DotNetNuke using PNG images with Transparency - internet-explorer-6

I have a DotNetNuke site where my main logo is a PNG file using transparency. I tried GIF but the quality wasn't good enough.
Anyways it worked great on IE7 but I just saw my site in IE6 and noticed that the transparency isn't working with my logo.
Does anyone know of a quick way to fix this in a DotNetNuke portal?

I don't know that it's a DotNetNuke issue as much as it is IE6. Anyways, here's a site that shows you how to work around IE6's png issues. Hope it helps.

For a DotNetNuke-specific way to fix the issue, you can install the DotNetNuke Widget Suite, and use the IE PNG Fix widget on your site (probably include it in your skin).
That said, if you're going to need to integrate something into your skin anyway, the widget doesn't give you a whole lot of advantage. If you're able to evaluate and integrate the techniques in the accepted answer, that's probably a better route to take.

IE6 doesn't support transparent PNGs. It isn't a DotNetNuke issue. You could try looking into some JavaScript solutions that help with IE6.

Googling "pngfix" should find a lot of different techniques for enabling alpha transparency in IE6.
One common one is a HTC behaviour file.

You can't. IE6 only supports a specific, and visually ugly, version of PNG transparency. I believe its PNG-8.
You can use a conditional comment to handle IE6 differently:
<!--[if IE 6]>

There are some discussions regarding this on forums, but I had the wrong date criteria in my search so the reason I didn't see any responses previously and thought I would ask here.
I think I found what I am looking for from a dotnetnuke perspective its a module that you install on your page which fixes this problem automatically. But unfortunately you have to pay for it. (I won't post the link since I don't want people thinking I was am asking just to advertise for them.)

It has nothing to do with DotNetNuke, it's an IE6 thing. IE6 doesn't do very well with certain transparent PNG.


Getting to work in IE6 - Please assist

I'm using the grid system to style a website. It appears fine in all the major browsers, except in IE6, I see other sites using the perfectly well and it displaying fine in IE6 and wanted to know what I need to tweak to appear correctly.
Here's more info on the system:
I've used the class="grid_6 omega" to try and force my last div to float to the right. Which it does in all browsers except IE6. Does anyone know what I need to do to make it work in IE6, do I need to clear something?
Any advice greatly appreciated!
I figured out the problem this morning for anyone wanting to know. I'm using and Thematic because I think they're both brilliant in their own ways.
The solution that worked for me was to add the following CSS styling to the containing div before the div that floats to the right, in my case this DIV happens to be called leftloopcontainer, but obviously adjust it to whatever you need it to be:
#leftloopcontainer {overflow: hidden; zoom: 1;}
After I did this IE6 behaved (well, as much as that troublesome browser can!) and displayed my content just fine!

text options for seo-minded web developer

I've been asked by a client if i could jazz up their tagline on their website i'm developing/designing. I've thought about the options and want to stay as SEO minded as i can but i'm struggling to think of a way i could strike a balance between having a really smart, anti-aliased looking heading at the top of their site under the logo but have it searchable/crawlable by the big G (google). Sifr? Cufon? Images? What do people recommend in terms of SEO and visual niceties?
Cufon only works with freeware fonts and most fonts are not freeware. sIFR is the best bet for cross browser compatibility. If you arent supporting older browsers, you should definitely go with the #font-face CSS attribute. Web font services like TypeKit, Font Squirrel, or the free Google Font Library are good bets.

Good thumb up/down icons

I can't find any free thumb icons for voting like the ones here Everything I find is too colored or detailed. Does anyone know a good website where I would find such icons or an icon set?
Chances are bought or found the icons as well. Very unlikely they developed an in house proprietary set. You might consider contacting them to find out where to get similar icons.
why don't you just make a screenshot copy/paste and save as png?
UPDATE: you can find a lot of good icons using
Here is the original image..
That's the youtube one at least. The one you want.

Working arround font rendering issues in all major browsers

Since long time i been having a real problem with the different ways that each browser display text.
Sure you have noticed that even when you create a stylesheet specifying everything about the font properties, still every browser display the same text with some differences, the usual problem is the font weight, that even if you specify it different browsers display it different ways.
I would like to know if some as come with a solution. Not turning the text into a image.
This is a example of the problem. On the left Firefox and right IE. However i have defined in the CSS font family, weight, size and still they render the fonts different.
Do you mean that on one browser its bold and another one its normal? A reset should fix that, but if it doesn't, it might be something overriding that.
If you're talking about fonts looking different, it is possible - for example, since Google Chrome / Chromium sandboxes the renderer process, the font rendering won't be affected by other parts of the system, and I believe that it uses some sort of special font rendering. To be honest, on my Linux install, I do get bolder fonts on Chromium, but Firefox displays them fine.
There's SIFR (as pointed above), but it needs Flash and it is a bit heavy. There's also Cufon that uses Javascript. Could you show a screencast so we know what's the problem? Thanks.
SIFR is a good solution, as long as you're only trying to control the appearance of small chunks of text (headings, design elements, etc.)
Beyond that, browsers are perfectly allowed to render text any way they want, and getting it pixel-perfect between browsers and operating systems is usually not even desirable for larger chunks of text. Users will have different accessibility settings and anti-aliasing settings which are tuned to the way they want to read text, and in general websites should try to respect that.
You can use SIFR.
Although this problem is already about a week old, here is a solution that I found, that might be related:
If you're not using jQuery, try removing the filter attribute from the elements that are displaying non-Cleartype'd text and it should work, according to that blog post.

Anti-aliased font in HTML page

Is there a good way to create crisp, clear, LARGE font in webpages? I need to create a tag cloud effect on my homepage with different font sizes and colours.
I've got it set up in HTML/CSS but on the older browsers or OS's which don't support anti-aliasing as default it looks a bit... crappy.
I've played with sIFR, which worked beautifully but gave me some horrible load effects but I'm now wondering if there is a way to:
a) do browser/OS detection to split users by browser/OS combinations which I KNOW support anti-aliasing (they get raw HTML) and by "others" who get an image tag.
b) Some sort of JavaScript to add antialiasing?
c) Permanent solution to load a BG image in the div and hide the HTML text. (I know, I know, Google horror stories about de-indexing... but is it possible?)
a) Of course you can use browser detection. The easiest way to do this is probably using jQuery's browser method. (jQuery is an awesome JavaScript library that makes a lot of JS-development easier in case you haven't heard)
Depending on what browser (or OS) results you get, you could present the user with different solutions, from normal text to something like a Flash solution.
However, I advise against it. Things look better on new machines than old ones. That's just the way it is, which is why I recommend against spending precious time on minor glitches in older browsers. -- Unless users with older browsers are your main demographic of course. In this case, how about you just do it in Flash altogether? No use coding up two solutions if one always works, right?
b) You can in fact create anti-aliased text via JavaScript. Have a look at my project Die Stimme Gottes ("Voice of God" -- not for the religiously squeamish) for an example. In this project, I used the excellent typeface.js for this.
c) Just use CSS, maybe?
h1.welcome {
background: url('the-welcome-image.png') no-repeat;
color: transparent;
+1 Hank's comment. You have very little to gain by doing this. Some desktop browsers (including IE7+ and Safari) turn on anti-aliasing by default even when it's off at an OS level, and modern (post-XP) OSs tend to turn it on by default anyway. By forcing AA on the rest, you'll:
(+) improve the display a little for IE6 and XP+Firefox users who unwittingly don't have AA
(-) make loading slower for everyone (but especially users of limited mobile devices)
(-) defeat preferred font sizes
(-) unnecessarily annoy the luddites who deliberately disable anti-aliasing because it's “all blurry”(*)
(*: there are limited cases where this does even make sense, particularly for old, fuzzy CRT monitors.)
By the looks of it the best methods (in no real order) are:
1) Use an image. If you rely on SEO for the site then by all means add html and hide it using css using one of these methods
2) typeface.js - JS which will work across most modern browsers. Has some bugs and glitches but works nicely. If you're going to force anti-aliasing on your users then this works. Use sparingly. Author working on Opera and IE8 compatability though...
2) sIFR - Excellent script which dynamically replaces your selected areas of text with flash movies. Again some bugs and glitches, but if you're simply interested in awesome looking font then this is perfect. Increases your page load though, so as ever more is less, use sparingly.
I tend not to go with JS heavy solutions, as I like to have lightning quick page loads, but if you HAVE to have some good looking fonts, then these seem to be the most graceful and simple methods.
Force background color, redefining it for the class or element with the same background color. It works.
span.your_class {
writing-mode: tb-rl;
filter: flipv fliph;
background-color: #006cb8 !important;
Flash or Silverlight are your best bets for great looking font rendering
