when I get vite build I need to change the file path - vite

When I build with vite, I need to put . at the beginning of the file path of the javascript and css file in the index.html file in the dist.
can I set this via config please help.


typescript not reading env file

I am new to typescript and i built this simple mailer application, but the problem is that TypeScript is unable to read the file, when i put it in the src folder it was not copied in dist on build, when i put it outside the src folder and put the manual require just to test IDE did not showed me option for env
and here is my directory tree
what causes that? i dont have a clue.
I don't think node (or typescript) knows how to import a .env file natively.
You probably want to install and configure the dotenv npm package
Then you just add this line to the file that boots your server:
And now your env vars are accessible at:
Here's a decent article on environment variables and how a .env file works with them.

How can I change the path/file name of index.html in React?

When building a React (with usual react-scripts/create-creact-app etc.) app via npm build, I always get the entry file in build/index.html.
I've tried moving the src into a subfolder, but the index.js is required to be there in src/index.js.
So how can I change the output path of the index.html?
I.e. e.g. I want to rename it to index.htm, because I am have a pedantic quirk, or I want to change the output path to build/srv/www/index.html?
(These are just examples.)
To change the output path you need to change the webpack config, and in create-react-path is not possible unless you run the eject script.
This way:
npm run eject
After running it, you will be able to access to any project configuration (webpack config in your case), but you must know, once the project is ejected, you can't go back.
More information here:

Add custom js file to JHipster

I'm trying to include a javascript file which is not available as bower.
So I copied it to src/main/webapp/content and referenced in index.html
In the DEV profile all is fine -- it works.
Now, after generating WAR file with the PROD profile, the custom.js file is not included in the WAR (tried to unpack -- file is not there).
I have discovered the gulp is merging all css and js files, did I miss a config for this?
When the app is loaded, the browser complains with 404 in the index.html -- js file not found.
How can I fix this? What is the right way to include JS (or CSS) file into JHipster app?
Thank you.
JS are not expected to be in content folder.
For CSS, copy your file to src/main/webapp/content/css.
For JS, copy your file to src/main/webapp/app possibly in a dedicated sub folder.
You don't have to inject them in index.html, gulp will do it for you. I suppose you did not see it in dev profile because you were not running gulp serve as explained in the doc

trying to convert app.js to Typescript in Webstorm

I am trying to convert the app.js in my NodeJS project in webstorm, to application.ts. I pasted the app.js code into a new file "application.ts" and replaced "app.js" with "application.ts" in the package.json file. The .ts file is not getting converted to .js even though the FileWatcher for typescript is on and works on every other file in the project. But when I "run" the project in Webstorm, I the project actually starts and runs "app.js" which I have obviously not deleted. Not sure, what other settings need to be changed to get this right. I plan on renaming application.ts to app.ts to suit the convention, once its successfully converted.
Here's what my typescript filewatcher settings look like:
Your file watcher is configured so that it merges all .ts files into a single main.js - see the arguments:
--out main.js
What is your application.ts - main application file? Would you like to generate a single .js for each .ts, or merge them? In the first case, you need to change the watcher arguments as follows:
--module commonjs --sourcemap $FileName$
then it will produce a singe js for each ts with name matching original ts file, with the format compatible with Node.js
To run the generated application.js instead of the original app.js from withihn WebStorm, you have to change the Node.js run configuration accordingly
By the way, if all you need is renaming 'app' to 'application', just refactor/rename original app.ts to application.ts - the generated files (.js and .map) will be updated accordingly
Some links you may find useful:
Is there a tool to convert JavaScript files to TypeScript

Failed to find package.json. Node.js may have issues starting. Verify package.json is valid or place code in a file named server.js or app.js

When I try to upload my Node.js project on Elastic Beanstalk I obtain the following error:
Failed to find package.json. Node.js may have issues starting. Verify package.json is valid or place code in a file named server.js or app.js.
However, I have the package.json in the main directory.
A couple of people were zipping the parent folder incorrectly. You need to select all the contents of the folder and zip those.
While uploading the .zip file (Nodejs application) we need to select all the files in the folder, then zip it as shown in below screenshot.
Then upload the Nodejs(zip file) project in AWS Elastic Beanstalck.
I had the same issue running a zip of node js boilerplate. It worked when I removed .git and .idea directories and n.gitignore file from the zip.
You need to zip the build directory, to do so inside that directory you can zip -r upload.zip . (do not forget the dot at the end for current directory).
So in that directory you need to have your index.js or server.js as EB looks for how to run the app in the directory only and will not look into folders src, dist etc.
This can be the packaging issue. You will need to go inside the project and compress altogether as provided in the screenshot:
If you use eb cli, make sure you have git committed all the changes.
If you do zip and upload, make sure you don't zip the parent folder but selecting all files and zip.
In my case i have found a wrong copy of the folder .elasticbeanstalk with inside another config.yml
and when I started the "eb deploy" command it failed because use the wrong public/ folder as a ROOT
removing the public/.elasticbeanstalk/ have resolved my issue
