coc.vim failing with :checkhealth command - node.js

I'm trying to setup coc for nvim on my Windows os. I installed coc via vim-plug and have the coc.nvim config sourced in my main init.vim file. I recieve these messages when I open neovim and run :checkhealth
coc: health#coc#check 3 ======================================================================== 4 - OK: nvim version satisfied 5 - ERROR: Unable to detect version of node, make sure your node executable is 6 - ERROR: Javascript entry not found, please compile coc.nvim by esbuild. 7 - ERROR: service could not be initialized 8 - ADVICE: 9 - Use command ":messages" to get error messages. 10 - Open a issue at for feedback. 11
I have tried reinstalling node, going to coc.nvim directory and using npm install as well as yarn install (as directed to when I ran :messages after getting errors with :checkhealth). However when I ran yarn build (also directed to when I ran :messages) it said build was not a command of yarn. I’ve searched through other questions and github issues which have been solved by doing the above but none of it has worked here.


VScode Source Control Failing on Ubuntu

I've been getting the following error from the source control plugin on VSCode "Extension host terminated unexpectedly".
If I check the logs I see the following info: "EMFILE too many open files."
I've already tried a few things like:
Remove and install VSCode again.
Increase the number of opened files on Ubuntu.
Install Watchmen
Unfortunately, none of this solved the problem... Any suggestions?

Neovim COC - "node is not executable"

(I am using ubuntu 18.04 WSL2 on the Windows 10 terminal emulator)
Hello, i am having problems with coc on Neovim. The coc plugin is installed correctly (with vim-plug), but when i started nvim a massege would appear "node is not executable", so, i changed the path in the init.vim folder, "let g:coc_node_path = 'C:/nodejs/node.exe'", but now another erro message appears " "C>/nodejs/node.exe" is not executable ", does someone know how to fix that?
My "init.vim" file and "plug-config" folder:
In case anyone has my situation. I had node installed with node nvm/npm. The error never happened when I started nvim from the command line, only from the Application Menu (in KDE).
I got node's path with:
$ nvm which current
Then in init.nvm which was in ~/.config/nvim:
let g:coc_node_path = 'path'
You may not have installed node. Check to make sure you have - if you haven't, you can find install instructions and binaries on their GitHub, or use an applicable package manager if you prefer.
You can also reinstall it if you are not sure.

npm run build on windows 10 gives This app can't run on your PC

Trying to run the command npm run build on my system but keep getting this
error. Tried uninstalling node but no luck. Any pointers would be helpful
The issue for me was that I am using nvm, and for reasons I don't yet know, when I try to set my node version to 12.14.0, and then run nvm list, no versions are selected. I went back to 13.8.0 and nvm list showed that 13.8.0 was selected.
Long story short, make sure you have a selected node version.
you should follow one of two option:
Option 1 – Setup by running the .msi installation file
Its a typical Windows installation and automated.
No need to add entries in environment varaiable
Option 2 – Setup by extracting .zip file
This method does not require admin access and can be used to install on nodejs on a system on which you dont have admin access such as you official laptop or desktop.
Removing nodejs is as simple as deleting the folder.
You will have to add entries in environment variable if you want to execute node command from any location in windows command prompt.
See the link below for more details : install Node.js and NPM on Windows 10

installing logstash plugins on windows 10

Wondering if anyone has had any luck running logstash on Windows 10. I can get the simple stdin input and stdout outputs to work, but I can't install any additional plugins. For example, running .\logstash-plugin.bat install logstash-input-heroku yields this output:
Validating logstash-input-heroku Installing logstash-input-heroku
Error Bundler::InstallError, retrying 1/10 An error occurred while
installing net-ssh (4.0.1), and Bundler cannot continue. Make sure
that gem install net-ssh -v '4.0.1' succeeds before bundling.
WARNING: SSLSocket#session= is not supported Error
Bundler::InstallError, retrying 2/10 An error occurred while
installing net-ssh (4.0.1), and Bundler cannot continue. Make sure
that gem install net-ssh -v '4.0.1' succeeds before bundling.
WARNING: SSLSocket#session= is not supported
I don't see windows 10 in the logstash support matrix so I'm guessing it's not intended to work. Perhaps on the linux subsystem for windows? Has anyone tried that? Doesn't look like java8 runs on it.
Well installation seems to have now succeeded. Thanks #Darth_Vader for the suggestion. Here's the source github issue that I referred to. The issue was resolved after updating the Gemfile (in logstash root folder) and changing the net-ssh and rest-client library versions:
# This is a Logstash generated Gemfile.
# If you modify this file manually all comments and formatting will be lost.
source ""
gem "net-ssh", "2.9.0"
gem "rest-client", "1.7.2"
gem "logstash-core", :path => "./logstash-core"

ESlint for Sublime 3 not working

I have searched extensively and tried appying various solutions but over 12 hours spent spanning 3 days and I can't seem to get eslint working for sublime. I have been on Stackoverflow for over a year now and seldom ask questions because most of the time I find an answer I can use or adapt, but this has me down.
Eslint runs well in the terminal, both in iTerm and standard terminal that comes with Macs. (I use zsh)
When I type "which eslint" in the terminal I also get the path:
I followed the instructions on the Sublimelinter github page, including the troubleshooting, where I enabled debug mode, opened the sublime console, and loaded a js file.
When I restart Sublime I get the following message:
SublimeLinter: eslint linter loaded
plugins loaded
SublimeLinter: debug mode: on
SublimeLinter: temp directory: /var/folders/n7/qtc_6wdj03j98fg8ffvdjzwm0000gn/T/SublimeLinter3-Nick
Package Control: Skipping automatic upgrade, last run at 2016-07-31 21:43:39, next run at 2016-07-31 22:43:39 or after
I get no error messages, or any messages, when I open any file, even a small example file with errors.
Am I missing something basic? Does it have to do with a path that I am not setting properly? (The latter would be my bet, but I have no idea where to start).
eslint -v:
npm -v:
Thanks in advance!
