Can you use couchDB for web apps like ebay? [closed] - couchdb

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I mean, can you use couchDB for:
CRUD of items, users
bids and auctions resolutions
bidirectional califications
items comparison

You could try to use CouchDB for an application - as to whether you would be successful is another question.
Something on the scale of eBay will have special requirements that are not representative of a typical application, If you are building a small auction site then perhaps CouchDB would suffice. A document-oriented database like CouchDB may not be so hot when you have to deal with transactional/records-based data like that associated with auctions.

I think couchdb would be excellent for part of the problem, though there are a few elements that would not be great. Particularly, eventual consistency over distributed nodes seems really bad for real time bidding.
You could keep the the item and user info in CouchDB, along with forums and a lot of that sort of stuff, but some functionality (bid tracking, search) would be more suited to other backends. As an example, the CouchDB guys are looking at tying CouchDB into other tools (like SOLR) for indexing, etc.

I would look to see how Amazon uses SimpleDB internally (or do they?). Might have some clues as to right ways to use a document-based database.

As you can see here they are indeed using non-relational approach, so I guess you're heading in a correct direction (flexibility-wise at least).


When should I use nodejs and when should I use mongoDB [closed]

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Closed 9 months ago.
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I read many documents about node js and MongoDB. But the regret is that I can't understand when I should use nodejs and when I should use MongoDB. If anyone here who can tell me the details, it will be very helpful for me.
MongoDB and NodeJS are two different technologies. MonogDB is a database system which gives you a chance to efficiently store documents in a database and to perform operations like data updates, or to search documents by some criterias.
NodeJS's responsibilty is especially to execute your application.
Node.js is a javaScript runtime environment where you can run/execute your javaScript codes meaning it's like the grill to barbeque the turkey and MongoDB on the other hand is totally different technology where you will store your data's in mostly .json format meaning it's like the chilli sauce you can use it to your barbeque or if it's not your likeness you can choose tomato sauce instead. But if you are going to learn MERN stack then you need to learn both with react.js and express.js. Home it helps.
You are comparing two totally different things. MongoDB is a Database while Node JS is a coding environment. They are related in the sense that you can configure MongoDB in Node JS.
The thing is pretty straightforward.
NodeJs is better for high I/O intensive applications and bad for CPU intensive applications.
Use MongoDB if you have no/fewer relationships among the data you are storing. But if you have a specific structure of data that you are storing or there are some relations between the data you are storing then go for a relational database.

reading sql server log files (ldf) with spark [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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this is probably far fetched but... can spark - or any advanced "ETL" technology you know - connect directly to sql server's log file (the .ldf) - and extract its data?
Agenda is to get SQL server's real time operational data without replicating the whole database first (nor selecting directly from it).
Appreciate your thoughts!
to answer your question, I have never heard of any tech to read an LDF directly, but there are several products on the market that can "link-clone" a database almost instantly by using some internal tricks. Keep in mind that the data is not copied using these tools, but it allows instant access for use cases like yours.
There may be some free ways to do this, especially using cloud functions, or maybe linked-clone functions that Virtual Machines offer, but I only know about paid products at this time like Dell EMC, Redgate's and Windocks.
The easiest to try that are not in the cloud are:
Red Gate SQL Clone with a 14 day free trial:
Red Gate SQL Clone Link (this is free for some cases, but harder to get started with)

Distributed file system for linux [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I've got a web app where I use plain file system for my custom logs - a lot of small files, I don't want to put that into db, that works for me quite well. But now I need to scale my app by using a load balancer in front, so I also need to keep those logs in sync between servers. Is there any reliable solution for such cases ? I know I could sync it by some OS means, or by scripting, but I'm thinking if there is any better solution for such scenarios? Is it the case for MongoDB usage or something more modern or is it better to keep it on file system as plain files ?
This questions is going to get you some heat since essentially your asking for our opinion. Ill be frank tho and wont argue with anyone since its just MY opinion. With web apps in my humble opinion, its always better to keep your data in a DB for scalability but also for analytical research. I know little about what your app does but its easier to write third party data apps that tell you how many of X or Y etc when its centrally stored in a DB. Since the app that gets said data can be anywhere. I know I probably wasted time with an argument but hey, hope I helped a bit.

Use NoSQL on a single box [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am designing a software that will be deployed to one single server. I will have about 1TB data and there will be more writing than reading.
I have an option to buy a good server. I also have an option to use Redis and Cassandra. But I cannot do both. I doubt if it makes sense to run NoSQL on one single node. Will I get enough speedup over traditional SQL database?
This type of questions is very problematic as it calls for an opinion, which is at most cases highly subjective.
I cannot speak on Cassandra's behalf for better or worse.
Redis is an in-memory solution - that basically means that whether reading or writing, you'll get the best performance available today. It also means that your 1TB of data will need to fit in that one good server's RAM. Also note that you'll need additional RAM to actually operate the server (OS) and Redis itself. Depending on what/how you do, you could end up with a RAM requirement of up to x2.5-3 the data's size. That means ~4TB of RAM... and that's a lot.
If the single server requirement isn't hard, I'd look into loosing it. Any setup, Redis or not, will not offer any availability off a single box. If you use a cluster, you'll be able to scale easily using cheaper, "less good" ;), servers.
If there will be more writing than reading then redis is probably not your answer.
Cassandra will handle heavy writes pretty well, but the key question is: do you know your read queries ahead of time? If so, then Cassandra is a good solution. However, if you plan to do ad-hoc querying then Cassandra is not the answer. This last point is actually the key one.

knowledge sharing discussion forum on company intranet / network drive [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am investigating the feasibility of setting up a discussion forum / message board in my company to enable knowledge sharing etc.
What are the steps involved in implementing such a solution?
I would definitely recommend a Wiki - we've used Mindtouch internally for a number of years and have also posted all of our documentation externally on a wiki.
The steps will depend on what technology you already have in place and what kind of shop you are. If you have SharePoint (WSS 3.0 or MOSS 2007), then you already have blog, wiki and discussion group functionality built in. Not the best in the world, but it's there.
A shop that uses more open source tools is less likely to find SharePoint compelling. ;-)
Instead of (or maybe in addition to) a discussion forum, I would recommend a wiki server. This way you can have different howtos, lists, documentation, etc available and the important things will tend to stay up to date. We have one in our department and it is quite useful (if only people would log in when editing...).
I was not involved in setting it up, so I cannot give any details on that, but it is based on mediawiki.
