Errors Raised within Class Debug As If Raised at Property Call - excel

I am (unfortunately) developing an application in Excel 2000 VBA. I believe I have discovered that any error raised within a Custom Class property, function, or sub debugs as if the error were raised at the point in the VBA code where the property is called. That is, the VBE debugger does not take me to the point in the Class property where the error occurred, but instead where the property was first entered (from a Module Sub or Function, e.g.) This makes it frustrating to develop anything more than the most shallow OO Excel 2000 VBA code since I have to step line-by-line through every Class method to discover the instructions causing an error.
Am I missing something or is this a known bug I have to deal with in Excel 2000? Has this been fixed in 2003 or 2007?
Example code:
'In Module1:
Public Sub TestSub1()
Dim testClass As Class1
Dim testVariant As Variant
Set testClass = New Class1
testVariant = testClass.Property1 'Debugger takes me here...
End Sub
' In Class1
Property Get Property1() As Variant
Err.Raise 666, , "Excel 2000 VBA Sux!" 'But error is actually thrown here.
End Property

For Office 2003 you will get this behaviour when the debugger is configured to break on unhandled errors (the default configuration).
If you want it to break on the Err.Raise line, you need to configure it to break on all errors (Tools/Options/General/Error Trapping/Break on All Errors).
I believe it's the same for Office 2000 but don't have a copy to check.

This page is a very good resource on error handling in VBA:
Error Handling and Debugging Tips and Techniques for Microsoft Access, VBA, and Visual Basic 6

This "feature" is the same in Excel 2003 and I'd be surprised if it's different in 2007.

The same still holds true in Excel 2010 - that's where I met this behaviour.
To quote Chip Pearson's site:
There is absolutely no reason to use an error trapping setting other than Break In Class Module.
His description of the difference between the error modes:
When you are testing and running your code, you have three error trapping modes. The first is Break On All Errors. This will cause the debugger to open if any error occurs, regardless of any On Error handling you might have in the code. The second option is Break On Unhandled Errors. This will cause the debugger to open if the error is not handled by an existing On Error directive. This is the most often used option and is the default setting. The third option, Break In Class Module is the most important and least used. It is not the default error trapping mode, so you have to set it manually.
The Break In Class Module is the most important because it will cause the debugger to break on the line of code within an object module that is actually causing the problem. The Break In Class Module setting is in the Options dialog accessible on the Tools menu. It is on the General tab of the Options dialog, as shown below.


Teklynx LabelView 2019 Server Activation

Preface: My programming knowledge is Beginner/intermediate, I apologize for any misunderstanding. I will do my best to describe the issue below.
Software: LabelView 2019 Gold & Excel
Problem: Activating a Teklynx VBA Reference Library "LabelManager2" apart of the TK Labeling ActiveX 19.0 (Ippx2.tlb).
Goal: My goal is to use the primary ActiveX library available as a reference library outside of the program (in an excel macro). LabelView allows the use of this library within the program's "Visual Basic Scripting" section of properties, however for my purposes this will not be a great option.
What I have done:
Researching online I found an old programmer's guide for this software (Link). After adding the appropriate reference library I attempted to dim and set the library with the following code:
Test 1:
Sub lblTest()
Dim MyApp As LabelManager2.Application
On Error Resume Next
Set MyApp = New LabelManager2.Application
MsgBox MyApp.Path
End Sub
The error I receive:
Run-time error '-2146959355 (80080005)'... Not enough memory resources are available to complete this operation. Upon clicking "Help" it brings me to a Microsoft page "Automation error (error 440)".
Test 2:
Sub lblTest()
Dim MyApp As LabelManager2.Application
'On Error Resume Next
Set MyApp = CreateObject("LabelManager2.Application")
MsgBox MyApp.Path
End Sub
The error I receive: Run-time error '429': ActiveX component can't create object.
I have also contacted their support for assistance, however, they do not have any information they are willing to release.
Perhaps the syntax has changed since 2000 (the manual's publication date). Has anyone been able to take advantage of the activeX library outside of LabelView?
I don't know what to make of these errors and hoped someone would be able to shed some light on the subject.
edit: Test 1 was the same as Test 2, this was my mistake when copying.

Receiving Run time error 91 on only some Win 10 machines here

This is a weird error. It only occurs on some machines here, but not all of them. Furthermore, I researched this website and there are no solutions that I can see that cover this.
I receive this error when attempting to run some VBA code in an excel document.
The line of code it occurs in is in the
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
The line of code is:
Set objTest = CreateObject("MTRClassLibrary.MTRTestComClass")
As I mentioned previously, the code only errors out on some of the machines here but not all of them.
It is not clear where and how the objTest instance is declared in the code. Also, you need to make sure the corresponding object is registered on the problematic machine. The CreateObject can't locate applications with ProgId passed as a parameter. Try to check the Windows registry for the string passed.
See Object variable not set (Error 91) for all possible cases.

Cannot Run Visual Basic Editor Because of a Syntax error on Application.Calculate

I have a VBA Excel model which I have separated into two separate workbooks:
InputsWB, which contains all the inputs for the model, and
RunnerWB, which contains the bulk of the VBA code (and all the class modules live here).
Depending on the needs of the user, the InputsWB can either call the macro in the RunnerWB or the RunnerWB can call multiple versions of the InputsWB. The detail doesn't matter for this question but the two workbooks need to be separated.
Mysteriously, after the split I sometimes get a Run-time 1004 error with the message Cannot Run Visual Basic Editor Because of a Syntax error. If I Debug + F5 then the code runs until it encounters the next Application.Calculate.
I have seen many similar questions while recording macros, or on Application.Calculate. I think mine is related to the Application.Calculate, but those answers don't explain why this happens. Some reasons I can think off, but cannot confirm online is:
There are Modules in the two workbooks with the same names (although I've changed the modules names in the InputsWB but still get the error on occasion.
There are VBA functions in the two workbooks with the same names
Are there any other reasons why I could be getting these errors?
UPDATE (2019/12/02)
I finally realised why I got this error. I am calling a macro in my RunnerWB from my InputsWB. However, there was a duplicate function declared in my RunnerWB. Usually, this would give a Compile error: ambigious name detected when the macro was initiated from ThisWorkbook. However, because it was initiated from another workbook I got the Syntax error explained above.
UPDATE (2020/07/22)
I am now getting this error again on Application.Calculate right at the end of the run. Which breaks me is that I use Application.Calculate many times during the run.
UPDATE (2020/07/23)
I found the issue that caused the bug at last.
I had a sub called Main in a Module called Main
One of the buttons in my workbook referred to this button, and because the names are the same it links it as Main!Main
Later I renamed the module to MainSub. The button still worked, but something inside VBA was broken which was triggered in some Application.Calculate executions.
Never give your sub the same name as your module in VBA, as this may cause problems down the line.

Cannot run common module in xlam file as macro is disabled

VBA / Excel - 2007
I want to create one (possibly many) .xlam file(s) to hold common modules accessible across projects. Along the way I have received a number of errors but through the creation of a "mickey-mouse" scenario I have boiled it down to one error condition (as shown in actual result):-
I have seen several problems reported here related to this which in the end have either not been answered or the solution has not quite hit the mark
As a precursor to this I was able to put my common module into another .xlsm project and successfully execute it by using a reference to that called project. However it would be preferable not to create a workbook for the sole purpose of housing common modules
'Caller VBAProject (Caller.xlsm):
Public Sub Caller()
Dim i As Integer
i = 0
'*** Error in line below***
Application.Run "C:\Users\IT\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\AddIns\Common.xlam!Test", i
End Sub
'Called Test (Common.xlam) -- different project, obviously
Function Test(ByRef i As Integer) As Boolean
If i = 0 Then
Test = False
Test = True
End If
End Function
Actual Result
Run-time error '1004':
Cannot run the macro
The macro may not be available in this workbook or all macros may
be disabled.
Steps Undertaken (in Excel Options)
Trust Center
a) Macro Settings
-- both i) and ii) (at different times)
i) Disabled all macros with notification
ii) Enabled all macros
iii) set Trust access to the VBA project object model
b) Add-ins -- left as default ie no option ticked
c) Trusted Locations -- have added the following
As an Active Application Add-in I have
Can anybody please tell me what I might have missed?
So just to summarise I don't have a direct answer to my question thus far, that is how to avoid the 1004 error when calling a macro within a .xlam file. However, I do have a more than adequate alternative which is to import the common file into a different module within the same project. What I'm realising is that as I write this it isn't an import at runtime or late binding as Zac implied. I'm not sure I'm too worried though (at least at the moment).

Err.Number not populating for 'Excel Ran Out of Resources' error

I've developed a program using Excel VBA which occasionally causes an 'Excel Ran Out of Resources' error.
Closing the file, reopening, and rerunning the macro always fixes whatever issue created the error. I know that preventing the error in the first place is best practice, but am resigned to believe that it's unavoidable.
So, I would like to alert the user of the error, instead of Excel doing it, and perform some actions once the error has been detected. The problem is that I can't get VBA to recognize the error using the On Error GoTo ErrorHandler routine or the Err.Number property. I never get to the msgbox below:
My code is as follows:
Sub test()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error", vbOKOnly, "Oops"
Resume ProcedureDone
End Sub
Any insight would be fantastic since I've been searching for several days and haven't been able to find a work around.
I just happened to run across another issue that sounds like yours.
The point from the other thread is that Excel does not treat these application method results as VBA errors. Rather, they are Excel alerts, and they can be suppressed but not trapped in VBA as errors.
The way I interpret this is that when you execute certain application methods from VBA, it does not raise errors that VBA can trap. Rather, Excel interacts with the user as if the user had issued a GUI command. On the other hand, if an application method is designed to interact with VBA (e.g., if it returns a value), then VBA might be able to handle its errors.
This is distinct from the way VBA handles worksheet functions rather than application methods. VBA can intercept errors raised by worksheet functions, as noted in "Error Handling With Worksheet Functions" here.
I realize this does not solve your problem, but it gives you an idea of why.
