What can make a program run slower when using more threads? - multithreading

This question is about the same program I previously asked about. To recap, I have a program with a loop structure like this:
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < N; i1++)
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < N; i2++)
for (int i3 = 0; i3 < N; i3++)
for (int i4 = 0; i4 < N; i4++)
histogram[bin_index(i1, i2, i3, i4)] += 1;
bin_index is a completely deterministic function of its arguments which, for purposes of this question, does not use or change any shared state - in other words, it is manifestly reentrant.
I first wrote this program to use a single thread. Then I converted it to use multiple threads, such that thread n runs all iterations of the outer loop where i1 % nthreads == n. So the function that runs in each thread looks like
for (int i1 = n; i1 < N; i1 += nthreads)
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < N; i2++)
for (int i3 = 0; i3 < N; i3++)
for (int i4 = 0; i4 < N; i4++)
thread_local_histogram[bin_index(i1, i2, i3, i4)] += 1;
and all the thread_local_histograms are added up in the main thread at the end.
Here's the strange thing: when I run the program with just 1 thread for some particular size of the calculation, it takes about 6 seconds. When I run it with 2 or 3 threads, doing exactly the same calculation, it takes about 9 seconds. Why is that? I would expect that using 2 threads would be faster than 1 thread since I have a dual-core CPU. The program does not use any mutexes or other synchronization primitives so two threads should be able to run in parallel.
For reference: typical output from time (this is on Linux) for one thread:
real 0m5.968s
user 0m5.856s
sys 0m0.064s
and two threads:
real 0m9.128s
user 0m10.129s
sys 0m6.576s
The code is at http://static.ellipsix.net/ext-tmp/distintegral.ccs
P.S. I know there are libraries designed for exactly this kind of thing that probably could have better performance, but that's what my last question was about so I don't need to hear those suggestions again. (Plus I wanted to use pthreads as a learning experience.)

To avoid further comments on this: When I wrote my reply, the questioner hasn't posted a link to his source yet, so I could not tailor my reply to his specific issues. I was only answering the general question what "can" cause such an issue, I never said that this will necessarily apply to his case. When he posted a link to his source, I wrote another reply, that is exactly only focusing on his very issue (which is caused by the use of the random() function as I explained in my other reply). However, since the question of this post is still "What can make a program run slower when using more threads?" and not "What makes my very specific application run slower?", I've seen no need to change my rather general reply either (general question -> general response, specific question -> specific response).
1) Cache Poisoning
All threads access the same array, which is a block of memory. Each core has its own cache to speed up memory access. Since they don't just read from the array but also change the content, the content is changed actually in the cache only, not in real memory (at least not immediately). The problem is that the other thread on the other core may have overlapping parts of memory cached. If now core 1 changes the value in the cache, it must tell core 2 that this value has just changed. It does so by invalidating the cache content on core 2 and core 2 needs to re-read the data from memory, which slows processing down. Cache poisoning can only happen on multi-core or multi-CPU machines. If you just have one CPU with one core this is no problem. So to find out if that is your issue or not, just disable one core (most OSes will allow you to do that) and repeat the test. If it is now almost equally fast, that was your problem.
2) Preventing Memory Bursts
Memory is read fastest if read sequentially in bursts, just like when files are read from HD. Addressing a certain point in memory is actually awfully slow (just like the "seek time" on a HD), even if your PC has the best memory on the market. However, once this point has been addressed, sequential reads are fast. The first addressing goes by sending a row index and a column index and always having waiting times in between before the first data can be accessed. Once this data is there, the CPU starts bursting. While the data is still on the way it sends already the request for the next burst. As long as it is keeping up the burst (by always sending "Next line please" requests), the RAM will continue to pump out data as fast as it can (and this is actually quite fast!). Bursting only works if data is read sequentially and only if the memory addresses grow upwards (AFAIK you cannot burst from high to low addresses). If now two threads run at the same time and both keep reading/writing memory, however both from completely different memory addresses, each time thread 2 needs to read/write data, it must interrupt a possible burst of thread 1 and the other way round. This issue gets worse if you have even more threads and this issue is also an issue on a system that has only one single-core CPU.
BTW running more threads than you have cores will never make your process any faster (as you mentioned 3 threads), it will rather slow it down (thread context switches have side effects that reduce processing throughput) - that is unlike you run more threads because some threads are sleeping or blocking on certain events and thus cannot actively process any data. In that case it may make sense to run more threads than you have cores.

Everything I said so far in my other reply holds still true on general, as your question was what "can"... however now that I've seen your actual code, my first bet would be that your usage of the random() function slows everything down. Why?
See, random keeps a global variable in memory that stores the last random value calculated there. Each time you call random() (and you are calling it twice within a single function) it reads the value of this global variable, performs a calculation (that is not so fast; random() alone is a slow function) and writes the result back there before returning it. This global variable is not per thread, it is shared among all threads. So what I wrote regarding cache poisoning applies here all the time (even if you avoided it for the array by having separated arrays per thread; this was very clever of you!). This value is constantly invalidated in the cache of either core and must be re-fetched from memory. However if you only have a single thread, nothing like that happens, this variable never leaves cache after it has been initially read, since it's permanently accessed again and again and again.
Further to make things even worse, glibc has a thread-safe version of random() - I just verified that by looking at the source. While this seems to be a good idea in practice, it means that each random() call will cause a mutex to be locked, memory to be accessed, and a mutex to be unlocked. Thus two threads calling random exactly the same moment will cause one thread to be blocked for a couple of CPU cycles. This is implementation specific, though, as AFAIK it is not required that random() is thread safe. Most standard lib functions are not required to be thread-safe, since the C standard is not even aware of the concept of threads in the first place. When they are not calling it the same moment, the mutex will have no influence on speed (as even a single threaded app must lock/unlock the mutex), but then cache poisoning will apply again.
You could pre-build an array with random numbers for every thread, containing as many random number as each thread needs. Create it in the main thread before spawning the threads and add a reference to it to the structure pointer you hand over to every thread. Then get the random numbers from there.
Or just implement your own random number generator if you don't need the "best" random numbers on the planet, that works with per-thread memory for holding its state - that one might be even faster than the system's built-in generator.
If a Linux only solution works for you, you can use random_r. It allows you to pass the state with every call. Just use a unique state object per thread. However this function is a glibc extension, it is most likely not supported by other platforms (neither part of the C standards nor of the POSIX standards AFAIK - this function does not exist on Mac OS X for example, it may neither exist in Solaris or FreeBSD).
Creating an own random number generator is actually not that hard. If you need real random numbers, you shouldn't use random() in the first place. Random only creates pseudo-random numbers (numbers that look random, but are predictable if you know the generator's internal state). Here's the code for one that produces good uint32 random numbers:
static uint32_t getRandom(uint32_t * m_z, uint32_t * m_w)
*m_z = 36969 * (*m_z & 65535) + (*m_z >> 16);
*m_w = 18000 * (*m_w & 65535) + (*m_w >> 16);
return (*m_z << 16) + *m_w;
It's important to "seed" m_z and m_w in a proper way somehow, otherwise the results are not random at all. The seed value itself should already be random, but here you could use the system random number generator.
uint32_t m_z = random();
uint32_t m_w = random();
uint32_t nextRandom;
for (...) {
nextRandom = getRandom(&m_z, &m_w);
// ...
This way every thread only needs to call random() twice and then uses your own generator. BTW, if you need double randoms (that are between 0 and 1), the function above can be easily wrapped for that:
static double getRandomDouble(uint32_t * m_z, uint32_t * m_w)
// The magic number below is 1/(2^32 + 2).
// The result is strictly between 0 and 1.
return (getRandom(m_z, m_w) + 1) * 2.328306435454494e-10;
Try to make this change in your code and let me know how the benchmark results are :-)

You are seeing cache line bouncing. I'm really surprised that you don't get wrong results, due to race conditions on the histogram buckets.

One possibility is that the time taken to create the threads exceeds the savings gained by using threads. I would think that N is not very large, if the elapsed time is only 6 seconds for a O(n^4) operation.
There's also no guarantee that multiple threads will run on different cores or CPUs. I'm not sure what the default thread affinity is with Linux - it may be that both threads run on a single core which would negate the benefits of a CPU-intensive piece of code such as this.
This article details default thread affinity and how to change your code to ensure threads run on specific cores.

Even though threads don't access the same elements of the array at the same, the whole array may sit in a few memory pages. When one core/processor writes to that page, it has to invalidate its cache for all other processors.
Avoid having many threads working over the same memory space. Allocate separate data for each thread to work upon, then join them together when the calculation finishes.

Off the top of my head:
Context switches
Resource contention
CPU contention (if they aren't getting split to multiple CPUs).
Cache thrashing

Are you sure you run a kernel that supports multiple processors? If only one processor is utilized in your system, spawning additional CPU-intensive threads will slow down your program.
And, are you sure support for threads in your system actually utilizes multiple processors? Does top, for example, show that both cores in your processor utilized when you run your program?


If one thread writes to a location and another thread is reading, can the second thread see the new value then the old?

Start with x = 0. Note there are no memory barriers in any of the code below.
volatile int x = 0
Thread 1:
while (x == 0) {}
print "Saw non-zer0"
while (x != 0) {}
print "Saw zero again!"
Thread 2:
x = 1
Is it ever possible to see the second message, "Saw zero again!", on any (real) CPU? What about on x86_64?
Similarly, in this code:
volatile int x = 0.
Thread 1:
while (x == 0) {}
x = 2
Thread 2:
x = 1
Is the final value of x guaranteed to be 2, or could the CPU caches update main memory in some arbitrary order, so that although x = 1 gets into a CPU's cache where thread 1 can see it, then thread 1 gets moved to a different cpu where it writes x = 2 to that cpu's cache, and the x = 2 gets written back to main memory before x = 1.
Yes, it's entirely possible. The compiler could, for example, have just written x to memory but still have the value in a register. One while loop could check memory while the other checks the register.
It doesn't happen due to CPU caches because cache coherency hardware logic makes the caches invisible on all CPUs you are likely to actually use.
Theoretically, the write race you talk about could happen due to posted write buffering and read prefetching. Miraculous tricks were used to make this impossible on x86 CPUs to avoid breaking legacy code. But you shouldn't expect future processors to do this.
Leaving aside for a second tricks done by the compiler (even ones allowed by language standards), I believe you're asking how the micro-architecture could behave in such scenario. Keep in mind that the code would most likely expand into a busy wait loop of cmp [x] + jz or something similar, which hides a load inside it. This means that [x] is likely to live in the cache of the core running thread 1.
At some point, thread 2 would come and perform the store. If it resides on a different core, the line would first be invalidated completely from the first core. If these are 2 threads running on the same physical core - the store would immediately affect all chronologically younger loads.
Now, the most likely thing to happen on a modern out-of-order machine is that all the loads in the pipeline at this point would be different iterations of the same first loop (since any branch predictor facing so many repetitive "taken" resolution is likely to assume the branch will continue being taken, until proven wrong), so what would happen is that the first load to encounter the new value modified by the other thread will cause the matching branch to simply flush the entire pipe from all younger operations, without the 2nd loop ever having a chance to execute.
However, it's possible that for some reason you did get to the 2nd loop (let's say the predictor issue a not-taken prediction just at the right moment when the loop condition check saw the new value) - in this case, the question boils down to this scenario:
Time -->
thread 1
cmp [x],0 execute
je ... execute (not taken)
cmp [x],0 execute
jne ... execute (not taken)
store [x],1 execute
In other words, given that most modern CPUs may execute instructions out of order, can a younger load be evaluated before an older one to the same address, allowing the store (from another thread) to change the value so it may be observed inconsistently by the loads.
My guess is that the above timeline is quite possible given the nature of out-of-order execution engines today, as they simply arbitrate and perform whatever operation is ready. However, on most x86 implementations there are safeguards to protect against such a scenario, since the memory ordering rules strictly say - Neither Loads Nor Stores Are Reordered with Like Operations
Such mechanisms may detect this scenario and flush the machine to prevent the stale/wrong values becoming visible. So The answer is - no, it should not be possible, unless of course the software or the compiler change the nature of the code to prevent the hardware from noticing the relation. Then again, memory ordering rules are sometimes flaky, and i'm not sure all x86 manufacturers adhere to the exact same wording, but this is a pretty fundamental example of consistency, so i'd be very surprised if one of them missed it.
The answer seems to be, "this is exactly the job of the CPU cache coherency." x86 processors implement the MESI protocol, which guarantee that the second thread can't see the new value then the old.

Speed-up from multi-threading

I have a highly parallelizable problem. Hundreds of separate problems need to be solved by the same function. The problems each take an average of perhaps 120 ms (0.12 s) on a single core, but there is substantial variation, and some extreme and rare ones may take 10 times as long. Each problem needs memory, but this is allocated ahead of time. The problems do not need disk I/O, and they do not pass back and forth any variables once they are running. They do access different parts (array elements) of the same global struct, though.
I have C++ code, based on someone else's code, that works. (The global array of structs is not shown.) It runs 20 problems (for instance) and then returns. I think 20 is enough to even out the variability on 4 cores. I see the execution time flattening out from about 10 already.
There is a Win32 and an OpenMP version, and they behave almost identically in terms of execution time. I run the program on a 4-core Windows system. I include some OpenMP code below since it is shorter. (I changed names etc. to make it more generic and I may have made mistakes -- it won't compile stand-alone.)
The speed-up over the single-threaded version flattens out at about a factor of 2.3. So if it takes 230 seconds single-threaded, it takes 100 s multi-threaded. I am surprised that the speed-up is not a lot closer to 4, the number of cores.
Am I right to be disappointed?
Is there anything I can do to get closer to my theoretical expectation?
int split_bigtask(Inputs * inputs, Outputs * results)
for (int k = 0; k < MAXNO; k++)
results->solved[k].value = 0;
int res;
#pragma omp parallel shared(inputs, outputs)
#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic)
for (int k = 0; k < inputs->no; k++)
res = bigtask(inputs->values[k],
return TRUE;
I Assume that there is no synchronization done within bigtask() (Obvious, but I'd still check it first).
It's possible that you run into a "dirty cache" problem: If you manipulate data that is close to each other (e.g. same cache line!) from multiple cores each manipulation will mark the cache line as dirty (which means that the processor needs to signal this to all other processeors which in turn involves synchronization again...).
you create too many threads (allocating a thread is quite an overhead. So creating one thread for each core is a lot more efficient than creating 5 threads each).
I personally would assume that you have case 2 ("Big Global Array").
Solution to the problem (if it's indeed case 2):
Write the results to a local array which is merged into the "Big Global Array" by the main thread after the end of the work
Split the global array into several smaller arrays (and give each thread one of these arrays)
Ensure that the records within the structure align on Cache-Line boundaries (this is a bit a hack since cache line boundaries may change for future processors)
You may want to try to create a local copy of the array for each thread (at least for the results)

How/when to release memory in wait-free algorithms

I'm having trouble figuring out a key point in wait-free algorithm design. Suppose a data structure has a pointer to another data structure (e.g. linked list, tree, etc), how can the right time for releasing a data structure?
The problem is this, there are separate operations that can't be executed atomically without a lock. For example one thread reads the pointer to some memory, and increments the use count for that memory to prevent free while this thread is using the data, which might take long, and even if it doesn't, it's a race condition. What prevents another thread from reading the pointer, decrementing the use count and determining that it's no longer used and freeing it before the first thread incremented the use count?
The main issue is that current CPUs only have a single word CAS (compare & swap). Alternatively the problem is that I'm clueless about waitfree algorithms and data structures and after reading some papers I'm still not seeing the light.
IMHO Garbage collection can't be the answer, because it would either GC would have to be prevented from running if any single thread is inside an atomic block (which would mean it can't be guaranteed that the GC will ever run again) or the problem is simply pushed to the GC, in which case, please explain how the GC would figure out if the data is in the silly state (a pointer is read [e.g. stored in a local variable] but the the use count didn't increment yet).
PS, references to advanced tutorials on wait-free algorithms for morons are welcome.
Edit: You should assume that the problem is being solved in a non-managed language, like C or C++. After all if it were Java, we'd have no need to worry about releasing memory. Further assume that the compiler may generate code that will store temporary references to objects in registers (invisible to other threads) right before the usage counter increment, and that a thread can be interrupted between loading the object address and incrementing the counter. This of course doesn't mean that the solution must be limited to C or C++, rather that the solution should give a set of primitives that allowing the implementation of wait-free algorithms on linked data structures. I'm interested in the primitives and how they solve the problem of designing wait-free algorithms. With such primitives a wait-free algorithm can be implemented equally well in C++ and Java.
After some research I learned this.
The problem is not trivial to solve and there are several solutions each with advantages and disadvantages. The reason for the complexity comes from inter CPU synchronization issues. If not done right it might appear to work correctly 99.9% of the time, which isn't enough, or it might fail under load.
Three solutions that I found are 1) hazard pointers, 2) quiescence period based reclamation (used by the Linux kernel in the RCU implementation) 3) reference counting techniques. 4) Other 5) Combinations
Hazard pointers work by saving the currently active references in a well-known per thread location, so any thread deciding to free memory (when the counter appears to be zero) can check if the memory is still in use by anyone. An interesting improvement is to buffer request to release memory in a small array and free them up in a batch when the array is full. The advantage of using hazard pointers is that it can actually guarantee an upper bound on unreclaimed memory. The disadvantage is that it places extra burden on the reader.
Quiescence period based reclamation works by delaying the actual release of the memory until it's known that each thread has had a chance to finish working on any data that may need to be released. The way to know that this condition is satisfied is to check if each thread passed through a quiescent period (not in a critical section) after the object was removed. In the Linux kernel this means something like each task making a voluntary task switch. In a user space application it would be the end of a critical section. This can be achieved by a simple counter, each time the counter is even the thread is not in a critical section (reading shared data), each time the counter is odd the thread is inside a critical section, to move from a critical section or back all the thread needs to do is to atomically increment the number. Based on this the "garbage collector" can determine if each thread has had a chance to finish. There are several approaches, one simple one would be to queue up the requests to free memory (e.g. in a linked list or an array), each with the current generation (managed by the GC), when the GC runs it checks the state of the threads (their state counters) to see if each passed to the next generation (their counter is higher than the last time or is the same and even), any memory can be reclaimed one generation after it was freed. The advantage of this approach is that is places the least burden on the reading threads. The disadvantage is that it can't guarantee an upper bound for the memory waiting to be released (e.g. one thread spending 5 minutes in a critical section, while the data keeps changing and memory isn't released), but in practice it works out all right.
There is a number of reference counting solutions, many of them require double compare and swap, which some CPUs don't support, so can't be relied upon. The key problem remains though, taking a reference before updating the counter. I didn't find enough information to explain how this can be done simply and reliably though. So .....
There are of course a number of "Other" solutions, it's a very important topic of research with tons of papers out there. I didn't examine all of them. I only need one.
And of course the various approaches can be combined, for example hazard pointers can solve the problems of reference counting. But there's a nearly infinite number of combinations, and in some cases a spin lock might theoretically break wait-freedom, but doesn't hurt performance in practice. Somewhat like another tidbit I found in my research, it's theoretically not possible to implement wait-free algorithms using compare-and-swap, that's because in theory (purely in theory) a CAS based update might keep failing for non-deterministic excessive times (imagine a million threads on a million cores each trying to increment and decrement the same counter using CAS). In reality however it rarely fails more than a few times (I suspect it's because the CPUs spend more clocks away from CAS than there are CPUs, but I think if the algorithm returned to the same CAS on the same location every 50 clocks and there were 64 cores there could be a chance of a major problem, then again, who knows, I don't have a hundred core machine to try this). Another results of my research is that designing and implementing wait-free algorithms and data-structures is VERY challenging (even if some of the heavy lifting is outsourced, e.g. to a garbage collector [e.g. Java]), and might perform less well than a similar algorithm with carefully placed locks.
So, yeah, it's possible to free memory even without delays. It's just tricky. And if you forget to make the right operations atomic, or to place the right memory barrier, oh, well, you're toast. :-) Thanks everyone for participating.
I think atomic operations for increment/decrement and compare-and-swap would solve this problem.
All resources have a counter which is modified with atomic operations. The counter is initially zero.
Before using a resource: "Acquire" it by atomically incrementing its counter. The resource can be used if and only if the incremented value is greater than zero.
After using a resource: "Release" it by atomically decrementing its counter. The resource should be disposed/freed if and only if the decremented value is equal to zero.
Before disposing: Atomically compare-and-swap the counter value with the minimum (negative) value. Dispose will not happen if a concurrent thread "Acquired" the resource in between.
You haven't specified a language for your question. Here goes an example in c#:
class MyResource
// Counter is initially zero. Resource will not be disposed until it has
// been acquired and released.
private int _counter;
public bool Acquire()
// Atomically increment counter.
int c = Interlocked.Increment(ref _counter);
// Resource is available if the resulting value is greater than zero.
return c > 0;
public bool Release()
// Atomically decrement counter.
int c = Interlocked.Decrement(ref _counter);
// We should never reach a negative value
Debug.Assert(c >= 0, "Resource was released without being acquired");
// Dispose when we reach zero
if (c == 0)
// Mark as disposed by setting counter its minimum value.
// Only do this if the counter remain at zero. Atomic compare-and-swap operation.
if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _counter, int.MinValue, c) == c)
// TODO: Run dispose code (free stuff)
return true; // tell caller that resource is disposed
return false; // released but still in use
// "r" is an instance of MyResource
bool acquired = false;
if (acquired = r.Acquire())
// TODO: Use resource
if (acquired)
if (r.Release())
// Resource was disposed.
// TODO: Nullify variable or similar to let GC collect it.
I know this is not the best way but it works for me:
for shared dynamic data-structure lists I use usage counter per item
for example:
struct _data
DWORD usage;
bool delete;
// here add your data
_data() { usage=0; deleted=true; }
const int MAX = 1024;
_data data[MAX];
now when item is started to be used somwhere then
// start use of data[i]
after is no longer used then
// stop use of data[i]
if you want to add new item to list then
// add item
for (i=0;i<MAX;i++) // find first deleted item
if (data[i].deleted)
// copy/set your data
and now in the background once in a while (on timer or whatever)
scann data[] an all undeleted items with cnt == 0 set as deleted (+ free its dynamic memory if it has any)
to avoid multi-thread access problems implement single global lock per data list
and program it so you cannot scann data while any data[i].cnt is changing
one bool and one DWORD suffice for this if you do not want to use OS locks
// globals
bool data_cnt_locked=false;
DWORD data_cnt=0;
now any change of data[i].cnt modify like this:
// start use of data[i]
while (data_cnt_locked) Sleep(1);
and modify delete scan like this
while (data_cnt) Sleep(1);
if (data_cnt==0) // just to be sure
for (i=0;i<MAX;i++) // here scan for items to delete ...
if (!data[i].cnt)
if (!data[i].deleted)
// release your dynamic data ...
do not forget to play with the sleep times a little to suite your needs
lock free algorithm sleep times are sometimes dependent on OS task/scheduler
this is not really an lock free implementation
because while GC is at work then all is locked
but if ather than that multi access is not blocking to each other
so if you do not run GC too often you are fine

Interview Question on .NET Threading

Could you describe two methods of synchronizing multi-threaded write access performed
on a class member?
Please could any one help me what is this meant to do and what is the right answer.
When you change data in C#, something that looks like a single operation may be compiled into several instructions. Take the following class:
public class Number {
private int a = 0;
public void Add(int b) {
a += b;
When you build it, you get the following IL code:
IL_0000: nop
IL_0001: ldarg.0
IL_0002: dup
// Pushes the value of the private variable 'a' onto the stack
IL_0003: ldfld int32 Simple.Number::a
// Pushes the value of the argument 'b' onto the stack
IL_0008: ldarg.1
// Adds the top two values of the stack together
IL_0009: add
// Sets 'a' to the value on top of the stack
IL_000a: stfld int32 Simple.Number::a
IL_000f: ret
Now, say you have a Number object and two threads call its Add method like this:
number.Add(2); // Thread 1
number.Add(3); // Thread 2
If you want the result to be 5 (0 + 2 + 3), there's a problem. You don't know when these threads will execute their instructions. Both threads could execute IL_0003 (pushing zero onto the stack) before either executes IL_000a (actually changing the member variable) and you get this:
a = 0 + 2; // Thread 1
a = 0 + 3; // Thread 2
The last thread to finish 'wins' and at the end of the process, a is 2 or 3 instead of 5.
So you have to make sure that one complete set of instructions finishes before the other set. To do that, you can:
1) Lock access to the class member while it's being written, using one of the many .NET synchronization primitives (like lock, Mutex, ReaderWriterLockSlim, etc.) so that only one thread can work on it at a time.
2) Push write operations into a queue and process that queue with a single thread. As Thorarin points out, you still have to synchronize access to the queue if it isn't thread-safe, but it's worth it for complex write operations.
There are other techniques. Some (like Interlocked) are limited to particular data types, and there are even more (like the ones discussed in Non-blocking synchronization and Part 4 of Joseph Albahari's Threading in C#), though they are more complex: approach them with caution.
In multithreaded applications, there are many situations where simultaneous access to the same data can cause problems. In such cases synchronization is required to guarantee that only one thread has access at any one time.
I imagine they mean using the lock-statement (or SyncLock in VB.NET) vs. using a Monitor.
You might want to read this page for examples and an understanding of the concept. However, if you have no experience with multithreaded application design, it will likely become quickly apparent, should your new employer put you to the test. It's a fairly complicated subject, with many possible pitfalls such as deadlock.
There is a decent MSDN page on the subject as well.
There may be other options, depending on the type of member variable and how it is to be changed. Incrementing an integer for example can be done with the Interlocked.Increment method.
As an excercise and demonstration of the problem, try writing an application that starts 5 simultaneous threads, incrementing a shared counter a million times per thread. The intended end result of the counter would be 5 million, but that is (probably) not what you will end up with :)
Edit: made a quick implementation myself (download). Sample output:
Unsynchronized counter demo:
expected counter = 5000000
actual counter = 4901600
Time taken (ms) = 67
Synchronized counter demo:
expected counter = 5000000
actual counter = 5000000
Time taken (ms) = 287
There are a couple of ways, several of which are mentioned previously.
ReaderWriterLockSlim is my preferred method. This gives you a database type of locking, and allows for upgrading (although the syntax for that is incorrect in the MSDN last time I looked and is very non-obvious)
lock statements. You treat a read like a write and just prevent access to the variable
Interlocked operations. This performs an operations on a value type in an atomic step. This can be used for lock free threading (really wouldn't recommend this)
Mutexes and Semaphores (haven't used these)
Monitor statements (this is essentially how the lock keyword works)
While I don't mean to denigrate other answers, I would not trust anything that does not use one of these techniques. My apologies if I have forgotten any.

can i easily write a program to make use of Intel's Quad core or i7 chip if only 1 thread is used?

I wonder if in my program I have only 1 thread, can I write it so that the Quad core or i7 can actually make use of the different cores? Usually when i write programs on a Quad core computer, the CPU usage will only go to about 25%, and the work seems to be divided among the 4 cores, as the Task Manager shows. (the programs i wrote usually is Ruby, Python, or PHP, so they may not be so much optimized).
Update: what if i write it in C or C++ instead, and
for (i = 0; i < 100000000; i++) {
a = i * 2;
b = i + 1;
if (a == ... || b == ...) { ... }
and then use the highest level of optimization with the compiler. can the compiler make the multiplication happen on one core, and the addition happen on a different core, and therefore make 2 cores work at the same time? isn't that a fairly easy optimization to use 2 cores?
No. You need to use threads to execute multiple paths concurrently on multiple CPU's (be they real or virtual)... execution of one thread is inherently bound to one CPU as this maintains the "happens before" relationship between statements, which is central to how programs work.
First, unless multiple threads are created in the program, then there is only a single thread of execution in that program.
Seeing 25% of CPU resources being used for the program is an indication that a single core out of four is being utilized at 100%, but all other cores are not being used. If all cores were used, then it would be theoretically possible for the process to hog 100% of the CPU resources.
As a side note, the graphs shown in Task Manager in Windows is the CPU utilization by all processes running at the time, not only for one process.
Secondly, the code you present could be split into code which can execute on two separate threads in order to execute on two cores. I am guessing that you want to show that a and b are independent of each other, and they only depend on i. With that type of situation, separating the inside of the for loop like the following could allow multi-threaded operation which could lead to increased performance:
// Process this in one thread:
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
a = i * 2;
// Process this in another thread:
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
b = i + 1;
However, what becomes tricky is if there needs to be a time when the results from the two separate threads need to be evaluated, such as seems to be implied by the if statement later on:
for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
// manipulate "a" and "b"
if (a == ... || b == ...) { ... }
This would require that the a and b values which reside in separate threads (which are executing on separate processors) to be looked up, which is a serious headache.
There is no real good guarantee that the i values of the two threads are the same at the same time (after all, multiplication and addition probably will take different amount of times to execute), and that means that one thread may need to wait for another for the i values to get in sync before comparing the a and b that corresponds to the dependent value i. Or, do we make a third thread for value comparison and synchronization of the two threads? In either case, the complexity is starting to build up very quickly, so I think we can agree that we're starting to see a serious mess arising -- sharing states between threads can be very tricky.
Therefore, the code example you provide is only partially parallelizable without much effort, however, as soon as there is a need to compare the two variables, separating the two operations becomes very difficult very quickly.
Couple of rules of thumbs when it comes to concurrent programming:
When there are tasks which can be broken down into parts which involve processing of data that is completely independent of other data and its results (states), then parallelizing can be very easy.
For example, two functions which calculates a value from an input (in pseudocode):
f(x) = { return 2x }
g(x) = { return x+1 }
These two functions don't rely on each other, so they can be executed in parallel without any pain. Also, as they are no states to share or handle between calculations, even if there were multiple values of x that needed to be calculated, even those can be split up further:
x = [1, 2, 3, 4]
foreach t in x:
foreach t in x:
Now, in this example, we can have 8 separate threads performing calculations. Not having side effects can be very good thing for concurrent programming.
However, as soon as there is dependency on data and results from other calculations (which also means there are side effects), parallelization becomes extremely difficult. In many cases, these types of problems will have to be performed in serial as they await results from other calculations to be returned.
Perhaps the question comes down to, why can't compilers figure out parts that can be automatically parallelized and perform those optimizations? I'm not an expert on compilers so I can't say, but there is an article on automatic parallization at Wikipedia which may have some information.
I know Intel chips very well.
Per your code, "if (a == ... || b == ...)" is a barrier, otherwise the processor cores will execute all code parallelly, regardless of compiler had done what kind of optimization. That only requires that the compiler is not a very "stupid" one. It means that the hardware has the capability itself, not software. So threaded programming or OpenMP is not necessary in such cases though they will help on improving parallel computing. Note here doesn't mean Hyper-threading, just normal multi-core processor functionalities.
Please google "processor pipeline multi port parallel" to learn more.
Here I'd like to give a classical example which could be executed by multi-core/multi-channel IMC platforms (e.g. Intel Nehalem family such as Core i7) parallelly, no extra software optimization would be needed.
char buffer0[64];
char buffer1[64];
char buffer2[64];
char buffer[192];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
*(buffer + i) = *(buffer0 + i);
*(buffer + 64 + i) = *(buffer1 + i);
*(buffer + 128 + i) = *(buffer2 + i);
Why? 3 reasons.
1 Core i7 has a triple-channel IMC, its bus width is 192 bits, 64 bits per channel; and memory address space is interleaved among the channels on a per cache-line basis. cache-line length is 64 bytes. so basicly buffer0 is on channel 0, buffer1 will be on channel and buffer2 on channel 2; while for buffer[192], it was interleaved among 3 channels evently, 64 per channel. The IMC supports loading or storing data from or to multiple channels concurrently. That's multi-channel MC burst w/ maximum throughput. While in my following description, I'll only say 64 bytes per channel, say w/ BL x8 (Burst Length 8, 8 x 8 = 64 bytes = cache-line) per channel.
2 buffer0..2 and buffer are continuous in the memory space (on a specific page both virtually and physically, stack memroy). when run, buffer0, 1, 2 and buffer are loaded/fetched into the processor cache, 6 cache-lines in total. so after start the execution of above "for(){}" code, accessing memory is not necessary at all because all data are in the cache, L3 cache, a non-core part, which is shared by all cores. We'll not talk about L1/2 here. In this case every core could pick the data up and then compute them independently, the only requirement is that the OS supports MP and stealing task is allowed, say runtime scheduling and affinities sharing.
3 there're no any dependencies among buffer0, 1, 2 and buffer, so there're no execution stall or barriers. e.g. execute *(buffer + 64 + i) = *(buffer1 + i) doesn't need to wait the execution of *(buffer + i) = *(buffer0 + i) for done.
Though, the most important and difficult point is "stealing task, runtime scheduling and affinities sharing", that's because for a give task, there's only one task exection context and it should be shared by all cores to perform parallel execution. Anyone if could understand this point, s/he is among the top experts in the world. I'm looking for such an expert to cowork on my open source project and be responsible for parallel computing and latest HPC architectures related works.
Note in above example code, you also could use some SIMD instructions such as movntdq/a which will bypass processor cache and write memory directly. It's a very good idea too when perform software level optimization, though accessing memory is extremely expensive, for example, accessing cache (L1) may need just only 1 cycle, but accessing memory needs 142 cycles on former x86 chips.
Please visit http://effocore.googlecode.com and http://effogpled.googlecode.com to know the details.
Implicit parallelism is probably what you are looking for.
If your application code is single-threaded multiple processors/cores will only be used if:
the libraries you use are using multiple threads (perhaps hiding this usage behind a simple interface)
your application spawns other processes to perform some part of its operation
Ruby, Python and PHP applications can all be written to use multiple threads, however.
A single threaded program will only use one core. The operating system might well decide to shift the program between cores from time to time - according to some rules to balance the load etc. So you will see only 25% usage overall and the all four cores working - but only one at once.
The only way to use multiple cores without using multithreading is to use multiple programs.
In your example above, one program could handle 0-2499999, the next 2500000-4999999, and so on. Set all four of them off at the same time, and they will use all four cores.
Usually you would be better off writing a (single) multithreaded program.
With C/C++ you can use OpenMP. It's C code with pragmas like
#pragma omp parallel for
for(..) {
to say that this for will run in parallel.
This is one easy way to parallelize something, but at some time you will have to understand how parallel programs execute and will be exposed to parallel programming bugs.
If you want to parallel the choice of the "i"s that evaluate to "true" your statement if (a == ... || b == ...) then you can do this with PLINQ (in .NET 4.0):
//note the "AsParallel"; that's it, multicore support.
var query = from i in Enumerable.Range(0, 100000000).AsParallel()
where (i % 2 == 1 && i >= 10) //your condition
select i;
//while iterating, the query is evaluated in parallel!
//Result will probably never be in order (eg. 13, 11, 17, 15, 19..)
foreach (var selected in query)
//not parallel here!
If, instead, you want to parallelize operations, you will be able to do:
Parallel.For(0, 100000000, i =>
if (i > 10) //your condition here
DoWork(i); //Thread-safe operation
Since you are talking about 'task manager', you appear to be running on Windows. However, if you are running a webserver on there (for Ruby or PHP with fcgi or Apache pre-forking, ant to a lesser extent other Apache workers), with multiple processes, then they would tend to spread out across the cores.
If only a single program without threading is running, then, no, no significant advantage will come from that - you're only ruinning one thing at a time, other than OS-driven background processes.
