort.)
I was googling up strongly-typed language for the official definition, and one of the top links I found was from Yahoo Answers, which suggested that case sensitive was a part of whether a language is loosely/strongly typed.
I had always thought the simple answer to the difference between a strongly typed/weakly typed language is that the first requires explicit type declarations, while the later is more open, even "dynamic".
The two S/O threads (here and here) I found so far seem to suggest that (more or less), but they don't mention anything about case sensitivity. Is there a relation at all between case sensitive and strong/weak?
A couple of clarifications:
Case sensitivity has nothing to do with strong vs. weak typing, static vs. dynamic typing or any other property of the type system. I don't know why the answer on yahoo answers has gotten its one upvote, but it's completely wrong. Just ignore it.
Strong typing isn't a well-defined term, but it is often used to refer to languages with few implicit type conversions, i.e. languages where it is an error to perform operations on types that do not support that operation.
As an example multiplying the strings "foo" and "bar" gives 0 as the result in perl, while it causes a type error in ruby, python, java, haskell, ml and many other languages. Thus those languages are more strongly typed than perl.
Strong typing is also sometimes used as a synonym for static typing.
A statically typed language is a language in which the types of variables, functions and expressions are known at compile time (or before runtime anyway - a statically typed language need not be compiled per se, though in practice it usually is). This means that if a statically typed program contains a type error, it will not run. If a dynamically typed program contains a type error it will run up to the point where the error happens and then crash.
Whether a language requires type annotations is (somewhat) independent of whether its type system is strong or weak or static or dynamic. In theory a dynamically typed language could require (or at least allow) type annotations and then throw runtime errors when those annotations are broken (though I don't know of any dynamically that actually does this).
More importantly there are many statically and strongly typed languages (e.g. Haskell, ML) that don't require type annotations, but instead use type inference algorithms to infer the types.
In theory, case sensitivity is completely unrelated to type strictness. Case sensitivity is about whether the identifiers foo, FOO, and fOo refer to the same variable, function, or what-have-you. Type strictness is about whether variables have types or just values do, how easy it is to convert among types, and so on.
In practice, there might be a correlation between case sensitivity and type strictness, but I can't think of enough case-insensitive languages right now to make an assessment. My impression is that most languages commonly used today are case sensitive — possibly because C was case sensitive and very influential, possibly because it was the only way to force people to stop PROGRAMMING IN ALL CAPS after a couple decades of FORTRAN, COBOL, and BASIC.
No - they're not connected. Strongly type languages force you to specify the type of data that a variable may hold - such as a real number, an integer, a textual string, or some programmer-defined object. You they can't accidentally assign another type of data into that variable unless it is implicitly convertible: examples of this are that you can generally put a integer into a real number (i.e. double x = 3.14; x = 3; is ok but int x = 3; x = 3.14; might not be, depending on how strongly typed the langauge is). Weakly typed languages just store whatever they're asked to without doing these sanity checks. In strongly typed languages like C++, you can still create type that can store data that can be any of a specific set of types (e.g. C++'s boost::variant), but sometimes they're a bit more limited in how much you can do and how convenient it is to use.
Case sensitivity is means that the uppercase and lowercase versions of the same letter are considered equivalent for some purposes... normally in a string comparison or regular expression match. It is unusual but not unheard of for modern computer languages to ignore the case of letters in variable names (identifiers).

Why don't popular programming languages use some other character to delimit strings? [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 13 years ago.
Every programming language I know (Perl, Javascript, PHP, Python, ASP, ActionScript, Commodore Basic) uses single and double quotes to delimit strings.
This creates the ongoing situation of having to go to great lengths to treat quotes correctly, since the quote is extremely common in the contents of strings.
Why do programming languages not use some other character to delimit strings, one that is not used in normal conversation \, | or { } for example) so we can just get on with our lives?
Is this true, or am I overlooking something? Is there an easy way to stop using quotes for strings in a modern programming language?
print <<<END
I know about here document syntax, but for minor string manipulation it's overly complicated and it complicates formatting.
[UPDATE] Many of you made a good point about the importance of using only ASCII characters. I have updated the examples to reflect that (the backslash, the pipe and braces).
Perl lets you use whatever characters you like
"foo $bar" eq
qq(foo $bar) eq
qq[foo $bar] eq
qq!foo $bar! eq
qq#foo $bar# etc
'foo $bar' eq
q(foo $bar) eq
q[foo $bar] eq
q!foo $bar! eq
q#foo $bar# etc
The syntax extends to other features, including regular expressions, which is handy if you are dealing with URIs.
"" =~ /\/foo/[^\/]+\/baz\//;
"" =~ m!/foo/[^/]+/baz/!;
Current: "Typewriter" 'quotation' marks
There are many good reasons for using the quotation marks we are currently using:
Quotes are easily found on keyboards - so they are easy to type, and they have to be easy, because strings are needed so often.
Quotes are in ASCII - most programming tools only handle well ASCII. You can use ASCII in almost any environment imaginable. And that's important when you are fixing your program over a telnet connection in some far-far-away server.
Quotes come in many versions - single quotes, double quotes, back quotes. So a language can assign different meanings for differently quoted strings. These different quotes can also solve the 'quotes "inside" quotes' problem.
Quotes are natural - English used quotes for marking up text passages long before programming languages followed. In linguistics quotes are used in quite the same way as in programming languages. Quotes are natural the same way + and - are natural for addition and substraction.
Alternative: “typographically” ‘correct’ quotes
Technically they are superior. One great advantage is that you can easily differenciate between opening and closing quotes. But they are hard to type and they are not in ASCII. (I had to put them into a headline to make them visible in this StackOverflow font at all.)
Hopefully on one day when ASCII is something that only historians care about and keyboards have changed into something totally different (if we are even going to have keyboards at all), there will come a programming language that uses better quotes...
Python does have an alternative string delimiter with the triple-double quote """Some String""".
Single quotes and double quotes are used in the majority of languages since that is the standard delimiter in most written languages.
Languages (should) try to be as simple to understand as possible, and using something different from quotes to deal with strings introduces unnecessary complexity.
Python has an additional string type, using triple double-quotes,
"""like this"""
In addition to this, Perl allows you to use any delimiter you want,
q^ like this ^
I think for the most part, the regular string delimiters are used because they make sense. A string is wrapped in quotes. In addition to this, most developers are used to using their common-sense when it comes to strings that drastically altering the way strings are presented could be a difficult learning curve.
Using quotation marks to define a set of characters as separate from the enclosing text is more natural to us, and thus easier to read. Also, " and ' are on the keyboard, while those other characters you mentioned are not, so it's easier to type. It may be possible to use a character that is widely available on keyboards, but I can't think of one that won't have the same kind of problem.
E: I missed the pipe character, which may actually be a viable alternative. Except that it's currently widely used as the OR operator, and the readability issue still stands.
Ah, so you want old-fashioned FORTRAN, where you'd quote by counting the number of characters in the string and embedding it in a H format, such as: 13HHello, World!. As somebody who did a few things with FORTRAN back in the days when the language name was all caps, quotation marks and escaping them are a Good Thing. (For example, you aren't totally screwed if you are off by one in your manual character count.)
Seriously, there is no ideal solution. It will always be necessary, at some point, to have a string containing whatever quote character you like. For practical purposes, the quote delimiters need to be on the keyboard and easily accessible, since they're heavily used. Perl's q#...# syntax will fail if a string contains an example of each possible character. FORTRAN's Hollerith constants are even worse.
Because those other characters you listed aren't ASCII. I'm not sure that we are ready for, or need a programming language in unicode...
EDIT: As to why not use {}, | or \, well those symbols all already have meanings in most languages. Imagine C or Perl with two different meanings for '{' and '}'!
| means or, and in some languages concatenate strings already. and how would you get \n if \ was the delimiter?
Fundamentally, I really don't see why this is a problem. Is \" really THAT hard? I mean, in C, you often have to use \%, and \ and several other two-character characters so... Meh.
Because no one has created a language using some other character that has gotten popular.
I think that is largely because the demand for changing the character is just not there, most programmers are used to the standard quote and see no compelling reason to change the status quo.
Compare the following.
print "This is a simple string."
print "This \"is not\" a simple string."
print ¤This is a simple string.¤
print ¤This "is not" a simple string.¤
I for one don't really feel like the second is any easier or more readable.
You say "having to go to great lengths to treat quotes correctly"; but it's only in the text representation. All modern languages treat strings as binary blocks, so they really don't care about the content. Remember that the text representation is only a simple way for the programmer to tell the system what to do. Once the string is interned, it doesn't have any trouble managing the quotes.
One good reason would probably be that if this is the only thing you want to improve on an existing language, you're not really creating a new language.
And if you're creating a new language, picking the right character for the string quotes is probably way way WAY down on the todo list of things to actually implement.
You would probably be best off picking a delimiter that exists on all common keyboards and terminal representation sets, so most of the ones you suggest are right out...
And in any case, a quoting mechanism will still be gain a reduction in the number of times you use quoting at the cost of making the language harder for non-specialist to read.
So it is not entirely clear that this is a win, and then there is force of habit.
Ada doesn't use single quotes for strings. Those are only for chars, and don't have to be escaped inside strings.
I find it very rare that the double-quote character comes up in a normal text string that I enter into a computer program. When it does, it is almost always because I am passing that string to a command interpreter, and need to embed another string in it.
I would imagine the main reason none of those other characters are used for string delimiters is that they aren't in the original 7-bit ASCII code table. Perhaps that's not a good excuse these days, but in a world where most language designers are afraid to buck the insanely crappy C syntax, you aren't going to get a lot of takers for an unusual string delimiter choice.
Python allows you to mix single and double quotes to put quotation marks in strings.
print "Please welcome Mr Jim 'Beaner' Wilson."
>>> Please welcome Mr Jim 'Beaner' Wilson.
print 'Please welcome Mr Jim "Beaner" Wilson.'
>>> Please welcome Mr Jim "Beaner" Wilson
You can also used the previously mentioned triple quotes. These also extend across multiple lines to allow you to also keep from having to print newlines.
print """Please welcome Mr Jim "Beaner" Wilson."""
>>> Please welcome Mr Jim "Beaner" Wilson
Finally, you can print strings the same way as everyone else.
print "Please welcome Mr Jim \"Beaner\" Wilson."
>>> Please welcome Mr Jim "Beaner" Wilson

When to use If-else if-else over switch statements and vice versa [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Advantage of switch over if-else statement
(23 answers)
Eliminating `switch` statements [closed]
(23 answers)
Is there any significant difference between using if/else and switch-case in C#?
(21 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
Why you would want to use a switch block over a series of if statements?
switch statements seem to do the same thing but take longer to type.
As with most things you should pick which to use based on the context and what is conceptually the correct way to go. A switch is really saying "pick one of these based on this variables value" but an if statement is just a series of boolean checks.
As an example, if you were doing:
int value = // some value
if (value == 1) {
} else if (value == 2) {
} else {
This would be much better represented as a switch as it then makes it immediately obviously that the choice of action is occurring based on the value of "value" and not some arbitrary test.
Also, if you find yourself writing switches and if-elses and using an OO language you should be considering getting rid of them and using polymorphism to achieve the same result if possible.
Finally, regarding switch taking longer to type, I can't remember who said it but I did once read someone ask "is your typing speed really the thing that affects how quickly you code?" (paraphrased)
If you are switching on the value of a single variable then I'd use a switch every time, it's what the construct was made for.
Otherwise, stick with multiple if-else statements.
concerning Readability:
I typically prefer if/else constructs over switch statements, especially in languages that allows fall-through cases. What I've found, often, is as the projects age, and multiple developers gets involved, you'll start having trouble with the construction of a switch statement.
If they (the statements) become anything more than simple, many programmers become lazy and instead of reading the entire statement to understand it, they'll simply pop in a case to cover whatever case they're adding into the statement.
I've seen many cases where code repeats in a switch statement because a person's test was already covered, a simple fall-though case would have sufficed, but laziness forced them to add the redundant code at the end instead of trying to understand the switch. I've also seen some nightmarish switch statements with many cases that were poorly constructed, and simply trying to follow all the logic, with many fall-through cases dispersed throughout, and many cases which weren't, becomes difficult ... which kind of leads to the first/redundancy problem I talked about.
Theoretically, the same problem could exist with if/else constructs, but in practice this just doesn't seem to happen as often. Maybe (just a guess) programmers are forced to read a bit more carefully because you need to understand the, often, more complex conditions being tested within the if/else construct? If you're writing something simple that you know others are likely to never touch, and you can construct it well, then I guess it's a toss-up. In that case, whatever is more readable and feels best to you is probably the right answer because you're likely to be sustaining that code.
concerning Speed:
Switch statements often perform faster than if-else constructs (but not always). Since the possible values of a switch statement are laid out beforehand, compilers are able to optimize performance by constructing jump tables. Each condition doesn't have to be tested as in an if/else construct (well, until you find the right one, anyway).
However this isn't always the case, though. If you have a simple switch, say, with possible values of 1 to 10, this will be the case. The more values you add requires the jump tables to be larger and the switch becomes less efficient (not than an if/else, but less efficient than the comparatively simple switch statement). Also, if the values are highly variant ( i.e. instead of 1 to 10, you have 10 possible values of, say, 1, 1000, 10000, 100000, and so on to 100000000000), the switch is less efficient than in the simpler case.
Hope this helps.
Switch statements are far easier to read and maintain, hands down. And are usually faster and less error prone.
Use switch every time you have more than 2 conditions on a single variable, take weekdays for example, if you have a different action for every weekday you should use a switch.
Other situations (multiple variables or complex if clauses you should Ifs, but there isn't a rule on where to use each.
I personally prefer to see switch statements over too many nested if-elses because they can be much easier to read. Switches are also better in readability terms for showing a state.
See also the comment in this post regarding pacman ifs.
This depends very much on the specific case. Preferably, I think one should use the switch over the if-else if there are many nested if-elses.
The question is how much is many?
Yesterday I was asking myself the same question:
public enum ProgramType {
if (progType == OLD) {
// ...
} else if (progType == NEW) {
// ...
if (progType == OLD) {
// ...
} else {
// ...
switch (progType) {
case OLD:
// ...
case NEW:
// ...
In this case, the 1st if has an unnecessary second test. The 2nd feels a little bad because it hides the NEW.
I ended up choosing the switch because it just reads better.
I have often thought that using elseif and dropping through case instances (where the language permits) are code odours, if not smells.
For myself, I have normally found that nested (if/then/else)s usually reflect things better than elseifs, and that for mutually exclusive cases (often where one combination of attributes takes precedence over another), case or something similar is clearer to read two years later.
I think the select statement used by Rexx is a particularly good example of how to do "Case" well (no drop-throughs) (silly example):
When (Vehicle ¬= "Car") Then
Name = "Red Bus"
When (Colour == "Red") Then
Name = "Ferrari"
Name = "Plain old other car"
Oh, and if the optimisation isn't up to it, get a new compiler or language...
The tendency to avoid stuff because it takes longer to type is a bad thing, try to root it out. That said, overly verbose things are also difficult to read, so small and simple is important, but it's readability not writability that's important. Concise one-liners can often be more difficult to read than a simple well laid out 3 or 4 lines.
Use whichever construct best descibes the logic of the operation.
Let's say you have decided to use switch as you are only working on a single variable which can have different values. If this would result in a small switch statement (2-3 cases), I'd say that is fine. If it seems you will end up with more I would recommend using polymorphism instead. An AbstractFactory pattern could be used here to create an object that would perform whatever action you were trying to do in the switches. The ugly switch statement will be abstracted away and you end up with cleaner code.
