Perforce. Getting the file status in the sandbox - perforce

How can I figure out the state of the files in my client, I want to know if the file needs an updated, or patched, or modified etc. In CVS, I used to simply run "cvs -n -q update . > file". Later look for M,U,P,C attributes to get the current status of the file.
In perforce, "p4 sync -n" doesn't give output like "cvs -n -q update". How can I see the current status of files, in case of Perforce?

To my knowledge, there isn't a command that will give you exactly what you want. In looking what the update command does, there is no single alternative in Perforce. I think that the closest that you will come will be to use the 'p4 fstat' command and parse the output from there to get the information that you need.
You might find this page helpful.
I also found this link to a p4wrapper that claims to wrap in come CVS commands (including update) into a script. There might be others like this one around as well.
I also wanted to comment that the answer to this question is like many with Perforce when asking "how do I do...". The answer usually comes down to writing a script to take the output from perforce commands to get the results that you need. Their philosophy is to provide bare bones commands and have developers build off of the basic functionality. Love it or hate it, that's the basic model. Many good scripts can be found in the Perforce Public Depot here.

Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but the p4 diff command has a few useful options. From the usage:
-sa Opened files that are different from the revision
in the depot, or missing.
-sb Opened for integrate files that have been resolved
but have been modified after being resolved.
-sd Unopened files that are missing on the client.
-se Unopened files that are different from the revision
in the depot.
-sl Every unopened file, along with the status of
'same, 'diff', or 'missing' as compared to its
revision in the depot.
-sr Opened files that are the same as the revision in the

Full disclosure: I work for Perforce
There will be a 2 new commands "p4 status" and "p4 reconcile" in the up-coming 2012.1 release. See the following for more details:

Not quite sure what you mean. If you are talking about seeing what files need "resolving" (in perforce language) then you can use:
p4 resolve -n
See the p4 command line manual website here:
Also P4V has a nice feature to highlight unsubmitted and dirty files, if you use that client. Right-click on a fodler in the workspace view, and select "reconcile offline work." After a bit of processing you'll get a list of files that are out of sync with the depot.
Hope this helps.


Perforce - Get the differences for a particular changelist

How can i get list of files and the differences (with color highlighting) from a changelist so that I can send it for peer review.
I tried in windows cmd p4 describe #changelist however it just shows the list of files opened in the changelist.
[Update] I could find p4 diff and it gives the differences in all the changelists in a command prompt.
I was hoping for a batch file which could input a changelist number as parameter and generate a code review which i can share over email.
sorry, I am new to perforce and don't know what to lookup so I have'nt tried anything.
I see you're trying to send changes to your peers for review, and you're interested in things like color highlighting of changes, etc.
Don't try to build a code review system from scratch, yourself.
Instead, start with a code review system that is already built; there are a number of them already out there, both free and commercial.
You can start with something like Perforce Swarm, or P4Web, or the Perforce review daemon, all of which are included with Perforce, and you can just ask your sysadmin to install them.
Or there are plenty of other fine code review tools for Perforce that you can find.
But building a tool from scratch is a big project, and you probably have many other better things to do.
p4 describe #change
Should print out the diffs of the files, in a format you can control with the -d<flags> option.
the -s option turns off those diffs.
If you want a tool to review pre-commit changes, you could use ReviewBoard which we set up a one point. post-review can take local changes and post them for review.

Will the Perforce command "p4 copy" keep revision info?

dear all,
I am using the Perforce Windows x64 GUI 2014.1888424. Per my test, the answer is NO. It will use the assigned revision number.
I found the "integrate" and "branch" commands also don't keep the revision info.
Are these commands designed to behavior like this?
PS: I know that rename/move will keep the revision info.
Would you please give me any hint? Thank you very much!
You didn't describe precisely what test you did, so I'm speculating slightly, but: the Perforce integrate, copy, and merge commands do preserve the overall revision history of the file.
However, many of the commands which display file history do not display the full history by default; you have to specify additional commands to instruct the server to output the history across integrations.
For example, compare the output of
p4 filelog -i
p4 filelog
p4 changes -i
p4 changes
for your experiments.
The -i flag tells the server that you want to see the history of the file from prior to the integration or copy from its previous location. Here's how it's described in 'p4 help filelog':
The -i flag includes inherited file history. If a file was created by
branching (using 'p4 integrate'), filelog lists the revisions of the
file's ancestors up to the branch points that led to the specified
revision. File history inherited by renaming (using 'p4 move') is
always displayed regardless of whether -i is specified.
Note that, as you've observed, renaming is indeed handled differently than integ/copy/merge.
As for myself, when I am studying the history of a file, I tend to nearly always use the P4V tool and its supremely powerful Revision Graph and Time Lapse View tools. These tools know how to navigate all sorts of complex integration history, and make studying the history of a file much easier.

What is the p4 command equivalent to something like svn status [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to find untracked files in a Perforce tree? (analogue of svn status)
I want to know what p4 command that will show me which files have changed, which files are not checked in, etc.
If you're using perforce properly, "p4 opened" is what you're looking for. It will tell you what files you have opened for change. If you want to be able to change files locally, THEN open them for edit (or delete, etc.,) then you're walking out of the usage patterns that perforce expects users to abide by and you're treading on dangerous ground.
Perforce does provide mechanisms that will allow you to detect these things - if you're going to insist on working this way. "p4 fstat" will allow you to get the expected md5sum for a file from the server. Comparing that with the local md5sum will tell you if the file has changed. You could, alternatively, compare file dates - if the modification date on your local machine does not match that given by fstat, you can be fairly certain that it has changed, but to be certain, you'd have to do the md5sum check.
In the upcoming 2012.1 release there a new command named p4 status that will do the equivalent to that as if you were using SVN.
p4 status
src/tools/this.rb - reconcile to edit //depot/stuff/src/tools/this.rb#3
src/tools/that.rb - reconcile to add //depot/stuff/src/tools/that.rb#1
src/tools/other.rb - reconcile to delete //depot/stuff/src/tools/other.rb#2
For more information, read the announcement on the Perforce Blog.
While awaiting the official 2012.1 release you have basically two options:
Do it yourself using the command line
Use P4Vs "Reconcile Offline Work"
More details can be found in the Perforce KB.

perforce: create a local backup of current pendinglist

in perforce, i have a pending list with some changed files. now i want to revert to the base, but without loosing my changes, so i want to back them up somewhere. like saving the DIFFs of each file. at a later time, i want to restore those changes and continue my work.
is this possible? if so, how?
there is no need for external tools at all, assuming you are on a unix machine (or have a proper cygwin setup under Windows, haven't tested it.) The only caveat is that Perforce's p4 diff produces an output that is slightly incompatible with patch, therefore you need it to point to your unix diff-command. In your client-root you can do
P4DIFF=/usr/bin/diff p4 diff -du > pending-changes.patch
optional (if you want to revert the open files from the command-line, otherwise use p4v):
p4 revert `p4 opened|awk -F\# '{print $1}'`
Later you would open the files for edit (can be automated by extracting the affected files from the patchfile pending-changes.patch and then:
patch < pending-patches
Depending on your path-layout in your client-root, you have to use the -p#num option of patch to get the patch applied cleanly.
You should be able to do a shelve. It's a way of saving a changelist for future editing. The link below is a Python add-in for Perforce that implements shelve. Also, I know that Practical Perforce has a couple of ways to shelve current changes without an external script. I don't have the book in front of me but I'll try to update this question tonight when I do.
Linked to from P4Shelve, is P4tar which looks very useful, and does the operations on the client, rather than branching on the server.
Certainly I'll be looking into doing similar things soon.
See also this question:
Sending my changelist to someone else without checking in.
It's basically the same thing.
Create a branch of these files in some appropriate location
Check out the branch versions of the files you have edited
Copy the edited files over from the trunk and submit them
Revert the files on the trunk
Now you've got those "diffs" you wanted safely archived. When your ready to apply those changes later on, just integrate them back into the trunk.
This is what the Python script, that Brett mentioned, does. This is the way to do it manually without any special tools.

How to do a fast and safe sync on perforce?

If you do a sync in perforce it can happen, very often, to do nothing even if it should. If you do a forced sync (sync -f) it will definitely sync all the files from the server blindly and this is unacceptable if you have a big project.
The question is how can you do a fast sync?
The key part to your question is "even if it should". Without fail, in all my (too) many years of experience with Perforce, users who revert to forced syncs habitually, because a normal sync does not do what they expect, are not using Perforce correctly.
You must let Perforce manage your hard disk for you - the server knows which versions of which files you have, and so a normal sync just gets what it needs. If it fails, then that is almost without exception a sign that the user is modifying, deleting, adding, renaming files outside of Perforce (e.g. in Explorer).
Sometimes you may get a system funny (i.e. PC fault, ) that causes this, so it is not necessarily the users fault. But these are very rare - hence my "habitually" qualifier above.
If you think, hand on heart, that you are not doing anything out of the ordinary, then start to look at what other processes could be tweaking these files. E.g. does you build system do something odd, and try to modify files as it builds? Do you have an open network share that perhaps someone else is inadvertently poking? Do you have a backup system that is interfering?
Hope that helps.
As mentioned by the other answers, you need to create a separate client (workspace) for every "instance" of a directory tree synced from the depot.
If you want to force-sync only those files that have changed from the depot:
p4 diff -se ... | p4 -x - sync -f
p4 diff -sd ... | p4 -x - sync -f
Warning: that will overwrite any locally changed files (in the current directory and subdirectories).
If instead you edited some files and forgot to open them for edit first, you can do this:
p4 diff -se ... | p4 -x - edit
which will open for edit any file that's different from the depot.
And this:
p4 diff -sd ... | p4 -x - delete
will open for delete any file that was locally deleted.
If you create an inconsistency, where perforce looses track of what is going on in your workspace, you should use the "Reconcile offline work..." function (in P4V).
This will run a folder diff and tell you what options you have to resolve the inconsistencies.
In general, make sure that you always check out files explicitly through perforce (open for edit). This feels strange if you are used to other systems.
I believe that the command you're looking for is p4 clean.
"Files present in the workspace, but missing from the depot are deleted from the workspace.
Files present in the depot, but missing from your workspace. The version of the files that have been synced from the depot are added to your workspace.
Files modified in your workspace that have not been checked in are restored to the last version synced from the depot."
