Does rust have a trait for a collection with `iter()` method or a resettable iterator? - rust

It is useful for functions to accept a dyn IntoIterator<blah> object, which allows you to use into_iter(), but that requires taking ownership of the collection.
It seems like Rust lacks a trait for the iter() method. Does something like the itertools crate provide a replacement?
Is there an trait for a resettable/restartable iterator?
Is there some alternative for a function that:
Wants to iterate over a collection several times without cloning it.
Does not want to take ownership of anything.
I guess I could take Iterator<Item=T>+Clone, but that's a bit ugly (I'd have to use the iterator before using it the first time).
I should add my actual goal: I would like to make a bunch of functions that can take both &[T] or &IndexSet<T> (from indexmap crate) as arguments.

that requires taking ownership of the collection
No it does not, if the items can be references:
fn main() {
let a = vec![1, 2, 3];
fn do_it_twice_by_ref<'a>(it: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a u8> + Copy) {
for i in it {
for i in it {
This works because usually there is also a impl IntoIterator for &Collection (see here for IndexSet) which is implemented using the iter method.
And Copy comes for free on shared references.


Can I implement Index/IndexMut for a type that has locked data?

I've got a struct that contains some locked data. The real world is complex, but here's a minimal example (or as minimal as I can make it):
use std::fmt::Display;
use std::ops::{Index, IndexMut};
use std::sync::Mutex;
struct LockedVector<T> {
stuff: Mutex<Vec<T>>,
impl<T> LockedVector<T> {
pub fn new(v: Vec<T>) -> Self {
LockedVector {
stuff: Mutex::new(v),
impl<T> Index<usize> for LockedVector<T> {
type Output = T;
fn index(&self, index: usize) -> &Self::Output {
impl<T> IndexMut<usize> for LockedVector<T> {
fn index_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> &mut Self::Output {
let thing = self.stuff.get_mut().unwrap();
&mut thing[index]
impl<T: Display> Display for LockedVector<T> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
let strings: Vec<String> = self
.map(|s| format!("{}", s))
write!(f, "{}", strings.join(", "))
fn main() {
let mut my_stuff = LockedVector::new(vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4]);
println!("initially: {}", my_stuff);
my_stuff[2] = 5;
println!("then: {}", my_stuff);
let a_mut_var: &mut usize = &mut my_stuff[3];
*a_mut_var = 54;
println!("Still working: {}", my_stuff);
What I'm trying to do here is implement the Index and IndexMut traits on a struct, where the data being indexed is behind a Mutex lock. My very fuzzy reasoning for why this should be possible is that the result of locking a mutex is sort-of like a reference, and it seems like you could map a reference onto another reference, or somehow make a sort of reference that wraps the entire lock but only de-references the specific index.
My much less fuzzy reasoning is that the code above compiles and runs (note the todo!) - I'm able to get back mutable references, and I assume I haven't somehow snuck past the mutex in an unthread-safe way. (I made an attempt to test the threaded behavior, but ran into other issues trying to get a mutable reference into another thread at all.)
The weird issue is, I can't do the same for Index - there is no get_immut() I can use, and I haven't found another approach. I can get a mutable reference out of Mutex, but not an immutable one (and of course, I can't get the mutable one if I only have an immutable reference to begin with)
My expectation is that indexing would acquire a lock, and the returned reference (in both mutable and immutable cases) would maintain the lock for their lifetimes. As a bonus, it would be nice if RwLock-ed things could only grab/hold the read lock for the immutable cases, and the write lock for mutable ones.
For context as to why I'd do this: I have a Grid trait that is used by a bunch of different code, but backed by different implementations, some of which are thread-safe. I was hoping to put the Index and IndexMut traits on it for the nice syntax. Threads don't generally have mutable references to the thread-safe Grids at all, so the IndexMut trait would see little use there, but I could see it being valuable during setup or for the non-thread-safe cases. The immutable Index behavior seems like it would be useful everywhere.
Bonus question: I absolutely hate that Display code, how can I make it less hideous?
If you look at the documentation of get_mut you'll see it's only possible precisely because a mutable reference ensures that there is no other reference or a lock to it, unfortunately for you that means that a get_ref for Mutex would only be possible by taking a mutable reference, that's just an artificially limited get_mut though.
Unfortunately for you since Index only gives you a shared reference you can't safely get a shared reference to it's contents, so you can't implement an Index so that it indexes into something behind a Mutex.

Is there a way to reference an anonymous type as a struct member?

Consider the following Rust code:
use std::future::Future;
use std::pin::Pin;
fn main() {
let mut v: Vec<_> = Vec::new();
for _ in 1..10 {
v.push(wrap_future(Box::pin(async {})));
fn wrap_future<T>(a: Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output=T>>>) -> impl Future<Output=T> {
async {
println!("doing stuff before awaiting");
let result=a.await;
println!("doing stuff after awaiting");
As you can see, the futures I'm putting into the Vec don't need to be boxed, since they are all the same type and the compiler can infer what that type is.
I would like to create a struct that has this Vec<...> type as one of its members, so that I could add a line at the end of main():
let thing = MyStruct {myvec: v};
without any additional overhead (i.e. boxing).
Type inference and impl Trait syntax aren't allowed on struct members, and since the future type returned by an async block exists entirely within the compiler and is exclusive to that exact async block, there's no way to reference it by name. It seems to me that what I want to do is impossible. Is it? If so, will it become possible in a future version of Rust?
I am aware that it would be easy to sidestep this problem by simply boxing all the futures in the Vec as I did the argument to wrap_future() but I'd prefer not to do this if I can avoid it.
I am well aware that doing this would mean that there could be only one async block in my entire codebase whose result values could possibly be added to such a Vec, and thus that there could be only one function in my entire codebase that could create values that could possibly be pushed to it. I am okay with this limitation.
Nevermind, I'm stupid. I forgot that structs could have type parameters.
struct MyStruct<F> where F: Future<Output=()> {
myvec: Vec<F>,

How to create a Box<UnsafeCell<[T]>>

The recommended way to create a regular boxed slice (i.e. Box<[T]>) seems to be to first create a std::Vec<T>, and use .into_boxed_slice(). However, nothing similar to this seems to work if I want the slice to be wrapped in UnsafeCell.
A solution with unsafe code is fine, but I'd really like to avoid having to manually manage the memory.
The only (not-unsafe) way to create a Box<[T]> is via Box::from, given a &[T] as the parameter. This is because [T] is ?Sized and can't be passed a parameter. This in turn effectively requires T: Copy, because T has to be copied from behind the reference into the new Box. But UnsafeCell is not Copy, regardless if T is. Discussion about making UnsafeCell Copy has been going on for years, yielding no final conclusion, due to safety concerns.
If you really, really want a Box<UnsafeCell<[T]>>, there are only two ways:
Because Box and UnsafeCell are both CoerceUnsize, and [T; N] is Unsize, you can create a Box<UnsafeCell<[T; N]>> and coerce it to a Box<UnsafeCell<[T]>. This limits you to initializing from fixed-sized arrays.
Unsize coercion:
fn main() {
use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
let x: [u8;3] = [1,2,3];
let c: Box<UnsafeCell<[_]>> = Box::new(UnsafeCell::new(x));
Because UnsafeCell is #[repr(transparent)], you can create a Box<[T]> and unsafely mutate it to a Box<UnsafeCell<[T]>, as the UnsafeCell<[T]> is guaranteed to have the same memory layout as a [T], given that [T] doesn't use niche-values (even if T does).
// enclose the transmute in a function accepting and returning proper type-pairs
fn into_boxed_unsafecell<T>(inp: Box<[T]>) -> Box<UnsafeCell<[T]>> {
unsafe {
fn main() {
let x = vec![1,2,3];
let b = x.into_boxed_slice();
let c: Box<UnsafeCell<[_]>> = into_boxed_unsafecell(b);
Having said all this: I strongly suggest you are suffering from the xy-problem. A Box<UnsafeCell<[T]>> is a very strange type (especially compared to UnsafeCell<Box<[T]>>). You may want to give details on what you are trying to accomplish with such a type.
Just swap the pointer types to UnsafeCell<Box<[T]>>:
use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
fn main() {
let mut res: UnsafeCell<Box<[u32]>> = UnsafeCell::new(vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5].into_boxed_slice());
unsafe {
println!("{}", (*res.get())[1]);
res.get_mut()[1] = 10;
println!("{}", (*res.get())[1]);

How to create a function returning a borrowed value? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Is there any way to return a reference to a variable created in a function?
(5 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I have the following function as part of a Rust WASM application to convert a Boxed closure into the Rust-representation for a JavaScript function.
use js_sys::Function;
type Callback = Rc<RefCell<Option<Closure<FnMut()>>>>;
fn to_function(callback: &Callback) -> &Function {
However, the compiler complains that the return value uses a borrowed value (obtained with callback.borrow()) so cannot be returned.
Hence, I decided to add lifetime annotations to inform the compiler that this new reference should live as long as the input.
use js_sys::Function;
type Callback = Rc<RefCell<Option<Closure<FnMut()>>>>;
fn to_function<'a>(callback: &'a Callback) -> &'a Function {
Unfortunately, this hasn't helped and I get the same error. What am I doing wrong here?
Yeah, this isn't going to work.
Let's break this down in steps:
You're borrowing &RefCell<Option<Closure<FnMut()>>> - so you now have Ref<Option<...>>, which is step #1 of your issues. When this happens, this intermediary value now has a different lifetime than 'a (inferior, to be precise). Anything stemming from this will inherit this lesser lifetime. Call it 'b for now
You then as_ref this Ref, turning it into Option<&'b Closure<FnMut()>>
Rust then converts &'b Closure<FnMut()> into &'b Function
Step 1 is where the snafu happens. Due to the lifetime clash, you're left with this mess. A semi-decent way to solve it the following construct:
use std::rc::{Rc};
use std::cell::{RefCell, Ref};
use std::ops::Deref;
struct CC<'a, T> {
inner: &'a Rc<RefCell<T>>,
borrow: Ref<'a, T>
impl<'a, T> CC<'a, T> {
pub fn from_callback(item:&'a Rc<RefCell<T>>) -> CC<'a, T> {
CC {
inner: item,
borrow: item.borrow()
pub fn to_function(&'a self) -> &'a T {
It's a bit unwieldy, but it's probably the cleanest way to do so.
A new struct CC is defined, containing a 'a ref to Rc<RefCell<T>> (where the T generic in your case would end up being Option<Closure<FnMut()>>) and a Ref to T with lifetime 'a, auto-populated on the from_callback constructor.
The moment you generate this object, you'll have a Ref with the same lifetime as the ref you gave as an argument, making the entire issue go away. From there, you can call to_function to retrieve a &'a reference to your inner type.
There is a gotcha to this: as long as a single of these objects exists, you will (obviously) not be able to borrow_mut() on the RefCell, which may or may not kill your use case (as one doesn't use a RefCell for the fun of it). Nevertheless, these objects are relatively cheap to instantiate, so you can afford to bin them once you're done with them.
An example with Function and Closure types replaced with u8 (because js_sys cannot be imported into the sandbox) is available here.
Although I really like Sébastien's answer and explanation, I ended up going for Ömer's suggestion of using a macro, simply for the sake of conciseness. I'll post the macro in case it's of use to anyone else.
macro_rules! callback_to_function {
($callback:expr) => {
I'll leave Sébastien's answer as the accepted one as I believe it is the more "correct" way to solve this issue and he provides a great explanation.

Why doesn't String implement From<&String>?

I know that in Rust people prefer &str rather than &String. But in some case we were only given &String.
One example is when you call std::iter::Iterator::peekable. The return value is a Peekable<I> object that wraps the original iterator into it and gives you one extra method peek.
The point here is that peek only gives you a reference to the iterator item. So if you have an iterator that contains Strings, you only have &String in this case. Of cause, you can easily use as_str to get a &str but in the code I will show below it is equivalent to a call to clone.
The question
This code
struct MyStruct(String);
impl MyStruct {
fn new<T>(t: T) -> MyStruct
T: Into<String>,
fn main() {
let s: String = "Hello world!".into();
let st: MyStruct = MyStruct::new(&s);
println!("{:?}", st);
doesn't compile because String doesn't implement From<&String>. This is not intuitive.
Why does this not work? Is it just a missing feature of the standard library or there are some other reasons that prevent the standard library from implementing it?
In the real code, I only have a reference to a String and I know to make it work I only need to call clone instead, but I want to know why.
To solve your problem, one could imagine adding a new generic impl to the standard library:
impl<'a, T: Clone> From<&'a T> for T { ... }
Or to make it more generic:
impl<B, O> From<B> for O where B: ToOwned<Owned=O> { ... }
However, there are two problems with doing that:
Specialization: the specialization feature that allows to overlapping trait-impls is still unstable. It turns out that designing specialization in a sound way is way more difficult than expected (mostly due to lifetimes).
Without it being stable, the Rust devs are very careful not to expose that feature somewhere in the standard library's public API. This doesn't mean that it isn't used at all in std! A famous example is the specialized ToString impl for str. It was introduced in this PR. As you can read in the PR's discussion, they only accepted it because it does not change the API (to_string() was already implemented for str).
However, it's different when we would add the generic impl above: it would change the API. Thus, it's not allowed in std yet.
core vs std: the traits From and Into are defined in the
core library, whereas Clone and ToOwned are defined in std. This means that we can't add a generic impl in core, because core doesn't know anything about std. But we also can't add the generic impl in std, because generic impls need to be in the same crate as the trait (it's a consequence of the orphan rules).
Thus, it would required some form of refactoring and moving around definitions (which may or may not be difficult) before able to add such a generic impl.
Note that adding
impl<'a> From<&'a String> for String { ... }
... works just fine. It doesn't require specialization and doesn't have problems with orphan rules. But of course, we wouldn't want to add a specific impl, when the generic impl would make sense.
(thanks to the lovely people on IRC for explaining stuff to me)
Since String does implement From<&str>, you can make a simple change:
fn main() {
let s: String = "Hello world!".into();
// Replace &s with s.as_str()
let st: MyStruct = MyStruct::new(s.as_str());
println!("{:?}", st);
All &Strings can be trivially converted into &str via as_str, which is why all APIs should prefer to use &str; it's a strict superset of accepting &String.
