Issue in azure blob storage - azure

I have an azure blob storage to migrate csv files to azure SQL Database. Data will updated to this Blob storage account every month.
The issue I'm facing is that I don't know the source for that blob storage. For last month the no data is uploaded, so I don't know where the issue occurred. Is there any possibility to find where is the source for that blob?
I couldn't try anything because I couldn't recognize the problem.

I agree with #Eric Qvarnstrom too much information is missing like SAS tokens and where is the data coming from.
Is there any possibility to find where is the source for that blob? and For last month the no data is uploaded,
AFAIK it is not possible to find where the data is coming from. For that you need to check with Source owners or the Stack holders who are placing files in storage.
Also Check the keys shared with source system are expired and if no data is uploaded check with that source data team are they facing any issues in uploading new data this month.
I would suggest you set alerts rule to track the Create/Update Storage Account (Storage Accounts) to notify you next time.
As Shown in below images Under Monitoring blade select Alerts> Create> Alert Rule.
After selecting Create an alert rule under scope select your storage account and under condition select Create/Update Storage Account (Storage Accounts) as shown below.
Refer this MS document to create a new alert rule.


Data Retention for Azure Storage

I'm trying to know if there is a maximum data retention period for data stored in a Blob Storage?
What I'm trying to know is if I store something in a Blob Storage, are there any risks that this data will be deleted by Microsoft after a certain period of time?
Azure Storage is durable: Unless you delete an object (or storage account), or cancel your subscription, your data persists.
Data can also be deleted if you've configured a data lifecycle policy (e.g. delete blobs older than a specified number of days).

Azure Blob Storage: Does Microsoft Implement Redundant Backups?

I've searched the web and contacted technical support yet no one seems to be able to give me a straight answer on whether items in Azure Blob Storage are backed up or not.
What I mean is, do I need to create a twin storage account as a "backup" and program copies of all content from one storage to another, or are the contents of a client's Blob Storage automatically redundantly backed up by Microsoft?
I know with AWS, storage is redundantly backed up via onsite drives as well as across other nodes in the cluster.
do I need to create a twin storage account as a "backup" and program
copies of all content from one storage to another, or are the contents
of a client's Blob Storage automatically redundantly backed up by
Yes, you will need to do backup manually. Azure Storage does not back up the contents of your storage account automatically.
Azure Storage does provide geo-redundant replication (provided you configure the redundancy level for your storage account as GRS or RA-GRS) but that is not back up. Once you delete content from your primary account (location, it will automatically be removed from secondary account (geo-redundant location).
Both AWS (EBS) and Azure(Blob Storage) options provides durability by replicating the data across different data centers. This is for the high availability and durability of the data to provide the guarantee by the cloud provider.
In order to ensure that your data is durable, Azure Storage has the
ability to keep (and manage) multiple copies of your data. This is
called replication, or sometimes redundancy. When you set up your
storage account, you select a replication type. In most cases, this
setting can be modified after the storage account is set up.
For more details refer the replication section in documentation.
If you need to capture changes to the storage and allow restore to previous versions (e.g In situations like data corruption or application feature requirements like restore points, backups), you need to take a SnapShot manually. This is common for both AWS and Azure.
For more details on creating a Snapshot of Blob in Azure refer the documentation.

How to archive Azure blob storage content?

I'm need to store some temporary files may be 1 to 3 months. Only need to keep the last three months files. Old files need to be deleted. How can I do this in azure blob storage? Is there any other option in this case other than blob storage?
IMHO best option to store files in Azure is either Blob Storage or File Storage however both of them don't support auto expiration of content (based on age or some other criteria).
This feature has been requested long back for Blobs Storage but unfortunately no progress has been made so far (
You could however write something of your own to achieve this. It's rather very simple: Periodically (say once in a day) your program will fetch the list of blobs and compare the last modified date of the blob with current date. If the last modified date of the blob is older than the desired period (1 or 3 months like you mentioned), you simply delete the blob.
You can use WebJobs, Azure Functions or Azure Automation to schedule your code to run on a periodic basis. In fact, there's readymade code available to you if you want to use Azure Automation Service:
As I know, Azure Blob is a appropriate approach for you to storage some temporary files. For your scenario, I assumed that there is no in-build option for you to delete the old files, and you need to programmatically or manually delete your temporary files.
For a simple way, you could try to upload your blob(file) with the specific format (e.g. https://<your-storagename> or https://<your-storagename>, then you could manually manage your files via Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer.
Also, you could check your files and delete the old files before you uploading the new temporary file. For more details, you could follow storage-blob-dotnet-store-temp-files and override the method CleanStorageIfReachLimit to implement your logic for deleting blobs(files).
Additionally, you could leverage a scheduled Azure WebJob to clean your blobs(files).
You can use Azure Cool Blob Storage.
It is cheaper than Blob storage and is more suitable for archives.
You can store your less frequently accessed data in the Cool access tier at a low storage cost (as low as $0.01 per GB in some regions), and your more frequently accessed data in the Hot access tier at a lower access cost.
Here is a document that explains its features:

Azure Storage account consistently only adding Blob storage, missing Table/Queue/Files

Whenever I create a new Storage (classic) account through the Azure portal I consistently have issues whereby the Table/Queue/File storage is not created at all, leaving the account with only Blob storage, like this:
Instead of like this (separate account):
I have tried this multiple times and all have had the same result. I don't see how I can be getting this wrong as there is only 4 options on the form to create the account, and none of them govern the content of the account.
When I then attempt to create a new Table or Queue in this new account I get a 502 Bad Gateway error.
Am I missing something here? Can anyone tell me how I can add the required storage types to the account.
Not sure what's up with the portal, but a storage account always comprises blob, table, queue, and file storage (unless you create a Premium storage account - that's strictly blobs).
You should be able to confirm this by creating an app to, say, create, write, and read from a queue or table.
EDIT I see you edited your question, showing that you did try to create a table/queue. If this is a non-premium account, I suggest reaching out to support, as this makes no sense.
EDIT 4/2017 Aside from Premium storage accounts (which only have page blobs), there is another type of general (non-premium) storage account, specific to blobs only, where you won't be able to create Tables and Queues, but it's not available via the "Classic" deployment model; it's available only via "Resource Manager" deployment model:
In my case the issue was due to selecting Zone Redundant Storage (ZRS).
Since ZRS accounts only support Block Blobs, you will not see the
table, queue or file endpoints listed on the portal for the new
Recreating the storage account using Globaly Redundant Storage (GRS) worked.

Is copying blob within the same Azure storage account instant?

I'm using the StartCopyFromBlob to copy a 2GB blob from container A to container B within the same storage account. I noticed that it's an instant operation as the CopyState status is Success right away. This is very good for us, so want to confirm that we can actually rely on this.
I can't find any MSDN document about this "copy optimization" when copying within the same storage account. Is there a document on this copy behavior within the same account? Just want to make sure it is officially supported.
Only storage accounts created on or after June 7th, 2012 allow the Copy Blob operation to copy from another storage account.
you might find this post interesting: Introducing Asynchronous Cross-Account Copy Blob
I hope this helps let me know if you need anything else.
