I developed and launched an app in AndroidStudio, but it closes immediately - android-studio

I am working my way through the AndroidStudio tutorial.
I have created an EMPTY project by following this page.
I downloaded the Pixel4 R emulator as described in the tutorial.
However, when I try to run the app, it only shows as below and does not run on the emulator.
7:33:51 PM: Executing task...
7:33:51 PM: Task execution finished.
I suspected an error, but no error is indicated.
I have only rewritten build.gradle using this page as a reference.

enter image description here
The toolbar looked like this.
enter image description here
So I clicked on the elephant icon and changed it to app, and now I can run the emulator.


B4A - (Beginner) Can't run beacuse of an unknown error

Just installed B4A as it's shown on the official website and i still can't build & run an example project (Hello world).
I installed the app on my cellphone too and successfully connected to it, installed B4A Designer as the firt app asked to.
I'm getting this error, sorry it's in French. But basically it says that it doesn't find a file (i m wondering which one...).
enter image description here
Install exactly has shown here:B4A installation
Especially at Step 2 this: Download the required resources. Click on that link.
That step I forgot too. And then you get errors.
If you follow exactly without haste. It will work OK.

How to debug Chaincode with IBM blockchain platform

I'm trying to debug a simple codechain that is created by default by the IBM blockchain platform plugin for VS Code.
Looks like I'm doing everything correctly but breakpoints are not working.
Steps to reproduce:
Open .ts file and set brake points
archive, deploy and instantiate code chain (BTW, based on the documentation you don't need to do this but, If I'm not doing this, I'm not getting a list of code chain methods on the next step)
Run debugger, choose "pickup brakepoints"
in this step I see red light. (Looks like it's ok so far)
click blockchain icon, "Submit Transaction" > select method > enter > enter (I don't need any arguments to execute this method)
Transaction successfully submitted. Brake points are not working.
What I'm missing or doing wrong?
Language: TypeScript
IBM plugin version: 2.0.1
Docker image ibmcom/ibp-microfab:0.0.8
Hmm... is it just a bug?
P.S. If I'll choose "Manual" (Run until manually stopped) I guess I have to have "debugger" in my chain code right? anyway it's not working.
Any help?

Debug Reaction-Commerce web shop based on Meteor

I installed Reaction-Commerce on a Ubuntu (Trusty).
Now I would like to debug/customize the project. For this purpose I installed Atom since it was mentioned on the project site.
How can I hook a debugger to the running "reaction" project?
What Atom package do I need?
It's not Atom, but VSCode is similar. Here's how I was able to setup debugging:
Create new reaction project from Terminal
mkdir test
cd test
reaction init
cd reaction
Open vs code from Terminal (must be in the reaction dir) code .
Click on debugging (there should be ‘No Configurations’ in the drop-down)
Click the gear icon to create a new Node.js configuration
Edit launch.json:
configurations.program -> “${workspaceoot}/server/main.js”
Save the file
Navigate to /server/main.js
add debugger; before Startup();
Save the file
Open Integrated Terminal (View | Integrated Terminal)
Type: reaction debug [it will start the app and eventually pause at the debugger statement]
Once it says that it’s paused, switch to the debug view in the left nav and select "Attach to Process" from the dropdown.
Then press the ‘start’ button (and select the Node.js process)
You should see the execution paused on the debugger statement entered in Step 12.
At this point you can step in, out, or over code statements.

The following dependencies were not resolvable. See your build.gradle file for details

I am creating an app for my school and the first activity is just a screen that says welcome and stuff. Then there's a button that says Continue and when they click on it, it is supposed to take them to a log in screen and from there they can log in. So i right clicked on the folder main on android studio and selected new -> activity ->login activity i put in the info for the name and its package name and when i clicked finish that error appeared. The following dependencies were not resolvable. See your build.gradle file for details.
- com.google.android.gms:play-services:4.0.30.
Install the Google Repository from the SDK manager.

Empty screen when debugging

When attempting to debug (Run -> Debug), the "waiting for debugger" dialog appears, and subsequently disappears. The simulator starts up to the home screen, I click on my app, and all that happens is a black screen appears. No breakpoints are hit, and the application never appears to do anything. Simply running the application without debugging works as expected. Any ideas?
If you haven't fixed this already - the same thing happened to me. And as Driss says in the comments having a folder called Resources in your project gives the iPhone Simulator a heartattack and crashes it from the looks of things, without even copying your app bundle to the simulator directory.
I think I had a very similar issue. Did this happen with your project "all of a sudden?", did you rename your View's .xib file? did you have a NavigationController then delete it and now have this issue?
Can you also please post your "FinishedLaunching" code from your Main.cs please.
