Is there a way to add a second graphql endpoint in a spring-graphql project? - spring-graphql

The background is that one endpoint is only intended for use within a data center and the other is intended to be publicly accessible.
I read the documentation, but this topic is never mentioned.


Where to add Aggregration in Azure based Microservices architecture

We're using the gateway feature of Azure's API Management for, among other things, routing requests to our microservices.
For some requests from the UI (angular based), we want the UI to only have to do a single request to retrieve all the data it needs. For example the request might be to get dashboard data, where the data that makes up the dashboard would be sourced from multiple microservices.
The options we're considering are:
add aggregation logic using the gateway
add an aggregation microservice, which the gateway will call
add an aggregation service, which calls the gateway
For options 1 and 2, our UI would directly call the API Management gateway. For option 3, the UI would call the aggregation service, which would then call the API Management gateway.
We're leaning towards option 1, however it looks like this could get a bit complicated, as we might need some c# for the aggregation logic (or else use send-request policies, similar to that shown here).
For option 3, we would likely have chosen a nodejs/express based app service. We haven't found any references where aggregation is placed before the call to the gateway (the closest reference we have is some similarity with the Two-tier gateway example shown here, which looks like this, where our approach for option 3 might look like this).
Our microservices are currently all written in java.
Which option should we go with?

Azure Machine Learning (AML) Webservice REST API with Multiple endpoints

I've been working on developing an API to serve a machine learning model using Azure Machine Learning (AML) webservice deployments on a Kubernetes target as outlined here:
My particular use case requires more than simple scoring of data through the model. The API needs to have multiple endpoints to perform different actions related to the model. For example, an endpoint to upload data, an endpoint to delete data, an endpoint to list existing data, an endpoint to score previously uploaded data, an endpoint to change preprocessing parameters, etc...
I can build all of this logic, but I am struggling with the fact that AML web services only provides one endpoint (The service URI ending in "/score"). Is there a way to add more endpoints to an AML service? For example, I would like to have a way for users to be able to POST, GET, DELETE, PUT "/data", GET "/predictions", and POST, GET, DELETE, PUT "/parameters", etc..
Is there a way to do this in AML or is this not the right tool for what I am trying to accomplish? Is there a better solution within Azure that is more suited for my needs?
Thank you!
Azure ML allows controlled rollout/traffic splitting, but doesn't directly support your API design.
I might need to know more about your use case to make a recommendation. Are you looking at implementing incremental learning? What is the motivation for separate endpoints?
Your proposal seems like a stateful web server which is more than a REST API service. For example, you need to keep a piece of logic to maintain "ids" of data: if there are two POST /data calls with different data, and the DELETE /data need to operate on the proper one. This is much more than a single performance optimized machine learning service.
I would recommend you creating a separate server with all these logic pieces and only reach Azure Machine Learning service whenever you need it. You could also build a cache in your service to only call Azure ML service when a new data coming in or the local cache expired. It will save you additional money from Azure :-)

How do I find the supported parameterValues for a general Azure API connection?

I'm having a problem similar to this one. I'm attempting to deploy an API connection via an ARM template, and I'm getting 'ParameterNotDefined' errors when I deploy.
However, instead of creating an API connection to an azure table, I'm connecting to an azure queue.
Instead of getting a specific answer, I'd like guidance on how I can use documentation or other methods to answer this myself: I'm unable to find documentation on the existing APIs that are supported via the "MICROSOFT.WEB/CONNECTIONS" type, as well as the associated 'parameterValues' that each API expects you to supply.
Searching for a solution here is quite difficult because the terms are very overloaded. Here's what I've already tried:
I've tried using the Azure Resource Explorer, but it looks like this browses resources, not available APIs. If I can use it to view APIs, it's not clear how.
I've browsed through samples on the azure quickstart project. I see examples for azure blobs but not queues.
I've read some documentation on this page about creating API connections for logic apps. This appears relevent, and the author mentions making GET requests to "" to view API details, but I get authorization header errors when doing this and I'd hope I can get documentation without operating this low on the stack.
I'm going to be creating a lot of API connections with logic apps in the near future and I need a more sophisticated method of discovery then google-searches, stack-overflow, and reuse of code samples. How do I view the entire set of API connections, along with the supported 'parameterValues' that are to be used with each one?
You can use ARMClient to retrieve the needed paremeters.
armclient.exe get{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/{region}/managedApis/{Api}?api-version=2016-06-01
For more information
For anyone, checking it now, you can create the Api Connection manually and check the JSON View of it, it contains all the parameters.

Using Azure WebJobs for on demand responses

I currently have a couple of WebApi projects that use a few class libraries such as address lookup, bank validation, image storage etc.
Currently they are all in a shared solution but I'm planning to split them up. I thought about moving the libraries into NuGet packages so that they are separate from the API projects and is properly shared.
However, if I make a change to one of these components I will need to build and redeploy the API service even though it's a separate component which has changed.
I thought about putting these components into a separate service but seems a bit of overhead for what it is.
I've been looking at Azure WebJobs and think I may be able to move these components into this instead. I have two questions related to this:
Are WebJobs suitable for calling on demand (not using a queue)? The request will be activated from a user on a web site which calls my API service which then calls the Web Job so it needs to be quick.
Can a WebJob return data? I've seen examples where it does some processing and updates a database but I need a response (ideally Json) back to my API service.
According to your requirement, I assume that you could try to leverage Azure Functions by creating a function using the HTTP trigger, which could be triggered by accessing the Function URL with parameters and return the response as you expected. You could follow this tutorial for getting started with Azure Functions.

Azure Api Management Join Payloads and to provide customer

I have a question about the use of the Azure Management Api. The architecture of the single responssabilidade Api predicts domain to perform the functions of the business area. See image structure.
enter image description here
1. I wonder if the Azure Api Management operates as a management or I have the possibility of using it as a Geteway add results of many APIs in one (
orchestrating) and available to the client that made the request?
2. The responsability to gather this data is the Web Application?
3. Is there a pattern?
Azure API management can do both, it started as a management tool, but has received some updates so it can act as a gateway as well.
Read about the different API managment policies you can create here:
Or take a look at the advanced policies, with the control flow and the send request
For an example of sending requests to gather information from multiple sources see this:
