Deployment of custom content type, forms, cqwp, and xsl - sharepoint

Right now I have a visual studio project which contains a custom content type that I made. It also contains all the necessary files for making a sharepoint solution (wsp) file and a script to generate this.
Now, I would like to do 2 things.
First, I'd like to create a custom display form for the content type and include it in my solution so that it is automatically deployed when I deploy my solution. How do I include this in my solution and make my content type use it?
Secondly, you can query this type with the CQWP. I've thought about exporting it, adding more common view fields, and then modifying the XSL that is used to render it. How do I include this into my solution so that it is also deployed. I know i can export the CQWP webpart once it's all setup and include it in my project as a feature. But what abuot the XSL?
Looking forward to see your suggestions, cheers.
Did as described in the first answer. Worked like a charm.

Use STSDev to create the solution package.
That should help with creating the WSP. The custom form, CQWP webpart and the .xls file should also be deployable within the project.
To deploy the xslt, your feature will have an
<ElementManifest Location="mywebpartManifest.xml">
This then points to a files such as
<Elements xmlns="">
<Module Name="Yourfile.xslt" Url="Style Library" Path="" RootWebOnly="TRUE">
<File Url="yourfile.xslt" Type="GhostableInLibrary" />
for the webpart:
<Module Name="myWebpart" List="113" Url="_catalogs/wp" RootWebOnly="FALSE">
<File Url="myWebpart.webpart" Type="GhostableInLibrary" />
Now that file will need to be contained in the solution manifest.xml. This is done automatically from the STSDev project.
<Resource Location="SimpleFeature\Feature.xml"/>
The actual schemas are:
and a link to someone else with the issue

But where in the folder structure do you deploy the form and the .xsl to?

I have followed your guide and although it deploys the xslt to the feature in 12 Hive it does not place it in the correct style library folder

You need to deactivate / reactivate the feature. This will give you any error messages that are associated with copying the file over.


Website project: want to generate XML documentation on build

For legacy reasons, I'm maintaining a Web Site Project for which I want to provide up-to-date documentation from the XML documentation comments. I gather I can do that by tweaking the <compilers> section in web.config. I finally reached this point:
compilerOptions="/optimize /doc:C:\temp\my-output-here.xml"
warningLevel="1" />
Now when I start the website with (and thus invoke just-in-time compilation) I do get an XML file in the requested location but it's minimal:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
It seems like the <compiler> tag doesn't quite do what I want. It must be generating XML for the project folder itself rather than the .cs files, or it's getting overwritten with each compilation unit and I'm only seeing the trivial last one, or... I don't know. I'm not sure. This config tag is not well documented.
Long story short, I'm looking for a way to get XML documentation for all the .cs files in this website project. It doesn't matter if it's all in one file, in separate files, or even shoved into memory at run time.
I'm aware of the prior question on this, but the link provided there has been redirected to the Sandcastle site. That's great, but it's way more than I'm actually going to use on this project. Simply getting XML documentation at build time or run time is all that is necessary.
My question then is: What do I need to do to get the <compiler> config entry to generate XML docs for a Website Project?
I have an ugly workaround as well... But here goes!
1. Download the latest Sandcastle Installer from this page -
2. Unzip and run the installer
3. Copy EWSoftware.CodeDom.dll into your website's \bin directory. The default location of this file is - C:\Program Files (x86)\EWSoftware\Sandcastle Help File Builder\Extras\EWSoftware.CodeDom.dll
4. Modify web.config as follows:
<compiler language="c#;cs;csharp" extension=".cs"
type="EWSoftware.CodeDom.CSharpCodeProviderWithDocs, EWSoftware.CodeDom"
<!-- NOTE: Change version value as needed (v3.5, v4.0, etc.) -->
<providerOption name="CompilerVersion" value="v4.0"/>
5. Rebuild your solution and voila! The folder specified with the /docpath option will contain your XML documentation.

Is there any possible way to keep comments at a single place if it is repetitive?

I don't know but is there any possible way to keep comments at a single place if it is repetitive, in visual studio editor?
Or something like to create link in comments and if we click on that link and it jumps to bunch of commented code, so we can just write the link where it is needed to write that bunch of code. So no repetitive comments are written.
The C# compiler allows you to reference an external XML file which contains the actual comments for a method. To do this you use an <include> element in the XML doc comment
/// <include file='file.doc' path='Parent/Child[#name="member"]/*' />
The contents of file.doc need to be an XML file and the comment for that method be at the XML path described in the path element
<Child name="member">
<summary>The actual comment</summary>
More information is available here
I do not know if Visual Studio will allow you to click and follow through to the documentation. But the correct summary will be emitted in the file XML doc file for the assembly

Best practice for deploying multiple content types with dependencies in SharePoint

I'm developing a solution with approx. 15 custom content types. Therefore I created in Visual Studio a SharePoint Project and added content types defined in XML Markup.
As some of these content types use references between each other (Lookup-Columns), I added List Definitions and List Instances as well. As lookups can be declared in XML since SharePoint 2010 - everything's fine.
Now my feature contains all the content types, the list definitions and the list instances.
But the problem is: Sometimes the deployment succeeds and sometimes it fails. I suppose this may occur because the elements within the features have no activation order. Now I could change my project and create a feature for every content type and define acitvation dependencies to define an activation order. But this would lead to at least 20 features and in my opinion this can't be the supposed solution to handle this correctly.
What's the correct way to deploy content types with lookups to other content types within the same solution?
There's one restriction: everything has to be sandboxed because I want to deploy in SharePoint Online.
I believe I had the same problem as you - I defined two content types; A and B, B relied on A. and both were in the single feature. However when it came time to deploy I received an error:
Error occurred in deployment step 'Activate Features':
The parent content type specified by content type identifier 0x010029043F0D68EC4DF1BC85141AFF451661 does not exist.
I looked in the Manifest.xml file that Visual Studio generates inside the wsp/cab file and noticed the two content type Elements.xml files were defined the wrong way around:
A work around to this is to simply force the order of certain Elements.xml file in the feature (i.e. put the 'root' content type files first).
Open the feature, go to Manifest, open Edit Options and enter the file you need to be specified first in the list of Elements.xml files.
<ElementManifest Location="A\Elements.xml" />
This emits the following XML into the manifest file:
<ElementManifest Location="A\Elements.xml" />
<ElementManifest Location="B\Elements.xml" />

Making a custom report with ccnet

So I have my output that I used the merge task to put into ccnet.
Now what I need to do is come up with my own custom xsl and output the data.
Any ideas on where there maybe a tutorial on how to do this?
For example what plugin do I need to use? Can I create my own? What does action name do?
<xslReportBuildPlugin description="MSBuild Output" actionName="MSBuildOutputBuildPlugin" xslFileName="xsl\msbuild.xsl" />
in your cruise control folder:
Copy any existing xsl (preferably one that is close to what you already want or in a format you like). you could start an xsl file from scratch also.
edit it to what you want it to be with your own file name.
I copied the msbuild.xsl to BMsBuild.xsl and made my changes.
then in dashboard.config
<xslReportBuildPlugin description="BBuildReport" actionName="BBuildReport" xslFileName="xsl\Bmsbuild.xsl"></xslReportBuildPlugin>
Description: what title you want it to have on the webdashboard link
actionName: a unique name that will be used to generate a URL for that xsl/report
xslFileName: the path to the xsl usually just xsl[your xsl file name].xsl
That's the easiest way. The file is nearly entirely xsl so there's not really anything special you need to do or know. Except that the xsl is going to target the merged xml file from whatever you have in the publishers xml logger tag in your ccnet.config
<xmllogger logDir="D:\Projects\TFS\Main\BuildProcess\logs\ServiceBuilds" />

Sharepoint solution packaging: how do I get a custom icon for my features?

I am not sure how foolish I am being here!
I have a solution that packages up some master pages and layouts etc which I can deploy fine and the feature appears in the "Site Collection Features" list fine. However I would like to put a custom icon next to my feature. I would like the icon to be in the solution package and so require the image to be put in a list or folder when the solution is deployed (rather than a feature activated).
Is this possible? simple?
There is something about all this sharepoint solution/feature.xml/element.xml I don't grok yet!
It is possible and simple.
In your Feature.xml file, simply include the ImageUrl="" attribute and specify the location of your image. The best practice is to create a folder under the Template\Images folder with your images and then reference this location
Include the folder which contains your images in the solution ddf file
Once deployed, you should have a %12HIVE%\Templates\Images\ACMEImages folder which contains your image
Feature.xml sample:
Title="ACME Lists"
Description="List definitions for the ACME"
<!-- other feature file info omitted -->
DDF file sample:
.Set DestinationDir=IMAGES\AcmeImagesRootFiles\TEMPLATE\IMAGES\ACMEIMages\acmelogo.png
In SharePoint 2010, the Microsoft Default icon is: GenericFeature.gif - a 31 x 22 image. With VS 2010 and SP 2010, you can add a SharePoint "Images" mapped folder to your SharePoint project. Then place your image in this folder. Be sure to provide the Image URL in the Properties panel of the *.feature object. Use a path to the image as noted above.
Pete's solution didn't work for me although I did exactly as he suggests. My problem is that SharePoint is looking for the image in the /_Layouts folder rather than the Templates/Images folder.
