How to stop long executing threads gracefully? - multithreading

I have a threading problem with Delphi. I guess this is common in other languages too. I have a long process which I do in a thread, that fills a list in main window. But if some parameters change in the mean time, then I should stop current executing thread and start from the beginning. Delphi suggests terminating a thread by setting Terminated:=true and checking for this variable's value in the thread. However my problem is this, the long executing part is buried in a library call and in this call I cannot check for the Terminated variable. Therefore I had to wait for this library call to finish, which affects the whole program.
What is the preferred way to do in this case? Can I kill the thread immediately?

The preferred way is to modify the code so that it doesn't block without checking for cancellation.
Since you can't modify the code, you can't do that; you either have to live with the background operation (but you can disassociate it from any UI, so that its completion will be ignored); or alternatively, you can try terminating it (TerminateThread API will rudely terminate any thread given its handle). Termination isn't clean, though, like Rob says, any locks held by the thread will be abandoned, and any cross-thread state protected by such locks may be in a corrupted state.
Can you consider calling the function in a separate executable? Perhaps using RPC (pipes, TCP, rather than shared memory owing to same lock problem), so that you can terminate a process rather than terminating a thread? Process isolation will give you a good deal more protection. So long as you aren't relying on cross-process named things like mutexes, it should be far safer than killing a thread.

The threads need to co-operate to achieve a graceful shutdown. I am not sure if Delphi offers a mechanism to abort another thread, but such mechanisms are available in .NET and Java, but should be considered an option of last resort, and the state of the application is indeterminate after they have been used.
If you can kill a thread at an arbitrary point, then you may kill it while it is holding a lock in the memory allocator (for example). This will leave your program open to hanging when your main thread next needs to access that lock.

If you can't modify the code to check for termination, then just set its priority really low, and ignore it when it returns.

I wrote this in reply to a similar question:
I use an exception-based technique
that's worked pretty well for me in a
number of Win32 applications.
To terminate a thread, I use
QueueUserAPC to queue a call to a
function which throws an exception.
However, the exception that's thrown
isn't derived from the type
"Exception", so will only be caught by
my thread's wrapper procedure.
I've used this with C++Builder apps very successfully. I'm not aware of all the subtleties of Delphi vs C++ exception handling, but I'd expect it could easily be modified to work.


How to detect if a linux thread is crashed

I've this problem, I need to understand if a Linux thread is running or not due to crash and not for normal exit. The reason to do that is try to restart the thread without reset\restart all system.
The pthread_join() seems not a good option because I've several thread to monitoring and the function return on specific thread, It doesn't work in "parallel". At moment I've a keeep live signal from thread to main but I'm looking for some system call or thread attribute to understand the state
Any suggestion?
Thread "crashes"
How to detect if a linux thread is crashed
if (0) //...
That is, the only way that a pthreads thread can terminate abnormally while other threads in the process continue to run is via thread cancellation,* which is not well described as a "crash". In particular, if a signal is received whose effect is abnormal termination then the whole process terminates, not just the thread that handled the signal. Other kinds of errors do not cause threads to terminate.
On the other hand, if by "crash" you mean normal termination in response to the thread detecting an error condition, then you have no limitation on what the thread can do prior to terminating to communicate about its state. For example,
it could update a shared object that tracks information about your threads
it could write to a pipe designated for the purpose
it could raise a signal
If you like, you can use pthread_cleanup_push() to register thread cleanup handlers to help with that.
On the third hand, if you're asking about detecting live threads that are failing to make progress -- because they are deadlocked, for example -- then your best bet is probably to implement some form of heartbeat monitor. That would involve each thread you want to monitor periodically updating a shared object that tracks the time of each thread's last update. If a thread goes too long between beats then you can guess that it may be stalled. This requires you to instrument all the threads you want to monitor.
Thread cancellation
You should not use thread cancellation. But if you did, and if you include termination because of cancellation in your definition of "crash", then you still have all the options above available to you, but you must engage them by registering one or more cleanup handlers.
GNU-specific options
The main issues with using pthread_join() to check thread state are
it doesn't work for daemon threads, and
pthread_join() blocks until the specified thread terminates.
For daemon threads, you need one of the approaches already discussed, but for ordinary threads on GNU/Linux, Glibc provides non-standard pthread_tryjoin_np(), which performs a non-blocking attempt to join a thread, and also pthread_timedjoin_np(), which performs a join attempt with a timeout. If you are willing to rely on Glibc-specific functions then one of these might serve your purpose.
Linux-specific options
The Linux kernel makes per-process thread status information available via the /proc filesystem. See How to check the state of Linux threads?, for example. Do be aware, however, that the details vary a bit from one kernel version to another. And if you're planning to do this a lot, then also be aware that even though /proc is a virtual filesystem (so no physical disk is involved), you still access it via slow-ish I/O interfaces.
Any of the other alternatives is probably better than reading files in /proc. I mention it only for completeness.
I'm looking for some system call or thread attribute to understand the state
The pthreads API does not provide a "have you terminated?" function or any other such state-inquiry function, unless you count pthread_join(). If you want that then you need to roll your own, which you can do by means of some of the facilities already discussed.
*Do not use thread cancellation.

What's wrong with using TThread.Resume? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Resuming suspended thread in Delphi 2010?
(2 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
Long ago, when I started working with threads in Delphi, I was making threads start themselves by calling TThread.Resume at the end of their constructor, and still do, like so:
constructor TMyThread.Create(const ASomeParam: String);
inherited Create(True);
FSomeParam:= ASomeParam;
//Initialize some stuff here...
Since then, Resume has been deprecated in favor to use Start instead. However, Start can only be called from outside the thread, and cannot be called from within the constructor.
I have continued to design my threads using Resume as shown above, although I know it's been deprecated - only because I do not want to have to call Start from outside the thread. I find it a bit messy to have to call:
FMyThread := TMyThread.Create(SomeParamValue);
Question: What's the reason why this change was made? I mean, what is so wrong about using Resume that they want us to use Start instead?
EDIT After Sedat's answer, I guess this really depends on when, within the constructor, does the thread actually begin executing.
The short and pithy answer is because the authors of the TThread class didn't trust developers to read or to understand the documentation. :)
Suspending and resuming a thread is a legitimate operation for only a very limited number of use cases. In fact, that limited number is essentially "one": Debuggers
The reason it is considered undesirable (to say the least) is that problems can arise if a thread is suspended while (for example) it owns a lock on some other synchronization object such as a mutex or sempahore etc.
These synchronization objects are specifically designed to ensure the safe operation of a thread with respect to other threads accessing shared resources, so interrupting and interfering with these mechanisms is likely to lead to problems.
A debugger needs a facility to directly suspend a thread irrespective of these mechanisms for surprisingly similar reasons.
Consider for example that a breakpoint involves an implicit (or you might even say explicit) "suspend" operation on a thread. If a debugger halts a thread when it reaches a break-point then it must also suspend all other threads in the process precisely because they will otherwise race ahead doing work that could interfere with many of the low level tasks that the debugger might be asked to then do.
The Strong Arm of the Debugger
A debugger cannot "inject" nice, polite synchronization objects and mechanisms to request that these other thread suspend themselves in a co-ordinated fashion with some other thread that has been unceremoniously halted (by a breakpoint). The debugger has no choice but to strong-arm the threads and this is precisely what the Suspend/Resume API's are for.
They are for situations where you need to stop a thread "Right now. Whatever you are doing I don't care, just stop!". And later, to then say "OK, you can carry on now with whatever it was you were doing before, whatever it was.".
Well Behaved Threads Behave Well Toward Each Other
It should be patently obvious that this is not how a well-behaved thread interacts with other threads in normal operation (if it wishes to maintain a state of "normal" operation and not create all sorts of problems). In those normal cases a thread very much does and should care what those other threads are doing and ensure that it doesn't interfere, using appropriate synchronization techniques to co-ordinate with those other threads.
In those cases, the legitimate use case for Resuming a thread is similarly reduced to just one, single mode. Which is, that you have created and initialised a thread that you do not wish to run immediately but to start execution at some later point in time under the control of some other thread.
But once that new thread has been started, subsequent synchronization with other threads must be achieved using those proper synchronization techniques, not the brute force of suspending it.
Start vs Suspend/Resume
Hence it was decided that Suspend/Resume had no real place on a general purpose thread class (people implementing debuggers could still call the Windows API's directly) and instead a more appropriate "Start" mechanism was provided.
Hopefully it should be apparent that even though this Start mechanism employs the exact same API that the deprecated Resume method previously employed, the purpose is quite different.

How to exit a program when using blocking calls

I need to do a project where the application monitors incoming connections and apply some rules as defined in a xml document. The rules are either filtering (blocking or permitting) connections or redirect traffic on a certain port. In order to do this, I use functions such as accept and recv (from Winsock). All of those functions are used on different threads. I'm wondering, though, how am I supposed to clean up the program before exiting since all those blocking calls are made. Normally I'd either wait until the person exits the console through the X button or waiting for the user to input a certain character in the main thread. The thing is I'm not sure what happens if the application exits while there are still active threads/if memory is still allocated/ if sockets are in use. Are all destructors called? Are h andles and sockets correctly closed? Or do I need to somehow do it myself?
In general, I would say no. Do not try to explicitly clean up resources like sockets, fd's, handles, threads unless you are absolutely forced to.
Exact behaviour depends on OS and how you terminate your app.
All the common desktop OS will release resources allocated to a process by the OS when a process terminates. This includes sockets, file descriptors, memory.
On Windows/Linux, if you return from your C/C++ main() without any explicit cleanup, static dtors will get called by the crt code. Dtors for dynamically allocated objects in non-main threads are not run.
Executables written in other languages may behave differently.
If, instead of returning from main(), you call a 'ProcessExit()' API directly, static destructors will not get called because the OS has no concept of dtors - it has no idea, or interest, in what language was used to generate the executable.
In either case, the OS will be called to terminate your process. The OS does this, (simple 'Dummies' version:), by first changing the state of all process threads that are not running so that they never run again. Threads that are running on other cores are then stopped. Then OS resources like fd, sockets are closed, then released, then all process memory is freed, then OS kernel process/thread objects freed, then your process no longer exists.
If you absolutely need some, or all, C++/whatever dtors called when some thread needs to stop the app, you will have to explcitly signal other threads to stop so that dtors can be run. I tend to use a globally-accessible 'CloseRequested' bool that relevant blocking calls check immediately after returning. There remains the issue of persuading the blocking calls to return.
Some blocking calls can be coded up to wait on more than one signal, so allowing the call to return by a simple event/sema/condvar/whatever signal.
Some calls, like recv(), accept(), can be pesuaded to return early by closing the fd/socket they are waiting on.
Some calls can be made to return by 'artificially' satisfying their wait condition - eg. creating a temp file just to make a folder-monitor call return so that the 'CloseRequested' bool can be checked.
If a blocking call is so annoyingly stubborn that it cannot be persuaded to return, you could redesign your app so that whatever the critical resource is that is released in the dtors can be released by another thread - maybe create the thing in another thread and pass it to the thread that blocks in a ctor parameter, something like that.
NOTE WELL: Thread shutdown code bodges, as listed above, are extra code that does not add to the normal functionality of your app. You should restrict explicit thread shutdown to those threads that hold resources that absolutely must be released by explicit user code - DB connections, say. If the OS can release the resource, it should be allowed to do so. The OS is very good at stopping all process threads before releasing resources they are using, user code is not.
Where possible, use blocking calls that take a timeout value, and have your threads loop. That gives you a place to check for a shutdown condition and exit the thread gracefully. Handles will generally be cleaned up by the system when the process exits. It is polite to shut down sockets gracefully, but not absolutely mandatory. The downside of not doing so is it can take a while for the kernel to clean up exclusive resources. For example, if you just kill a thread waiting to accept(), and then your app re-launches, it won't be able to successfully accept() on the same port until the kernel cleans up the old socket.

terminate a thread in delphi

How can I terminate a thread in a proper way?
When the thread finishes, it is still in memory. I'm using Delphi 2010 (Update 5).
The way I usually describe the issues of thread termination is to stress co-operation. You should not terminate a thread. Instead you should notify the thread that you want it to terminate. You then politely wait until it has terminated.
The reasons for this are manifest. Only the thread knows how to terminate itself. Only the thread knows what locks it holds, what resources it needs to free etc.
The same arguments apply if you wish to pause or suspend a thread's execution. You should ask to it do so and then let the thread find a convenient moment when it is safe to do so.
With a Delphi TThread the standard way to request termination is to call Thread.Terminate. This does nothing more than to set a flag in the thread object. That is the request. The response is initiated by the thread code inside TThread.Execute. That should regularly check the value of its Terminated property. When that is found to be true, it should exit from the function. Naturally any tidy up (release locks, return resources etc.) should be performed before calling exit.
How exactly do you terminate a thread? If you just set Terminate, this is just a flag checked inside of the thread. If you need to terminate thread of execution (and not signal a TThread object that it needs to finish), you can use TerminateThread WinAPI function. But you should notice that this leads to resource leaks (as written in the comments in documentation for TerminateThread).
that depends on what you want to accomplish with that thread. you should provide more details about what you want to do, before we can help you.
here you have a very good tutorial on how to work with threads in Delphi:

What's the best way to signal threads that sleep or block to stop?

I've got a service that I need to shut down and update. I'm having difficulties with this in two different cases:
I have some threads that sleep for large amounts of time. Obviously I can't wait for them to wake up to finish shutting down the service. I had a thought to use an AutoResetEvent that gets set by some controller thread when the sleep interval is up (by just checking every two seconds or something), and triggering it immediately at OnClose time. Is there a better way to facilitate that?
I have one thread that makes a call to a blocking method call (one which I cannot modify). How do you signal such a thread to stop?
I'm not sure if I understood your first question correctly, but have you looked at using WaitForSingleObject as an alternative to Sleep? You can specify a timeout as well as an object to wait on, so if you want it to wake up earlier, just signal the object.
What exactly do you mean by "call to a blocking thread"? Or did you just mean a blocking call? In general, there isn't a way to interrupt a thread without forcefully terminating it. However, if the call is a system call, there might be ways to return control by making the call fail, eg. cancelling I/O or closing an associated handle.
For 1. you can get your threads into an interruptable Sleep by using SleepEx rather than Sleep. Once they get this shutdown kick (initiated from your termination logic using QueueUserApc), you can detect it happened using the return code from SleepEx and terminate those threads accordingly. This is similar to the suggestion to use WaitForSingleObject, but you don't need another per-thread handle that's just used to terminate the associated thread.
The return value is zero if the
specified time interval expired.
The return value is WAIT_IO_COMPLETION
if the function returned due to one or
more I/O completion callback
functions. This can happen only if
bAlertable is TRUE, and if the thread
that called the SleepEx function is
the same thread that called the
extended I/O function.
For 2., that's a tough one unless you have access to some resource used in that thread that can cause the blocking call to abort in such a way that the calling thread can handle it cleanly. You may just have to implement code to kill that thread with extreme prejudice using TerminateThread (probably this should be the last thing you do before exiting the process) and see what happens under test.
An easy and reliable solution is to kill the service process. A process is the memory-safe abstraction of the OS, after all, so you can safely terminate one without regard for process-internal state - of course, if your process is communicating or fiddling with external state, all bets are off...
Additionally, you could implement the solution which OS's themselves commonly do: one warning signal asking the process to clean up as best possible (which sets a flag and gracefully exits what can be gracefully stopped), and then forceful termination if the process doesn't exit by itself (which ends pesky things like blocking I/O).
All services should be built such that forceful termination isn't harmful, since these processes are system managed and may be terminated by things such as a reboot - i.e., your service ideally should permit this without corrupting storage anyhow.
Oh, and one final warning; windows services may share a process (I presume for efficiency, though it strikes me as an avoidable optimization), so if you go this route, you want to make sure your service is not sharing a process with other services. You can ensure this by passing the option SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS to ChangeServiceConfig.
