Regression Loss function for Multi outputs Keras - keras

I'm using deep learning approach to address a regression problem with multi outputs (16 outputs), each output is between [0,1] and the sum is 1.
I am confused about which loss function is ideal to this problem, I have already test Mean squared error and Mean Absolute Error but Neural network predicts always the same value.
model = applications.VGG16(include_top=False, weights = None, input_shape = (256, 256, 3))
x = model.output
x = Flatten()(x)
x = Dense(1024)(x)
x = Activation("relu")(x)
x = Dropout(0.5)(x)
x = Dense(512)(x)
x = Activation("relu")(x)
x = Dropout(0.5)(x)
predictions = Dense(16,activation="sigmoid")(x)
model_final = Model(input = model.input, output = predictions)
model_final.compile(loss ='mse', optimizer = Adam(lr=0.1), metrics=['mae'])

What you are describing sounds more like a classification task, since you want to get a probability distribution at the end.
Therefore you should use a softmax (for example) in the last layer and cross-entropy as loss measure.


ValueError in multiple input model

I'm creating a multi input model where i concatenate a CNN model and a LSTM model. The lstm model contains the last 5 events and the CNN contains a picture of the last event. Both are organized so that each element k in the numpy matches the 5 events and the corresponding picture, as do the output labels which is the 'next' event that should be predicted by the model.
chanDim = -1
inputs = Input(shape=inputShape)
x = inputs
x = Dense(128)(x)
x = Activation("relu")(x)
x = BatchNormalization(axis=chanDim)(x)
x = Dropout(0.3)(x)
x = Flatten()(x)
x = Activation("relu")(x)
x = BatchNormalization(axis=chanDim)(x)
x = Dropout(0.1)(x)
x = Activation("relu")(x)
model_cnn = Model(inputs, x)
This creates the CNN model, and the following code represents the LSTM model
hidden1 = LSTM(128)(visible)
hidden2 = Dense(64, activation='relu')(hidden1)
output = Dense(10, activation='relu')(hidden2)
model_lstm = Model(inputs=visible, outputs=output)
Now, when I combine these models and extend them using a simple dense layer to make the multiclass prediction of 14 classes, all the inputs match and I can concat the (none, 10) and (none, 10) into a (none, 20) for the MLP:
x = Dense(14, activation="softmax")(x)
model_mlp = Model(inputs=[model_lstm.input, model_cnn.input], outputs=x)
This all works fine until I try to compile the model it gives me an error concerning the input of the last dense layer of the mlp model:
ValueError: Error when checking target: expected dense_121 to have shape (14,) but got array with shape (1,)
Do you know how this is possible? If you need more information I'm happy to provide that
your target must be (None, 14) dimensional. with softmax you have to one-hot encode the output
try this:
y = pd.get_dummies(np.concatenate([y_train, y_test])).values
y_train = y[:len(y_train)]
y_test = y[len(y_train):]

How to apply triplet loss function in resnet50 for the purpose of deepranking

I try to create image embeddings for the purpose of deep ranking using a triplet loss function. The idea is that we can take a pretrained CNN (e.g. resnet50 or vgg16), remove the FC layers and add an L2 normalization function to retrieve unit vectors which can then be compared via a distance metric (e.g. cosine similarity). As far as I understand the predicted vectors that come out of a pretrained CNN are not optimal, but are a good start. By adding the triplet loss function we can re-train the network to keep similar pictures 'close' to each other and different pictures 'far' apart in the feature space. Inspired by this notebook , I tried to setup the following code, but I get an error ValueError: The name "conv1_pad" is used 3 times in the model. All layer names should be unique..
# Anchor, Positive and Negative are numpy arrays of size (200, 256, 256, 3), same for the test images
def shared_dnn(inp):
base_model = ResNet50(weights='imagenet', include_top=False, input_shape=(3, pic_size, pic_size),
x = base_model.output
x = Flatten()(x)
x = Lambda(lambda x: K.l2_normalize(x,axis=1))(x)
for layer in base_model.layers[15:]:
layer.trainable = False
return x
anchor_input = Input((3, pic_size,pic_size ), name='anchor_input')
positive_input = Input((3, pic_size,pic_size ), name='positive_input')
negative_input = Input((3, pic_size,pic_size ), name='negative_input')
encoded_anchor = shared_dnn(anchor_input)
encoded_positive = shared_dnn(positive_input)
encoded_negative = shared_dnn(negative_input)
merged_vector = concatenate([encoded_anchor, encoded_positive, encoded_negative], axis=-1, name='merged_layer')
model = Model(inputs=[anchor_input,positive_input, negative_input], outputs=merged_vector)
#ValueError: The name "conv1_pad" is used 3 times in the model. All layer names should be unique.
model.compile(loss=triplet_loss, optimizer=adam_optim)[Anchor,Positive,Negative],
validation_data=([Anchor_test,Positive_test,Negative_test],Y_dummy2), batch_size=512, epochs=500)
I am new to keras and I am not quite sure how to solve this. The author in the link above creates his own CNN from scratch, but I would like to build it upon resnet (or vgg16). How can I configure ResNet50 to use a triplet loss function (in the link above you find also the source code for the triplet loss function).
In your ResNet50 definition, you've written
base_model = ResNet50(weights='imagenet', include_top=False, input_shape=(3, pic_size, pic_size), input_tensor=inp)
Remove the input_tensor argument. Change input_shape=inp.
If you're using TF backend as you mentioned the input should be (256, 256, 3), then your input should be (pic_size, pic_size, 3).
def shared_dnn(inp):
base_model = ResNet50(weights='imagenet', include_top=False, input_shape=inp)
x = base_model.output
x = Flatten()(x)
x = Lambda(lambda x: K.l2_normalize(x,axis=1))(x)
for layer in base_model.layers[15:]:
layer.trainable = False
return x
img_shape=(256, 256, 3)
anchor_input = Input(img_shape, name='anchor_input')
positive_input = Input(img_shape, name='positive_input')
negative_input = Input(img_shape, name='negative_input')
encoded_anchor = shared_dnn(anchor_input)
encoded_positive = shared_dnn(positive_input)
encoded_negative = shared_dnn(negative_input)
merged_vector = concatenate([encoded_anchor, encoded_positive, encoded_negative], axis=-1, name='merged_layer')
model = Model(inputs=[anchor_input,positive_input, negative_input], outputs=merged_vector)
model.compile(loss=triplet_loss, optimizer=adam_optim)[Anchor,Positive,Negative],
validation_data=([Anchor_test,Positive_test,Negative_test],Y_dummy2), batch_size=512, epochs=500)
The model plot is as follows:

LSTM Time-Series produces shifted forecast?

I am doing a time-series forecast with a LSTM NN and Keras. As input features there are two variables (precipitation and temperature) and the one target to be predicted is groundwater-level.
It seems to be working quite all right, though there is a serious offset between the actual data and the output (see image).
Now I've read that this is can be a classic sign of the network not working, as it seems to be mimicing the output and
what the model is actually doing is that when predicting the value at
time “t+1”, it simply uses the value at time “t” as its prediction
However, this is not actually possible in my case, as the target-values are not used as input variable. I am using a multi variate time-series with two features, independent of the output feature.
Also, the predicted values are not offset in future (t+1) but rather seem to lag behind (t-1).
Does anyone know what could cause this problem?
This is the complete code of my network:
# Split in Input and Output Data
x_1 = data[['MeanT']].values
x_2 = data[['Precip']].values
y = data[['Z_424A_6857']].values
# Scale Data
x = np.hstack([x_1, x_2])
scaler = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0, 1))
x = scaler.fit_transform(x)
scaler_out = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0, 1))
y = scaler_out.fit_transform(y)
# Reshape Data
x_1, x_2, y = H.create2feature_data(x_1, x_2, y, window)
train_size = int(len(x_1) * .8)
test_size = int(len(x_1)) # * .5
x_1 = np.expand_dims(x_1, 2) # 3D tensor with shape (batch_size, timesteps, input_dim) // (nr. of samples, nr. of timesteps, nr. of features)
x_2 = np.expand_dims(x_2, 2)
y = np.expand_dims(y, 1)
# Split Training Data
x_1_train = x_1[:train_size]
x_2_train = x_2[:train_size]
y_train = y[:train_size]
# Split Test Data
x_1_test = x_1[train_size:test_size]
x_2_test = x_2[train_size:test_size]
y_test = y[train_size:test_size]
# Define Model Input Sets
inputA = Input(shape=(window, 1))
inputB = Input(shape=(window, 1))
# Build Model Branch 1
branch_1 = layers.GRU(16, activation=act, dropout=0, return_sequences=False, stateful=False, batch_input_shape=(batch, 30, 1))(inputA)
branch_1 = layers.Dense(8, activation=act)(branch_1)
#branch_1 = layers.Dropout(0.2)(branch_1)
branch_1 = Model(inputs=inputA, outputs=branch_1)
# Build Model Branch 2
branch_2 = layers.GRU(16, activation=act, dropout=0, return_sequences=False, stateful=False, batch_input_shape=(batch, 30, 1))(inputB)
branch_2 = layers.Dense(8, activation=act)(branch_2)
#branch_2 = layers.Dropout(0.2)(branch_2)
branch_2 = Model(inputs=inputB, outputs=branch_2)
# Combine Model Branches
combined = layers.concatenate([branch_1.output, branch_2.output])
# apply a FC layer and then a regression prediction on the combined outputs
comb = layers.Dense(6, activation=act)(combined)
comb = layers.Dense(1, activation="linear")(comb)
# Accept the inputs of the two branches and then output a single value
model = Model(inputs=[branch_1.input, branch_2.input], outputs=comb)
model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer='adam', metrics=['mse', H.r2_score])
# Training[x_1_train, x_2_train], y_train, epochs=epoch, batch_size=batch, validation_split=0.2, callbacks=[tensorboard])
# Evaluation
print('Train evaluation')
print(model.evaluate([x_1_train, x_2_train], y_train))
print('Test evaluation')
print(model.evaluate([x_1_test, x_2_test], y_test))
# Predictions
predictions_train = model.predict([x_1_train, x_2_train])
predictions_test = model.predict([x_1_test, x_2_test])
predictions_train = np.reshape(predictions_train, (-1,1))
predictions_test = np.reshape(predictions_test, (-1,1))
# Reverse Scaling
predictions_train = scaler_out.inverse_transform(predictions_train)
predictions_test = scaler_out.inverse_transform(predictions_test)
# Plot results
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 6))
plt.plot(orig_data, color='blue', label='True GWL')
plt.plot(range(train_size), predictions_train, color='red', label='Predicted GWL (Training)')
plt.plot(range(train_size, test_size), predictions_test, color='green', label='Predicted GWL (Test)')
plt.title('GWL Prediction')
I am using a batch size of 30 timesteps, a lookback of 90 timesteps, with a total data size of around 7500 time steps.
Any help would be greatly appreciated :-) Thank you!
Probably my answer is not relevant two years later, but I had a similar issue when experimenting with LSTM encoder-decoder model. I solved my problem by scaling the input data in the range -1 .. 1 instead of 0 .. 1 as in your example.

How to output a scalar variable as an output of a Keras model?

For example, I want something like
Model(inputs=something, outputs=scalar)
This comes up where you would like to debug a model/training procedure on the case with no state "X" first (generative). So you still have a batch_size from Y. And that is what you want.
I am trying something like this:
V = K.variable(0, dtype=tf.float32)
V = tf.reduce_mean(x_input_not_used_by_this_branch, axis=1) * 0 + V # this is a stupid way to get things to work
model keras.models.Model(inputs=something, outputs=[V, some_other_stuff])
A simple way would be to use the functional API from Keras: Keras API docu
inputs = Input(shape=(784,))
# a layer instance is callable on a tensor, and returns a tensor
x = Dense(64, activation='relu')(inputs)
x = Dense(64, activation='relu')(x)
predictions = Dense(10, activation='softmax')(x)
v = 0.25 * x
# This creates a model that includes
# the Input layer and three Dense layers
model = Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=[predictions, v])

Recurrent neural network architecture

I'm working on a RNN architecture which does speech enhancement. The dimensions of the input is [XX, X, 1024] where XX is the batch size and X is the variable sequence length.
The input to the network is positive valued data and the output is masked binary data(IBM) which is later used to construct enhanced signal.
For instance, if the input to network is [10, 65, 1024] the output will be [10,65,1024] tensor with binary values. I'm using Tensorflow with mean squared error as loss function. But I'm not sure which activation function to use here(which keeps the outputs either zero or one), Following is the code I've come up with so far
num_units = 10 #
num_layers = 3 #
dropout = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
cells = []
for _ in range(num_layers):
cell = tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMCell(num_units)
cell = tf.contrib.rnn.DropoutWrapper(cell, output_keep_prob = dropout)
cell = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell(cells)
X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, None, 1024])
Y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, None, 1024])
output, state = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell, X, dtype=tf.float32)
out_size = Y.get_shape()[2].value
logit = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(output, out_size)
prediction = (logit)
flat_Y = tf.reshape(Y, [-1] + Y.shape.as_list()[2:])
flat_logit = tf.reshape(logit, [-1] + logit.shape.as_list()[2:])
loss_op = tf.losses.mean_squared_error(labels=flat_Y, predictions=flat_logit)
#adam optimizier as the optimization function
optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=0.001) #
train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss_op)
#extract the correct predictions and compute the accuracy
correct_pred = tf.equal(tf.argmax(prediction, 1), tf.argmax(Y, 1))
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_pred, tf.float32))
Also my reconstruction isn't good. Can someone suggest on improving the model?
If you want your outputs to be either 0 or 1, to me it seems a good idea to turn this into a classification problem. To this end, I would use a sigmoidal activation and cross entropy:
prediction = tf.nn.sigmoid(logit)
loss_op = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=Y, logits=logit))
In addition, from my point of view the hidden dimensionality (10) of your stacked RNNs seems quite small for such a big input dimensionality (1024). However this is just a guess, and it is something that needs to be tuned.
