What's the purpose of the GtkWidget.events property for (like) GtkTreeView widgets? - linux

I have a Glade GUI description file with a GtkTreeView in a GtkHBox in a window; and there's a handler for the row_activated signal. Now, Glade has automatically set the "events" property (inherited from GtkWidget) of that treeview to some value (GDK_POINTER_MOTION_MASK | GDK_POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK | GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK). And there are two strange things with this:
removing the pre-set value (so that the property is empty) doesn't seem to break the application (at least not with the old GTK 2.10 I have atm).
in fact, an annoying bug I has seen before (where the treeview items would not correctly react to expand or collapse clicks) is now gone!
I have yet to test this with a newer GTK version, but the question is already there: exactly what is the purpose for this events property? And why does Glade automatically and unnecessarily set it to some value? Does this have some side effects I'm not aware of?

It's a bug in glade, it always sets the event property of widgets it create. It has no notion of the default value of a property so it always sets it.

Doesn't this mask indicate the events you're willing to receive? In this case, you'll probably want to receive notification that the user has clicked or double-clicked an item in the GtkTreeView, and you'll want to register callbacks to handle these events.

me.yahoo.com/a/kUQ7zeQ: but even if I set the property to an empty string as mentioned, the row_activated handler is still called when I double-click on a row (or press Enter or Space). So the treeview still gets events...


Tootip and signal of Gio.MenuItem

Below are two questions on the same component:
Which signal is triggered when the mouse passes over a Gio.MenuItem?
How to implement a tooltip for Gio.MenuItem?
Gio.MenuItem is a direct descendent from GObject.GObject (See https://lazka.github.io/pgi-docs/Gio-2.0/classes/MenuItem.html). It does not have any signals itself, and only receives a notify signal via its descent from GObject.
As Gio.MenuItem is not a widget, it does not receive any signals from the GUI. It only represents data (opaque data at that).
I suspect you want Gtk.MenuItem, which is the visual component.
EDIT It seems the widget you are after is Gtk.PopoverMenu. Just to be clear, Gio.MenuItem is not a visible item, which is why I replied as above. Gtk.PopoverMenu is a widget (widget = a visible item).
PopoverMenu is the visible widget, and you can see how it fits together with other widgets. It inherits from Popover, which inherits from Gtk.Bin, Gtk.Container and finally from Gtk.Widget.
So, you have all the signals from those widgets, but those are for the 'complete' Gtk.PopoverMenu, not for the individual items.
According to this definition, the individual items are Gtk.ModelButtons, so you might be able to access them that way.
The solution to get this was much further than I thought. I always suspected that the Devhelp's menu could not be built using GtkPopoverMenu because my OS uses gtk 3.14. The solution involves a totally new concept of running an application, proposed by Gtk.Application interface and the Gtk.Action features. These "new" concepts can be studied in the following places.
Apparently tooltip features are not available for this menu type.

WM_PAINT not send when using WS_EX_COMPOSITE

I'm working in a legacy application using MFC.
We have a mechanism to enable/disable controls depending on some business logic.
This mechanism is implemented in the CView-derived class. The way it works is all the views in the application derived from a common CView-derived class (CBaseView) and on the PreTranslateMessage all controls of the view are enabled/disabled.
This worked fine so far because all controls send at least WM_PAINT message when they need to be painted. So the system worked without the user having to move the mouse or anything. I recently added some drawing features and I had to use WS_EX_COMPOSITE to get ride of some flickering. With this flag activated my CView-derived class is not getting any called to PreTranslateMessage when creating the view....so the controls are not disabled until the user moves the mouse over the control.
I understand there is no way to send WM_PAINT using WS_EX_COMPOSITE but is there other message I can use to get the same behaviour???
I am currently using the OnIdle approach but it has a big drawback, the windows doesn't become idle until after drawing all the controls...so when you enter the screen al controls are enabled and inmediately they are disabled...this makes a quite ugly effect!
More solutions???
Thanks in advance...
The logical place to enable/disable controls would be CView::OnUpdate, it is called by the framework after the view's document has been modified and from OnInitialUpdate(); you can also call this function if there is some change that would trigger re-evaluation of your business logic.
After reading the question a bit more closely, what you could also do is to post a private message at the end of OnInitialUpdate and "catch" it in your PreTranslateMessage:
PostMessage(WM_APP, 0, 0);
Calling InvalidateRect followed by UpdateWindow against the window in question will mark the entire client area as dirty and force an immediate repaint. Remember that WM_PAINT is not really a message, in the queue in the usual sense, it is pushed out after all other messages have been processed for that window, which would include any invalidations of the area being drawn. No message is generated at all if there are no invalid segments of the active window display.

Pre-loading browser clipboard for testing pasting into fields with watir-webdriver

Our web application has some event code to "format" any text with pasted into a field so that any HTML styles do not break our data.
What would be a good way to pre-load the browser clipboard so that I can test pasting into the input field?
Is there any way to do it programmatic-ally or would I have the test script visit "a source page" and copy text before moving onto our application?
Any ideas or code snippets would be welcome.
Working with the clipboard will depend on your platform. E.g. on OS X, you can use pbcopy and Command-V:
open('|pbcopy', 'w') { |io| io << 'some text' }
browser.text_field(:name => 'q').send_keys([:command, 'v'])
I know there are equivalents on Linux (xclip?). Not sure about Windows.
I would consider using the .value= method to set the value. If it's been implemented the same as in watir, then it causes no events to be fired and sets the value directly, and then follow that up by sending an appropriate event (depending on what if any events are being monitored) such as onKeypress. I tried to figure out from the Watir-webdriver rdoc for textfield, if this distinction between .set and .value= has been maintained, but the way the doc describes them (at least there) makes them seem interchangable.. (Jarib can you clarify???)
Potentially you might need to first fire something like onFocus depending on the controls you are using. For example, as described in this SO case Setting a text field that has a JQuery mask on it for a jquery mask, they had to end up firing an unmask event to be able to even set the field.
This is a good case for utilizing the techniques described here How to find out which JavaScript events fired? and in the SO item linked in the comments for that question, to figure out just what events are fired when you manually paste something into a field. (note I would slueth it with both using the mouse, but also using something like tab to move between fields and set the focus, events common to those two methods are the ones most likely to be implemented by the controls.
I presume you have some kind of client side javascript that needs to check what was pasted into the field, and thus the reason for this test. If you are using standard HTML fields, with no javascript stuff, then I would consider this particular test case to be effectively the same as 'testing the browser' since supporting cut and paste in input fields is a standard browser function. In that case, you are sort of 'off the reservation' and I'd not bother with such a test case.

Manipulation events in a ListBox in wpf4 is never raised

I have a ListBox control defined within MainWindow and its IsManipulationEnabled property is set to true. I have the manipulation events (OnManipulationStarting, OnManipulationInertiaStarting and OnManipulationDelta) defined in the MainWindow. The goal here is to achieve a translation on the Listbox control, more like a flip functionality.
However, these events are never raised. I am assuming that the selection events are in turn gobbling these events. When I use itemscontrol instead, it works fine. But the problem in using itemscontrol is that I do not get a selection state. Another option would be to work on raw touch, but manipulations are way easier.
Why do the Manipulation events not fire on Listbox?
Thanks in advance!
The default template for an ItemsControl doesn't contain a ScrollViewer but the ListBox does. The ScrollViewer handles those events when the PanningMode is something other than None. By default a ScrollViewer binds several of its properties (like PanningMode) to that of its templated parent. Try setting the attached ScrollViewer.PanningMode property to None on the ListBox.
<ListBox ScrollViewer.PanningMode="None" />

Core data dirty flag not being set

I have a core data document based cocoa app that is working well except for one slightly odd problem.
For some reason, if I make a change to any of my fields the menu/window don't seem to recognize it - ie. the red close button doesn't get the black 'dirty' indicator and the File/Save menu item isn't enabled. However, if I attempt to close the application (via command-Q), I do get the popup asking me if I want to save my changes.
It seems that the document's dirty flag is being set, but the window/menu items aren't reacting to it. I am curious as to where I might look to see why this might be the case. I suspect that it may have something to do with my window not knowing about my ManagedObjectContext...
The only slightly atypical behaviour is that my document's makeWindowControllers method has been overridden and I am adding my window controllers using a call to my document's [self addWindowController:xxx] method. My window controllers subclass from NSWindowController so I had to add my own instance variable to each window controller to hold the ManagedObjectContext, but I suspect that this isn't getting passed to the window/menu. Not sure what the normal pattern is here...
Anyway, any thoughts would be much appreciated. Thanks
From the description it sounds like your UI elements are not actually bound to the document itself. If so, then the UI elements are not observing the document and are not reacting to changes in the document. Check the bindings.
Thanks in part to TechZen, and also re-reading my own question (in particular, where I said "I suspect that it may have something to do with my window not knowing about my ManagedObjectContext") I started to look at the bindings for my WindowController subclass.
As it turned out, I hadn't bound the window outlet for the File's Owner to my actual NSWindow. As soon as I did that, the black dirty dot and the window's menus started behaving correctly.
