Azure list running servers - azure

I've been trying to get a list of running VM's but so far I can get the status but I only want the running ones. I need a little help with filting based on powerstate = running
$groups = (Get-AzResourceGroup).ResourceGroupName
foreach($group in $groups)
(get-azvm -ResourceGroupName $group -Status | select Name,Powerstate)

You are pretty much there, you just need to use where to filter out the PowerState:
$groups = (Get-AzResourceGroup).ResourceGroupName
foreach($group in $groups)
(get-azvm -ResourceGroupName $group -Status | select Name,Powerstate | Where { $_.PowerState -eq "VM Running" })
Note that the PowerState is VM Running not just Running.


Get Azure VM details by filtering using tags in powershell

I will like to use the Get-AzVm command to get list of VMs having a specific tag.
I have tried Get-AzVM | Where-Object {$_.Tags['Resource'] -eq "test"}
Still does not return VMS with the tag "Resource:test"
The output of get-azvm doesn't produce Tags for VM. But, Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName ResourceGroupName -Name VMName does that.
So you need to loop through VMs, store the VM tag in a hashtable and then enumerate through the hastable to check your desired tag with value is there. Here goes the code-
$VMs = get-azvm
foreach ($VM in $VMs)
[Hashtable]$VMTag = (Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $VM.ResourceGroupName -Name $VM.Name).Tags
foreach ($h in $VMTag.GetEnumerator()) {
if (($h.Name -eq "Resource") -and ($h.value -eq "test"))
Write-host "VM with tags Resource:test are" $VM.Name

Powershell script to get list of Running VM's and stop them

Am using this script, but its gathering all the vms and stopping it one by one even when the VM is already in stopped state
$vm = Get-Azvm
foreach($vms in $vm)
$resource = Get-Azvm | where {$_.Statuses -eq "Running"}
if($resource -ne $null)
Write-Output "Stopping virtual machine..." + $vms
Stop-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $resource.ResourceGroupName -Name $vms -Force
Write-output "Virtual machine not found:" + $vms
Based on the above shared requirement , we have modified the PowerShell script to check the virtual machines status ( whether it is running or not ), if virtual Machine is running you need to stop it using stop-Azvm cmdlet.
Checked the below script(while testing we passed resource group flag to the Get-Azvm ) in our local environment which is working fine.
$vm = Get-Azvm -Status
foreach($vms in $vm)
$statuscheck = Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $vms.ResourceGroupName -Name $vms.Name -Status
if($statuscheck.Statuses.DisplayStatus[1] -eq "VM running")
Write-Output "Stopping virtual machine...$($vms.Name)"
Stop-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $vms.ResourceGroupName -Name $vms.Name -Force
Write-output "Virtual machine $($vms.Name) is already in stopped state"
Here is the sample output for reference:

Get running VMs on Azure

I have the below code to check daily if all the VMs that are meant to auto-start have started successfully.
$Date = (Get-Date -Format "dd-MM-yyyy HH-mm").toString()
$Results = "C:\temp\DailyChecks_$($Date).txt"
$Cred = get-credential -UserName 'AZ-User'
Connect-AzAccount -Tenant 'TenantID' -credential $Cred | out-null
$fCount = (Get-AzVM -Status | Where-Object { $_.tags['Managed By'] -like 'Manager' }).count
do {
$rCount = (Get-AzVM -Status | Where-Object { $_.tags['Managed By'] -like 'Manager' -and $_.PowerState -eq 'VM Running' }).count
if($rCount -lt $fCount)
write-host "There are $rCount VMs running, checking again"
elseif($rCount -eq $fCount){write-host "There are $rCount VMs running, exiting loop"}
}until($fCount -eq $rCount)
Get-AzVM -Status | Where-Object { $_.tags['Managed By'] -like 'Manager' } |
Select-Object Name, PowerState | Format-Table | out-file $Results
I have a couple of questions:
Is there a better way to write this code?
How can I check if the code has been running for longer than 30 minutes and yet not all VMs are running?
You can determine for how much the time the script is running by using a StopWatch object.
$sw = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::new()
Whenever you want, just check the elapsed time by checking the elapsed property
Write-Host "Time elapsed: $([Math]::Round($sw.Elapsed.TotalMinutes,0)) min $($sw.Elapsed.Seconds) seconds"

How to get the list of azure servers having Auto-Shutdown disabled using PowerShell?

I want to get the list of azure servers having auto-shutdown disabled on them, I have the below script but the issue with the script is that it gets the list of RG's under the Subscription GUID but repeats the output after every loop.
Import-AzureRmContext -Path "$PSScriptRoot\AzureProfile.json"
Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionId {subscriptionId}
[array]$ResourceGroupArray = Get-AzureRMVm | Select-Object -Property ResourceGroupName, Name, VmId
foreach ($resourceGroup in $ResourceGroupArray){
$targetResourceId = (Get-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName $resourcegroup.ResourceGroupName -Name $resourceGroup.Name).Id
$shutdownInformation = (Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceGroupName $resourcegroup.ResourceGroupName -ResourceType Microsoft.DevTestLab/schedules -Expandproperties).Properties
Write-Host "ID: " $targetResourceId
The output for each VM is displayed in the following format,
What I want is simple, I want the VM name and its status of Auto-shutdown to be displayed on the screen so that its easy for me to find out which all VM have auto-shutdown currently disabled on them.
Any help related to this would be helpful.
You just need to get the microsoft.devtestlab/schedules resource ID using:
Then iterate over all your VMs using Get-AzVM, Get the microsoft.devtestlab/schedules resource using Get-AzResource, then output VM name and status into a table using Format-Table.
$subscriptionId = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
Set-AzContext -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId
& {
foreach ($vm in Get-AzVM) {
try {
$shutdownResource = Get-AzResource `
-ResourceId "/subscriptions/$subscriptionId/resourceGroups/$($vm.ResourceGroupName)/providers/microsoft.devtestlab/schedules/shutdown-computevm-$($vm.Name)" `
-ErrorAction Stop
VMName = $vm.Name
ShutdownStatus = $shutdownResource.Properties.status
catch {
VMName = $vm.Name
ShutdownStatus = $_.Exception.Message
} | Format-Table -AutoSize
To set the context to the correct subscription, we can use Set-AzContext.
The above however is using the latest Az modules. You can do the same using the equivalent AzureRm modules.
$subscriptionId = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
Set-AzureRmContext -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId
& {
foreach ($vm in Get-AzureRmVM) {
try {
$shutdownResource = Get-AzureRmResource `
-ResourceId "/subscriptions/$subscriptionId/resourceGroups/$($vm.ResourceGroupName)/providers/microsoft.devtestlab/schedules/shutdown-computevm-$($vm.Name)" `
-ErrorAction Stop
VMName = $vm.Name
ShutdownStatus = $shutdownResource.Properties.status
catch {
VMName = $vm.Name
ShutdownStatus = $_.Exception.Message
} | Format-Table -AutoSize
Although I do recommend moving to the Az module since support for AzureRm is ending December 2020. You can read the documentation for more information about this.
The above code should give you an output similar to the following
VMName ShutdownStatus
------ --------------
vm1 Enabled
vm2 Disabled
The Call operator & is used here to run the for loop as a script block. You can read more about this in about_Script_Blocks.
Try something like this to get the auto-shutdown status of all VMs. Instead of trying to get the schedules inside the loop, get all the ones in the subscription and match them based on the VM's full resource Id.
[array]$VMArray = Get-AzureRMVm | Select-Object -Property ResourceGroupName, Name, VmId, Id
$ShutdownInformation = (Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceType Microsoft.DevTestLab/schedules -Expandproperties).Properties
foreach($vm in $VMArray) {
$ShutdownStatus = "Not Configured"
$Schedule = $ShutdownInformation | Where-Object { $_.targetResourceId -eq $vm.Id } | Select -First 1
if($Schedule -ne $null) {
$ShutdownStatus = $Schedule.status
Write-Host $vm.VmId $ShutdownStatus

Stop multiple Azure VMs at the same time using Azure PowerShell

Get-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName RG-VNETS |
ForEach-Object {
Get-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName RG-VNETS -Name $_.Name -Status
} |
ForEach-Object {
if (-Not ($_.Statuses[1].DisplayStatus -like "*deallocated*")) {
Stop-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName RG-VNETS -Name $_.Name -Force
I've got this script that stops all my Azure VMs, the catch here is that this script shuts down one VM at a time.
i.e. if I have three VMs: VM1, VM2, VM3
The script doesn't shut down VM2 until VM1 is fully shutdown and so on. I don't know if there's a way to tell PowerShell not to wait for each VM to be fully shutdown to proceed with the following one.
There is already a feature request on GitHub for doing such operations asynchronously which should be implemented in the near future.
In the meantime you could do a workaround like the following using the PoshRSJob module - just replace temp4so with your resource group name
# Install PoshRSJob if necessary
# Install-Module PoshRSJob
$start = Get-Date
$jobs = Get-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName temp4so |
% {
Get-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName temp4so -Name $_.Name -Status
} |
% {
if (-Not ($_.Statuses[1].DisplayStatus -like "*deallocated*")) {
$vm = $_
Start-RSJob {
Stop-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName temp4so -Name ($using:vm).Name -Force
$jobs | Wait-RSJob | Receive-RSJob
$jobs | Remove-RSJob
$end = Get-Date
Write-Host ("Stopping took {0}" -f ($end - $start))
which in my test case with 3 VMs resulted in output similar to the following which shows that the operations where done in parallel
OperationId :
Status : Succeeded
StartTime : 24.09.2016 18:49:10
EndTime : 24.09.2016 18:51:32
Error :
OperationId :
Status : Succeeded
StartTime : 24.09.2016 18:49:11
EndTime : 24.09.2016 18:51:22
Error :
OperationId :
Status : Succeeded
StartTime : 24.09.2016 18:49:11
EndTime : 24.09.2016 18:51:22
Error :
Stopping took 00:02:32.9115538
Note: You cannot simply use the standard Start-Job to offload the sync. operations to a background job as the newly created PowerShell instances in the background do not share the context with your initial session and therefore would require you to authenticate again for each of those sessions. As PoshRSJob uses PowerShell runspaces within the initial PowerShell instance it does not require to authenticate again.
They implemented -AsJob per the GitHub feature request DAXaholic linked. Here's an example taken from the GitHub comments section.
$VMList = Get-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName
$JobList = #()
foreach ($vm in $VMList) {
$JobList += Stop-AzureRmVm -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -Name $vm -Force -AsJob | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name VMName -Value $vm.Name -PassThru
and if you want to wait for the jobs to finish with cleanup:
$JobList | Wait-Job | Receive-Job
$JobList | Remove-Job
