Linux display average CPU load for last week - linux

On a Linux box, I need to display the average CPU utilisation per hour for the last week. Is that information logged somewhere? Or do I need to write a script that wakes up every 15 minutes to copy /proc/loadavg to a logfile?
EDIT: I'm not allowed to use any tools other than those that come with Linux.

You might want to check out sar (man page), it fits your use case nicely.
System Activity Reporter (SAR) - capture important system performance metrics at
periodic intervals.
Example from IBM Developer Works Article:
Add an entry to your root crontab
# Collect measurements at 10-minute intervals
0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * /usr/lib/sa/sa1
# Create daily reports and purge old files
0 0 * * * /usr/lib/sa/sa2 -A
Then you can simply query this information using a sar command (display all of today's info):
root ~ # sar -A
Or just for a certain days log file:
root ~ # sar -f /var/log/sa/sa16
You can usually find it in the sysstat package for your linux distro

As far as I know it's not stored anywhere... It's a trivial thing to write, anyway. Just add something like
cat /proc/loadavg >> /var/log/loads
to your crontab.
Note that there are monitoring tools (like Munin) which can do this kind of thing for you, and generate pretty graphs of it to boot... they might be overkill for your situation though.

I would recommend looking at Multi Router Traffic Grapher (MRTG).
Using snmpd to read the load average, it will automatically calculate averages at any time interval and length, along with nice charts for analysis.
Someone has already posted a CPU usage example.


Net::SNMP caching results for extend OIDs

The scope of this work is to query two machines' high resolution timer at the "same time" and get the time clock inaccuracy between both systems. This is done by having the 3rd machine sending an SNMP-get for a custom OID where the SNMP agent is configured to invoke a perl script to return the high-resolution timer. All works fine as in the snmp-get manages to return the expected result. However it appears that regardless of the frequency of the snmpget queries, the snmpagent only performs a fresh query to the script at ~5 second intervals. I am running NET SNMP version 5.4.3. After some research I've seen that this is typical of NET SNMP to cache the results and this is done on MIB tree basis. There is MIB (nsCacheTable) with the respective intervals by querying snmpwalk to Apparently the values can be changed to 0 to remove caching. Some of these are read-only though. Although I've set a few of them to 0 using SNMPset (as most of them return a Bad object type error).
I know very basic SNMP so I followed a guide online and mapped the below custom OID to the perl script with this line in the snmpd.conf.
extend . return_date /usr/bin/perl [directory]/[perl script name].pl
Then the actual OID containing the output (time in epoch) is:
Anyone has any ideas how I can disable the caching for this OID?
Thanks in advance.
According to this blog post, in order to avoid disabling the caching - one can instead use pass-persist scripts which look more complex to implement at first glance. The perl script I used to call is the below:
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
($s, $usec) = gettimeofday();
$newtime = $s.$usec;
print ($newtime);
Anyone can provide help in converting this script for pass-persist and how the snmpd.conf should look like?

Linux ssh last - show last logged in past 10 days

How to see last logged via SSH with "last" command?
I mean the last 10 days.
It shows for me only last two days even if I use last -n 1000
Or maybe my logs contain only last two days so how eventually check that and increase this value?
You'll need to check /etc/logrotate.conf Here's the relevant portion of one of my servers.
/var/log/wtmp {
create 0664 root utmp
minsize 1M
rotate 1
if your server is rotating files out and you want to look at what was in the previous month then use the last -f command.
ls /var/log/wtmp*
last -f /var/log/wtmp-20140902 (or whatever the filename is to examine)
log rotation and renaming are distribution dependent. (thanks David C. Rankin)
lastly (no pun intended) you can always do a
man last
and get all the potential command line switches.
The information of who logged in when is available in /var/log/auth.log (or other log files on other distributions). There are multiple log monitoring programs that can extract the information you configure as relevant. On any sane system, every user authentication is logged.
If the accounting subsystem is up and running, then lastcomm shows information about finished processes.

Is there a Linux serial terminal WITH timestamps?

i still want to check my Bootloader + Linux Startupcode for an embedded device. Therefore i want to catch the time for every command printed to the serial port.
I know there are programs like putty (which i can dearly recommend), getty, cutecom, picocom, screen etc. But none of these add timestamps to the incomming messages on the host screen (I'm not really talking about the date, more like how many ms have gone since the first output). It actually sounds not like a big deal.
I found out there is one script doing what i wanted to have, called grabserial but it's not working properly, since it's to slow to process the whole output. I discussed this problem in a different forum (if you want to know: grabserial problem but it's not part of the topic). So i can't use that script.
Now again: can you tell me a terminal for Linux which adds timestamps to every line, which was received from a Serial Port?
Thank you
[Edit:] I've found a pretty rough workaround with cereal, which wants to have some settings, since it locks the port everytime you use it. In the end, it adds the actual date and time, not the startup time and difftime between each step, so as you can see I'm still looking for an adequate solution.
This might come 3 years too late, but minicom ( supports timestamps for every line printed on the terminal. In Ubuntu it's directly available in the default repos.
You might want to look in to using strace to monitor the serial port. See How can I monitor data on a serial port in Linux?
If you are willing to build the binary by yourself, you can try a branched picocom ( This is based on picocom 1.7 which is a little old.
I have forked and enhanced this picocom and made it be able to show either delta-time or wall-clock timestamp. You can find it here ( You still have to build the binary by yourself.
Here is how I use it. Note, N is the command to enable/toggle timestamp.
$ picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0
<ctrl-a> N # enable delta-time timestamp
<ctrl-a> N # toggle wall-clock timestamp
<ctrl-a> N # disable timestamp
tio found at provides various timestamp options:
-t, --timestamp
Enable line timestamp.
--timestamp-format <format>
Set timestamp format to any of the following timestamp formats:
24hour 24-hour format ("hh:mm:ss.sss")
24hour-start 24-hour format relative to start time
24hour-delta 24-hour format relative to previous timestamp
iso8601 ISO8601 format ("YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss")
Default format is 24hour
In your case, showing how much time has passed since start, that would be something like this:
tio -t --timestamp-format 24hour-start /dev/ttyUSB0
Settings can also be enabled in tio configuration file ~/.tioconfig
I believe that ExtraPuTTY is the solution you are looking for.
However, I wasn't clear if you wanted something to run ON Linux or just to be able to monitor it (SSH to Linux). If you didn't want a Windows solution, then I apologize.

Logging VMStat data to file

I am trying to create some capacity planning reports and one of the requrements is to have info on Memory usage for a few Unix Servers.
Now my knowledge of Unix is very low. I usually just log on and run a few scripts.
But for this report I need to gather VMStat data and produce reports based on previous the previous weeks data broken down by hour which is an average of Vmstat data taken every 10 seconds.
So first question: is VMStat logging on by default and if so what location on the server is the data output to?
If not how can I set this up?
vmstat is a command that you run.
To generate one week of Virtual Memory stats spaced out at ten second intervals (less the last one) is 60,479 10 second intervals
So the command you want is:
nohup vmstat 10 604879 > myvmstatfile.dat &
This will make a very big file myvmstatfile.dat
EDIT: RobKielty (The & will put this job in the background, the nohup will prevent the task from hanging up when you logout of the command shell. If you ran this command it would be prudent to monitor the disk partition to which this file was being written to. Use df -h /path/to/directory/where/outputfile/resides to monitor the disk space usage.)
I have no idea what you need to do with the data, so I can't help you there.
Create a crontab entry (crontab -e) like this
0 0 * * 0 /path/to/my/
The file will contain the follow bash script commands.
vmstat 10 604879 > myvmstatfile.dat
mv myvmstatfile.dat myvmstatfile.dat.`date +%Y-%m-%d`
This will create one file per week with a name like myvmstatfile.dat.2012-07-01
The command I use for monitoring the Linux vm metrics is below:
nohup vmstat 10 720| (while read; do echo "$(date +%d-%m-%Y" "%H:%M:%S) $REPLY"; done) >> nameofLogfile.log
Here nohup is used for running the process in background.
It will run for 2 hours with interval of 10 secs.
This is the best command for generating graphs and reports as timestamp will also be included in logs along with different metrics, so that we can filter the logs accordingly.

linux uptime history

How can I get a history of uptimes for my debian box? After a reboot, I dont see an option for the uptime command to print a history of uptimes. If it matters, I would like to use these uptimes for graphing a page in php to show my webservers uptime lengths between boots.
Not sure if it is based on a length of time or if last gets reset on reboot but I only get the most recent boot timestamp with the last command. last -x also does not return any further info. Sounds like a script is my best bet.
Uptimed is the information I am looking for, not sure how to grep that info in code. Managing my own script for a db sounds like the best fit for an application.
Install uptimed. It does exactly what you want.
You can apparantly include it in a PHP page as easily as this:
<? system("/usr/local/bin/uprecords -a -B"); ?>
the last command will give you the reboot times of the system. You could take the difference between each successive reboot and that should give the uptime of the machine.
1800 INFORMATION answer is a better solution.
You could create a simple script which runs uptime and dumps it to a file.
uptime >> uptime.log
Then set up a cron job for it.
Try this out:
last | grep reboot
according to last manual page:
The pseudo user reboot logs in each time the system is rebooted.
Thus last reboot will show a log of all reboots since the log file
was created.
so last column of #last reboot command gives you uptime history:
#last reboot
reboot system boot **************** Sat Sep 21 03:31 - 08:27 (1+04:56)
reboot system boot **************** Wed Aug 7 07:08 - 08:27 (46+01:19)
This isn't stored between boots, but The Uptimes Project is a third-party option to track it, with software for a range of platforms.
Another tool available on Debian is uptimed which tracks uptimes between boots.
I would create a cron job to run at the required resolution (say 10 minutes) by entering the following [on one single line - I've just separated it for formatting purposes] in your crontab (cron -l to list, cron -e to edit).
0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * *
/bin/echo $(/bin/date +\%Y-\%m-\%d) $(/usr/bin/uptime)
>>/tmp/uptime.hist 2>&1
This appends the date, time and uptime to the uptime.hist file every ten minutes while the machine is running. You can then examine this file manually to figure out the information or write a script to process it as you see fit.
Whenever the uptime reduces, there's been a reboot since the previous record. When there are large gaps between lines (i.e., more than the expected ten minutes), the machine's been down during that time.
This information is not normally saved. However, you can sign up for an online service that will do this for you. You just install a client that will send your uptime to the server every 5 minutes and the site will present you with a graph of your uptimes:
i dont think this information is saved between reboots.
if shutting down properly you could run a command on shutdown that saves the uptime, that way you could read it back after booting back up.
Or you can use tuptime for a total uptime time.
You can use tuptime, a simple command for report the total uptime in linux keeping it betwwen reboots.
Since I haven't found an answer here that would help retroactively, maybe this will help someone.
kern.log (depending on your distribution) should log a timestamp.
It will be something like:
2019-01-28T06:25:25.459477+00:00 someserver kernel: [44114473.614361] somemessage
"44114473.614361" represents seconds since last boot, from that you can calculate the uptime without having to install anything.
Nagios can make even very beautiful diagrams about this.
Use Syslog
For anyone coming here searching for their past uptime.
The solution of #1800_Information is a good advise for the future, but I needed to find information for my past uptimes on a specific date.
Therefore I used syslog to determine when that day the system was started (first log entry of that day) and when the system was shutdown again.
Boot time
To get the system start time grep for the month and day and show only the first lines:
sudo grep "May 28" /var/log/syslog* | head
Shutdown time
To get the system shutdown time grep for the month and day and show only the last few lines:
sudo grep "May 28" /var/log/syslog* | tail
