Using .Find to look in another worksheet - excel

I have aset of account names in one workbook (the active one), and I need to use the .Find function to look for their ocurrences in another workbook/sheet. I don't think I'm getting the right Object handle for the other workbook/sheet, but nothing I try is working.
For Count = 1 to 10
accName = Cells(Count, 1).Value
AccRow(Count) = OBJECTHANDLE.Find(accName).Row
Next Count
Any help?

Never mind, I found the answer with perserverence (it's so rare at the end of the day). Needs to have the Object defined up to .Range, so:
I hate VBA.


Iterating through collections

I have a collection that I'm attempting to iterate through, which I am able to do no problem. What I would like to achieve is seeing the next object in the collection, but I am unable to find anything on this.
I've tried to look ahead using a (+ 1) in the if statement, but this doesn't seem to work.
For each a in CollBlank
if CollBlank(a + 1) <> "some value" then
'do code
end if
Ideally, I'd like to be able to look ahead.
Access-vba & excel-vba are tagged since collections are used in both access and excel, I'm personally using it in Access right now, but most tutorials are through Excel.
Rather than using for each, use a for loop with an index variable, for example:
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 to CollBlank.Count - 2
If CollBlank(i + 1) <> "some value" Then
' Do stuff
End If
Next i

Performing same operation on multiple named ranges

I have a bunch of named ranges within a sheet that must get cleared every day. Currently I have it set up within VBA like this:
(+15 more)
Not really a big deal but I feel like there must be a better way of going about it. That being said after doing some searching I didn't really see anything about looping through multiple named ranges. Any ideas/thoughts on this?
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 to 20
Range("CustomList" & i).ClearContents
... something like that.
If you had some sort of naming convention for named ranges that you want to clear, you could do something like this which means you don't ever need to update your code ...
Dim objName As Name
For Each objName In ThisWorkbook.Names
If InStr(1, objName.Name, "NamedRange", vbTextCompare) = 1 Then
With objName.RefersToRange
End With
End If
Skin's solution will work if the name is consistent, but if not, you could always create an array with all the range names.
Something Like
RngArray = Array("CustomList1","CustomList2","CustomList3, etc.")
For i = 0 to 19
A Union may be more typing than a loop but it completes the operation in a single statement.
Union(Range("CustomList1"), Range("CustomList2"), Range("CustomList3"), _
Range("CustomList4"), Range("CustomList5"), Range("CustomList6"), _
Range("CustomList7"), Range("CustomList8"), Range("CustomList9"), _
Range("CustomList10"), Range("CustomList11"), Range("CustomList12"), _
Range("CustomList13"), Range("CustomList14"), Range("CustomList15"), _
Range("CustomList16"), Range("CustomList17"), Range("CustomList18"), _
Range("CustomList19"), Range("CustomList20")).ClearContents
This method would likely be better suited to named ranges with abstract or dissimilar naming conventions.
I would do this slightly differently.
I would store the names under one name in the Formula==>Names Manager as shown below.
And then I will only use the below every where. No need for several lines of code everytime you want to clear the range.

VBS for Excel to count and specific word and use it for a loop

I need little help again.
I have an excel file and I have to do some formatting for further processing.
I stuck at one point:
find a word / or string
get back the number how often it is used in the excel
use this number to put it into a loop
I hope this is possible with VBscript, because I cannot use VBA.
This is how the code looks like, but I doesn't work
Dim objExcel
Set Excel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Excel.Visible = True "C:\Users\............."
Number = excel.countIf "A:A", "Ent.Date"
for i = 1 to Number
excel.Activecell.resize(RowSize +3).EntireRow.Select
Please help me.
You are close. CountIf() is a method of the WorksheetFunction class in your Excel application. So:
Number = Excel.WorksheetFunction.CountIf("A:A", "Ent.Date")
Unrelated. All of this .Active .Select is unnecessary. Humans Select and Activate, but your script doesn't need to.
Set Excel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Excel.Visible = True "C:\Users\............."
Number = excel.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Excel.Range("A:A"), "Ent.Date")
for i = 1 to Number
excel.Cells.Find("Ent.Date").Offset(-1,0).resize(RowSize +3).EntireRow.Delete
Also (and this might be more preference) instead of looping with For you could instead us a While loop:
Set Excel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Excel.Visible = True "C:\Users\............."
Do While excel.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Excel.Range("A:A"), "Ent.Date") >= 1
excel.Cells.Find("Ent.Date").Offset(-1,0).resize(RowSize +3).EntireRow.Delete
That causes a little extra overhead since it runs that countif on each loop, but it feels more succinct and less potential for error since you seem to be resizing the range returned by Find() to be more rows and then deleting them all... which means you might be picking off rows that also contain your search criteria, which means you are looping too much in your For Loop. But... perhaps your sheet is set up in such a way that this condition doesn't happen.

Excel VBA Function stops execution before completion without error message

I set out to write a simple function to determine the length of a string in points. Having googled around I decided to avoid the font metrics problem by having excel do the work for me.
Here is the code.
Option Explicit
Function txtWidthPts(MyText As String) As Integer
'A cell on a working worksheet has been named "WidthTest" for easy reference & to ensure data is not overwritten.
'set WidthTest word wrapping off so that strings placed in there aren't wrapped
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With [WidthTest]
.WrapText = False
.Value = MyText
'autofit WidthTest
'get the width of the column
txtWidthPts = .Width
End With
End Function
I tested the function by placing it in a cell on a working worksheet thus:
When I have this working I will be using it in code not as a worksheet function.
My problem is that the function does not throw an error and stops execution on the line:
.Value = MyText
I have placed the code and name into an empty workbook to ensure no interaction with other workbook contents / code.
I have searched extensively and tried various suggestions (DoEvents, Application.Update = False, etc, etc.) to no result.
I have cleared all breakpoints, closed and opened the workbook & restarted. I have tested with options set to Break on All Errors.
No result.
I suspect I am missing something obvious but it has me beat at the moment.
Any and all suggestions will be most welcome.
So, #YowE3K was right on the money. After fixing the error in the original code (Corrected code above) this runs fine from vba. I knew I was missing something obvious.
Curiosity sub-question: the function works as desired and indeed, as #YowE3K observed, it does not modify the Excel environment. However the result returned is dependent on it appearing to have modified the Excel environment. Seriously WTF. Just wanting to understand.
Thanks again YoWE3K.

VBScript - Either getting object required or type mismatch errors

I have scoured the web and this site looking for an answer on this, so I would really appreciate some help.
I'm creating a VBScript to do some modifications to a user-specified Excel spreadsheet. I have the first part of my script working fine, but the second part is driving me nuts. I need it to search the first column for a value and, if found, delete the row. Right now I'm not worrying about the deletion statement--I'm doing testing by seeing if I can get the For Each statement to run properly as well as the If Then statement. Here's the specific block of code:
For Each cell in objSheet.Columns("A:A").Cells
Set cell = objSheet.Columns("A:A").Cells
If cell.Value = "60802400040000" then
cell.font.bold = True
End If
I have tried many variations of this and cannot find the right combination. Initially I was getting an "Object Required" messages, and after reading a number of posts, found that I needed to put in a Set statement for cell, which I did. Now I am getting a Mismatch Type error message.
The funny thing is, before I put in the Set statement, the code would execute, but it would throw the Object Required error when I closed the spreadsheet. After adding it, the error for the Type Mismatch pops up immediately.
Most examples I keep finding on the web are for VBA, and I try to modify them for VBS, which I don't know very well. Any assistance anyone can give me will be greatly appreciated.
You are redefining cell, cell is defined automatically in the For Each statement.
Delete this line
Set cell = objSheet.Columns("A:A").Cells
This is an example from Help, unfortunately Help doesn't have any examples that uses For Each, only For x = n to n and other means. For Each is the right thing to do.
Set r = Range("myRange")
For n = 1 To r.Rows.Count
If r.Cells(n, 1) = r.Cells(n + 1, 1) Then
MsgBox "Duplicate data in " & r.Cells(n + 1, 1).Address
End If
Next n
For vba to vbs, you have to create the object and use, as some objects are automatically available in VBA (like app object) - Set exceldoc = CreateObject("c:\blah\blah.xls) then to use Set r = exceldoc.worksheets(0).range("MyRange").
Also you have to use constant values not names as vbscript can't look them up.
