Sequelize | (re)generate migration files from existing models - node.js

I'm using Sequelize and I'm currently creating migrations for my nodejs-application.
How can I regenerate the migration files when I changed the models?
Using npx sequelize-cli model:generate will create a migration file automatically. I want to generate these files without creating a new model.
Thinks in Advance!


How to create models using sequelize and typescript?

I have sequelize-cli installed globally.
When I run the command
sequelize model:create --name User --attributes name:string,email:string,password:string
it creates the model at models/user.js and migration at migrations/20201115094126-create-user.js
Both the files are created in Javascript. I want both the model and migration to be created in Typescript. In the documentation, I have only found the manual creation of models. Is there a way to create these files in Typescript?

How can I update my entities in typeorm after changing them in my database?

So I've added a relation to my SQLite database and now I want to update my entities in typeorm. Do I have to do this manually or is there a way with which I can generate those new entities. I used typeorm-model-generator for the initial generation of the entities...
I also tried using the generate migration command of typeorm but this turned out being used for updating the database according to the entities I would have written. (code-first)

Auto migrations with sequelize and typescript

I'm researching the ability to generate migration files for existing models. For example if I use "force: true" mode, tables in database are creating automatically so I can't believe that creating migrations files automatically is impossible. So could you help me with advice?
I was able to work around this by creating migrations using sequelize-cli in JS file and importing it in my TypeScript file.
This way only the migrations are in JS while the other parts are in TS

Update ddl from existing entity Jhipster

I started to use Jhipster. I have existing entity in
which I created manually.
I don't want to use jhipster command
yo jhipster:entity MyCustomEntity
How to update ddl using existing entity after manual change(entity creation/updating/deletion)?
Configure database properties in your pom.xml and use ./mvnw liquibase:diff to generate a Liquibase migration file that you will store in src/main/resources/config/liquibase/changelog directory and refer to it from src/main/resources/config/liquibase/master.xml
This is documented on JHipster web site

Best way to migrate table changes to production sailsjs tables

I just lost 11,000 records from my database just running the command for sailsjs without the --prod part in it, So I thought I should ask whats the best way to change the tables on production server when the Model.js has been changed ?
Automated migration should never be done in production. This a common-sense practice that applies to any production system with important data. There are a few solutions available for migrating a sails.js database.
sails-db-migrate: db-migrate integration for sails.js
db-migrate integration for Sails.js. This is a fairly simple wrapper, which provides grunt tasks for running and creating migrations.
sails-migrations: The missing, migrations arm of the octopus
sails-migrations provides an easy way to manage database migrations with sails, based on the amazing lib. This means you can have fine-grained control over your schema/data transformations between versions.
Sequelize migrations
Sequelize 2.0.0 introduces a new CLI which is based on gulp and combines sequelize-cli and gulp-sequelize. The CLI ships support for migrations and project bootstrapping. With migrations you can transfer your existing database into another state and vice versa
