Application Control Scripts on Unix - linux

I'm looking for some software that allows me to control a server based application, that is, there are bunch of interdependent processes that I'd like to be able to start up, shut down and monitor in a controller manner.
I've come across programs like Autosys, but that's expensive and very much over the top for what I want. I've also seen AppCtl, but that seems not to handle dependencies. Maybe it would be possible to repurpose the init scripts?
Oh, and as an added complication it should be able to run on a Solaris 10 or Linux box without installing any new binaries. On the boxes I've seen recently, that means shell scripts and Perl but not Python.
Do any such programs exist or do I need to dust off my copy of Programming Perl?

Try Supervise, which is what qmail uses to keep track of it's services/startup applications:

Have a look in /etc/init.d for something similar and use that as a basis. See also crontab, or maybe at, to run on a regular basis.

Solaris-only as far as I know, but wouldn't Solaris 10's SMF do what you want?

Try GNU Batch. It looks like it supports what you need.


Making a batch file for a Linux system?

Quick backstory: I'm a graduate student, and I know very little (read: almost nothing) about batch files. A collaborator at another university came to me and told me to create a batch file for a supercomputer which runs on a Linux system. After googling, it looks like a batch file is technically only for Windows systems, and the Linux equivalent is a "shell script". I talked to my collaborator about this, and he's insistent that it should be a batch file, not a shell script, even though it's a Linux system.
Is there something I'm missing here, or is there some way to make a batch file for Linux? There is a language barrier, so I wonder if that's part of the problem. Thanks, and sorry for such an elementary question.
The term "batch" may refer to two different things, maybe that is the issue here:
the MS-Windows batch command processor, some very primitive and limited, non-interactive shell environment
"batch processing" which simply means non-interactive processing of work items or jobs
You are right that the (very) rough equivalent to an MS-Windows batch script is a shell script in unixoid systems (so Linux too). However it should be pointed out that there are many very different types of shell environments you can use, so you have a huge flexibility here.
Considering the two alternative meanings above I could imagine that what is meant is "a script that does batch processing". Usually it is of less importance which specific type of language is chosen for that.
The *nix equivalent would be a shell script. For example, Ubuntu's default shell is bash.
BASH Programming Introduction might prove a worthy read.
As another answer already noted, scripts of command line commands are called "batch files" on Windows, but the term also means non-interactive processing in general.
Since the context was some sort of a supercomputer, there's a possibility that a "batch file" means something specific to the system, not just a generic shell script/program.
Either that, or they are just very insistent on using uncommon terminology.

Writing a Linux Terminal emulator

I'd like to write a x11 terminal emulator, but I don't know how I should spawn and communicate with the shell, is there any basic (pseudo- or C) code for that? like what sort of PTY to create, how to bind the shell to it, what signals I have to catch or send, etc. don't really feel like sorting through the whole xterm sources.
EDIT: oh and I want to implement a way of communicating with any applications in it, how shall I do the feature discovery? some hidden ansi sequence in the "clients", hoping it's not colliding with other terminal emulators? some environment variable, hoping it's not colliding with the "clients" or removed by the shell?
YAT (yet another terminal) is suitable for embedding in Qt Quick programs. Contributions for improvement are welcome. (Disclaimer: a friend started that project, and I work on it sometimes.) It takes a mostly correct approach (e.g. it uses a Linux pseudo-terminal properly, something I didn't know about before my friend was explaining that), and has a lot of features; however the parser is written from scratch and is not feature-complete or bug-free yet.
Unfortunately most terminal implementations so far have been starting from scratch, or with a one-off monolithic fork (from rxvt for example), which is a lot of work and results in all of them being incomplete. So I think a better alternative would be to use a reusable logic-only library called libvterm: or to base your terminal on one which already uses that. That way if you find bugs and fix them, you'll improve the whole ecosystem. is interesting, and works (at least somewhat) but is a prime candidate to be rewritten with libvterm, IMO. If you are into immediate-mode rendering in OpenGL, it might be a good choice anyway. does use libvterm, and adds a few features which libvterm doesn't have, for inline graphics rendering (ReGIS and PNG). But the code is not elegant enough or portable enough, IMO, and the graphics rendering "floats" over the text rather than being truly inline. It still might be an adequate starting point for some use cases. In my fork I got it to build with mostly modern system libraries, however it still depends on an outdated version of SDL, which is included.
OK, if anyone also need this, and is using lua, I found the library works fine. still testing ansi escapes and stuff, but should work.

Duplictate openSUSE Linux installation

I am looking for a solution how to duplicate a Linux installation for multiple systems. The Linux installation is based on openSUSE 12.2. All systems use the absolute identical hardware.
The official solution would be to use AutoYaST (see But since all systems use the same hardware I was thinking about taking an disk-image from an installation and "dd" to all new systems? What do you think, any best practices?
try using the parted or gparted applications. gparted is the GUI for parted.
I am sure there are better ways to do this than dd. I tried that some ten years ago on identical machines and it did work, but was slow. I believe nowadays it makes more sense to be using tools like:
Partimage. I tried this a while ago and it was quite good.
Clonezilla. I've only heard it does the job, but have no observations of my own.
For more info, check this link.
dd will work, but is very slow because you'll have to copy over the whole disk, not just the data. I install hundreds of systems all the time and use SALI and System Imager. I use SALI to actually install the images and System Imager to manage variations of hardware and images. There's several ways to do it in SALI, but the standard method is via a pxeboot loader. But that's not required.

Will writing C in both Windows and Linux cause compiling problems?

I work from 2 different machines. One is Windows and the other is Linux. If I alternately work on the same project but switch between both OSes, will I eventually run into compiling errors? I ask because maybe there are standards supported by one but not by the other.
That question is a pretty broad one and it depends, strictly speaking, on your tool chain. If you were to use the same tool chain (e.g. GCC/MinGW or Clang), you'd be minimizing the chance for this class of errors. If you were to use Visual Studio on Windows and GCC or Clang on the Linux side, you'd run into more issues alone because some of the headers differ. So once your program leaves the realm of strict ANSI C (C89) you'll be on your own.
However, if you aren't careful you may run into a lot of other more profane errors, such as the compiler on Linux choking on the line endings if you didn't tell your editor on the Windows side to use these.
Ah, and also keep in mind that if you want to actually cross-compile, GCC may be the best choice and therefore the first part I mentioned in my answer becomes a moot point. GCC is a proven choice on both ends. And given your question it's unlikely that you are trying to write something like a kernel mode driver - which would be fundamentally different.
That may be only if your application use some specific API.
It is entirely possible to write code that works on both platforms, with no issues to compile the code. It is, however, not without some difficulties. Compilers allow you to use non-standard features in the compiler, and it's often hard to do more fancy user interfaces (even if it's still just text) because as soon as you start wanting to do more than "read a line of text as it is entered in a shell", it's into "non-standard" land.
If you do find yourself needing to do more than what the standard C library can do, make sure you isolate those parts of the code into a separate file (or a couple of files, one for Linux/Unix style systems and one for Windows systems).
Using the same compiler (gcc) would help avoiding problems with "compiler B doesn't compile code that works fine in compiler A".
But it's far from an absolute necessity - just make sure you compile the code on both platforms and with all of your "suppoerted" compilers often enough that you haven't dug a very deep hole that is hard to get out of before you discover that "it's not working on the other system". It certainly helps if you have (at least) a virtual machine running the other OS, so you can easily try both variants.
Ideally, you want to set up an automated system, such that when you change the code [and feel that the changes are "complete"], it automatically gets built on both platforms and all compilers you want to use. And if possible, also automatically tested!
I would also seriously consider using version control - that way, when something breaks on one or the other side, you can go back and look at what the code looked like before it stopped working, and (hopefully) find the reason it broke much quicker than "Hmm, I think it's the change I made to foo.c, lets take that out... No, not that one, ok how about the change here..." - at least with version control, you can say "Ok, so version 1234 doesn't work, let's try version 1220 - ok, that works. Now try 1228, still works - so change between 1229 and 1234 - try 1232, ah, it's broken..." No editing files and you can still go to any other version you like with very little difficulty. I have used Mercurial quite a bit, git a little bit, some subversion, and worked on a project in Perforce for a few years. All of these are good - personally, I think I prefer mercurial.
As a side-effect: Most version control systems also deal with filename and line endings in the saner way than doing this manually.
If you combine your version control system with a "automated build and test-system", such as Jenkins, you can get everything very automated. Jenkins is free and runs on both Windows and Linux, and you can use it to automatically build and test your code as and when you submit the code to the version control system.
It will not create a problem until you recompile the source code in the respective OS. If you wanna run your compiled file generated by windows(.exe or .obj), into linux or vice-versa then it will definitely create a problem and wont be possible. But you can move you source code (file with extension .c/.c++) into any of the os. And sometimes it also create problems with different header files, so take care of that also. Best practice is to use single OS for you entire project, avoid multiple os until it is extremely necessary.

What language is easiest to develop command line/simple GUI for Linux?

I need to develop a large set of tools to be run from the server command line (i.e. not client-server architecture). The systems does not have to be high-performance; I just want something that is easy to develop with.
Which technologies are out there I can use to build simple GUI to be run from the command line? I need only menus where I can select a line/check-box/enter free text in a dialog.
Edit: forgot to add, access to Mysql (i.e. drivers available) is essential.
Shell, with dialog, the old stand-by -
EDIT- If it's MySQL-related, take a look at PERL-Tk and DBI.
python + ncurses would be a good combo here.
i like using perl's from the Devel::REPL library for quickie cli interfaces. read on a bit for my rationale before downvoting!
in this type of app it sounds like you will be doing query-type operations. these naturally lend themselves to a "repl" style interraction. gives you all of the goodies, namely command editing and history. all you need to write are the functions that users will call. the nice thing is that users who know perl will realize they can use any installed module to extend the functionality of your system on their own. i my case, i used to create a mysqlclient-like tool to access and display data that was being compressed in a way that the standard mysqlclient couldn't deal with.
i cite perl because it's DBI is the best database abstraction and it is what i have used....but the rationale can be extended to other tools. python's repl or any other would provide the same benefit.
You could use Mono for Linux and write your program in C# .NET, then make it work for Linux, since Mono allows so.
As far as graphic command line interfaces go, one of the best frameworks is ncurses. It abstracts away most of the ugliness associated with graphic command line applications.
I have to say, use Python, because I like it.
But text-based interfaces are pretty much not worth it, because they seem like a good idea until you look at the details:
There isn't really a standard keyboard navigation model for text-UIs; they all use their own scheme
How is unicode supported? (Hint: this is nontrivial)
What about different keyboard layouts? What key does someone press if their keyboard doesn't have, say, a "home", "end", or "Escape" ?
ncurses does not provide a widget set, only low-level operations. The answers to the above questions aren't easy.
It really shows that nobody has put much thought into keyboard-and-text-driven terminal-based UIs recently, or these would all have been solved.
Web interfaces have them solved, in fact, you can use a text-mode web browser if you like.
Modern devices like i(phone|pad)s and even cheap mobile phones have a web browser which is good enough.
It is easy to write a web application which uses a very simple style (few images, little Javascrfipt) and have it work without much effort on a variety of devices.
So I would say go with dmckee's comment "go with what you know".
By building your own terminal-based interface, you are going to box yourself into a corner in the long term.
