How do I tint an svg in processing and preserve brightness? - svg

I've been trying to figure this out for 2 days now, so I hope somebody can help.
I need to load in svg files that have multiple values of gray within them and tint them with colors. So for example, say the svg file is an image of a rock and has 4 values of gray. I need to be able to display the rock as red and keep the differences between values in the different child shapes. In other words, I would like it to work just like PImage.tint().
I see there are tint() and setTint() methods to PShape but I can't seem to get them to work. I also though about recursing through the child shapes and reading each color individually and recoloring appropriately, but I couldn't even figure out how to read the color out in a way I understand.
Help, anyone?

If you have it as an <img> you can use the CSS filter property with hue-rotate
Or you add the svg directly to the html and add classes to your elements. Then you could change the colors in your script.

If this is a flat colour then you could use the alpha value in RGB colour value. See 'color transparency' in the following link:
The fill value is fill(red, green, blue, transparency)
I hope this helps. If you want to share code and have a reason for using PImage I'd be happy to have a look.


Transparent lines in ThreeJS

It doesn't look like LineBasicMaterial has any way that I can assign an alpha to it. But I would really like transparent lines. How do I do that? The whole line will have the same transparency, I guess that means it's a constant alpha?
I've created a CodePen demonstrating opacity in lines. Note that you must include transparency: true in the material properties, otherwise three.js will not consider opacity in its rendering formula.
Thank you #Marquizzo for kindly pointing me to this property, it's exactly what I was looking for.

Coloured textures for POIs

I was trying to use a coloured texture (PNG 24/RGB) for a POI (bicycle_parking) and it was not being rendered. It was added properly as a texture, it just won't be rendered on the POI.
After some testing I came to believe that POIs only accept grayscale textures that can later be filled up with a color. Is this right?
I also found out that the icon needs to be of a specific size (I got it working only at 32x32 pixels and 512x512, but the scaling did not make it look good). Is there any information regarding this?
Now I have a grayscale icon (mostly white) but the fill color does not change the white as expected. This is as far as I got..
Here's a set of icons similar to the ones I need to render into POIs
How could I achieve adding this type of icons as the texture of a POI? Workarounds/hacks are welcome as well :)
The texture of the Poi must have a size that is a power of 2 and goes from 32x32 up until 512x512. Also make sure that the colour code of that image is RGB anything else wont work. For the best visual result you have to create 3 sets of pngs for different screen densities, for example see heatmap_legend.png then look at heatmap_legend#2x.png and heatmap_legend#3x.png, you can find them in the "common" folder.
So turns out that the color wasn't a problem after all. It was quite tricky to get one image working, but once I had the image working, adding color to it and saving the PNG worked just fine.
The problem with the image size I experienced is still happening. You need to export it in 32x32, 64x64 or 96x96 in order to StyleEditor not to crash when opening the file.

Remove the picture edges

I downloaded a icon, and now i want to reset the color of it, but i'm not good at photoshop, i've set the color of it to be red, but there are to many edges and corners, please tell me how to remove those edges by using photoshop step by step, thanks a lot.
here is the icon i downloaded:
and this is my ugly one:
The best way to alter a single color like this on a simple image such as this is to alter the Hue and Saturation [CTRL / CMD + U]...
This allows you greater color control and keeps the anti-aliased edges of the image intact.
Most beginners alter colors like this by simply selecting the color with the wand, or using the paint bucket on the color. Unfortunately this usually does one of 2 things:
Makes the ragged edges that you saw.
Leaves a halo of the old color as an orphan.
I did this in a few seconds with that tool:

Exporting transparent background using Fireworks

I'm pretty new to Fireworks. I drew an orange rectangle and made it semi-transparent. My web page has a patterned background which I'd like to be able to see through my div, but I can't change the opacity of the div in CSS as the div contains other divs that also become transparent using this CSS when I don't want them to!
I've tried loads of things I found on Google but to no avail. Can anyone help?
If you want to know how to export the semi-transparent rectangle from Fireworks so it stays that way, just make sure your canvas color is set to none (the box with a red diagonal line through it) and then export it as a PNG-32.
I'm not sure I understood what you mean by DIVs becoming transparent when using CSS. Can you elaborate on that a bit?

Can an SVG object have both a fill colour and a fill pattern?

I'm working with SVG using the Raphael library. I can apply a fill colour to an object like so:
circle.attr({fill: "#ff0000"});
And this also works (though the Raphael documentation doesn't mention it):
circle.attr({fill: "url(pattern.png)"});
I am able to use transparent PNGs as fill patterns, and transparency works as expected. The svg object is completely transparent where the fill pattern image is transparent. But what I would like to do is specify both a fill pattern image and a fill colour, so that the colour would show through where the pattern image is transparent - similar to the 'background' property using CSS, for example. Is this possible with SVG?
You can define a pattern that has a rect with a fill, and an image that is your png on top of that rect. Then use the pattern as fill for the circle (or whatever element you want).
This means stepping outside of Raphaël, or extending it to do what you want. Note that what ({fill: "url(pattern.png)"}) does is to create a pattern element and and append an image element pointing to the given url. It's quite possible to hack Raphaël to allow you to pass a color too, and then you deal with that in the code that creates the pattern by creating a rect of the same dimensions as the image with the given fill color.
I should say that if you want it to work with IE<9 then you probably need to implement it in VML too.
Other options include drawing two shapes, one with color fill and the other with the raster image fill. Yet another is to make the png include the background color so that it's not transparent.
