Stop the svg animation on a certain frame - svg

I have an svg animation file. I want to stop this animation at a certain frame, for example frame 3. How to do it?


Can we create sprite sheet from a svg sequence?

Adobe animate can convert the animation into svg sequence, but, for some reason, it only can generate png spritesheet. Not only animate, but all the sprite sheet generators i found(like texture packer and other) can only generate png and other bitmap format sprite sheet. Is there a way i can merge this svgs into spritesheet?

Pygame - Changing shape/moving Collision Rect. for the sprite

I have a pygame sprite animation where the position and shape of the sprite changes throughout a certain animation sequence (eg. - attack). How do I adjust the sprite's rect for collisions?
My Image: in one part of the animation, my sprite is at the center of a png image file (96x64 pixels). In another part of the animation, my sprite is near the right side of the png image file (96x64 pixels). In another part of the animation, the sprite changes shape (caused by sword movement). Etc.
Do I have to do some math and calculation to adjust the collision rect. of the sprite each frame of the animation or is there an easier method?
I am new to pygame so I'm not sure of all the different features and am not sure where to begin with creating the different rects. for each frame.
PS. I am using a ready-made sprite I found online - each frame is 96x64 pixels in dimension
Frame 1, 11, 22:
It's been a while since I've worked with Pygame but I believe you can use a pygame.mask object. A mask is basically an object with the precise outline of the foreground of an image. It takes considerably more computation power but if you only create a mask for the one main character then it should be okay.
You can create a mask from the image:
myMask = pygame.mask(myImage)
Then you can either use its rect or create a new surface to use:
myRect = myMask.get_rect() # Returns the pygame.Rect object that conatains mask, or:
mySurface - myMask.to_surface() # Returns a pygame.Surface object of the mask
Hope this helps, my info is from:

How to play gif with Fabricjs?

I know fabricjs can play Video and sprite sheet, But I have a lot of gif files, can I play these gif directly with fabricjs? I am not able to find method in Fabricjs website.
According to specs about the Canvas 2DRenderingContext drawImage method,
Specifically, when a CanvasImageSource object represents an animated image in an
HTMLImageElement, the user agent must use the default image of the animation (the one
that the format defines is to be used when animation is not supported or is
disabled), or, if there is no such image, the first frame of the animation, when
rendering the image for CanvasRenderingContext2D APIs.
This means that only the first frame of our animated canvas will be drawn on the canvas.
This is because we don't have any control on animations inside an img tag.
And fabricjs is based on canvas API, thus regulated by the same rules.
The solution is you need to parse all the still-images from your animated gif and to export it as a sprite-sheet. You can then easily animate it in fabricjs thanks to the sprite class.

How to animate text in SVG (possibly without using javascript)

I doing SVG animation of some physical process using svg (basically I want whole animation as a single svg file).
Example can be seen here: .
Now I'd like to add label stating: "Time: 1.23ns" displaying current time. I couldnt find any obvioius way to replace contents of text object, insert format current time inside text element.
It would also be great if this animation wasn't using javascript, just SVG animation.

Embedding a zoom box in an SVG image

I'd like to make my SVG images interactive, with a zoom box that can be moved around by hovering or clicking the mouse in certain areas. Can this be done in a single SVG file, so that I can embed this interactive SVG image in a pdf?
You mean like this? Zoom and Pan
