Format string to title case - string

How do I format a string to title case?

Here is a simple static method to do this in C#:
public static string ToTitleCaseInvariant(string targetString)
return System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(targetString);

I would be wary of automatically upcasing all whitespace-preceded-words in scenarios where I would run the risk of attracting the fury of nitpickers.
I would at least consider implementing a dictionary for exception cases like articles and conjunctions. Behold:
"Beauty and the Beast"
And when it comes to proper nouns, the thing gets much uglier.

Here's a Perl solution
Here's a Ruby solution
Here's a Ruby one-liner solution:
'some string here'.gsub(/\b\w/){$&.upcase}
What the one-liner is doing is using a regular expression substitution of the first character of each word with the uppercase version of it.

To capatilise it in, say, C - use the ascii codes ( to find the integer value of the char and subtract 32 from it.
This is a poor solution if you ever plan to accept characters beyond a-z and A-Z.
For instance: ASCII 134: å, ASCII 143: Å.
Using arithmetic gets you: ASCII 102: f
Use library calls, don't assume you can use integer arithmetic on your characters to get back something useful. Unicode is tricky.

In Silverlight there is no ToTitleCase in the TextInfo class.
Here's a simple regex based way.
Note: Silverlight doesn't have precompiled regexes, but for me this performance loss is not an issue.
public string TitleCase(string str)
return Regex.Replace(str, #"\w+", (m) =>
string tmp = m.Value;
return char.ToUpper(tmp[0]) + tmp.Substring(1, tmp.Length - 1).ToLower();

In Perl:
$string =~ s/(\w+)/\u\L$1/g;
That's even in the FAQ.

If the language you are using has a supported method/function then just use that (as in the C# ToTitleCase method)
If it does not, then you will want to do something like the following:
Read in the string
Take the first word
Capitalize the first letter of that word 1
Go forward and find the next word
Go to 3 if not at the end of the string, otherwise exit
1 To capitalize it in, say, C - use the ascii codes to find the integer value of the char and subtract 32 from it.
There would need to be much more error checking in the code (ensuring valid letters etc.), and the "Capitalize" function will need to impose some sort of "title-case scheme" on the letters to check for words that do not need to be capatilised ('and', 'but' etc. Here is a good scheme)

In what language?
In PHP it is:
$HelloWorld = ucwords('hello world');

In Java, you can use the following code.
public String titleCase(String str) {
char[] chars = str.toCharArray();
for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
if (i == 0) {
chars[i] = Character.toUpperCase(chars[i]);
} else if ((i + 1) < chars.length && chars[i] == ' ') {
chars[i + 1] = Character.toUpperCase(chars[i + 1]);
return new String(chars);

Excel-like PROPER:
public static string ExcelProper(string s) {
bool upper_needed = true;
string result = "";
foreach (char c in s) {
bool is_letter = Char.IsLetter(c);
if (is_letter)
if (upper_needed)
result += Char.ToUpper(c);
result += Char.ToLower(c);
result += c;
upper_needed = !is_letter;
return result;
} has an API

There is a built-in formula PROPER(n) in Excel.
Was quite pleased to see I didn't have to write it myself!

Here's an implementation in Python:
And a port of this implementation that I've just done in C++:

Here is a simple example of how to do it :
public static string ToTitleCaseInvariant(string str)
return System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(str);

I think using the CultureInfo is not always reliable, this the simple and handy way to manipulate string manually:
string sourceName = txtTextBox.Text.ToLower();
string destinationName = sourceName[0].ToUpper();
for (int i = 0; i < (sourceName.Length - 1); i++) {
if (sourceName[i + 1] == "") {
destinationName += sourceName[i + 1];
else {
destinationName += sourceName[i + 1];
txtTextBox.Text = desinationName;

In C#
using System.Globalization;
using System.Threading;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
CultureInfo cultureInfo = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;
TextInfo textInfo = cultureInfo.TextInfo;
Response.Write(textInfo.ToTitleCase("WelcometoHome<br />"));
Response.Write(textInfo.ToTitleCase("Welcome to Home"));
Response.Write(textInfo.ToTitleCase("Welcome#to$home<br/>").Replace("#","").Replace("$", ""));

In C# you can simply use
Works with uppercase strings

Without using a ready-made function, a super-simple low-level algorithm to convert a string to title case:
convert first character to uppercase.
for each character in string,
if the previous character is whitespace,
convert character to uppercase.
This asssumes the "convert character to uppercase" will do that correctly regardless of whether or not the character is case-sensitive (e.g., '+').

Here you have a C++ version. It's got a set of non uppercaseable words like prononuns and prepositions. However, I would not recommend automating this process if you are to deal with important texts.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cctype>
#include <set>
using namespace std;
typedef vector<pair<string, int> > subDivision;
set<string> nonUpperCaseAble;
subDivision split(string & cadena, string delim = " "){
subDivision retorno;
int pos, inic = 0;
while((pos = cadena.find_first_of(delim, inic)) != cadena.npos){
if(pos-inic > 0){
retorno.push_back(make_pair(cadena.substr(inic, pos-inic), inic));
inic = pos+1;
if(inic != cadena.length()){
retorno.push_back(make_pair(cadena.substr(inic, cadena.length() - inic), inic));
return retorno;
string firstUpper (string & pal){
pal[0] = toupper(pal[0]);
return pal;
int main()
// ...
string linea, resultado;
cout << "Type the line you want to convert: " << endl;
getline(cin, linea);
subDivision trozos = split(linea);
for(int i = 0; i < trozos.size(); i++){
if(trozos[i].second == 0)
resultado += firstUpper(trozos[i].first);
else if (linea[trozos[i].second-1] == ' ')
if(nonUpperCaseAble.find(trozos[i].first) == nonUpperCaseAble.end())
resultado += " " + firstUpper(trozos[i].first);
resultado += " " + trozos[i].first;
resultado += trozos[i].first;
cout << resultado << endl;
return 0;

With perl you could do this:
my $tc_string = join ' ', map { ucfirst($\_) } split /\s+/, $string;


Program to find if a string is a palindrome keeps on failing. Even after using toLowerCase() command for both strings, output doesn't come

import java.util.Scanner;
class Palindrome_string
public static void main()
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter a string");
String a = sc.nextLine();
int b = a.length();
String rev = "";
for (int i = b - 1; i >= 0; i--)
char c = a.charAt(i);
rev = rev + c;
System.out.println("Original word "+a);
System.out.println("Reversed word "+rev);
a = a.toLowerCase();
rev = rev.toLowerCase();
if (a == rev)
System.out.println("It is a palindrome");
System.out.println("It is not a palindrome");
The program compiles properly. Still, when running the program, the message which tells if it is a palindrome prints incorrectly. What changes do I make? Here is a picture of the output. Even though the word 'level' (which is a palindrome) has been inputted, it shows that it isn't a palindrome. What changes should I make? output pic
You should not use == to compare two strings because it compares the reference of the string, i.e. whether they are the same object or not.
Use .equals() instead. It tests for value equality. So in your case:
if (a.equals(rev))
System.out.println("It is a palindrome");
Also try not to use single-letter variable names except for index variables when iterating over a list etc. It's bad practice.

Replacing the number in a string

if my string is lets say "Alfa1234Beta"
how can I convert all the number in to "_"
for example "Alfa1234Beta"
will be "Alfa____Beta"
Going with the Regex approach pointed out by others is possibly OK for your scenario. Mind you however, that Regex sometimes tend to be overused. A hand rolled approach could be like this:
static string ReplaceDigits(string str)
StringBuilder sb = null;
for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)
if (Char.IsDigit(str[i]))
if (sb == null)
// Seen a digit, allocate StringBuilder, copy non-digits we might have skipped over so far.
sb = new StringBuilder();
if (i > 0)
sb.Append(str, 0, i);
// Replace current character (a digit)
if (sb != null)
// Seen some digits (being replaced) already. Collect non-digits as well.
if (sb != null)
return sb.ToString();
return str;
It is more light weight than Regex and only allocates when there is actually something to do (replace). So, go ahead use the Regex version if you like. If you figure out during profiling that is too heavy weight, you can use something like the above. YMMV
You can run for loop on the string and then use the following method to replace numbers with _
if (!System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(i, "^[0-9]*$"))
Here variable i is the character in the for loop .
You can use this:
var s = "Alfa1234Beta";
var s2 = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(s, "[0-9]", "_");
s2 now contains "Alfa____Beta".
Explanation: the regex [0-9] matches any digit from 0 to 9 (inclusive). The Regex.Replace then replaces all matched characters with an "_".
And if you want it a bit shorter AND also match non-latin digits, use \d as a regex:
var s = "Alfa1234Beta๓"; // ๓ is "Thai digit three"
var s2 = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(s, #"\d", "_");
s2 now contains "Alfa____Beta_".

Dynamic character generator; Generate all possible strings from a character set

I want to make a dynamic string generator that will generate all possible unique strings from a character set with a dynamic length.
I can make this very easily using for loops but then its static and not dynamic length.
// Prints all possible strings with the length of 3
for a in allowedCharacters {
for b in allowedCharacters {
for c in allowedCharacters {
But when I want to make this dynamic of length so I can just call generate(length: 5) I get confused.
I found this Stackoverflow question But the accepted answer generates strings 1-maxLength length and I want maxLength on ever string.
As noted above, use recursion. Here is how it can be done with C#:
static IEnumerable<string> Generate(int length, char[] allowed_chars)
if (length == 1)
foreach (char c in allowed_chars)
yield return c.ToString();
var sub_strings = Generate(length - 1, allowed_chars);
foreach (char c in allowed_chars)
foreach (string sub in sub_strings)
yield return c + sub;
private static void Main(string[] args)
string chars = "abc";
List<string> result = Generate(3, chars.ToCharArray()).ToList();
Please note that the run time of this algorithm and the amount of data it returns is exponential as the length increases which means that if you have large lengths, you should expect the code to take a long time and to return a huge amount of data.
Translation of #YacoubMassad's C# code to Swift:
func generate(length: Int, allowedChars: [String]) -> [String] {
if length == 1 {
return allowedChars
else {
let subStrings = generate(length - 1, allowedChars: allowedChars)
var arr = [String]()
for c in allowedChars {
for sub in subStrings {
arr.append(c + sub)
return arr
println(generate(3, allowedChars: ["a", "b", "c"]))
aaa, aab, aac, aba, abb, abc, aca, acb, acc, baa, bab, bac, bba, bbb, bbc, bca, bcb, bcc, caa, cab, cac, cba, cbb, cbc, cca, ccb, ccc
While you can (obviously enough) use recursion to solve this problem, it quite an inefficient way to do the job.
What you're really doing is just counting. In your example, with "a", "b" and "c" as the allowed characters, you're counting in base 3, and since you're allowing three character strings, they're three digit numbers.
An N-digit number in base M can represent NM different possible values, going from 0 through NM-1. So, for your case, that's limit=pow(3, 3)-1;. To generate all those values, you just count from 0 through the limit, and convert each number to base M, using the specified characters as the "digits". For example, in C++ the code can look like this:
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
std::string letters = "abc";
std::size_t base = letters.length();
std::size_t digits = 3;
int limit = pow(base, digits);
for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
int in = i;
for (int j = 0; j < digits; j++) {
std::cout << letters[in%base];
in /= base;
std::cout << "\t";
One minor note: as I've written it here, this produces the output in basically a little-endian format. That is, the "digit" that varies the fastest is on the left, and the one that changes the slowest is on the right.

Need a program to reverse the words in a string

I asked this question in a few interviews. I want to know from the Stackoverflow readers as to what should be the answer to this question.
Such a seemingly simple question, but has been interpreted quite a few different ways.
if your definition of a "word" is a series of non-whitespace characters surrounded by a whitespace character, then in 5 second pseudocode you do:
var words = split(inputString, " ")
var reverse = new array
var count = words.count -1
var i = 0
while count != 0
reverse[i] = words[count]
return reverse
If you want to take into consideration also spaces, you can do it like that:
string word = "hello my name is";
string result="";
int k=word.size();
for (int j=word.size()-1; j>=0; j--)
while(word[j]!= ' ' && j>=0)
int end=k;
int count=0;
if (j>=0)
int temp=j;
while (word[temp]==' '){
else j=j+1;
result+=' ';
It will print out for you "is name my hello"
Taken from something called "Hacking a Google Interview" that was somewhere on my computer ... don't know from where I got it but I remember I saw this exact question inside ... here is the answer:
Reverse the string by swapping the
first character with the last
character, the second with the
second-to-last character, and so on.
Then, go through the string looking
for spaces, so that you find where
each of the words is. Reverse each of
the words you encounter by again
swapping the first character with the
last character, the second character
with the second-to-last character, and
so on.
This came up in LessThanDot Programmer Puzzles
void reverse_word(char *,int,int);
int main()
char s[80],temp;
int l,i,k;
int lower,upper;
printf("Enter the ssentence\n");
if(s[i]==' '||s[i]=='\0')
return 0;
void reverse_word(char *s,int lower,int upper)
char temp;
//int i;
The following code (C++) will convert a string this is a test to test a is this:
string reverseWords(string str)
string result = "";
vector<string> strs;
stringstream S(str);
string s;
while (S>>s)
reverse(strs.begin(), strs.end());
if (strs.size() > 0)
result = strs[0];
for(int i=1; i<strs.size(); i++)
result += " " + strs[i];
return result;
PS: it's actually a google code jam question, more info can be found here.

How to check if the given string is palindrome? [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post.
Closed 7 years ago.
Improve this question
A palindrome is a word, phrase, number or other sequence of units that has the property of reading the same in either direction
How to check if the given string is a palindrome?
This was one of the FAIQ [Frequently Asked Interview Question] a while ago but that mostly using C.
Looking for solutions in any and all languages possible.
PHP sample:
$string = "A man, a plan, a canal, Panama";
function is_palindrome($string)
$a = strtolower(preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9]/","",$string));
return $a==strrev($a);
Removes any non-alphanumeric characters (spaces, commas, exclamation points, etc.) to allow for full sentences as above, as well as simple words.
Windows XP (might also work on 2000) or later BATCH script:
#echo off
call :is_palindrome %1
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (
echo %1 is a palindrome
) else (
echo %1 is NOT a palindrome
exit /B 0
set word=%~1
set reverse=
call :reverse_chars "%word%"
set return=1
if "$%word%" == "$%reverse%" (
set return=0
exit /B %return%
set chars=%~1
set reverse=%chars:~0,1%%reverse%
set chars=%chars:~1%
if "$%chars%" == "$" (
exit /B 0
) else (
call :reverse_chars "%chars%"
exit /B 0
Language agnostic meta-code then...
rev = StringReverse(originalString)
return ( rev == originalString );
C# in-place algorithm. Any preprocessing, like case insensitivity or stripping of whitespace and punctuation should be done before passing to this function.
boolean IsPalindrome(string s) {
for (int i = 0; i < s.Length / 2; i++)
if (s[i] != s[s.Length - 1 - i]) return false;
return true;
Edit: removed unnecessary "+1" in loop condition and spent the saved comparison on removing the redundant Length comparison. Thanks to the commenters!
var str = "a b a";
var test = Enumerable.SequenceEqual(str.ToCharArray(),
A more Ruby-style rewrite of Hal's Ruby version:
class String
def palindrome?
(test = gsub(/[^A-Za-z]/, '').downcase) == test.reverse
Now you can call palindrome? on any string.
Unoptimized Python:
>>> def is_palindrome(s):
... return s == s[::-1]
Java solution:
public class QuickTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
check("Hello World".toLowerCase());
public static void check(String aString) {
System.out.print(aString + ": ");
char[] chars = aString.toCharArray();
for (int i = 0, j = (chars.length - 1); i < (chars.length / 2); i++, j--) {
if (chars[i] != chars[j]) {
System.out.println("Not a palindrome!");
System.out.println("Found a palindrome!");
Using a good data structure usually helps impress the professor:
Push half the chars onto a stack (Length / 2).
Pop and compare each char until the first unmatch.
If the stack has zero elements: palindrome.
*in the case of a string with an odd Length, throw out the middle char.
C in the house. (not sure if you didn't want a C example here)
bool IsPalindrome(char *s)
int i,d;
int length = strlen(s);
char cf, cb;
for(i=0, d=length-1 ; i < length && d >= 0 ; i++ , d--)
while(cf= toupper(s[i]), (cf < 'A' || cf >'Z') && i < length-1)i++;
while(cb= toupper(s[d]), (cb < 'A' || cb >'Z') && d > 0 )d--;
if(cf != cb && cf >= 'A' && cf <= 'Z' && cb >= 'A' && cb <='Z')
return false;
return true;
That will return true for "racecar", "Racecar", "race car", "racecar ", and "RaCe cAr". It would be easy to modify to include symbols or spaces as well, but I figure it's more useful to only count letters(and ignore case). This works for all palindromes I've found in the answers here, and I've been unable to trick it into false negatives/positives.
Also, if you don't like bool in a "C" program, it could obviously return int, with return 1 and return 0 for true and false respectively.
Here's a python way. Note: this isn't really that "pythonic" but it demonstrates the algorithm.
def IsPalindromeString(n):
myLen = len(n)
i = 0
while i <= myLen/2:
if n[i] != n[myLen-1-i]:
return False
i += 1
return True
function IsPalindrome(const s: string): boolean;
i, j: integer;
Result := false;
j := Length(s);
for i := 1 to Length(s) div 2 do begin
if s[i] <> s[j] then
Result := true;
I'm seeing a lot of incorrect answers here. Any correct solution needs to ignore whitespace and punctuation (and any non-alphabetic characters actually) and needs to be case insensitive.
A few good example test cases are:
"A man, a plan, a canal, Panama."
"A Toyota's a Toyota."
As well as some non-palindromes.
Example solution in C# (note: empty and null strings are considered palindromes in this design, if this is not desired it's easy to change):
public static bool IsPalindrome(string palindromeCandidate)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(palindromeCandidate))
return true;
Regex nonAlphaChars = new Regex("[^a-z0-9]");
string alphaOnlyCandidate = nonAlphaChars.Replace(palindromeCandidate.ToLower(), "");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(alphaOnlyCandidate))
return true;
int leftIndex = 0;
int rightIndex = alphaOnlyCandidate.Length - 1;
while (rightIndex > leftIndex)
if (alphaOnlyCandidate[leftIndex] != alphaOnlyCandidate[rightIndex])
return false;
return true;
EDIT: from the comments:
bool palindrome(std::string const& s)
return std::equal(s.begin(), s.end(), s.rbegin());
The c++ way.
My naive implementation using the elegant iterators. In reality, you would probably check
and stop once your forward iterator has past the halfway mark to your string.
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
bool palindrome(string foo)
string::iterator front;
string::reverse_iterator back;
bool is_palindrome = true;
for(front = foo.begin(), back = foo.rbegin();
is_palindrome && front!= foo.end() && back != foo.rend();
++front, ++back
if(*front != *back)
is_palindrome = false;
return is_palindrome;
int main()
string a = "hi there", b = "laval";
cout << "String a: \"" << a << "\" is " << ((palindrome(a))? "" : "not ") << "a palindrome." <<endl;
cout << "String b: \"" << b << "\" is " << ((palindrome(b))? "" : "not ") << "a palindrome." <<endl;
boolean isPalindrome(String str1) {
//first strip out punctuation and spaces
String stripped = str1.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", "");
return stripped.equalsIgnoreCase((new StringBuilder(stripped)).reverse().toString());
Java version
Here's my solution, without using a strrev. Written in C#, but it will work in any language that has a string length function.
private static bool Pal(string s) {
for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) {
if (s[i] != s[s.Length - 1 - i]) {
return false;
return true;
Here's my solution in c#
static bool isPalindrome(string s)
string allowedChars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"+
string compareString = String.Empty;
string rev = string.Empty;
for (int i = 0; i <= s.Length - 1; i++)
char c = s[i];
if (allowedChars.IndexOf(c) > -1)
compareString += c;
for (int i = compareString.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
char c = compareString[i];
rev += c;
return rev.Equals(compareString,
Here's a Python version that deals with different cases, punctuation and whitespace.
import string
def is_palindrome(palindrome):
letters = palindrome.translate(string.maketrans("",""),
string.whitespace + string.punctuation).lower()
return letters == letters[::-1]
Edit: Shamelessly stole from Blair Conrad's neater answer to remove the slightly clumsy list processing from my previous version.
std::string a = "god";
std::string b = "lol";
std::cout << (std::string(a.rbegin(), a.rend()) == a) << " "
<< (std::string(b.rbegin(), b.rend()) == b);
function ispalin { [ "$( echo -n $1 | tac -rs . )" = "$1" ]; }
echo "$(ispalin god && echo yes || echo no), $(ispalin lol && echo yes || echo no)"
Gnu Awk
/* obvious solution */
function ispalin(cand, i) {
for(i=0; i<length(cand)/2; i++)
if(substr(cand, length(cand)-i, 1) != substr(cand, i+1, 1))
return 0;
return 1;
/* not so obvious solution. cough cough */
orig = $0;
while($0) {
stuff = stuff gensub(/^.*(.)$/, "\\1", 1);
$0 = gensub(/^(.*).$/, "\\1", 1);
print (stuff == orig);
Some brain dead way doing it in Haskell
ispalin :: [Char] -> Bool
ispalin a = a == (let xi (y:my) = (xi my) ++ [y]; xi [] = [] in \x -> xi x) a
Plain English
"Just reverse the string and if it is the same as before, it's a palindrome"
class String
def is_palindrome?
letters_only = gsub(/\W/,'').downcase
letters_only == letters_only.reverse
puts 'abc'.is_palindrome? # => false
puts 'aba'.is_palindrome? # => true
puts "Madam, I'm Adam.".is_palindrome? # => true
An obfuscated C version:
int IsPalindrome (char *s)
return s!=0;
This Java code should work inside a boolean method:
Note: You only need to check the first half of the characters with the back half, otherwise you are overlapping and doubling the amount of checks that need to be made.
private static boolean doPal(String test) {
for(int i = 0; i < test.length() / 2; i++) {
if(test.charAt(i) != test.charAt(test.length() - 1 - i)) {
return false;
return true;
Another C++ one. Optimized for speed and size.
bool is_palindrome(const std::string& candidate) {
for(std::string::const_iterator left = candidate.begin(), right = candidate.end(); left < --right ; ++left)
if (*left != *right)
return false;
return true;
(defun palindrome(x) (string= x (reverse x)))
Three versions in Smalltalk, from dumbest to correct.
In Smalltalk, = is the comparison operator:
isPalindrome: aString
^ aString reverse = aString
The message #translateToLowercase returns the string as lowercase:
isPalindrome: aString
"Case insensitive"
lowercase := aString translateToLowercase.
^ lowercase reverse = lowercase
And in Smalltalk, strings are part of the Collection framework, you can use the message #select:thenCollect:, so here's the last version:
isPalindrome: aString
"Case insensitive and keeping only alphabetic chars
(blanks & punctuation insensitive)."
lowercaseLetters := aString
select: [:char | char isAlphabetic]
thenCollect: [:char | char asLowercase].
^ lowercaseLetters reverse = lowercaseLetters
Note that in the above C++ solutions, there was some problems.
One solution was inefficient because it passed an std::string by copy, and because it iterated over all the chars, instead of comparing only half the chars. Then, even when discovering the string was not a palindrome, it continued the loop, waiting its end before reporting "false".
The other was better, with a very small function, whose problem was that it was not able to test anything else than std::string. In C++, it is easy to extend an algorithm to a whole bunch of similar objects. By templating its std::string into "T", it would have worked on both std::string, std::wstring, std::vector and std::deque. But without major modification because of the use of the operator <, the std::list was out of its scope.
My own solutions try to show that a C++ solution won't stop at working on the exact current type, but will strive to work an anything that behaves the same way, no matter the type. For example, I could apply my palindrome tests on std::string, on vector of int or on list of "Anything" as long as Anything was comparable through its operator = (build in types, as well as classes).
Note that the template can even be extended with an optional type that can be used to compare the data. For example, if you want to compare in a case insensitive way, or even compare similar characters (like è, é, ë, ê and e).
Like king Leonidas would have said: "Templates ? This is C++ !!!"
So, in C++, there are at least 3 major ways to do it, each one leading to the other:
Solution A: In a c-like way
The problem is that until C++0X, we can't consider the std::string array of chars as contiguous, so we must "cheat" and retrieve the c_str() property. As we are using it in a read-only fashion, it should be ok...
bool isPalindromeA(const std::string & p_strText)
if(p_strText.length() < 2) return true ;
const char * pStart = p_strText.c_str() ;
const char * pEnd = pStart + p_strText.length() - 1 ;
for(; pStart < pEnd; ++pStart, --pEnd)
if(*pStart != *pEnd)
return false ;
return true ;
Solution B: A more "C++" version
Now, we'll try to apply the same solution, but to any C++ container with random access to its items through operator []. For example, any std::basic_string, std::vector, std::deque, etc. Operator [] is constant access for those containers, so we won't lose undue speed.
template <typename T>
bool isPalindromeB(const T & p_aText)
if(p_aText.empty()) return true ;
typename T::size_type iStart = 0 ;
typename T::size_type iEnd = p_aText.size() - 1 ;
for(; iStart < iEnd; ++iStart, --iEnd)
if(p_aText[iStart] != p_aText[iEnd])
return false ;
return true ;
Solution C: Template powah !
It will work with almost any unordered STL-like container with bidirectional iterators
For example, any std::basic_string, std::vector, std::deque, std::list, etc.
So, this function can be applied on all STL-like containers with the following conditions:
1 - T is a container with bidirectional iterator
2 - T's iterator points to a comparable type (through operator =)
template <typename T>
bool isPalindromeC(const T & p_aText)
if(p_aText.empty()) return true ;
typename T::const_iterator pStart = p_aText.begin() ;
typename T::const_iterator pEnd = p_aText.end() ;
--pEnd ;
if(*pStart != *pEnd)
return false ;
if((pStart == pEnd) || (++pStart == pEnd))
return true ;
--pEnd ;
A simple Java solution:
public boolean isPalindrome(String testString) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(testString);
String reverseString = sb.reverse().toString();
if(testString.equalsIgnoreCase(reverseString)) {
return true;
else {
return false;
Many ways to do it. I guess the key is to do it in the most efficient way possible (without looping the string). I would do it as a char array which can be reversed easily (using C#).
string mystring = "abracadabra";
char[] str = mystring.ToCharArray();
string revstring = new string(str);
if (mystring.equals(revstring))
Console.WriteLine("String is a Palindrome");
In Ruby, converting to lowercase and stripping everything not alphabetic:
def isPalindrome( string )
( test = string.downcase.gsub( /[^a-z]/, '' ) ) == test.reverse
But that feels like cheating, right? No pointers or anything! So here's a C version too, but without the lowercase and character stripping goodness:
#include <stdio.h>
int isPalindrome( char * string )
char * i = string;
char * p = string;
while ( *++i ); while ( i > p && *p++ == *--i );
return i <= p && *i++ == *--p;
int main( int argc, char **argv )
if ( argc != 2 )
fprintf( stderr, "Usage: %s <word>\n", argv[0] );
return -1;
fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", isPalindrome( argv[1] ) ? "yes" : "no" );
return 0;
Well, that was fun - do I get the job ;^)
Using Java, using Apache Commons String Utils:
public boolean isPalindrome(String phrase) {
phrase = phrase.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-z]", "");
return StringUtils.reverse(phrase).equals(phrase);
