How to programmatically create videos? - linux

Is there a freely available library to create a MPEG (or any other simple video format) out of an image sequence ?
It must run on Linux too, and ideally have Python bindings.

I know there's mencoder (part of the mplayer project), and ffmpeg, which both can do this.

ffmpeg is a great (open source) program for building all kinds of video, and converting one type of video (a sequence of images in this case) into other types of video.
Usually it is utilized from the command line, but that is really just a wrapper around its internal libraries. It is expressly available to be used from within another program.
There are also python bindings that wrap the c api, though this particular project doesn't seem to be getting the best support (there are probably other projects out there doing the same thing).
There's also this link where someone has used ffmpeg to do something similar to what you're looking for.

GStreamer is a popular choice. It's a full multimedia framework much like DirectShow or QuickTime, has the advantage of having legally licensed codecs available, and has excellent Python bindings.

in c++ OpenCV (open source Computer Vision library from Intel) let you create an AVI file and just push frames inside...
but it's like shooting with a cannon to a fly.

Not a library, but mplayer has the ability to encode JPEG sequences to any kind of format. It runs on Linux, Windows, BSD and other platforms and you can write a python script if you want to use it with python.

ffmpeg has an API and also python bindings, seems to be the way to go !

ffmpeg minimal runnable C example
I have provided a full runnable example at: How to resize a picture using ffmpeg's sws_scale()?


What is the easiest way to play a sound sample in Haskell?

I'm toying around with constructing a basic music composition system for fun. I can represent music in memory, but I'd (obviously) like to be able to output actual sounds! I don't really care what the format is (MIDI, mp3, ogg, whatever). I just want to be able to load samples into the program and play them in the simplest way possible. I've searched around for a solution but everything I'm seeing is either a) too complex (overhead-wise) for my needs, b) not actively supported, or c) not well-documented. I would love to see an example of sound output or otherwise, some direction on the simplest way to do so.
You might like Euterpea, which isn't on Hackage but was a breeze to install and has quite verbose documentation (it seems it forms the core of an introductory Haskell course at Yale). Hover over the word "Euterpea" in the menu at the top to find more links/instructions.
I ended up using MIDI and sending events to SimpleSynth, on Mac OSX. This was achieved using the hmidi package and the bindings to OSX's CoreMIDI by bkomuves. I had to install a fork of the hmidi package from here to get it working with the latest GHC. I then installed SimpleSynth and enabled an IAC Driver using the Audio MIDI Setup utility on OSX. I then set SimpleSynth to listen from the IAC Driver I set up and was able to use the enumerateDestinations function from bkomuvres' bindings to CoreMIDI to grab the first available Destination and send MidiEvents from hmidi using send. It works like a charm!
With Haskell, you may wish to get a handle on the language fully by utilising other libraries/applications from your code, however the following link is a link to libraries for music and sound.
Another idea is to gain familiarity with OpenAL with C/C++ and then from there you will have some familiarity with the structure of HOpenAL (Haskell binding of OpenAL which indeed calls the OpenAL DLL/SO).
Link with straightforward tutorial for OpenAL ago!;wap2
I hope this helps...

Audio reading library for Mono

I'm trying to work with raw audio data for manipulation and playback with OpenAL. So far everything works nice and dandy since I've written my own .wav file reader and have been working with that. However, my goal is for people to import their own music. This implies that my program should support various audio formats and codecs, including atleast MP3, Ogg and FLAC.
Now unlike reading a .wav file, the other formats aren't as straightforward. Now I could possibly write my own readers and / or use wrappers of various existing libraries such as libsnd and the ogg library, but I'd rather not reinvent the wheel. So my question is: is there a library already that allows fetching the raw byte audio data from various formats in Mono?
I've taken a look at NAudio, but it's highly dependant on various Win32 API calls, which is a no-go for me as I intend to make my program multi-platform. At the moment I only care about getting the data for reading and playback purposes, I do not intend to manipulate, mix, or any other kind of computational work.
One important factor I forgot was licensing. I'd prefer an MIT based licensing or other open license that allow me to use the library for free in commercial software. The BASS.Net library for example is out of the question, as licensing the library is out of my budget.
irrKlang does not support Mono.
After giving NAudio another try, I have noticed that they removed some dependencies on the Win32 API. I can now successfully load WAV files through Mono, and there are extensions available that support FLAC and OGG. MP3 support seems to work only for Windows due licensing issues, but that's okay.

How to play sound in lua

How to play sound in lua? Is there any simple trick how to do it?
My goal is to play some ogg (or mp3) files during playing my game, which is programmed in lua. It's running on windows.
Lua does not have any built-in sound APIs. As you are on Windows, you have these options:
Write bindings for a sound system of choice (OpenAL or something more high-level — as a separate non-Lua-specific question if you need help picking one).
Use LuaJIT2 FFI to directly access DLL functions of the sound system of choice.
Otherwise, if you do not use LuaJIT2, use Alien FFI library.
Or, indeed, use LuaCOM to play some sound (with DirectSound?), if you're familiar with COM stuff.
Lua doesn't have any native sound APIs. If there is a plugin/extension for Lua to accomplish audio control/playback, you'd have to go dig that up seperately. Or if Lua supports COM, you could speak to the Windows audio facilities directly.
proteaAudio is a pretty easy library for lua to play audio or even generate audio on the fly.
You can use the Corona library:
--Loads the selected audio (make sure the name is the same as the .wav file)
local audio1 = audio.loadSound( "audio1.wav" )
--Plays the audio on any available channel (theres up to 32 channels)
local audio1Channel = audio1 )
In windows, use luacom
require('luacom').CreateObject("wmplayer.ocx").URL="my.mp3"--Need to keep host process alive, not to close.

Is there open source audio feature extraction software avaliable?

I undertaking a personal project which involves the development of a system which will automatically generate audio thumbnail clips (about 30 seconds in length) from a full length track.
In order to do this I want to look at the energy and pitch of the audio to try and correctly identify its major structural features.
Is there any open source software available that can do energy/pitch extraction? If not I will start looking into alternative methods using MATLAB.
YAAFE (Yet Another Audio Feature Extractor) does audio feature extraction in MATLAB, Python and C.
You might want to look into the Echo Nest API. It has a lot of audio analysis capabilities, and I know there's a script bundled in the Remix package that can automagically turn songs into shorter or longer versions (I believe the script is called earworm).
Audacity may do it.
Try JAudio which can extract features from an audio.
MARSYAS contains bextract for analysis, can find MFCCs and various other timbral and spectral features.

Capturing audio input from microphone, with Haskell?

Is there a mature library that could enable audio input and output and work within Haskell? (A nice wrapper is fine, of course.)
I'm looking for something that can easily capture microphone input and, perhaps, play various audio files as well.
easily capture microphone input and, perhaps, play various audio files as well..
It will strongly depend on your OS platform: there are standard C libraries for this functionality on each OS, and you'll be looking for Haskell bindings to them (e.g. PulseAudio, etc). Look in the Sound category on Hackage:
E.g. HSndFile for audio file writing,
the module pulse-simple exposes bindings to capture sound from the microphone, see the second example at the top of the page;
pulse audio libraries required by cabal are obtainable via cygwin (search "pulse" in the cygwin installer).
there is a also binding to sox, which looks promising.
im sure there are other api wrappers to be found in hackage sound category.
for linux there is a binding to jack, has "unix" as a dependency, it WILL NOT build on windows...
Just in case you're not familiar with hackage:
It looks like there is some audio-related stuff there. Not sure if there is anything that will meet your needs. But most "mature" haskell libraries will be there.
You can do it with OpenAL and ALUT. I managed to install both on Windows 8, although it wasn't exactly effortless; ALUT requires the underlying C library to be compiled manually into a DLL.
Installing OpenAL - on the other hand - is as simple as downloading the SDK and typing cabal install OpenAL in the command prompt.
With ALUT, you can create OpenAL buffers from audio files (including WAV) and memory views.
I found an example of recording and audio playback here. It should be fairly straightforward to adapt the code to your needs.
Let me know if I left something out and I'll try to elaborate.
