Update ddl from existing entity Jhipster - jhipster

I started to use Jhipster. I have existing entity in
which I created manually.
I don't want to use jhipster command
yo jhipster:entity MyCustomEntity
How to update ddl using existing entity after manual change(entity creation/updating/deletion)?

Configure database properties in your pom.xml and use ./mvnw liquibase:diff to generate a Liquibase migration file that you will store in src/main/resources/config/liquibase/changelog directory and refer to it from src/main/resources/config/liquibase/master.xml
This is documented on JHipster web site


Is it possible to re-generate a jhipster jdl file from an existing jhipster project?

I'm new to jhipster, but I recently started working on a jhipster-generated project where the previous person added changes to the entity manually rather than using jhipster. I'm wondering if it's possible to update the jdl and json files to reflect the current entity.

Entity for a view Jhipster

I am new in jhipster and I would like to know If I can create an entity for a view like the table with jhipster command ? And how to do it ?
I used jhipster entity command but I am not sure this is the right way to do it
JHipster does not support SQL views in Liquibase but JDL lets you flag an entity as read-only which will prevent generating code for creating or updating an entity.
You can then manually adapt generated code to replace table by view, it should be limited to Liquibase migration file.
See official JDL doc for examples: https://www.jhipster.tech/jdl/options
jhipster entity command also asks you whether new entity should be read-only.

JHipster Import-jdl Entity generator master.xml and CacheConfiguration not updated

I generated a microservice application using JHipster then I generated a lot of entities by using the JHipster "import-jdl" command.
But recently I noticed that after running import-jdl command, newly created changelog files not being reflected on master.xml Liquibase file and CacheConfiguration class not being updated with a newly created entity.
I think that behaviour happened because JHipster skips the files overriding. But it should ask me before generation if I want to force or skip the file overriding.
I know the reason for this issue. by mistake, I remove the notes added by JHipster when the application was created
<!-- jhipster-needle-liquibase-add-changelog - JHipster will add liquibase changelogs here -->
<!-- jhipster-needle-liquibase-add-constraints-changelog - JHipster will add liquibase constraints changelogs here -->
// jhipster-needle-ehcache-add-entry

change database PostgreSQL to MySQL

I'm very new to coding world so I hope I will be clear in my request.
I would like to know if in an Jhipster generated app, I can change the prodDatabaseType from PostgreSQL to MySQL directly in the file .yo-rc.json without the need to generate de novo an other JHipster app?
I have another naive question. Does Spring JPA handle the request for MySQL and PostgreSQL the same way?
Re-generating with MySQL (after modifying .yo-rc.json) will change few properties in application*.yml, pom.xml or build.gradle, docker files, Liquibase xml changelogs and ID generation type in JPA entities.
Knowing this, you should be able to easily merge these changes using git.

How to modify template in jHipster entity subgenerator for angular2?

I have got some work to modify default html generated by Jhipster for Angular2 more specifically,i want to modify styles for grid generated by Jhipster for Entity's.
I have gone through tutorial creating module in Jhispter documentation.
generator for creating subgenerator is also their can someone please give me pointers on this problem?
yo jhipster:entity Author
from above command jhipster creates all necessary files at server and client like JPA Entity,REST controller,Service, at client side it creates CRUD UI for Author entity using Angular2(i opted for anular2)
I want to modify client generation Code, i just want to modify HTML templates which gets generated by jhipster entity sub:generator
you need to run Yarn and start modifying your author.component.html
which will automatically refreshed in your Browser.
You could also consider using git prior to running the generator and then reverting the server side code once the generator has ran
