Is it worth encrypting email addresses in the database? - security

I'm already using salted hashing to store passwords in my database, which means that I should be immune to rainbow table attacks.
I had a thought, though: what if someone does get hold of my database? It contains the users' email addresses. I can't really hash these, because I'll be using them to send notification emails, etc..
Should I encrypt them?

Bruce Schneier has a good response to this kind of problem.
Cryptography is not the solution to your security problems. It might be part of the solution, or it might be part of the problem. In many situations, cryptography starts out by making the problem worse, and it isn't at all clear that using cryptography is an improvement.
Essentially encrypting your emails in the database 'just in case' is not really making the database more secure. Where are the keys stored for the database? What file permissions are used for these keys? Is the database accesable publically? Why? What kind of account restrictions are in place for these accounts? Where is the machine stored, who has physical access to this box? What about remote login/ssh access etc. etc. etc.
So I guess you can encrypt the emails if you want, but if that is the extent of the security of the system then it really isn't doing much, and would actually make the job of maintaining the database harder.
Of course this could be part of an extensive security policy for your system - if so then great!
I'm not saying that it is a bad idea - But why have a lock on the door from Deadlocks'R'us which cost $5000 when they can cut through the plywood around the door? Or come in through the window which you left open? Or even worse they find the key which was left under the doormat. Security of a system is only as good as the weakest link. If they have root access then they can pretty much do what they want.
Steve Morgan makes a good point that even if they cannot understand the email addresses, they can still do a lot of harm (which could be mitigated if they only had SELECT access)
Its also important to know what your reasons are for storing the email address at all. I might have gone a bit overboard with this answer, but my point is do you really need to store an email address for an account? The most secure data is data that doesn't exist.

I realize this is a dead topic, but I agree with Arjan's logic behind this. There are a few things I'd like to point out:
Someone can retrieve data from your database without retrieving your source code (i.e. SQL injection, third-party db's). With this in mind, it's reasonable to consider using an encryption with a key. Albeit, this is only an added measure of security, not the security...this is for someone who wants to keep the email more private than plaintext,
In the off chance something is overlooked during an update, or an attacker manages to retrieve the emails.
IMO: If you plan on encrypting an email, store a salted hash of it as well. Then you can use the hash for validation, and spare the overhead of constantly using encryption to find a massive string of data. Then have a separate private function to retrieve and decrypt your emails when you need to use one.

In common with most security requirements, you need to understand the level of threat.
What damage can be done if the email addresses are compromised?
What's the chance of it happening?
The damage done if email addresses are REPLACED could be much greater than if they're EXPOSED. Especially if you're, for example, using the email address to verify password resets to a secure system.
The chance of the passwords being either replaced or exposed is much reduced if you hash them, but it depends what other controls you have in place.

I would say it depends on the application of your database.
The biggest problem is, where do you store the encryption key? Because if the hacker has excess to anything more than your DB, all your efforts are probably wasted. (Remember, your application will need that encryption key to decrypt and encrypt so eventually the hacker will find the encryption key and used encryption scheme).
A leak of your DB only will not expose the e-mail addresses.
Encryption means performance loss.
Allot of database actions will be harder if not impossible.

Don't accidentally conflate encryption with obfuscation. We commonly obfuscate emails to prevent spam. Lots of web sites will have "webmaster _at_" to slow down crawlers from parsing the email address as a potential spam target. That should be done in the HTML templates -- there's no value to doing this in persistent database storage.
We don't encrypt anything unless we need to keep it secret during transmission. When and where will your data being transmitted?
The SQL statements are transmitted from client to server; is that on the same box or over a secure connection?
If your server is compromised, you have an unintentional transmission. If you're worried about this, then you should perhaps be securing your server. You have external threats as well as internal threats. Are ALL users (external and internal) properly authenticated and authorized?
During backups you have an intentional transmission to backup media; is this done using a secure backup strategy that encrypts as it goes?

Both SQL Server and Oracle (and I believe also others DBs) support encryption of data at the database level. If you want to encrypt something why don't simply abstract the access to the data that could be encrypted on the database server side and left the user choose if use the encrypted data (in this case the SQL command will be different) or not. If the user want to user encrypted data then it can configure the database server and all the maintenance work connected with key management is made using standard DBA tool, made from the DB vendor and not from you.

A copy of my answer at What is the best and safest way to store user email addresses in the database?, just for the sake of the search...
In general I agree with others saying it's not worth the effort. However, I disagree that anyone who can access your database can probably also get your keys. That's certainly not true for SQL Injection, and may not be true for backup copies that are somehow lost or forgotten about. And I feel an email address is a personal detail, so I wouldn't care about spam but about the personal consequences when the addresses are revealed.
Of course, when you're afraid of SQL Injection then you should make sure such injection is prohibited. And backup copies should be encrypted themselves.
Still, for some online communities the members might definitely not want others to know that they are a member (like related to mental healthcare, financial help, medical and sexual advice, adult entertainment, politics, ...). In those cases, storing as few personal details as possible and encrypting those that are required (note that database-level encryption does not prevent the details from showing using SQL Injection), might not be such a bad idea. Again: treat an email address as such personal detail.
For many sites the above is probably not the case, and you should focus on prohibiting SELECT * FROM through SQL Injection, and making sure visitors cannot somehow get to someone else's personal profile or order information by changing the URL.

It's worth to encrypt data in Databases, it's not making it a bit more difficult but way more difficult when its encrypted in the right way so stop philosophy and encrypt the sensitive data ;)

I somewhat agree to what you are saying but isn't it worth encrypting the data just to make it a little more difficult for someone to get it?
With your reasoning, it would be useless to have locks or alarms in your house, because they can also easily be compromised.
My reply:
I would say that if you have sensitive data that you don't want to fall in the wrong hands, you should probably do it as hard as you can for a hacker to get it, even if it's not 100% fool proof.

I miss one important answer here.
When you have European users, you have to comply with the GDPR rules.
Email addresses are considered personal data meaning Art.5 does apply on email addresses.
processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the
personal data, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful
processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using
appropriate technical or organisational measures (‘integrity and
Of course this does not say that you must encrypt email addresses. But by encrypting the data you do protect it from snooping employees. And protect yourself as a developer from requests to make a manual change in the database.

You really have to weigh your worst case senario of someone obtaining those email addresses, the likelihood of someone obtaining them, and your extra effort/time needed to impliement the change.


php user management systems

I'm on my last steps to open my website, but the only thing that drove me crazy is the php user management. I found a lot of resources about building these systems and I believe that I can write them in my own way. The thing is that when it comes to security I get so freaking out what to go with. For example, when it comes to sending sensitive information over SSL, some people suggest to make sure that the info is encrypted in the registration form so that attacker can't hack it. And some other suggest to make sure that the debugging messages don't show when an error happen so that the attacker can't retrace the links .etc.
now as I read from here and there that md5 is not safe anymore so I'm wondering how would hash new user password and etc... I found a link to some programmers who already offer some user management, but not sure if they are good enough since I'm concerned about security as a priority CodeCanyon
so now what are the security measures that I have to be focusing on?
are there any resources related to that?
You don't have to (you shouldn't) choose between the different things people tell you to implement. Good security is always layered, meaning that you implement as many protections as you can. This approach has multiple purposes. Each layer can prevent different attacks. Each layer can prevent attackers with different experience. Each layer can increase the time needed for an attacker.
Here are some tipps useful for authentication systems.
Don't show debugging outputs
Don't use MD5 hashes. SHA2 or even better, bcrypt are much better
Use salts when storing passwords
Use nonces on your forms (one time tokens)
Always require SSL encryption between server and client
When accessing your database on the server, make sure that information leakage or its client-side manipulation not possible (eg.
avoid injection attacks, with database drivers use prepared
statements, etc.)
Make sure all failed logins (no matter what the reason) take the same amount of time to prevent timing attacks
When a logged-in user starts a risky operation (changing pwd, payment etc.), re-authgenticate him
Never store passwords cleartext, not ever, not anywhere
Require a minimum complexity for the password
!!! Secure your php sessions (another large topic, worth its own discussion) -
As you can see, there a lot you can do (and more people will probably tell you even more stuff), what you really should do depends on the risks you are willing to accept. But never rely on a single security measure, always have a layered approach.
Answering your direct question: It has been proven that MD5 does have collisions and there are rainbow tables floating around (see Wikipedia). PHP does have quite some hash functions available all having different advantages and disadvantages. Please also see the comment section on
Concerning general web application security I'd recommend you take a look at the OWASP project that is about making web applications more secure. A good start would be to take a look at the Top Ten security vunerabilities ("Top Ten" in the blue box).
use sha1 for storing password , prevent sql injection and xss script as input field.
session hijacking , fixation prevention.
At first you should send your data via SSL (TSL) to the server, this will encrypt. Also you should use a CSRF protection for any form you send to the server.
When you have implemented your functions and they work you should try to hack your site by yourself. Try to inject SQL, JS through the forms, try to manipulate the date after the form was send, you can also try to produce erros that will be written to you PHP error log even that could be executed if your server settings are weak. (
When you store the password in your database use an seeded hash function, if anyone is able to hack your database and get the hashs he will not be able to encrypt them without the seed.
Your will find many information about all the techniques via google.

Safely storing passwords when access to the plaintext is still needed [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 12 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
PHP 2-way encryption: I need to store passwords that can be retrieved
I know that the best practice for storing user passwords is to store only an irreversible hash of the password.
However, I am developing an application where I will need to store a user's login information for another web service -- I'll need to periodically log them in and perform some maintenance tasks. Unfortunately, the service doesn't offer authorization tokens so I (very apprehensively) have to store the passwords in a way that I can access their plain-text values. I don't own or control the service to which I am authenticating, and the only method is to 'borrow' a users username and password and authenticate.
I am planning to AES_ENCRYPT the passwords in the DB, which means that if somebody is somehow able to access the DB they won't be able to get the plaintext. However my code will need to have access to the key to unencrypt them, thus if the entire server is compromised this is no protection and the passwords will be revealed.
Aside from the above-described encryption, are there any best practices or steps I can take to do this as safely as possible?
I know that whatever I do, ultimately the passwords must be accessible in plaintext and so a compromised server means the passwords will be revealed, but I am wondering what steps I can do to mitigate my risk. E.G. encrypting the DB protects me in the situation where the DB is compromised but not the entire server. Other similar mitigating steps would be much appreciated.
However, I am developing an application where I will need to store a user's login information for another web service -- I'll need to periodically log them in and perform some maintenance tasks.
OK... I read through the answers and the comments, and about all I can say is I hope you have crack legal team. It sounds to me like the service you are offering is predicated on user trust. It's good that it's a user-controlled switch, and not something being helpfully done behind their backs, but I think you want a really iron clad service agreement on this.
That said, there's a lot of security paranoia you can invoke. You'll have to figure out how much you want to go through based on the harm to your product, your company and users if a break in occurs. Here's thoughts:
Data storage - store the passwords far away from where an attacker can get in. Highly access controlled files, a database on a back end machine, etc. Make any attacker have go to through layers of defense just to get to the place the data is stored. Similarly have network protection like firewalls and up to date security patches. No one thing works in isolation here.
Encryption - any encryption technique is a delaying tactic - one the attacker has your data, they will eventually crack your encryption given an infinite amount of time. So mostly you're aiming to slow them down long enough for the rest of the system to discover you've been hacked, alert your users, and give the users time to change passwords or disable accounts. IMO - either symmetric or assymetric cryptography will work - so long as you store the key securely. Being a PKI person myself, I'd lean towards assymmetric crypto just because I understand it better and know of a number of COTS hardware solutions that make it possible to store my private key extremely securely.
Key storage - your encryption is only as good as your key storage. If the key is sitting right next to the encrypted data, then it stands to reason that the attacker doesn't need to break your crypto, they just use the key. HSM (hardware security modules) are the high end choice for key storage - at the upper ranges these are secure boxes that are tamper proof which both hold your keys and perform crypto for you. At the low end, a USB token or Smart Card could perform the same function. A critical part of this is that ultimately, it's best if you make an admin activate key access on server startup. Otherwise, you end up with a chicken and egg scenario as you try to figure out how to securely store the ultimate password.
Intrusion detection - have a good system in place that has a good chance of raising alarms if you should get hacked. If your password data is compromised, you want to get the word to your users well ahead of any threat.
Audit logging - have really good records of who did what on the system - particularly in the vicinity of your passwords. While you could create a pretty awesome system, the threat of privileged users doing something bad (or dumb) is just as bad as external threats. The typical high end auditing systems track high privilege user behavior in a way that can't be viewed or tampered with by the high privilege user - instead, there's a second "auditor" account that deals only with audit logs and nothing else.
This is a highlight of the high points of system security. My general point is - if you are serious about protecting user passwords, you can't afford to just think about the data. Just encrypting the passwords is not likely to be enough to really protect users and safeguard trust.
The standard way to approach this is to consider the cost of explotation vs. the cost of protection. If both costs are too high for the value of the feature, then you have a good indication that you shouldn't bother doing it...
As you said, your code will eventually need the key and so if the server is compromised, so will be the passwords. There is no way around it.
What you can do is have a very minimal proxy whose only job will be to have the passwords, listen to the requests from your main application, connect to the service in question, and return the response to your application. If that very simple proxy is all that is running on a server then it will be much less likely to be compromised than a complicated application running on a server with many services.

Client Server socket security

Assuming we have a server S and a few Clients (C) and whenever a client update a server, an internal database on the server is updated and replicated to the other clients. This is all done using sockets in an intranet environment.
I believe that an attacker can fairly easily sniff this plain text traffic. My colleagues believe I am overly paranoid because we are behind a firewall.
Am I being overly paranoid? Do you know of any exploit (link please) that took advantage of a situation such as this and what ca be done differently. Clients were rewritten in Java but server is still using C++.
Any thing in code can protect against an attack?
Inside your company's firewall, you're fairly safe from direct hack attacks from the outside. However, statistics that I won't trouble to dig out claim that most of the damage to a business' data is done from the INside. Most of that is simple accident, but there are various reasons for employees to be disgruntled and not found out; and if your data is sensitive they could hurt your company this way.
There are also boatloads of laws about how to handle personal ID data. If the data you're processing is of that sort, treating it carelessly within your company could also open your company up to litigation.
The solution is to use SSL connections. You want to use a pre-packaged library for this. You provide private/public keys for both ends and keep the private keys well hidden with the usual file access privileges, and the problem of sniffing is mostly taken care of.
SSL provides both encryption and authentication. Java has it built in and OpenSSL is a commonly used library for C/C++.
Your colleagues are naïve.
One high-profile attack occurred at Heartland Payment Systems, a credit card processor that one would expect to be extremely careful about security. Assuming that internal communications behind their firewall were safe, they failed to use something like SSL to ensure their privacy. Hackers were able to eavesdrop on that traffic, and extract sensitive data from the system.
Here is another story with a little more description of the attack itself:
Described by Baldwin as "quite a
sophisticated attack," he says it has
been challenging to discover exactly
how it happened. The forensic teams
found that hackers "were grabbing
numbers with sniffer malware as it
went over our processing platform,"
Baldwin says. "Unfortunately, we are
confident that card holder names and
numbers were exposed." Data, including
card transactions sent over
Heartland's internal processing
platform, is sent unencrypted, he
explains, "As the transaction is being
processed, it has to be in unencrypted
form to get the authorization request
You can do many things to prevent a man in the middle attack. For most internal data, within a firewall/IDS protected network you really don't need to secure it. However, if you do wish to protect the data you can do the following:
Use PGP encryption to sign and encrypt messages
Encrypt sensitive messages
Use hash functions to verify that the message sent has not been modified.
It is a good standard operating proceedure to secure all data, however securing data has very large costs. With secure channels you need to have a certificate authority, and allow for extra processing on all machines that are involved in communication.
You're being paranoid. You're talking about data moving across an, ideally, secured internal network.
Can information be sniffed? Yea, it can. But it's sniffed by someone who has already breached network security and got within the firewall. That can be done in innumerable ways.
Basically, for the VAST majority of businesses, no reason to encrypt internal traffic. There are almost always far far easier ways of getting information, from inside the company, without even approaching "sniffing" the network. Most such "attacks" are from people who are simply authorized to see the data in the first place, and already have a credential.
The solution is not to encrypt all of your traffic, the solution is to monitor and limit access, so that if any data is compromised, it is easier to detect who did it, and what they had access to.
Finally, consider, the sys admins, and DBAs pretty much have carte blanche to the entire system anyway, as inevitably, someone always needs to have that kind of access. It's simply not practical to encrypt everything to keep it away from prying eyes.
Finally, you're making a big ado about something that is just as likely written on a sticky tacked on the bottom of someone's monitor anyway.
Do you have passwords on your databases? I certainly hope the answer to that is yes. Nobody would believe that password protecting a database is overly paranoid. Why wouldn't you have at least the same level of security* on the same data flowing over your network. Just like an unprotected DB, unprotected data flow over the network is vulnerable not only to sniffing but is also mutable by a malicious attacker. That is how I would frame the discussion.
*By same level of security I mean use SSL as some have suggested, or simply encrypt the data using one of the many available encryption libraries around if you must use raw sockets.
Just about every "important" application I've used relies on SSL or some other encryption methodology.
Just because you're on the intranet doesn't mean you may not have malicious code running on some server or client that may be trying to sniff traffic.
An attacker which has access to a device inside your network that offers him the possibility to sniff the entire traffic or the traffic between a client and a server is the minimum required.
Anyway, if the attacker is already inside, sniffing should be just one of the problems you'll have to take into consideration.
There are not many companies I know of which use secure sockets between clients and servers inside an intranet, mostly because of the higher costs and lower performance.

Is SSL really worth it?

I'm wondering if I should add an SSL layer between my server and client. I'm not handling any confidential data, but there is a very small chance someone might want to hack transmissions in order to gain intelligence (this is a game by the way). Now the amounts of data to be processed are considerable when compared to a small website and although the added security might be nice the most likely hackers would be users themselves, so I feel SSL would be a waste of time, but would like to hear about others experiences.
This sounds like an optimization question. If you have information that you feel is valuable, start with SSL (a relatively easy security solution to try out). Once you have things working, benchmark the system with and without. If you feel that the performance hit is worth spending time on to try and optimize away, do that. If not, you're done!
Are users logging in with a username and password? If so, I think it's worth protecting. After all, users may end up using a password that they use for secure purposes elsewhere. I know they shouldn't, but...
Now suppose someone's snooping on your unprotected conversation. They get the user's password for your site, use it to log into the sensitive site, and they're off...
If you don't want to encrypt the information (and I do understand it's a bit of a pain getting hold of a valid certificate etc) then it's worth at least making it very clear to users that their data is unencrypted, and emphatically urge them not to use a password they use elsewhere.
If your worried about your clients hacking your data transmission ssl buys you nothing. Its channel security and if they own the client its relatively trivial to setup a man in the middle session where they can view your transmission unencrypted.
If your worried about users hacking others users data transmissions then ssl is a good and relatively simple security measure.
SSL should be used since you don't know what exploits or problems will occur in the future.
Confidentiality is only one way of considering whether you need SSL, if you are transmitting any personal data then I would want it secured. In some countries, you may be in breach of data protection laws by not using SSL.
There are other methods of protecting the data you transmit such as encrypting the payload with a PGP key before transmission and decrypting on the server.
No. If player X is not between player Y and the server, the only data he can get by hacking the way you are talking about is data the server is sending to player X. And that data is not protectable at all, since his machine must be able to extract it anyways. You may as well just zip it rather than using SSL: the level of protection will not differ by much. Instead, just make sure you don't send player X any data that he should not have. It's unlikely for someone to use a man-in-the-middle type of attack on a game.
If the game is known to be other than fair because it is insecure, I'd worry that it would cease to be of interest to anyone but the cheaters.
Besides securing the data stream, is it possible to pare down what you're sending already? Or compress it?
More information is needed to make an intelligent decision, but you don't have to use SSL to secure your data. You could always use another algorithm and a shared secret between the client and server, or public/private keys. You would then have better control over which bits to secure and which bits to leave open.
In general things like logins should always be encrypted using SSL. You could exchange a new set of keys over the SSL channel and then switch to non-SSL using the keys to protect the sensitive data.
SSL is considered by some to be a fix for a problem that (almost) doesn't exist. It's very hard to actually tap the wire and extract unencrypted information. Almost nobody does it.
If you look at the case of buying from an online store, what's a lot more likely to happen, is that they hack into the server, and download the entire database of transactions. In an ideal system, you would never even send your credit card credentials to the reseller, just a signed certificate from the credit card company stating that the transaction has already been authorized. However in the early days of the internet, that proved to be too difficult a system to set up, but it would have been the more correct solution. In the end they opted for the less effective, but easier to implement system.
Now on to your question. In your case, I can't see SSL offering much. If somebody want's to set up a program to monitor what is being sent to/from the network, it can still be done, as they can just place the hooks to capture the data before it's actually encrypted. If you're worried about third parties, or opponents they are playing against, sniffing the wire to figure out information about the game they shouldn't have access to, such as chat between teammates of the other team. Well, I would say the risk there is pretty minimal, and not worth addressing.
In addition to the notes about about encrypting usernames and passwords during transmission, SSL also prevents Man in the Middle attacks at the expense of adding overhead to every request.
The catch is that you must have some way of letting the client know that your particular certificate is valid... or more precisely, that it's the only valid one for your game.
Which also brings up the problem of how you tell the game when a new certificate replaces the old one after the old one expires.
Seriously, though, unless this is a subscription game of some sort, SSL is probably overkill.

Why should I care about hashing passwords anyway?

If a hacker has access to the hashes in my DB, he has access to the rest of the information in the DB anyways. So why would he bother trying to decrypt the passwords? Should I be storing the passwords on a different server to the rest of my data? That is the only scenario in which I can envision it being useful.
Sometimes a hacker doesn't get full access to your DB. Sometimes they find a little SQL injection hole or other weakness that someone didn't code correctly, and so they can only do simple things at first like print out database cells one at a time. If they can print out a real password all of a sudden things get much worse.
Things happen: backup tapes are lost, accidentally thrown away, or stolen. A retired system wasn't wiped properly. A breach elsewhere leads to accidental exposure of a database. If a hacker gets access to a snapshot like this he can learn a lot about your system. But if the passwords are still hashed he can't also use the system to do something malicious, like log in as a different user and start changing things.
I've heard that most hacks are an inside job. Better to remove the ability even for people you trust to log in as others.
It's not about just you. Users tend to share passwords across systems. Maybe some day (God forbid) you have a breach that has nothing to do with passwords, but in the course of that breach your authentication tables will be one of the attacker's targets. If you store passwords in plain-text, you have also just compromised user accounts at many other services, and your very bad day just got quite a lot worse.
If you think this kind of thing doesn't happen, go talk to the guys at reddit.
People often use the same username/password for different accounts on other websites (including, e.g., online access to bank accounts).
Once you've discovered this hack and have secured your database, the hacker will still have the ability to login to your user's accounts.
Best security practices suggest:
You should use a unique (userId, password) pair for each account you have. But most people use a single pair for many resources (email, bank, etc). An attacker can steal them from one resource and use them to access another. Hashing the passwords with salt—see—prevents this sort of attack.
You should encrypt all sensitive data in your database, not just passwords. Your point that someone might steal your entire DB (or your server) is perfectly valid.
You should separate your web server from your database and any other precious resources, to quarantine an attack to your least valuable asset.
There are business reasons to hash passwords, as well. Remember, hashing means you do not store your users' passwords anywhere on your equipment.
Depending on the laws that apply, you may be required to do this in certain situations.
You greatly reduce your exposure if your data is stolen.
You're safer from social engineering attacks, in which an attacker impersonates a valid user and cajoles an employee into revealing a password. See
Should I be storing the passwords on a
different server to the rest of my
This adds complexity to your system, but if it's something you can do it's definitely an improvement.
Note that using authentication servers such as Kerberos, RADIUS, or Windows domain authentication effectively put you passwords on another server.
Because even if you have access to the data, having access to the APPLICATION is actually more important. The Application makes it much easier to manipulate the data, for example.
Hashing the password prevents casual exposure from all eyes.
For example, you may well have the same password across several sites. A quick glance at the DB not only compromises your application, but perhaps several others.
It's just a good, solid practice to hash you passwords.
Mainly because it's nearly trivial to do it well, and the benefits can be very high.
Sometime, you don't know who will be the system administrator. You still want to protect your users from them.. So, by hashing passwords and all important information (such as credit card), you make it really harder for the hacker or administrator. And, I think password should never be written literally. I mean, I used a password since 2 years and I have never seen it written down.. why an administrator that I don't know should see MY password ?!
Using a hashed password prevents the attacker from being able to log into your app even if they know the hash. Your login page asks for the original password, so to log in using it, they'd have to reverse the hash (compute a collision). Using a rainbow table, that's fairly trivial for MD5, for example, which is where salting comes in. Then the attacker needs to know 1) the way you combine the salt and the password (not much security there), 2) the salt (which is likely in the db already) and 3) they have to compute that value for each combination of password and salt. That's a lot more than just computing hashes of common passwords and looking for a match.
When a hacker access your database it does not mean that he can access the procedural code, those procedures can alter databases outside the hacked database boundaries or inclusive can alter other procedures.
By the way now I´m going to ask you something: If a user is hacked and someone has his or her password, how do you make clear that it is not your application or security fault?
If you don't have stored passwords you don't have such responsability!
If an application is to show grade information at the university then having access to the password will allow you to get the grades for that person. If the password also allows you to log into the online course system then you can submit tests as that user.
If the data is even more sensitive, such as credit card numbers or health records, you are open to lawsuits.
Odds are that the more sensitive information may be on a more secured system, behind stronger firewalls, so they may have found a weakness by hacking into the authentication database.
By hashing the password, then those that have access to the authentication database can't see the password and so log into the very sensitive system as a different user.
The whole LinkedIn "scandal" was all about leaked hashed passwords.
As I see it, security isn't about anything other than making data retrieval inconvenient.
And by inconvenient in the ideal case we mean it'll take you millions of compute years to access (ie single CPU trying to guess at password would take on the scale of millions of years).
If you store passwords in cleartext, that takes a total of 0 compute years to access. The LinkedIn scandal would have looked much worse. All you have to do is SELECT * FROM USERS (either via injection or an insider).
People often reuse passwords, so if people learn your password, it means a whole world of data becomes accessible to them (not just their LinkedIn, for example). So it becomes a very personal risk. As a webmaster it's rude not to at least hash passwords: you don't have that much respect for your users to take the basic step of trying to protect their information.
Even if the hashed password can be cracked, you're at least taking the bare minimum step to protect your users.
If he can decrypt the passwords, he can probably get access to your user's accounts on other sites as well (as, no matter how many times we tell people not to re-use passwords, they do). Storing plaintext passwords is a good way to give away all your users' PayPal, eBay & Amazon accounts.
