DAM Solutions for full-length movies - content-management

Are there any DAM (Digital Asset Management) solutions in the market that can handle storage & classification of full length movies (10 GB and greater).
Have heard of solutions from EMC Documentum, Artesia, Oracle UCM and the like but not sure if they handle file sizes this large ? Any open-source systems ?

I am going to go out on a a limb and say 'No'. There may be some custom ones around, but I have not seen anything that could handle videos of that size.
Personally, I have implemented the image portion of Oracle's DAM (still owned by Stellent at the time). I remember the tech being optimized for short streaming videos.
In Aust, ABC recently launched a streaming service;
This, like other I have seen that are similar, seem to be limited to episodes or shows limited to 1/2 or single hour blocks.
Actually, 10gb seems like a crazy size to be entered into a CM system. As CM implies the files will be shared/ available remotely.
Are the videos uncompressed?
Do you want to stream/provide them across the network?
I would be interested to know some more details on the system you are after.


How can I prepare video for Azure Media Services myself (on-premises) in variable bitrate?

I usually use Media Encoder Standard to encode 4k videos in H264 Multiple bitrate format. But it's just becoming expensive (for me) because of source 4k file size, so it take up to 20 hours when encoding in Azure.
So I wonder is there a way to prepare it myself for this format https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/media-services/media-services-mes-preset-h264-multiple-bitrate-4k ? I do video editing and color grading anyway.
Ok, so the answer to this, as can be seen in the comment thread above is to do several changes to your workflow to reduce the time and the costs:
Change your source content to be 4k 30p instead of 60p. There really is no need to have 60p for the type of content that you are filming. It's not really high action content.
This should cut your upload source data size in half...
Download the JSON for the 4K preset that you are using "H264 Multi Bitrate 4k" and customize it. Don't trust that we have given you the right settings for your cost demands or scenario. :-)
Change the frame rates in the preset, drop some of the bitrate layers, remove some layers as Anil suggested above. This should seriously reduce the encoding time, and your overall output costs. Just cut it down to the bare minimum and give it another shot.
If that does not work out for you, ping us again at amshelp#microsoft.com and we can help figure out other scenarios to assist.
Thanks for using Azure Media Services! And also thanks for contributing to the community.
John D.

Detecting ads in audio streams?

I have never tried, but just curious if there is any possibility to detect ads in audio streams? I mean except machine learning or something. Some specifics about byte stream during adverts. Maybe kind of different loud value?
From a purely audio standpoint, this isn't possible. There is nothing distinguishable between an advertisement and other audio content. Sure, you could argue that a station playing music will have different spectral characteristics than when talking comes on for an advertisement, but what about ads that also play music? How do you distinguish between an announcer and someone reading an ad? What if the ad is embedded in normal content?
Now, some stations do provide metadata which occasionally contain ad information. If you look at the length of a particular content item, your ads are usually going to be under a minute or 30 seconds. How you get this metadata and deal with it depend on the kind of stream you're working with.
There are techniques emerging to do this and they tend to leverage databases of known adverts to get around the theoretical problems that Brad correctly highlights in his answer.
One of the references below however, uses a techniques based on detecting slight differences in the audio when an ad starts as the initial detection trigger.
Some techniques also use both audio and visual streams to aid detection - for example the Google paper below uses first audio matching and then the video to validate/verify.
Some sources that might be worth looking at for anyone interested in this area (I realise it is an old question but it is still topical):

Tools for parsing natural language questions in realtime

photos in washington VS show me photos in washington VS I wanna see all my photos in washington taken day before yesterday
entities:washington (dont want to be too assuming)
when: 2013-03-14
I want to parse preset queries into conditions (like above). I want these qualities:
I can extract relevant terms even in presence of fluff ("I wanna see) and lowercase nouns
warm program can accept requests over HTTP or allow me to add some network communication
warm program responds in 50ms and needs atmost 500Mb of memory for reasonable sentences
I am more experienced in Python, less so in Java
Parser data structure is easy to handle
I use NLTK, but its slow. I see StanfordNLP and OpenNLP as viable alternatives but I find the program-start latency to be too high. I dont mind integrating them over servlets if I am left with no alternative.
The Stanford Parser is a solid choice, and pretty well-supported (as research code goes). But it sounds like low latency is an important requirement for you, so I'd also suggest you look at the BUBS Parser (full disclosure - I'm one of the primary researchers working on BUBS).
I haven't compared directly to NLTK, but I think you may find that the Stanford Parser doesn't meet your performance needs. This paper found a total throughput of ~60 words/second (~2-3 sentences/second). Those timings are pretty old, so newer hardware will certainly improve that, but probably still won't come close to 50 ms latency.
As you note, startup time will be an issue with any parser - a high-accuracy model is necessarily quite large. And 500 MB is probably pretty tight too (I usually run BUBS with 1-1.2 GB). But once loaded, BUBS latency is generally in the neighborhood of 10 ms per sentence (for ~20-25-word sentences), and we can push the total throughput up around 2500 words/second before accuracy starts to drop off. I think those numbers might meet your performance needs, and I don't know of any other high-accuracy (F1 >= 88-89) parser that comes close in speed.
Note: the fastest results are with recent pruning models that aren't yet posted to the website, but I can get you a model if you need. Hope that helps, and if you have more questions, feel free to ask.

Secure streaming video with dynamic watermark

What are some scalable and secure ways to provide a streaming video to a recipient with their name overlayed as a watermark?
Some of the comments here are very good. Using libavfilter is probably a good place to start. Watermarking every frame is going to be very expensive because it requires decoding and re-encoding the entire video for each viewer.
One idea I'd like to expand upon is watermarking only portions of the video. I will assume you're working with h.264 video, which requires far more CPU cycles to decode and encode than older codecs. I think per cpu core you could mark 1 or 2 stream in real time. If you can reduce your requirements to 10 seconds marked out of 100, then you're talking about 10-20 per core, so about 100 per server. It's probably not the performance you're looking for.
I think some companies sell watermarking hardware for TV operators, but I doubt it's any cheaper than a rack of servers and far less flexible.
I think you want to use the ffmpeg libavfilter library. Basically it allows you to overlay an image on top of a video. There is an example showing how to insert a transparent PNG logo in the bottom left corner of the input. You can interface with the library from C++ or from a shell on a command line basis.
In older versions of ffmpeg you will need to use a extension library called watermark.so, often located in /usr/lib/vhook/watermark.so
Depending on what your content is, you may want to consider using invisible digital watermarking as well. It embeds a digital sequence into your video which is not visually detectable. Even if someone were to remove the visible watermark, the invisible watermark would still remain. If a user were to redistribute your video, invisible watermarking would indicate the source of the redistribution.
Of course there are also companies which provide video content management, but I get the sense you want to do this yourself. Doing the watermarking real time is going to be very resource intensive, especialy as you scale up. I would look to do some type of predicitive watermarking.

Search by hash?

I had the idea of a search engine that would index web items like other search engines do now but would only store the file's title, url and a hash of the contents.
This way it would be easy to find items on the web if you already had them and didn't know where they came from or wanted to know all the places that something appeared.
More useful for non textual items like images, executables and archives.
I was wondering if there is already something similar?
Check out the wikipedia page on locality sensitive hashing. There's also a good page hosted by a research on MIT.
In general, there are several flavors available: hashes for strings (such as simhash), sets or 0/1 features (such as min-wise hashes), and for real vectors.
The main trick for numerical hashes is basically dimension reduction, so far. For strings, the idea is to come up with a representation that's robust in the face of minor edits.
I'm also doing a little research in this field, although I guess stackoverflow might not be the right place for nascent work.
The question seems to focus on exact match hashes, which we understand better than nearest-neighbor approaches, and are indeed worthwhile, especially if people can share tags and other metadata that way.
As #rjmunro notes, hash-based searching is a popular idea in the P2P world, and Bitzi did pretty much this, though they have shut down and their Bitpedia (Digital Media Encyclopedia) isn't hosted there any more, though some of it at least is still available at Archive.org.
Bitzi also produced software like Bitcollider (SourceForge.net),
and the Magnet URI scheme, which allows for specifying a file by hash and is thus a content-based identifier. Various applications support searching at various databases via Magnet URIs as described at that Wikipedia page.
The same idea is popular in the password-cracking scene - see e.g. findmyhash - Python script to crack hashes using online services etc.
Going a step further, I think it would be great if there were databases and online repositories identifying content by hash and providing tags and other metadata about the content from various perspectives. Then I could leave my music collection in its pristine state (no wasted backup space and time), but still tag them myself and add other metadata, via external tag databases. If my applications knew how to grab the tags, it would seem much better than the current system where we modify and copy around big files just to move tags from e.g. my desktop to my phone.
See a related idea at Metadata Independent Hashing for Media Identification & P2P Transfer Optimisation (pdf).
Well, for images, there's http://tineye.com, which will one-up that, and find you similar images too.
It's not a bad idea. Sometimes I find myself stumbled upon some file trying to figure out where it comes from :) But how are you going to track item's sources? Content can be obtained by various means - web browser, download manager, simply by copying from network share.
If I understand your proposal right, http://bitzi.com/ has done this for a while.
