How to display line breaks in SharePoint comment history field - sharepoint

We have a SharePoint list setup with history enabled so the Comments field keeps all the past values. When it displays, the Comments field is void of all line breaks. However, when SharePoint e-mails the change to us, the line breaks are in there. The Description field also shows the line breaks.
So, something must be stripping out the line breaks in the read-only view of the Comments field.
Any idea on how to customize that so it retains the formatting in the detail view of the SharePoint list item?
Update: the stock pages with this behavior are

What are you using to view the list? A default SharePoint view (AllItems.aspx?), or a DataFormWebPart? Something else?
If you can customize the page that displays this list in SharePoint Designer, make sure this field is set to display "Rich Text" and not just "Plain Text".
If this is the cause of your problem, then another symptom you might see is that certain symbols are displayed as their HTML codes (e.g. "&" as "&").


Sharepoint 2013 Wiki history page always shows the first word as added

When I change a word from wiki page, wiki history page shows first word as added. Although I not change the first word
this error always occurs on the first word of the page.
My test result is the same as yours, and the same behaviour in SharePoint Online.
So this should be by design. It is indeed a very strange behaviour but basically does not affect the use.

Spell check contents of Rich Text Content Control

I am having an issue with Word 2013 and spell checking the contents of Rich Text Content Controls.
I am currently working on a project where text is inserted (via a Word Add-In) into a pre-defined document template which makes use of Rich Text Content Controls. The inserting of the data into the content controls all works great, but I am having an issue where the newly inserted text within the content controls is not being spell checked by Word 2013.
I have read numerous posts on line which suggest that 'grouping' the content controls in the document resolves the issue, but haven't been able to implement this fix.
Text outwith the content controls is being spell checked, but any text within the content controls is not.
Steps to reproduce:
Open Word 2013 and create a new blank document.
Ensure that the DEVELOPER tab is enabled (if not, see instructions here)
On the DEVELOPER tab, enable Design Mode under the Controls group.
Still on the DEVELOPER tab, under Controls, add a new Rich Text Content Control.
Amend the default "Click here to enter text." so that it contains a spelling mistake.
On the DEVELOPER tab, exit Design Mode.
On the REVIEW tab, choose Spelling & Grammar. You should observe that the deliberate spelling mistake within the content control is not recognised.
James, the text you edit in the Rich Text Content Control is what is called the Placeholder Text. This text is to be defined by the 'content' developer.
This text won't be part of the Spelling & Grammar review as the Placeholder Texts are 'constants' defined by the developer, hence the reason why they are under the Developer tab.
So it is advised to first put the texts that you want to use in a Placeholder in a normal document, do the spell check and copy them over and apply to the Placeholder Text.
I think it is fairly reasonable not to include the Placeholder texts in Spelling & Grammar as:
It will take time to process the fixed assets
End users may not have access to the Placeholder Texts to edit the 'mistakes'

How to search the changed fields in TFS History?

I am working with TFS 2010. I need to find a way to search the fields that have changed which are tracked in the history of a work item. As fields are changed and updated they get tracked in History and you can view them by opening the "Show Changes(Fields)" dropdown. Is there a way to search this?
There is no built-in function for that however I needed the same thing some time ago and I wrote a little utility called TFS Helper that does it (and some more things).
You can get the source code from codeplex. The tab named "Work Item Field History" is what you want. It shows changed fields of a work item with the number of changes. You can see all changes when you click on a field.

How to search a PDF in Acrobat Reader AND jump to a certain page via parameter?

We are using lucene within a web application to search in a great number of PDF documents.
The workflow is like this:
A user enters a search term
A list of search results is presented to the user.
Each search result represents one PDF document and shows the user on which page the search term was found. Each of these pages is represented as a hyperlink.
If the user now clicks on such a hyperlink, he directly jumps to that page.
But now the user has the problem that the search term isn't highlighted on the page. Therefore the user has to look on his own to find the search term on the page.
What we wanted is a way to highlight the search term on the specific page in the PDF.
The open parameters for Acrobat Reader allow for either searching a PDF document (with hit highlighting) OR jumping to a specific page. But the combination of both parameters - which we would need - doesn't work.
Does anyone have an idea how jumping to a page and highlighting a search term in a PDF document could work?
I had a look at the Acrobat SDK but don't see how we can use it (it's terribly documented).
acrobat uses a plugin to hilite terms, and requires a fdf stream to indicate the words to hilite.
See here for pointers:
assuming you know the page# and word# on the page to hilight, here is one way to do it:
On web page:
<iframe id="acroframe" src="pdfpage/example.pdf#xml=">
The PDF will appear in the frame, it will show the toolbar, hide the navpane & status bars and fit page to horizontal. Then it will query the web site to get the xfdf data for hilighting:
Here I used a guid key that I previously saved in the session with the hilite xfdf value.
The hilite.aspx page will return something like the following to hilite words in the document:
<Body units=characters color=#ff00ff mode=active version=2>
<loc pg=15 pos=3583 len=5>
This will hilight 5 chars on page 15 starting at position 3583. (note: xfdf is not real "XML" despite the similarity)
Note that acrobat reader will have to have the "Enable search highlights from external highlight server" option checked in preferences.
Sorry might not be an answer, but a workaround could be to covert the PDF to html and use Lucene highlighter (similar to what Google does)
You'd have to write a snippet of Javascript to get the behavior you are looking for.

How to place todo reminders in Dreamweaver code

I am coding in Dreamweaver for a change. Is there a way to place reminders in your code, for example in the form of a "todo list"?
I know Eclipse has this option. You can place //TODO before the line of code and the marker is placed in a list. You can view this list at will and conveniently go back to the exact spot later.
After weeks of coding I sometimes forget to take care of certain things. A todo list in the code itself would really help out, anyone know of a method for this in Dreamweaver?
Dreamweaver doesn't have a dedicated interface for viewing TODO items. However, it does have what it calls Design Notes. These notes are stored in *.mno files that are within _notes folders within the folder of the file that has a design note attached to it. These files and folders are only viewable within Dreamweaver if you have Show Hidden files enabled, which you can do by accessing the Files panel options menu on the upper right by clicking on it, then selecting View -> Show hidden files.
You have to turn them on in the site definition, although by default, a Dreamweaver site will have them turned on. The following steps are for Dreamweaver CS4:
Site -> Manage Sites..., Select the site, click Edit, select the Design notes category, check maintain design notes. Next go to the File View Columns category and make sure that the Notes column is displayed. Click OK then Done.
You can also opt to share these design notes, which means the they will be uploaded when you FTP the files to the remote site, so that others that you work with when they download the file (and assuming they also have Design notes enabled and shared), then they will be able to see that a file has a design note associated with it. Note: These *.mno files are plain text and if you your server may be accessible by others, so be sure not to put anything confidential in them.
In the Files panel, right-click on a file that you want to add a TODO item to, select "Design Notes...". In the interface that opens, you can enter in a free form note for the document. Check the Show when file is opened to cause this interface to open when you open up the file you're applying the design note to.
If you switch to the All Info tab, you can add "keyed" notes, that is a note with a name, and an associated value. This open may be good for TODO items.
When you add a design note to a file and you have the Notes column displayed, you should see an icon in the Notes column for any files that have associated notes for. Double clicking this icon will open up the Design Notes UI. This will be a quick way to determine if you have any TODOs in the files that you can see. Note: you won't see this icon for files within folders that are closed.
If you would like to do some searches or listing of files with design notes associated with them, then you can take a look at the Site Reports Design Notes report. Go to Window -> Results -> Site Reports. In the upper right of this panel, click the green arrow. This brings up the Reports interface. Select the appropriate option under Report on, and then check "Design Notes" under Workflow. Don't bother with the report's supposed to allow for some search/filtering, but I can't get it not to display all files with notes associated with them, perhaps you'll have better luck. Click the Run button and the Site Reports panel should contain a list of files that have design notes associated with them, as well as the design note info for the file. If you double click the entry, then the file will open.
Well, i use to put a simply comment like this below, directly in the php code:
//TODO: something to do here.
When i need to check my todo list, just search in the site by "//TODO:", and voilá, this is my todo list! It works, it's free and well according with KISS requirements.
Try using doxygen to document your code.
anything marks with a #todo, will be put in a special page when you generate documentaion.
Not ideal but the best i can think of.
(I haven't had much experience with dream weaver - it might have the feature you are looking for IDK)
