redirection and vim - linux

I was wondering if there's a way to see the output of any command,
straight inside vim, rather than first redirecting it into a file and
then opening that file.
E.x. I need something like
$ gvim < diff -r dir1/ dir2/
This gives ambiguous redirect error message
I just want to see the diffs between dir1 and dir2 straight inside
Can any one provide a nice hack?

diff file1 file2 | vim -R -
The -R makes it read-only so you don't accidentally modify the input (which may or may not be your desired behavior). The single dash tells vim to reads its input over standard input. Works for other commands, too.

Also, when already in Vim:
:r! diff file1 file2

vim -d file1 file2

Although I would also suggest vimdiff or vim -d for the case of looking at a diff, I just have to share this (more general) approach for using vim usage in pipes: vipe (from the moreutils package in Ubuntu).
For example:
find -name '*.png' | vipe | xargs rm
would allow you to first edit (in vim) the list of .png files found before passing it to xargs rm.

jst use gvimdiff instead
or vimdiff
to paste the output of a command straight into vim, for example ls, try

BTW, there is a DirDiff plugin.

You can do this with
diff -r dir1/ dir2/ | gvim -
the '-' option to vim (or gvim) tells vim to open STDIN

I often use vimdiff -g <file1> <file2>

One of the most simple and convenient ways is to do it like this:
vimdiff -R <file1> <file2>
Again the '-R' flag is to open it for read-only mode to avoid any accidental changes.

What you are looking for is called process substitution:
vim <(diff -r dir1/ dir2/)
But the DirDiff plugin mentioned by Luc is much more useful for comparing directories.


Linux cat command output with new lines to be read using vim

I am trying to open all the files listed in file a.lst:
But trying the following command:
cat a.lst | tr "\n" " " | vim -
opens only the stdin output
symptom1.log symptom2.log symptom3.log symptom4.log
It doesn't open symptom1.log, symptom2.log, symptom3.log & symptom4.log in vim.
How to open all the files listed in a.lst using vim?
You could use xargs to line upp the arguments to vi:
vim $(cat 1.t | xargs)
cat a.lst | xargs vim
If you want them open in split view, use -o (horizontal) or -O (vertical):
cat a.lst | xargs vim -o
cat a.lst | xargs vim -O
while read f ; do cat $f ; done < a.lst | vim -
I like a variation on Qiau's xargs option:
xargs vim < a.lst
This works because the input redirection is applied to the xargs command rather than vim.
If your shell is bash, another option is this:
vim $(<a.lst)
This works because within the $(...), input redirection without a command simply prints the results of the input, hence expanding the file into a list of files for vim to open.
You mentioned in comments that you are using csh as your shell. So another option for you might be:
vim `cat a.lst`
This should work in POSIX shells as well, but I should point out that backquotes are deprecated in some other shells (notably bash) in favour of the $(...) alternative.
Note that redirection can happen in multiple places on your command line. This should also work in both csh and bash:
< a.lst xargs vim
vim may complain that its input is not coming from a terminal, but it appears to work for me anyway.

Partial directory list in linux

If I have a directory containing hundreds of files, using ls, ls-l, or dir gives me a list that's too long for the command terminal screen, so I'm unable to see most of the files in the directory.
I recall there being some argument for ls that allows one to scroll through the list in short increments, but can't seem to find it.
One option is to pipe the output to less or more
ls | less
ls | more
Try doing this in a shell :
ls -1 | less
One more way is to redirect the output of ls into a temporary file and then view that file with any editor of your choice - that way you can do searches etc. as well:
ls > res.tmp
vim res.tmp
emacs res.tmp
gedit res.tmp
grep "pattern" res.tmp

Execute a command within Vim from the command line

Is there a way to execute a Vim command on a file from the command line?
I know the opposite is true like this:
:!python %
But what if I wanted to :retab a file without opening it in Vim? For example:
> vim myfile.c
:retab | wq
This will open myfile.c, replace the tabs with spaces, and then save and close. I'd like to chain this sequence together to a single command somehow.
It would be something like this:
> vim myfile.c retab | wq
This works:
gvim -c "set et|retab|wq" foo.txt
set et (= set expandtab) ensures the tab characters get replaced with the correct number of spaces (otherwise, retab won't work).
I don't normally use it, but vim -c ... also works
The solution as given above presumes the default tab stop of eight is appropriate. If, say, a tab stop of four is intended, use the command sequence "set ts=4|set et|retab|wq".
You have several options:
-c "commands" : will play Ex commands as you entered them in the command line.
In your example : vim myfile -c 'retab | wq'. This is what Firstrock suggested.
-S "vim source file" : will source given vim script
(like running vim -c "source 'vim source file'"):
If you have a file script.vim containing:
Then you can use vim myfile.c -s script.vim (the extension does not really matter)
-s "scriptin file": will play contents of file as it contains normal mode commands: If you have script.txt containing:
with end of lines consisting of a single ^M character (for example you saved the script using the :set fileformat=mac | w), then you can run: vim myfile.c -S script.txt (ZZ is another way to exit vim and save current file).
Note that you can record those scripts with vim my_file -W script.txt, but it suffers a bug if you happen to use gvim (the GUI).
Not a direct answer to your question, but if you want to replace tabs with spaces (or do any other regex search/replace) for a list of files, you can just use in-place sed search/replace:
sed -i 's/\t/ /g' foo1.txt foo2.txt
ls *.txt | xargs sed -i 's/\t/ /g'
(In this example I am replacing each tab character with three spaces.)
NOTE: the -i flag means operate in-place.
From the sed man page:
-i[SUFFIX], --in-place[=SUFFIX]
edit files in place (makes backup if extension

Vim: open files of the matches on the lines given by Grep?

I want to get automatically to the positions of the results in Vim after grepping, on command line. Is there such feature?
Files to open in Vim on the lines given by grep:
% grep --colour -n checkWordInFile * public boolean checkWordInFile(String word, File file) { public boolean checkWordInFile(String word, File file) { if(checkWordInFile(word, f))
If you pipe the output from grep into vim
% grep -n checkWordInFile * | vim -
you can put the cursor on the filename and hit gF to jump to the line in that file that's referenced by that line of grep output. ^WF will open it in a new window.
From within vim you can do the same thing with
:r !grep -n checkWordInFile *
which is equivalent to but less convenient than
:lgrep checkWordInFile *
which brings up the superfantastic quickfix window so you can conveniently browse through search results.
You can alternatively get slower but in-some-ways-more-flexible results by using vim's native grep:
:lvimgrep checkWordInFile *
This one uses vim REs and paths (eg allowing **). It can take 2-4 times longer to run (maybe more), but you get to use fancy \(\)\#<=s and birds of a feather.
Have a look at "Grep search tools integration with Vim" and "Find in files within Vim". Basically vim provides these commands for searching files:
The articles feature more information regarding their usage.
You could do this:
% vim "+/checkWordInFile" $(grep -l checkWordInFile *)
This will put in the vim command line a list of all the files that match the regex. The "+/..." option will tell vim to search from the start of each file until it finds the first line that matches the regex.
The +/... option will only search the first file for the regex. To search in every file you need this:
% vim "-c bufdo /checkWordInFile" $(grep -l checkWordInFile *)
If this is something you need to do often you could write a bash function so that you only need to specify the regex once (assuming that the regex is valid for both grep and vim).
I think this is what you are looking for:
When you open a file:line, for instance when coping and pasting from an error from your compiler (or grep output) vim tries to open a file with a colon in its name. With this little script in your plugins folder if the stuff after the colon is a number and a file exists with the name especified before the colon vim will open this file and take you to the line you wished in the first place.
It's definitely what I was looking for.
I highly recommend ack.vim over grep for this functionality.
You probably want to make functions for these. :)
Sequential vim calls (console)
grep -rn "implements" app | # Or any (with "-n") you like
awk '{
split($0,a,":"); # split on ":"
print "</dev/tty vim", a[1], "+" a[2] # results in lines with "</dev/tty vim <foundfile> +<linenumber>
}' |
parallel --halt-on-error 1 -j1 --tty bash -ec # halt on error and "-e" important to make it possible to quit in the middle
Use :cq from vim to stop editing.
Concurrent opening in tabs (gvim)
Start the server:
gvim --servername GVIM
Open the tabs:
grep -rn "implements" app | # again, any grep you like (with "-n")
awk "{ # double quotes because of $PWD
split(\$0,a,\":\"); # split on ":"
print \":tabedit $PWD/\" a[1] \"<CR>\" a[2] \"G\" # Vim commands. Open file, then jump to line
}" |
parallel gvim --servername GVIM --remote-send # of course the servername needs to match
If you use git, results are often more meaningful when you search only in the files tracked by git. To open files at the given line which is a search result of git grep in vim you will need the fugitive plugin, then
:Ggrep pattern
Will give you the list in a buffer and you can choose to open files from your git grep results.
In this particular example:
vim +170

Can you mass edit all files returned in a grep?

I want to mass-edit a ton of files that are returned in a grep. (I know, I should get better at sed).
So if I do:
grep -rnI 'xg_icon-*'
How do I pipe all of those files into vi?
The easiest way is to have grep return just the filenames (-l instead of -n) that match the pattern. Run that in a subshell and feed the results to Vim.
vim $(grep -rIl 'xg_icon-*' *)
A nice general solution to this is to use xargs to convert a stdout from a process like grep to an argument list.
A la:
grep -rIl 'xg_icon-*' | xargs vi
if you use vim and the -p option, it will open each file in a tab, and you can switch between them using gt or gT, or even the mouse if you have mouse support in the terminal
You can do it without any processing of the grep output! This will even enable you to go the the right line (using :help quickfix commands, eg. :cn or :cw). So, if you are using bash or zsh:
vim -q &lt(grep foo *.c)
if what you want to edit is similar across all files, then no point using vi to do it manually. (although vi can be scripted as well), hypothetically, it looks something like this, since you never mention what you want to edit
grep -rnI 'xg_icon-*' | while read FILE
sed -i.bak 's/old/new/g' $FILE # (or other editing commands, eg awk... )
vi `grep -l -i findthisword *`
