Windows Server 2003 NLB drainstop notification on stop - windows-server-2003

How would I drainstop one of the nodes in a MS NLB via command line and then get notified of its completion?
If there's no way to callback, is there an easy way to poll? has it all.
Run the drainstop and then query until it is drained.
nlb query yourServer


No Mongo Query gets result when cron is running in background

I have been NodeJS as server side and MongoDB as our database. It really works great together.
Now I have added node-schedule library into our system , to call a function like a cron-job.
The process takes around hours to complete.
My issue is whenever cron is running , all users to my site gets No response fro server i.e database gets locked.
Stuck on the issue from a week , needs good solution to run cron , without affecting users using the site.
Typically you will want to write a worker and run the worker in a different entry point that is not part of your server. There are multiple ways you could achieve this.
1) Write a worker on another server to interact with your database
2) Write a service worker on another server that interacts with your api
3) Use the same server but setup a cronjob to execute the file that does the work at a specified time.
But you should not do this from the same entry point that your server is running on. You need a different execution file.
There is one thing you can do to run this where it will not bog down your server and that would be for your trigger for node-schedule to run a child process.

DocumentDB Emulator as a Windows Service

I am trying to run DocumentDB Emulator as a windows service using sc utility on a port which is different from the default port 8081 which it is trying to use.
sc create DocumentDBEmulatorService binPath= "path\to\exe\DocumentDB.Emulator.exe /port=8082" start= auto
The Service gets created and fails to start with the following error message
The DocumentDBEmulatorService service failed to start due to the following error.The DocumentDBEmulatorService did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.
A timeout was reached (30000 milliseconds) while waiting for DocumentDBEmulatorService service to connect.
Is it possible to run Document DB emulator executable as service or am I trying to something which is clearly not possible ?
sc will only run an executable which that is a proper Windows service (i.e. implement ServiceMain).
You can try something like NSSM instead.
See answers in this question (except the accepted one) for more options.

Systemd http health check

I have a service on a Redhat 7.1 which I use systemctl start, stop, restart and status to control. One time the systemctl status returned active, but the application "behind" the service responded http code different from 200.
I know that I can use Monit or Nagios to check this and do the systemctl restart - but I would like to know if there exist something per default when using systemd, so that I do not need to have other tools installed.
My preferred solution would be to have my service restarted if http return code is different from 200 totally automatically without other tools than systemd itself - (and maybe with a possibility to notify a Hipchat room or send a email...)
I've tried googling the topic - without luck. Please help :-)
The Short Answer
systemd has a native (socket-based) healthcheck method, but it's not HTTP-based. You can write a shim that polls status over HTTP and forwards it to the native mechanism, however.
The Long Answer
The Right Thing in the systemd world is to use the sd_notify socket mechanism to inform the init system when your application is fully available. Use Type=notify for your service to enable this functionality.
You can write to this socket directly using the sd_notify() call, or you can inspect the NOTIFY_SOCKET environment variable to get the name and have your own code write READY=1 to that socket when the application is returning 200s.
If you want to put this off to a separate process that polls your process over HTTP and then writes to the socket, you can do that -- ensure that NotifyAccess is set appropriately (by default, only the main process of the service is allowed to write to the socket).
Inasmuch as you're interested in detecting cases where the application fails after it was fully initialized, and triggering a restart, the sd_notify socket is appropriate in this scenario as well:
Send WATCHDOG_USEC=... to set the amount of time which is permissible between successful tests, then WATCHDOG=1 whenever you have a successful self-test; whenever no successful test is seen for the configured period, your service will be restarted.

Beanstalkd / Pheanstalk security issue

I have just started using beanstalkd and pheanstalk and I am curious whether the following situation is a security issue (and if not, why not?):
When designing a queue that will contain jobs for an eventual worker script to pick up and preform SQL database queries, I asked a friend what I could do to prevent an online user from going into port 11300 of my server, and inserting a job into the queue himself and hence causing the job to be executed with malicious code. I was told that I could include a password inside the job being sent.
Though after some time passed, I recognized that someone could preform a few simple commands on a terminal and obtain the job inside the queue, and hence find the password, and then create jobs with the password included:
telnet thewebsitesipaddress 11300 //creating a telnet connection
list-tubes //finding which tubes are currently being used
use a_tube_found //using one of the tubes found
peek-ready //see whats inside one of the jobs and find the password
What could be done to make sure this does not happen and my queue doesn't get hacked / controlled?
Thanks in advance!
You can avoid those situations by placing beanstalkd behind a firewall or in a private network.
DigitalOcean (for example) offers such a service where you have a private network IP address which can be accessed only from servers of the same location.
We've been using beanstalkd in our company for more than a year, and we haven't had any of those issues yet.
I see, but what if the producer was a page called index.php, where when someone entered it, a job would be sent to the queue. In this situation, wouldn't the server have to be an open network?
The browser has no way to get in contact with the job server, it only access the resources /you/ allow them to, that is the view page. Only the back-end is allowed to access the job server. Also, if you build the web application in a certain way that the front-end is separated from the back-end, you're going to have even less potential security issues.

How to fail over node.js timer on amazon load balancer?

I have setup 2 instance under aws load balancer. I have deployed node.js web services + mongodb in both instance. load balancer works fine with web services.
But, Problem is I have one timer service (node.js service only). the behavior of this timer is updating my mongodb based on some calculation.
My problem is, I must need to run this timer service (timer.js) at only one aws instance (out of 2) at same time. and expected that if one aws instance goes down then timer service at other instance will come up.
i know elb not providing this kind of facility.Can any one please help me to make it done ?
Condition : At a time only one timer service must be run with amazon load balancer.
You would have to implement this yourself using a locking algorithm using a shared data store that supports atomic operations
Alternatively, consider starting a "timer" server in an Auto Scale Group of Min:1, Max: 1 so Amazon keeps it running. This instance can be a t2.micro which is very cheap. It can either run the job itself, or just make an http request to your load balancer to run the job at the desired internal. If you so that, only one of your servers will run each job
Wouldn't it make more sense to handle this like any other "service" that needs to keep running?
upstart service
running node.js server using upstart causes 'terminated with status 127' on 'ubuntu 10.04'
This guy had a bad path in his file but his upstart script looks okay
Node.js (sudo) and monit
