If we have the following df,
0 10 2 0 3 3
1 20 4 19 21 36
2 30 20 24 24 12
3 40 10 39 23 46
How can I combine the content of the columns with the same names?
0 10 0
1 20 19
2 30 24
3 40 39
4 2 3
5 4 21
6 20 24
7 10 23
8 Na 3
9 Na 36
10 Na 12
11 Na 46
I tried groupby and merge and both are not doing this job.
Any help is appreciated.
If columns names are duplicated you can use DataFrame.melt with concat:
df = pd.concat([df['A'].melt()['value'], df['B'].melt()['value']], axis=1, keys=['A','B'])
print (df)
0 10.0 0
1 20.0 19
2 30.0 24
3 40.0 39
4 2.0 3
5 4.0 21
6 20.0 24
7 10.0 23
8 NaN 3
9 NaN 36
10 NaN 12
11 NaN 46
uniq = df.columns.unique()
df = pd.concat([df[c].melt()['value'] for c in uniq], axis=1, keys=uniq)
print (df)
0 10.0 0
1 20.0 19
2 30.0 24
3 40.0 39
4 2.0 3
5 4.0 21
6 20.0 24
7 10.0 23
8 NaN 3
9 NaN 36
10 NaN 12
11 NaN 46
I have this dataframe (df) in python:
Cumulative sales
0 12
1 28
2 56
3 87
I want to create a new column in which I whould have the the number of new sales (N-(N-1)) as below:
Cumulative sales New Sales
0 12 12
1 28 16
2 56 28
3 87 31
You can do
df['new sale']=df.Cumulativesales.diff().fillna(df.Cumulativesales)
Cumulativesales new sale
0 12 12.0
1 28 16.0
2 56 28.0
3 87 31.0
Do this:
df['New_sales'] = df['Cumlative_sales'].diff()
df.fillna(df.iloc[0]['Cumlative_sales'], inplace=True)
Cumlative_sales New_sales
0 12 12.0
1 28 16.0
2 56 28.0
3 87 31.0
I have a data frame like this,
Name Product Quantity
0 NaN 1010 10
1 NaN 2010 12
2 NaN 4145 18
3 NaN 5225 14
4 Total 6223 16
5 RRA 7222 18
6 MLQ 5648 45
Now, I need to extract rows/new dataframe that has rows until Total that is in Name column.
Output needed:
Name Product Quantity
0 NaN 1010 10
1 NaN 2010 12
2 NaN 4145 18
3 NaN 5225 14
I tried this,
df[df.Name.str.contains("Total", na=False)]
This is not helpful for now. Any suggestion would be great.
Select the index where the True value is located and slice using df.iloc:
or using series.idxmax() which allows you to get the index of max value (max of True/False is True):
Name Product Quantity
0 NaN 1010 10
1 NaN 2010 12
2 NaN 4145 18
3 NaN 5225 14
I have a data like this. first column is the number of days from one starting point. second column is value generated after each number of days as given.
example after 1 day i get 5$, after 2nd day i get 3$ and so on. there may be some time where there is no revenue like 4th day. the numbers are not consecutive.
data =pd.DataFrame({'day':[1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,14,15,17,18,19],
I want to find total value after every 7 day window.
output should be like
day value
7 36
14 27
21 23
I am using loop to achieve this. is there a better pythonic way of doing this.
df =pd.DataFrame({})
for index, row in data.iterrows():
sum_value+= row['value']
if row['day'] %7==0:
df = df.append(pd.DataFrame({'day':row['day'],'sum_value':[sum_value]}))
Also, how to find sum of previous 7 day values at each day (each row)
expected output
day value
1 5
2 8
3 15
5 23
6 32
7 36
8 37
9 39
10 34
and so on...
I hope i did the calculation right. it is basically running total of previous 7 days of values. it would be easier if the numbers are not missing in days column.
Use groupby with helper Series with subtract 1 and integer division with aggregate sum and last:
df = data.groupby((data['day'] - 1) // 7 , as_index=False).agg({'day':'last', 'value':'sum'})
print (df)
day value
0 7 36
1 14 27
2 19 23
print ((data['day'] - 1) // 7)
0 0
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0
5 0
6 1
7 1
8 1
9 1
10 1
11 2
12 2
13 2
14 2
Name: day, dtype: int64
Similar solution if need divide day column by 7:
df = data.groupby((data['day'] - 1) // 7)['value'].sum().reset_index()
df['day'] = (df['day'] + 1) * 7
print (df)
day value
0 7 36
1 14 27
2 21 23
EDIT: Need rolling with sum, but first is necessary add missing dates by reindex - necessary unique values of day column.
idx = np.arange(data['day'].min(), data['day'].max() + 1)
df = data.set_index('day').reindex(idx).rolling(7, min_periods=1).sum()
df = df[df.index.isin(data['day'])]
print (df)
1 5.0
2 8.0
3 15.0
5 23.0
6 32.0
7 36.0
8 37.0
9 39.0
10 34.0
11 42.0
14 27.0
15 28.0
17 30.0
18 27.0
19 29.0
If get:
ValueError: cannot reindex from a duplicate axis
it means duplicates day values and solution is aggregate sum first:
#duplicated day 1
data =pd.DataFrame({'day':[1,1,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,14,15,17,18,19],
idx = np.arange(data['day'].min(), data['day'].max() + 1)
df = data.groupby('day')['value'].sum().reindex(idx).rolling(7, min_periods=1).sum()
df = df[df.index.isin(data['day'])]
print (df)
1 8.0
3 15.0
5 23.0
6 32.0
7 36.0
8 34.0
9 39.0
10 34.0
11 42.0
14 27.0
15 28.0
17 30.0
18 27.0
19 29.0
Name: value, dtype: float64
I have a dataframe like below. I would like to sum row 0 to 4 (every 5 rows) and create another column with summed value ("new column"). My real dataframe has 263 rows so, last three rows every 12 rows will be sum of three rows only. How I can do this using Pandas/Python. I have started to learn Python recently. Thanks for any advice in advance!
My data patterns is more complex as I am using the index as one of my column values and it repeats like:
Row Data "new column"
0 5
1 1
2 3
3 3
4 2 14
5 4
6 8
7 1
8 2
9 1 16
10 0
11 2
12 3 5
0 3
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 2 11
5 2
6 6
7 2
8 2
9 1 13
10 1
11 0
12 1 2
259 50 89
260 1
261 4
262 5 10
I tried iterrows and groupby but can't make it work so far.
Use this:
df['new col'] = df.groupby(df.index // 5)['Data'].transform('sum')[lambda x: ~(x.duplicated(keep='last'))]
Data new col
0 5 NaN
1 1 NaN
2 3 NaN
3 3 NaN
4 2 14.0
5 4 NaN
6 8 NaN
7 1 NaN
8 2 NaN
9 1 16.0
Edit to handle updated question:
g = df.groupby(df.Row).cumcount()
df['new col'] = df.groupby([g, df.Row // 5])['Data']\
.transform('sum')[lambda x: ~(x.duplicated(keep='last'))]
Row Data new col
0 0 5 NaN
1 1 1 NaN
2 2 3 NaN
3 3 3 NaN
4 4 2 14.0
5 5 4 NaN
6 6 8 NaN
7 7 1 NaN
8 8 2 NaN
9 9 1 16.0
10 10 0 NaN
11 11 2 NaN
12 12 3 5.0
13 0 3 NaN
14 1 1 NaN
15 2 2 NaN
16 3 3 NaN
17 4 2 11.0
18 5 2 NaN
19 6 6 NaN
20 7 2 NaN
21 8 2 NaN
22 9 1 13.0
23 10 1 NaN
24 11 0 NaN
25 12 1 2.0