OWA Web Part Jumps/Shifts when getting focus on My Site - sharepoint

In SharePoint (MOSS 2007), with an OWA web part on the page, either inbox or calendar parts, when a page loads it "jumps" down to have that part as the focus. No matter where it is on the page. Has anyone encountered this before or know how to solve this issue?
This happens on out of the box sharepoint sites, with the OWA components. No mofidications or 3rd party components or customizations are in play.

Its by default. The webparts are designed to get the focus when loaded.
Below might be solution/s using jQuery/JS:
Just create another webpart in the bottom (CE webpart just for adding JS) and add a JQUERY/JS code to scroll the page to top
Get to know the default JS function that's being called from the OWA webparts & override them in your custom JS
Nothing tested but normally this is how we prevent default behavior.


How to add an application page to a site in SharePoint?

I am an experienced .NET Developer acting as interim SharePoint Developer, and am new to SharePoint. After determining that I need to go with an application page instead of a site page for a new project due to it's complexity and need of custom code behind. Before developing the entire solution, I wanted to tie up the loose ends of my understanding of application page deployments. I need to add this page as a URL on the left side of a Site Collection page (kind of like what happens when adding a subsite to a site page.) I have read about the modules, which seems extremely hacky to me. There must be a better way to develkop a custom page on top of SharePoint without the page being accessible to anyone on the entire site.
The application I am wanting to develop on top of SharePoint exists purely for data entry and reporting purposes.
Have you considered using a Webpart?
With a visual webpart which is essencially a usercontrol wrapped in a webpart you can add as much complexity as you want and you also have code behind to hook to events etc.
The benefit of using a webpart is that you can then drop it on a page, and use all OOB sharepoint access controls.
You mention that you want to develop a data entry reporting app. So something you can do is to create a subsite. Look all access to modify pages except to owners. Create all your screens by adding pages to the subsite and dropping webparts on it with the logic you require for each screen.
Also make sure you deploy the werbparts via a web feature that only is activated in your subsite, this way the webparts are only available in that particular subsite.

Site Actions Menu is not rendered on internet explorer with Sharepoint 2007

I faced an interesting problem. I have a sharepoint 2007 website. I created a new masterpage and changed default design. So i dont use default.master.
I add site actions menu to masterpage. it renders on google chrome successfully. But there is a problem on IE. I cant see a div or text related with site actions menu on html source of IE.
So what could be reason of this problem?
I am almost sure that this is a probled related to unattended removal of some javascript from master page that handles IE compatibility.
Try to compare your master and the default one and to play with removed lines.

RSS Viewer web part not selectable in Sharepoint Designer

I want to place the RSS Viewer web part into a page layout I've created.
In the Sharepoint Designer (Sharepoint 2010) using the "Advanced Edit Mode" I tried to add the RSS Viewer web part but I cannot find it in the list. Under "Insert>Web part" I find many other web parts but the one I need is missing, also under "More web parts..." it cannot be found.
The web part is installed (I activated the feature). The web part can manually be added to a page into a web part zone when I don't use the Designer but edit the page directly in the browser but of course this is not what I need as I have to put it in the page layout.
Anyone got an Idea why the web part is not selectable/visible in the list?
As I've learned not all web parts are available in this listing.
The workaround would be to manually add the desired web part to a webpart zone on the page (not in the designer) and then open the page in the designer so that you can copy/paste the web part relevant code to the page layout of your desire.

SharePoint - What Causes a Blank Screen When a Registered User Views a Page?

I have a fairly simple page in WSS3. It's basically a web part page with a custom webpart to display some text and a embedded video from Vimeo, a custom webpart to handle newsletter submissions (a simple form) and a couple of document libraries.
I'm using Forms authentication. My admin user can sign in and browse the rest of the site with no problem, but this one particular page causes the user to be presented with a blank white screen. If I view the source of the page I can see the correct markup and the issue only occurs in IE.
When browsing the site anonymously there is no problem.
Does anyone know what could be causing this?
It sounds like a javascript problem to me - the document library view will render extra menus etc. if you are an authenticated user with some contributing rights to the site. It's probably these that are colliding with something else and causing your issue.
As you'll have no control over the document library viewer web part, I suggest you remove your custom web parts from the page (with the document library viewer on it) and readd them until the page breaks.
I had a similar issue at one point in that we were overriding some functions that were in a SharePoint js library, however as the SharePoint file was registered at the bottom of the master page and ours were in webparts (which loaded first but were subsequently overridden by the OOB file), we had some unexpected behaviour. I fixed it in the end by adding our custom part to the master page after the OOB file was registered.

can not add webpart to sharepoint page

i create a website on my local machine but i can't add webpart to web page, it don't rise any error but th webpart don't display to the page. anyone help me.
I know this is an old question, but it's ranking high in Google results, so I figured I'd answer it anyway.
Make sure you're not running any code in the layout page's codebehind that calls and then closes SPContext.Current.Web. I had this exact behavior and that was the culprit
To test, add a different web part to a default page layout. If it adds, then it's either your web part or your code behind. If you can't add any web parts to your custom layout, it's your code behind. If it's just your web part, it's your web part.
Remember, SPContext.Current.Web returns a reference to the current SPWeb object. SharePoint will close the object itself when it's done, and closing it early can cause "unpredictable behavior."
We had the same problem with Firefox some time ago, but the problem disappeared when we installed SP2 for SharePoint 2007. The only thing that surprises me is that you also have the problem with IE.
