Transparent lines in ThreeJS - graphics

It doesn't look like LineBasicMaterial has any way that I can assign an alpha to it. But I would really like transparent lines. How do I do that? The whole line will have the same transparency, I guess that means it's a constant alpha?

I've created a CodePen demonstrating opacity in lines. Note that you must include transparency: true in the material properties, otherwise three.js will not consider opacity in its rendering formula.
Thank you #Marquizzo for kindly pointing me to this property, it's exactly what I was looking for.


How do I tint an svg in processing and preserve brightness?

I've been trying to figure this out for 2 days now, so I hope somebody can help.
I need to load in svg files that have multiple values of gray within them and tint them with colors. So for example, say the svg file is an image of a rock and has 4 values of gray. I need to be able to display the rock as red and keep the differences between values in the different child shapes. In other words, I would like it to work just like PImage.tint().
I see there are tint() and setTint() methods to PShape but I can't seem to get them to work. I also though about recursing through the child shapes and reading each color individually and recoloring appropriately, but I couldn't even figure out how to read the color out in a way I understand.
Help, anyone?
If you have it as an <img> you can use the CSS filter property with hue-rotate
Or you add the svg directly to the html and add classes to your elements. Then you could change the colors in your script.
If this is a flat colour then you could use the alpha value in RGB colour value. See 'color transparency' in the following link:
The fill value is fill(red, green, blue, transparency)
I hope this helps. If you want to share code and have a reason for using PImage I'd be happy to have a look.

Should I use d3.js to draw lines between paragraphs of text?

I intend to create a system with two columns of text. There will be lines that indicate connections between some paragraphs on the left with some paragraphs on the right that appear when you mouseover them. Should I be using d3.js or is that overkill for this purpose?
EDIT: to be clear, some of the paragraphs on the left may not be aligned with the ones on the right so there would be crossing diagonal lines all along the middle.
Krzysztof is correct in that you might want to consider more complex interactions in the future. If you really just need a line, though, then D3.js is definitely overkill. Several commenters have suggested CSS borders, but I don't know if that approach meets your needs. If you want to draw straight lines between paragraphs, those lines won't, presumably, always be strictly horizontal or vertical. A more flexible option would be to add an absolutely positioned <div> into the page, hiding or showing it as appropriate. The <div> can have a 1px height and a background color to simulate a line, and it can be transformed using translation and rotation to connect any two arbitrary points.
No, use CSS instead. If you provide HTML code then we can guide you with CSS. Check out CSS borders:
it depends on many factors. If you need d3.js only for 'draw lines/arrows' then I think this is overkill (d3.js is bigger then jquery). This looks like some simple task with basic tools. But if this is data presentation, which in future may be more complex, and when you use d3 for other charts, it will be fine.
Edit: because OP edit:
Look at this in semantic way. If this is data presentation then yes, If this is graphic effect then no.
No. D3 = "Data-Driven Documents". D3 uses SVG, and adding an SVG into your page just to draw a line is an absolute overkill. As a rule, you should take the simplest approach, hence a CSS border should do the job
border-bottom: 2px solid red;
for example.

Can I create a Calligraphy look with SVG?

is it possible to create a stroke with a dynamic width with SVG? I want to achieve a Calligraphy look like here, here or here.
Is this even possible? It seems customization of strokes in SVG is fairly limited. Even gradients in strokes seem to be non-trivial (see here).
There is a proposal to add into SVG standard a mechanism, that does exactly what you want:
There's even an example implementation available here:
It is, however, by no means official and we cannot be even sure it'll ever be.
Until then you'll need to stick to Bezier curves and object filling:
You can also use calligraphic fonts, for example - Tangerine available on Google CDN:
This approach requires less work since you don't need to draw everything from scratch, but then again, using third party fonts leaves you with little control over the final result.
You can't dynamically adjust the stroke of a path element. However you could draw a path, use a fill color on it instead of stroke, then double back upon the letters at a slight distance away from the original line.
Also, if you are using the SVG on the web then you can use css fonts on text elements. There are some pretty good cursive fonts that you can use for free... just check google web fonts.

What is the correct way to achieve intersection of multiple clip paths?

As described in another post, I am trying to recreate an SVG from vector graphics commands in a PDF and I am facing some difficulty in the part where I need to intersect a set of clip paths. For instance, the raw SVG has a few clip path elements line #16 which need to be intersected and applied on the rectangle fill (line #17) to obtain what looks like this: .
I am not clear about the correct and the best way to achieve intersection of multiple clip paths in an SVG. I wasn't able to find much information about this on the web except this one, going by which I came up with this SVG where I introduce a sequence of additional clipPath elements which try to intersect the current intersection with the next original clipPath to be added to the intersection set. This approach seems rather inelegant to me. Besides, that SVG doesn't seem to work on some versions of Firefox (ESR 17.x) though it renders the expected result on Firefox 5, Chrome and IE. Is there something wrong with the SVG? Or even if it is correct, is there a simpler/better way to achieve the intersection?
The way you've done it seens reasonable. There's a w3c example in the testsuite.

CSS line-height attribute

Could someone please explain the CSS line-height attribute. It's like the only one I don't know.
The name is self-explanatory; defines the height of a line of text. This is one CSS property that's easier to show than to explain:
Look at my example here if you want to see the CSS and a working demo:
It sets the height of a text line independent of the font-size. If you increase it, the lines will appear to be moving further apart, vertically.
The line-height is just that, it adjusts the full hight of a line of text, irregardless of font size. A healthy line height gives a paragraph of text a little breathing room and can make it much easier on the eyes. I usually do a line-height of 1.25em give or take.
Line-height defines the amount of space used for lines, most commonly in text. The primary use of line-height is making text readable. It is recommended to use unitless values of any other unit that isn’t static like the px unit.
A more detailed use is explained here.
