Cannot use import after adding Typescript - node.js

So I'm trying to implement typescript to an existing project.
However, I came to a stop, where I get an error of: SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module
Here, is my helper class, which is omitted. However, you can see that I am using an import, rather than require
// const axios = require('axios');
// const {includes, findIndex} = require('lodash');
// const fs = require('fs');
import { includes, findIndex } from "lodash";
import fs from 'fs';
type storeType = {
[key: string]: string | boolean
class CMS {
constructor(store: storeType) {
this._store = store;
<omitted code>
export default CMS;
Than, I import index.ts file to server.js file:
const { CMS, getCookie, checkLang, getLangByDomain, handleRoutes } = require('./src/utils/cms/index.ts');
Unfortunately, when I start the server, I get an error of: SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module
I am using a default tsconfig.json which has been generated after creating file and running dev environment.

Edit your tsconfig.json and change "module": "esnext" to "module": "commonjs".

This is ES type modules:
import { includes, findIndex } from "lodash";
import fs from 'fs';
But this is commonJs type:
const { CMS, getCookie, checkLang, getLangByDomain, handleRoutes } =
I think that's the problem. You should use one type of modules.
Try to rewrite this const { CMS, getCookie, checkLang, getLangByDomain, handleRoutes } = require('./src/utils/cms/index.ts'); to this import { CMS, getCookie, checkLang, getLangByDomain, handleRoutes } from './src/utils/cms/index.ts'
Or opposite rewrite ES to commonJs, but don't forget to change type in tsconfig

You cannot explicitly import typescript files into Javascript files. Instead, you need to use the compiled typescript files(i.e. Javascript files in outDir folder).
So assume you compiled your typescript files into Javascript, then it would be converted to outDir/index.js. After that, you could directly import it into server.js
const { CMS, getCookie, checkLang, getLangByDomain, handleRoutes } =
require('./path/to/index.js'); // You cannot require a ts file.
If the typescript files and Javascript files are part of the same project, then you need to transpile the js files alongside the ts as well. In order to achieve this, you need to set allowJs to true in tsconfig.
"compilerOptions": {
"allowJs": true,
Allow JavaScript files to be a part of your program. Use the 'checkJS' option to get errors from these files.


ESM import a .node addon

I am trying to import a .node binary addon in an ESM & Node Typescript based context. However, when I try to do this I get the following error "error TS2307: Cannot find module './addon.node' or its corresponding type declarations."
I've looked online for several solutions, these are my versions:
NodeJS: v16.14.1
ts-node: v10.7.0
Typescript: 4.6.3
This is my current approach for importing:
import addon from "./addon.node";
Just to note, because of my configuration I am limited to only using import.
Thanks in advance for any support.
Node.js import doesn’t support .node files. To import such files in an ESM context, you need to use createRequire:
import { createRequire } from 'node:module';
const require = createRequire(import.meta.url);
const addon = require('./addon.node');
You could also import the .node file in a CommonJS file that an ESM file then imports.
// addon.cjs
module.exports = require('./addon.node');
// main.js
import addon from './addon.cjs';
Finally, you could create an ESM loader that adds support for .node files to import, by wrapping the createRequire method into a loader (untested):
import { cwd } from 'node:process';
import { pathToFileURL } from 'node:url';
const baseURL = pathToFileURL(`${cwd()}/`).href;
export async function resolve(specifier, context, nextResolve) {
if (specifier.endsWith('.node')) {
const { parentURL = baseURL } = context;
// Node.js normally errors on unknown file extensions, so return a URL for
// specifiers ending in `.node`.
return {
shortCircuit: true,
url: new URL(specifier, parentURL).href,
// Let Node.js handle all other specifiers.
return nextResolve(specifier);
export async function load(url, context, nextLoad) {
if (url.endsWith('.node')) {
const source = `
import { createRequire } from 'node:module';
import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url';
const require = createRequire(import.meta.url);
const path = fileURLToPath(${url});
export default require(path);`;
return {
format: 'module',
shortCircuit: true,
// Let Node.js handle all other URLs.
return nextLoad(url);

Nestjs: import modules undefined, but methods and functions from modules can be imported

I am using Nestjs with WebStorm & TS 4.2.3^latest.
The problem that I am facing is a bit strange. For example, some modules, like axios can be installed, imported, and used as usual. But some modules, especially Nodejs Core, like fs or path, can't be imported as modules. BUT their methods can be imported and used just fine!
//ERROR: Module undefined on run:dev, but no error in IDE
import path from 'path';
import fs from 'fs';
//Working fine
import { join } from 'path';
import { readFileSync } from 'path';
I am sure, they have correct TS types, even installed manually. For example:
import axios from 'axios';
import path from 'path'; //path is undefined
import { join } from 'path'; // working fine
import { Injectable } from '#nestjs/common';
export class AppService {
async test(input: string): Promise<void> {
await axios.get() // working fine
await path.join() // Cannot read property 'join' of undefined
//BUT await join() // Works fine!
I have only one tsconfig.json which is generated by Nest Cli. I am starting my apps via npm start:dev -name and IDE don't show any errors in code, until I ran code.
tsconfig.json module part, just to be sure: "module": "commonjs", package.json doesn't have module part at all.
IDE in this case, misdirect me a bit. Almost forgot, that I am dealing with TS now. Some modules seem to have no default exports, so:
You should import as with them: import * as fs from 'fs';
Or, another option is enabling: "esModuleInterop": true, in your tsconfig.json

Prerendering causes a SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module

I'm trying to execute prerender.ts as seen here to prerender my Angular code, but when I try and execute it using ts-node prerender.ts, I get the error:
import 'zone.js/dist/zone-node';
SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module
at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:892:18)
What is the proper way to execute this from NodeJS? Here is what prerender.ts looks like:
import 'zone.js/dist/zone-node';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import { enableProdMode } from '#angular/core';
import { renderModuleFactory } from '#angular/platform-server';
import { AppPrerenderModuleNgFactory } from './dist-prerender/main.bundle';
const distFolder = './dist';
const index = fs
.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, `${distFolder}/index.html`), 'utf8')
// we could automate this based on the app.routes.ts file but
// to keep it simple let's just create an array with the routes we want
// to prerender
const paths = [
// for every route render the html and save it in the correct folder
paths.forEach(p => renderToHtml(p, distFolder + p));
// don't forget to overwrite the index.html as well
renderToHtml('/index.html', distFolder);
function renderToHtml(url: string, folderPath: string): void {
// Render the module with the correct url just
// as the server would do
renderModuleFactory(AppPrerenderModuleNgFactory, {
document: index
}).then(html => {
// create the route directory
if (url !== '/index.html') {
fs.writeFile(folderPath + '/index.html', html, (err => {
if (err) {
throw err;
Update: I found that if I used tsc to transpile prerender.ts to JavaScript first and then executed that with node, I could get past this error. However, I started getting an error which I think is indicative of this code not running within the context of ngZone. So the code is still not right.
As stated here:
Current node.js stable releases do not support ES modules. Additionally, ts-node does not have the required hooks into node.js to support ES modules. You will need to set "module": "commonjs" in your tsconfig.json for your code to work.
Thus, pass below compiler option:
ts-node --compiler-options '{"module": "commonjs"}' prerender.ts
Of course, you can just include "module": "commonjs" in your (root) tsconfig.json file under "compilerOptions". This way you only have to execute:
ts-node prerender.ts

Why converting ESM to CommonJS is not simple find and replace?

I've been working on a TypeScript project (for NodeJs environment) so I've been using ES module syntax for imports and exports. Using TSC with "module": "commonjs", "esModuleInterop": true, there is a lot of boilerplate code created such as:
var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
// omitted
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const path_1 = require("path"); // renamed identifier
const pug_1 = __importDefault(require("./template/pug"));
pug_1.default(...) // use of .default
So my question is, why we cannot simply convert ESM import/exports to plain require calls for NodeJs and why this boilerplate code and identifier renaming are needed?
For example, why following conversions cannot be done by a simple find-and-replace (with regex or some parsing):
import * as path from "path";
// const path = require("path");
import { resolve } from "path";
// const { resolve } = require("path");
export default class MyClass {...}
// module.exports = class MyClass {...}
export class MyClass {...}
// module.exports.MyClass = class MyClass {...}
It's not a 1:1 mapping. For example, using the ES6 import/export syntax, you can export multiple symbols and a default symbol. To do the same thing in CommonJS, you'd need to start nesting the exported objects into other exported objects which could cause problems.

How to use remote.require() in Electron, using TypeScript

Currently, I'm trying to use the opencv4nodejs module within an Electron/Angular application that also uses TypeScript. I've tried several ways to do this. The following codeblock shows what I tried and what error message I get.
// This says cv is undefined:
const cv = window.require('electron').opencv4nodejs;
const img = cv.imread('../assets/poop.jpg');
// Same here:
const cv = window.require('electron').remote.opencv4nodejs;
const img = cv.imread('../assets/poop.jpg');
// Uncaught Error: The specified module could not be found. (Though the module does exist at that location)
const cv = window.require('electron').remote.require('opencv4nodejs');
const img = cv.imread('../assets/poop.jpg');
// Without window I get "Uncaught TypeError: fs.existsSync is not a function"
const remote = require('electron').remote;
const cv = remote.opencv4nodejs;
const img = cv.imread('../assets/poop.jpg');
I had the fs.existSync error before, trying to require something else. I fixed that by using the following
"extends": "../tsconfig.json",
"compilerOptions": {
"outDir": "../out-tsc/app",
"baseUrl": "./",
"module": "es2015",
"types": ["node"] // Included this line
"exclude": [
As far as I understand, the remote require is needed to load modules that normally only run on the node.js server. Still I can't seem to figure out how to require the module in my application. The author of the module was very helpful with build problems and other problems, but he never used his module together with TypeScript.
How do I remote require a module in a TypeScript/Angular/Electron based application?
I also tried the following:
import { Injectable } from '#angular/core';
// If you import a module but never use any of the imported values other than as TypeScript types,
// the resulting javascript file will look as if you never imported the module at all.
import { ipcRenderer } from 'electron';
import * as childProcess from 'child_process';
export class ElectronService {
ipcRenderer: typeof ipcRenderer;
childProcess: typeof childProcess;
constructor() {
// Conditional imports
if (this.isElectron()) {
this.ipcRenderer = window.require('electron').ipcRenderer;
this.childProcess = window.require('child_process');
isElectron = () => {
return window && window.process && window.process.type;
require = (module: string) => {
return window.require('electron').remote.require(module);
Injecting this service into my component and calling electronService.require('opencv4nodejs') also did not work.
Since Electron v1.6.10, Electron ships with TypeScript definitions included.
In order to use remote via TypeScript, you can use the following import statement:
import {remote} from 'electron';
